• What is God saying today
  • Have you delivered your soul?
  • Commanding power
  • We are the ‘master race’
  • We are no longer slaves
  • Now is the time for action

Article Fifty One?

“What the Spirit saith unto the churches” Rev. 2:7,11,19,29, Chap, 3: 6,13,22

Amidst the flood of words, sermons, and addresses which has resulted in a flood of confusing voices, it is clear that so few voices have a definite message and there is a lack of a clear word of spiritual guidance and authority for these days.

While there are many good preachers of the Gospel, and there are some champions of the Faith once delivered to the saints, we are greatly in need of Prophets who will boldly declare “Thus saith the Lord”.

We at Herald of the Last Days believe that God is speaking to us and that He has something special to say to us, and you, and realize that the message is revolutionary and therefore costly, and likely to be unacceptable to many church leaders.

We believe we are a VOICE and there are many others in many different countries today, calling the Lord’s people who desire to hear the Voice of God calling; speaking and challenging His people to close their ears to the growing clamor of earthly programs and schemes and to obey Him and step out to minister to the many needy seekers around us.

Let us emphatically state that this is NOT the time for a new denomination or sect, drawing Christians into another internal fight with the resulting strife and bitterness, but God is speaking and is saying something special to us today.

Let us tell you what God has spoken about to us.

  1. God is definitely drawing the attention again of His people to the Person of His Beloved Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To the name, work and glory that belongs to Him alone. So many other ‘things’ are creeping into the churches and Satan is seeking to divert the faith of Christians away from the Savior Jesus Christ, and to fix their faith on such things as ‘vestments, uniforms, crosses, pictures, altars, holy water, blessed oil, candles; and many such things.

None of these ‘things’ are evil in themselves but they become ‘idols’ and Christian juju when they take the position which has been won by the Lord Jesus alone.

So we believe God is drawing special attention again to the LORD JESUS CHRIST. God is saying “Thou shalt have no other Savior for any of your needs other than my Son Jesus Christ.” We emphasize today that Jesus Christ IS THE LORD, over all powers, both heavenly and earthly and He has conquered and will reign over the earth.

  1. The organized church is not fulfilling the Great Commission - ‘Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel into all creatures’ and thus is delaying the return of the Lord Jesus to His rightful place in this world. The church is concentrating too much on internal developments, ministry appointments; special revelations which have taken the place of Evangelism. Money has also assumed a far too great a place in our church services, resulting in spiritual death and declensions which has pushed the Lord outside His Own Church.
  2. The great battle of the Ages is near, the conflict between God and Satan, and God needs His people to be ready for this conflict. They are not: hence the urgent calls now coming to those who will hear Him.

There is a moving of the Holy Spirit in all the world, and many thousands are being brought to the knowledge of the meaning and blessings of FULL SALVATION and this is producing a revival from Hell which will mean the loosing of millions of demons and evil powers to fight the plan of God; unleashing a torrent of permissiveness and evil which men and women will accept but which must be resisted by Christians. This requires men and women who hear from God and who will rise and dedicate themselves completely to His service to stand against the enemy.

  1. God will find His own people, He will gather them, as He has done so often even though only a remnant. But He will use them to thrash the evil powers, to prove the Lord has indeed bought and produced a ‘Master race’ who today can, and will, stand and use their blood-bought authority to overcome the powers of evil and prove the power of the Full Gospel today, to all people in all places, and under all circumstances.

God has never been without a ‘witness’ or ‘remnant’ and today again He is calling for such. They will be chosen, called and faithful to Jesus Christ ALONE.

  1. The end of this age draws near and God is going to remove His church, but before He can do so He will demonstrate to all in heaven and hell. That the Gospel is still the power of God unto Salvation, which will demonstrate and bring deliverance to all who call upon the name of the Lord. 

These are some of the special matters which God is speaking about to us today and we are determined to faithfully reveal them and to challenge His people to seek the Lord for themselves; to prove if He is speaking similarly to them.

If God has spoken to you, then we advise you to stay just where God has found you, just where you are now and seek to awaken His people to what He is saying today; and may the Lord use you mightily.

