• A Chosen Company
  • Water Baptism
  • Claiming your Rights
  • Laying on of Hands
  • Soul Winners Unlimited Nigeria (S.U.N.)


To him that overcometh, will I grant to sit with Me in my throne, even as I overcame". (Rev. 3:21)

These words were spoken by the Lord Jesus to one of His Own Churches but it is also a clear promise to those   who will listen to the voice of the   Lord   today. It also indicates that the Lord Jesus is actually outside His own church, seeking to enter and speak to those inside, who are unaware of His presence and ignore Him. So His appeal to individuals, 'if any man' and the greatest promise of all is made to those who hear and obey and overcome.

It is therefore clear that in the church today, there is a select company of sincere dedicated believers who are determined to follow the Lord no matter what the rest of the congregation does. The idea of a 'select' chosen 'overcomer' group of Christians is often referred to in the Bible, but this does not give any authority for asserting separate rights or exclusive rights to the Lord's blessings, words or guidance.

It is dangerous to separate ourselves and call ourselves by any special name, or even 'church' because we feel we have been specially chosen. This mistake leads to divisions and bitterness and sectarianism which is a great sin in the Christian church today and has caused so much havoc and loss of spiritual power.

The Lord Himself will know those who respond to His call and who seek to follow Him and He will deal with them and use them for His own purpose.

This should never   make anyone proud or 'specially called', or to separate themselves from the   great 'move of the Holy Spirit' today throughout the world. God loves ALL and wills that ALL should be saved and we deny this when we regard ourselves as specially selected for special purposes and that we have no connection with others whom we regard as less holy.

Yet we once again affirm that it is clear the Lord does have a 'select company' and that He has to use this group to carry out His plans for today. The Church in general has refused to overcome self, the world and the devil. On the contrary, the Church is overcome by them and thus her function for the Lord’s purpose in the world today is foiled.   But the Lord will have a 'remnant’, a group whom He can use to demonstrate His power and grace and ability to rule His Own Church and eventually the world.

We declare very firmly that this group is not a denomination, no matter how clear they may appear to be doctrinally or how holy they may believe themselves to be. This group is composed of those who have met personally with the Risen Lord and who are ready to submit to Him, obey Him and be loyal to HIM alone, for whatever purpose He wishes to use them.

It would seem today that the group the Lord is using is mainly the young people, in many different churches and places. But they must be prepared spiritually for the task He has for them, they must be trained to be 'overcomers'.

This article deals with this training and uses the story of ESTHER as the Biblical example of that training and preparation.

This article therefore will only interest those who are hungry for the deep inner cleansing of their natures and lives so that they can be prepared for the Master's use.

The story of Esther concerns one young maiden who was chosen by a King to be his bride, but it is also a perfect picture of the Bride of Christ, the chosen one who made herself ready for the task she was given.

The King Ahasuerus already had a queen named Vashti. Vashti is a type of the Church and what happened to Vashti is happening to the Church today. Ahasuerus is a type of the King of Kings who prepared the gospel feast and invited His whole realm to it.

At the end of the feast of Ahasuerus, he sent for his bride, Vashti, to present her to the guests. But like the Church today, Vashti was busy with her own programs, forms and ceremonies and was deaf to the King's call. Vashti was put aside and her position was given to another ESTHER.

Esther was a chaste and lovely Jewish maiden but before she could be presented to the world, she had to undergo a long detailed course of preparation.

Esther is the type of that 'select chosen company' who are ready to obey their Lord and ready to undergo the special deep inner preparation of the Holy Spirit needed to purify her and make her fit for the 'throne'.

The throne is the place of authority and government and all who exercise such royal authority must be trained to use it. The training ground and school for this is in the world today. Throne authority is not learned in theological seminaries or Bible School; it is learned under the direct supervision of the Holy Spirit working in our lives and training us to overcome sin, self and the world and Satan NOW. The Throne is for victorious men and women who have learned NOW to be overcomers.

In the plan of God, it was to be the whole Church which should be the vehicle of His triumph and victory in the world today. The Lord sent the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and prepare the Church for this task. But to all the ministry of the Holy Spirit the Church has turned a deaf ear and is suffering overwhelming defeat in the world today and in fact has become part of the world she ought to be leading and controlling. Hence the need for the 'special chosen company'.

The Lord will most certainly have a group to share His throne with Him, and who will be partners with Him in the future government of this world.

