Men of God speak about the influence of Pa S.G. Elton. (Excerpts from Essence Restored Magazine maiden edition 2004)
President, Evangelical Christian Union, 1975/76 Board member, Intercessors for Nigeria (& Africa) Consultant to Federal Ministry of Power, Abuja3 mins read
Pastor Elton is one major personality that God used to affect the revival that culminated here in the 70s right into the 80s. He had a Kingdom vision. Most of what today, we’re trying to articulate were things God used him to establish and develop in a number of people across the entirety of the church. A number of us became very close to him to a level of a covenant relationship - according to him, those who could be his close brethren. So we were together with him and served that purpose - I managed his tape ministry.

When it came to some of those things he taught in those days, which of course are a common place in the Church today, we were the guinea pigs that had to practice and manage those things and face the fire of the Church who were opposed to anything new and would stay with only what they’re used to - matters like deliverance, Kingdom mindset, the covenant etc. When he passed on, he left no visible structure except men. Pastor Elton came in an apostolic stature and affected the whole church, and he fathered many churches.