Can you hear what the spirit is saying to the churches?


Will you turn to your Bible and read Ezekiel 3:17-20 “Son of man, I have made thee a watchman… give warning from ME. When I say unto the wicked, thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning …to save his life; the wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood WILL I REQUIRE AT THINE HAND.”

Now turn to Ezekiel 33:6, 33:8

Three times God speaks and warns us to let us know that we must do something about lost souls ourselves, or be held responsible. We are the WATCHMEN. We have received the Word from the Lord. We must warn the lost ‘to flee from the wrath to come.’ “Woe is me if I preach not the Gospel.” If you do not want sinners’ blood on your hands, then you must be a soul winner.

I consider that the most important work in the life of every Christian - I’m not talking about ministers; I am speaking especially to all Christians - is to witness to sinners. Maybe we cannot convert them all, that is not promised, but at least we should work as though they will be and that the whole work depended upon us alone.

Soul winning is not just a thing to do at vacation time, or when we have leisure hours after our normal work. Soul winning is every day - Christianity in action. We are saved to tell others. We are Christ’s voice, His mouth-piece. If we are silent, Christ is silenced because we are His Body; He can only speak through us.

Too many Christians today are too local in their vision. They think only of their own church or denomination, and have no interest beyond that. They attend services every Sunday and pay their offerings and think that they have done all that is required of them; they have failed to realise that the blood of the unsaved is on their heads if they fail to warn them.

Oh, for more Christians who do not ask what Church do you belong to, or what race or tribe you are, or what creed you believe and accept; but who ask only, ‘Do you know Jesus Christ, the son of God, as your personal Saviour and Lord’?

Oh, that more Christians would stop criticising others, who maybe have less training but who are seeking to turn men and women to Jesus Christ, and seek the solution to their problems. It is easy to criticize and costs a man nothing, and is therefore plentiful and cheap, and should be ignored. Let us find the solutions to the huge problems which beset our people; sin, sickness, poverty and fear of the unknown.

Oh, that more Christians, and ministers too, would hold less conventions ‘for the deepening of the spiritual life’ for their over-fed members, and set up classes to train their members to be soulwinners.

Action is needed, not conventions or business meetings. The solution is clearly stated by God Himself. We are to get out and warn sinners or their blood is on our heads. Let us not insist we all wear the same denominational badge. Our badge must be Christ and His Gospel. 

We must be ‘laborers together,’ not segregated by sectarian walls. Rise above those prejudices and become a soulwinner for Christ. Go out where the sinners are. 

Be a witness for Christ. We can all see the extent of the activities of some business firms who send their firm vans into our villages to sell their goods; beer, liquor, cigarettes and as Christians, we regret this and deplore the evils of the age, but God expects us to do something about it too. If the selling of liquor can be done in such a way, then we too must get out into the villages with all the means we can acquire and ‘give’ the Gospel to the lost.

There are many villages in Nigeria without the Gospel and no one to take it to them. Yet thousands attend church every Sunday, praying for the lost and asking the Lord to save them. While we pray for sinners to come to Christ, He is pleading with us to go out and find them for Him to save.

They listen to wonderful sermons about the Salvation they have received years ago because someone sought them out. But no action is taken to pass on the wonderful blessings we have received.

Is it any wonder that we do not get answers to our prayers when we are so self-centered and selfish, is it any wonder that we do not grow spiritually when we do not obey the command of the Lord Jesus to ‘GO OUT?’

Prayers in church for the unsaved will not get the job done: will not absolve us from our responsibility but will bring judgment upon us.

“Woe to them that are at ease in ZION” Amos 6:1

No matter how well you know your Bible, no matter how well you can discuss doctrines and correct people, no matter how well you can preach.

If you do not win souls, then you are unprofitable servant and facing the Master’s judgment when you meet Him. He will ask of those souls whom you have not witnessed to, and He says, “their blood will I require at thine hands”

But if you have surrendered your life to the Lord Jesus and are seeking the lost where ever you can find them and whenever you have the opportunity, then listen to the promise of the Lord to YOU.

If thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it: if he does not turn from his ways, he shall die in his iniquity: but thou hast delivered thy soul” Ezekiel 33: 9


Concerning the work of my hands command ye me” Isa. 45:11

In the verse quoted above, God is asking man to believe for all things. He speaks of how He created all things, and then points to it and says “concerning the work of my hands command ye me”.


Satan has blinded the eyes of mankind for 6,000 years concerning God and the place GOD would have men occupy. Satan through his agencies of sickness has so beaten and intimidated man that he has lost the power to dare and to do, despite the fact that God has urged him throughout the entire Bible to believer for all things.

Despite the fact that Jesus came and carried men to undreamed places of power and pointed all men to them, as examples of what they could do if they would believe, yet man stands as helpless before the enemy as Israel did before the giant Goliath.


Hear my text today, all you who would liberate men and all you who are in bondage to sin or sickness. “Concerning the work of my hands command ye me.” It has always taken courage, great courage, to bring deliverance to men. The fearful, in their weakness, may long for freedom and power, yet always remain a slave; but he that will believe and rise in the strength of that faith to challenge the forces of bondage, will discover that all the omnipotence of God is at his disposal.

What a challenging text this is; “Concerning the work of my hands command ye me.” Jesus did much praying; but when action was demanded, He acted. When the ship was about to go down in that great storm of sea, Jesus ‘commanded’ the wind and the waves to be still, and immediately there was a great calm. Did the elements hear the voices of Jesus? Most assuredly they did. The voice of faith is the voice of omnipotence.


When the Lord sent the disciples out to preach (and be it known the gospel has never changed), He gave them instructions, saying: “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils, freely ye have received, freely give.” Again, when He stated out 70 others to carry this same gospel, He said, in Luke 10:8-9, “Heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.”


These were not going out under instructions merely to pray for the sick, but they were given power to heal the sick. “Freely ye have received, freely give.” In the third chapter of Acts, Peter and John stood before the lame man and Peter says, “Such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus of Nazareth rise up and walk.”

Peter had something and he gave it to the lame man and that something wrought the healing. Again it is written: “Behold I give you power over all the power of the enemy.”

“I GIVE YOU POWER” I give this power to you. “Heal the sick and cast out devils” One of the gifts of the Spirit, is the gift of healing, another is the gift of miracles. In no way do l discount prayer; prayer is essential, and everyone needs to pray more than he does; but God has given us power to heal and deliver; and we are not instructed to pray for God to heal the sick. “Ye shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” The power that rests in prayer is determined by the courage you have to convert your words into action. Of what value are the promises of God if you do not exercise yourself in them?


We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” Eph. 2:10

The word ‘workmanship’ is translated from a Greek word meaning ‘poem’ or ‘masterpiece.’


The heaven and earth were created by God’s Word but man was created by a special act of God Himself.

Heaven and earth were created perfect and for the benefit of the perfect man whom God created to enjoy it; to rule and govern it on behalf of God. Man is the ‘head of creation’; God greatly desired fellowship and communion with man, and placed the whole of creation under the whole creation under the authority of man. Man was created to be God’s representative on earth: to govern the whole creation as God’s representative. God intended that Adam and Eve should produce a race of men and women who would be the ‘master race’, who would govern the earth. Gen. 1:28

But Satan - the Devil, (God’s enemy who was once an angel of light and who desired to become ‘as God’ and fell into pride and become God’s enemy), had another plan.


Satan’s purpose in the Garden of Eden was to get Adam and Eve to do just what he himself had done; disobey God. He wanted to make disciples of them and to make subjects in his kingdom of darkness and death. His aim was to get them to exalt themselves without God and to destroy their confidence in God and in His Word. God intended that man should, by his obedience to God, become gods. But Satan tempted them to doubt God and promised them “ye shall be as gods” Gen. 3:5 Satan caused them to doubt God’s word. He said “Hath God said” “Ye shall surely NOT die” Gen. 3:14

Adam surrendered his will and became a slave to Satan; and has been a slave ever since. Satan is a liar and deceiver. God’s plain in creating man was to produce a race of perfect ‘master men’, Satan’s plan in tempting man was to make a race of slaves.


The warning of God came to pass - Adam and Eve died spiritually. They became the prey of Satan “who hath the power of death” Adam and Eve were aware in their spirit that they were separated from God. All mankind is dead in spirit towards God, and needs salvation. In their souls, Adam and Eve became conscious that they were out of fellowship with God. God became a dread and a fear. They were aware of their nakedness, sin and shame. Gen. 3:1-7


In their bodies they began to die. The day they sinned, they began to die Gen. 5:5 It was then that disease, pain and sickness began the work of destroying the health of God’s creation, and has done so ever since, until Jesus Christ, God’s “GREAT MASTERPIECES” came and bore our sins and sicknesses and carried them away; paid the penalty for man’s disobedience by being crucified and beaten and endured our sentence of death for us. Through His blood we have received forgiveness of all our sins, and by His stripes we were healed. Matt. 26:28, 1Peter 2:24


When separated from God man becomes out of harmony and fellowship with his fellow man. Hatred, suspicion, fear of one another, murder, jealousy, back-biting, envy and strife all entered and all Adam’s race and the whole creation was cursed and brought into bondage, and remains in bondage until now - waiting for the restoration and deliverance of the ‘master race’, the ‘head of creation’. Nation is against tribe. In Nigeria we see much tribal fear, jealousy and hatred: which has served only to bring bondage.

Man is in bondage to sin. John 8:34 Man is in bondage to self. 2 Cor. 5 :15 Man is in bondage to Satan 2Tim. 2:26

The ground is cursed Gen. 3:17-19 and man has to labor hard to live. The whole creation groaneth in pain Rom. 8:21-23

Is it God’s will for His creatures to remain enslaved? NO.


Adam and Eve sold us into slavery to Satan, and put us in bondage to his power, under his authority, but Jesus Christ hath redeemed us. He has bought us back, He has purchased us with the price of His own body and blood and FREED US. 1 Peter 1:18-19 “Ye are bought with a price” 1 Cor. 6:20 “Christ hath redeemed us from the CURSE of the law, being made a curse FOR US” Gal. 3:13 The curse included all the disease, every sickness and every plague known in the whole world Deut. 28:60-61 He took “our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.” Matt. 8:17 

The diseases of your body were laid on Jesus Christ. You need never bear them again, because Jesus has borne them. All you need to do is to believe this and to testify that God is true to His Word.  

We refuse to allow sickness to dwell in our body, because we were healed with His (Jesus) stripes. Sickness, disease, sin and infirmities were ALL laid on Jesus Christ and He bore them ALL. “Let us believe this and accept it and rejoice in our liberty and deliverance” 2Cor. 6:20 It is impossible to glorify God, properly, in your spirit when it is full of sin and it is also impossible to glorify God fully when your body is full of sickness. But you are delivered. You are free now. When Jesus Christ was crucified, we were crucified with Him. “I am crucified with Christ” Gal.2:20Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ. Col. 2:12 When Jesus Christ was buried we were “buried with Him” Rom. 6:4, Col. 2:12

When Jesus Christ rose as a conqueror, we arose with Him Col. 3:1, Rom. 6:4-5 God “hath raised us up together in Christ” Eph. 2:5-6 When Jesus Christ ascended the throne in heaven, and “sat down on the right hand of God” Mark 19:19 “He made us to sit together (with Him) in heavenly places.” Eph. 2:6 Through Jesus Christ we have been made “a new creation.” “If any man be IN Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, ALL things are become new” 2 Cor. 5:17 We are NOW a new creation, remade again in the likeness of God, through the death and life of Jesus Christ. God gives us now, His nature, His love, His faith, His life, His Spirit, His power.

We are re-created, ALL Jesus Christ did was for US. Everything He conquered was for us. He had no need to conquer Satan for Himself, He did it for us, He had no sins of His own to carry away, but He “took our sins.” He had no need to put away sickness until He was made sick for us. And having been made partakers with Him, we become conquerors through Him. “In all these things we are more than conqueror through Him. Rom. 8:37

All that Jesus Christ did was for us. We were captives and slaves and in bondage to Satan, Christ has freed us NOW from captivity. We were cursed by sin and sickness, but Christ, our Saviour, has delivered us from this curse NOW. We were weak, but Jesus Christ has become our strength and we “can now do all things through Christ who strengthened us.” Phil. 4:13

We were sick, but Christ has borne our sicknesses and carried them away, so NOW “with His stripes we are healed.” Matt. 8:17, 1 Peter 2:24

We were slaves to Satan, bound by sin and sins’ penalty-sickness, and subject to Satan’s authority. But now we are free. Do not be a slave any longer. Claim your liberty, act upon your deliverance. Shout your freedom. Confess it to ALL. Tell the glad news to others.

Not only are we delivered, released, freed, saved, but Jesus Christ has “destroyed the works of the devil” 1 John 3:8) Jesus has spoiled the powers of Satan and triumphed over them Col. 2:15 Since Satan’s works have been destroyed, his power spoiled and he has been triumphed over, then he must already be a defeated foe. Jesus Christ defeated Satan for every one of us.

When Jesus Christ arose from the dead, He left behind Him an eternally defeated foe. Always think of Satan as an eternally defeated foe. You have authority over him now, in Jesus’ name. Satan tries to frighten men and to trick then into believing that he still has the same power and authority as before, but you should tell him: 

Satan, you are a liar. You know that I am redeemed property, because I have accepted Jesus Christ as my redeemer. I am no longer your property, I have been purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ, and I am His property. The sickness you have put on me was cursed on the cross at Calvary, and I command you in Jesus’ name to leave my body. I am free from your curse. Your pains are lies and your words are lies. You are the father of lies.”


Jesus Christ was never afraid. He was never defeated. Even when they arrested Him He was still the MASTER John 19:11 And he is in us. “Christ liveth IN ME” Gal. 2:20 “That Christ may DWELL IN YOUR HEARTS by faith” Eph. 3:17 “Christ in you” Col. 1:27 “Ye are in Christ Jesus” (1 Cor. 1:30) Jesus Christ is in you. (2 Cor. 13:5)

It is very, very, important if you are going to be successful worker for God, that you understand this new relationship to God and your position as a believer, RECREATED IN CHRIST, so that you are authorized to use His Name, His power, and His authority.

The name of Jesus controls Satan and his works and you have been commanded to use that name, “In my name they shall cast out devils” Mark 16:15

God is now in the business of restoring the authority and position of His ‘master race.’ Jesus Christ not only ‘died for our sins’ ‘bare our sicknesses,’ ‘triumphed over Satan,’ for us but He seeks to encourages us to be ‘overcomers’ Rev. 3:21 and to exercise authority now from the throne. “He has made us kings, and we shall reign on the earth” Rev. 5:10

God cannot fail in His plans and purposes, although Satan spoilt God’s first man but God’s second man 1Cor. 15:45-47 Jesus Christ succeed and defeated Satan and has restored ALL that man lost in the fall. “Then I restored that which I took not away” Psa. 69:4 Now, ALL saved, converted men and women are regarded by God as “a new creation in Christ” - a new masterpiece - which must and will succeed and conquer and overcome Satan and rule and govern the entire creation of God. These ‘overcomers’ will now be able to perform the same works as now, “power to become the sons of God” to them that believe on His name. John 1:12 “As He is, so are we in this world” 1 John 4:17


Mankind is trying to find salvation through “self-righteousness” Rom. 9:31.10:3 but God says their righteousness is as filthy rags. Isa 64:6, Rom. 3:10-12. Man is seeking salvation and eventual freedom through the wisdom of education but education (whilst excellent in itself) cannot be a substitute for faith in Jesus Christ.

Men are also seeking salvation through man-made doctrines and Satan inspired religions 2 Tim. 3: 5-13, 4 :3-4, Gal.1:6-7

You must thoroughly be convinced that there is no other way of salvation for anyone except through faith in Jesus Christ. There is no need for further sacrifice; no need for candles or incense: no need for divisions and sectarianism.

The needs of the unconverted or the sick can never be met by creeds and doctrines (however accurate or correct they may be) but by a demonstration of the power of Jesus Christ alone to save, heal and satisfy ALL who will trust Him.

Organized Christianity has failed to be true to the commands of Jesus, “Go preach saying, The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils.” Matt.10:7-8

God is waiting to send another mighty revival to Nigeria but is looking for men and women who are prepared to sacrifice all, to seek this new revelation for this day. God is moving today to meet the many desperate needs of men and He says that YOU can meet those needs in His name if you are prepared to do His will.

Freedom from sin, sickness, disease, poverty, ignorance can only fully be secured by men and women who are indwelt by Jesus Christ. Without Jesus Christ, man remains a slave. Without Jesus Christ, the organized church cannot meet the need of the people. Without Jesus Christ, the politicians are merely trying to produce the kingdom of God without God.


God says that Jesus Christ shall reign and that every person, every evil power, every authority, every leader, every nation, every government, every tongue in heaven and earth shall acknowledge and confess Jesus Christ is LORD.

And those who have been redeemed and have become conquerors will also reign with Him. And this time is now very near.

In Nigeria there will only be one religion - all men will have to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord. The power of Jesus Christ to heal will be recognized and there will be healing for all in His Name. Satan’s power to afflict and impose disease and sickness will be broken and the redeemed members of the ‘master race’ will administer healing and deliverance for all.

Men’s minds will be freed and everyone will seek knowledge - especially knowledge of God and Jesus Christ. All Christians should be able to read God’s Word NOW and prepare themselves for the task of governing the nation in the near future.

God, through Jesus Christ, is going to take over the actual administration of every department of government in Nigeria and place it in the hands of His redeemed and renewed people. There will be no elections but God Himself will choose those who will rule and govern.

There will be no evil powers, juju, idolatry, and all sin and disobedience will be punished. No war, no tribal disputes, no governing of one nation by another. But freedom, plenty, peace and prosperity for all. Then the real leaders, the real governors will be the ‘master race’ again. “Ye are Gods” John 10:34-35 


Have you ever carefully noticed 1 John 3:8 “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” 

“Having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” Col. 2:15

According to these Scriptures, Jesus has already destroyed the works of the devil, spoiled his power, and triumphed over him. Since Satan’s works have been destroyed, his power has been spoiled, and he has been triumphed over, then he must be a defeated foe now.

But Jesus’ triumph was our triumph. His victory was our victory. He did nothing for Himself, He did it all for us. He defeated Satan for us. He spoiled his power for us. He destroyed his works for us. He conquered him for us. When Jesus rose from the dead, He left an eternally defeated Satan behind Him. Always think of Satan as an eternally defeated foe. Think of Satan as one over whom the Lord Jesus Christ has entire dominion and authority, and that you too in Jesus’ name have the same power and authority.

Can you agree to accept Satan’s dominion any longer? There is no need to do so now. Jesus has defeated him and destroyed his works and dominion over you. If you will believe and accept this.

You need to testify daily to this victory in the presence of Satan himself, you need to confess and affirm that you, in Jesus’ name are a conqueror. There is need for you to “hold fast your profession of faith without wavering: for He is faithful that promised Heb.10:25

Satan will seek in every possible way to cause you to forget this victory of the Lord Jesus at Calvary. Satan wants you to forget it so that he can still retain his power over you and keep you in bondage, and that will mean a great loss of faith in the victory and ability of the Lord Jesus to deal with the problems in your life.

We hear many Christians who constantly magnify Satan by telling of all the sicknesses and trouble they are suffering, they are glorifying Satan and denying what Jesus Christ has done for us.

When we know what the Lord Jesus has done for us and maintain that confession daily, and act accordingly, that glorifies God and His Word, and it turns us into masters over Satan.

Every believer can become a devil master daily. Satan was once our master, but now, because of the victory at Calvary, we can become his masters and he knows this and is determined to prevent us from using our power and authority over him.

Satan knows that once we really understand our rights in Jesus Christ over him, then we are his master and he is losing ground in his battle for the souls of men today.

We are not merely preaching the Gospel in order to give men and women a better life, but we are waging a battle of life and death with Satan a battle for the souls of his victims and slaves.

We are no longer his slaves, although he tries to deceive us into accepting his authority, and it is God’s will that we become Satan’s master, just as the Lord Jesus was his master and made him submit and obey Him.

Not only has the Lord Jesus conquered Satan for us, but He expects us to master Satan and deliver men and women from his bondage and to set them free to deliver others. Satan will fiercely oppose this teaching and truth because he fears those who will act on God’s Word and throw off their slavery and become his master.

Yet we often hear Christians today praying for the Lord to defeat Satan and his works and operations.

I wonder what those Christians expect God to do? God has already defeated Satan for us, and all that is necessary now is for us to accept this victory and stand on it by faith and command Satan ourselves; make him submit to the will of God.

This is our battle but victory has been assured before we even start the battle by Jesus Christ. It is with this power and authority that Jesus Christ expects us to move out into the world and to liberate and deliver men and women from sin, sickness and Satan today. Jesus said, “He that believeth in me, the works that I do shall he do also.” John 14:12

“Behold I give you power over all the power of the enemy.” Luke 10:19

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free.” Gal. 5:1

Today, Satan, who was defeated by the Lord Jesus, has regained control over his former slaves and the church, and is holding them in fear and bondage. The defeated one is binding his own master again, for according to the new testament, the church was given power and authority over an already conquered Satan.

When the church begins to see again her standing in Christ, and what God has done for us in His son, and then begins to exercise that authority, instead of speaking all the time of her weaknesses, her lack and needs, her inability, and her sicknesses, she will soon find the people rushing to her for deliverance and help.

She will again take the place God designed for her as His victorious representative on earth. Understand your own rights and position before God and your right to use that name which mastered Satan, and to realize that you are authorized to use that name NOW.

That name controls Satan and his works, and that name has been legally given to every believer to use.

“In my name they shall cast out devils.” Mark 16:17

What masters He has made us to be!!!


“I can do all things through Christ.” Phil. 4:13

Have you carefully read the preceding pages? 

Have you understood what God is saying to you?

Have you been challenged?

That is the work of the Holy Spirit and He now seeks to make those truths part of your life and daily experience. He is eager; very eager to help you to become a victorious Christian, a master Christian, and a Deliverer; Daily, every day in every situation, over all problems. He wants to lead you to becoming an overcomer and to cause you to ‘triumph’ always in Jesus Christ, enabling you to secure and enjoy more of the blessings of Full salvation. These revelations in this magazine now demand your acceptance, response and action.


SEEK daily to learn how to withstand and overcome Satan, and become a ‘devil master’ yourself.

SEEK daily to claim your health, strength and life from Jesus Christ alone.

SEEK daily to draw upon Jesus Christ for your provision and protection and victory.

SEEK daily witness of all these things to others.

SEEK daily to lead others into deliverance, liberty and both spiritual and physical prosperity III John 2

SEEK daily to know the will of God for your own life and future work.

We at HERALD OF THE LAST DAYS believe all we have printed in this issue and we have printed in this issue and we are seeking by every possible means to translate it into action. We accept that light brings responsibility and that God has revealed many of His plans to us. But we also know that light can kill light, ignored or not obedience will force God to leave us out of any further revelations. We mean to press forward and this means:

A program of evangelism for the whole country. We are training evangelists in our Bible Schools in many different tribes and areas, to go out to reached areas with the Full Gospel. These evangelists are being trained in the healing and deliverance ministry and then we teach them faith in the Lord’s call and send them out to prove His power and ability to provide for them in every way so that He can teach them to be members of ‘His Master Race of deliverers’.

If you would care to join us in this work, then write to us and we will tell you how you can be trained.


Lord Jesus, thank you for opening our eyes and ears; and here and now we surrender ourselves completely to your Spirit and ask that you will use us to glorify your work and name. Amen.