Because of the failure of the Church to overcome, then her royal position has been put aside and given to those who will overcome as individuals, and it is they who will inherit the promise of the Risen Lord of the Church given to overcomers, and who will sit with Him on His throne and rule with Him. Having learned to rule over the world, the flesh and the devil now, in this world, they will be accounted worthy to share His throne.

When Esther was brought to the palace and chosen to rule with the king, she was not presented to him at once. She had to undergo a long period of preparation. The king's servants provided Esther with all she needed to make her preparation. Nothing was overlooked and costly ointments were prepared in order to make Esther ready.

This is exactly what the Holy Spirit is doing to the present day 'overcomers'. Preparing them for presentation to the King the Lord Jesus Christ. The days of our preparation do not begin when we are saved but when we surrender to the urging of the Holy Spirit to submit to His ministry in us. It is the Holy Spirit's ministry to bring us out of the old nature and into the new. The Spirit works as we yield and all He asks is our yielding.

The heartbreak trials, the mysterious tribulations are all being used by the Holy Spirit to work in us the full renunciation of self and the full surrender to God. That is why more trouble seems to be our experience after we receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

The king provided Esther with seven maids to care for her. So the Holy Spirit provides the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to work in us the perfect will of God and Satan knows this and watches carefully to discourage us and to use trials and troubles to cause us to leave the training of the Spirit.

During the months of preparation Esther was separated from all others. So we, if we listen to the voice of the Spirit, will also seek to be a separate people, not conforming to the ways of the world or the attractions of the world or carnal life, but to devote our whole time and life to being trained for this most important function of the future to reign and rule with the Lord Jesus.

This is much more than being accepted as a member of heaven much more than being recognized and called as a worker of God here now. This is a call to SHARE THE THRONE.

Not all will be able to do this but it is clear that a special company are being called and prepared for this very task. This is a special call, a special portion and we who have been called must recognize it will cost us a great deal, it will cost us everything we hold dear to ourselves.

But the Lord who calls us also guarantees to train us, to equip us, to make us worthy, therefore let us by our attitude, by our actions, by our obedience be ready to submit ourselves right NOW and ask the Lord to purge us of all that is unclean or unworthy of our calling and to purify us and work in us His will.

He will do it, if He has called us. But there is a part for each of us play, “the bride has made herself ready" (Rev. 19:9).

We have to submit to constantly seek His will and ways; to constantly obey the leading of the Holy Spirit as He works in us that which the Lords wills. Let us not be content with being merely saved or even filled with the Holy Spirit, but let us submit ourselves to His Holy Spirit for His work in our lives and seek to be prepared for the Throne.

We must also realize that Esther was brought in for a very special purpose and at a special time. Satan planned to wipe out the whole of God's people and Esther was God's special channel to prevent this.

We are sure that God is also calling out a special company of His people in these crisis days to withstand and overcome the revival from Hell which Satan is bringing against the testimony and work of God.

You may not only be a believer, not only a Spirit filled worker but also a special channel for 'such a time as this' when Satan is challenging God's Word and God's testimony and the Way of deliverance for so many people.

I believe that this magazine, Herald of the Last Days is a special vessel 'for such a time as this.' But You TOO can be a special channel 'for such a time as this.'

God will prepare you, if you will surrender yourself as Esther did.


“Buried with Him in the likeness of His death"

“Therefore as we are buried with him in baptism into death, that like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted in the likeness of his death, we shall also be in the likeness of his resurrection". (Rom. 6:4-5)

The subject of water baptism is regarded as important in the N. T. but there is no mention of it in the O.T. It started only with John the Baptist. It seems certain that it was planned by God because the Lord Jesus also submitted to it before He started His ministry. Read the full story in Matt. 3:13-17.

John's baptism may be regarded as an outward sign on the part of those who submitted, of repentance from past sins and a desire to lead a new life.

The baptism of the Lord Himself was an outward sign that He accepted His calling and all that it involved. The disciples baptized as a sign of repentance and acceptance of a new order of life and heart change (John 4:1-2).

When the Lord Jesus commissioned His disciples to carry on His Work He strictly told them to baptize those who believed, "Baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matt. 28:19).


"When they heard this...said...What shall we do? Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins”. (Acts 2:38)

In Acts 2:41, "Then they that gladly received his word were baptized." This was the new public confession of their change and a testimony of their new faith in Jesus Christ.

In Acts 8:39, Philip (an evangelist) was taken by the Holy Spirit to meet an enquirer and after leading him to realize that only Jesus Christ was the Savior, he baptized him in water at the enquirer's request.

Simon the sorcerer was converted and was baptized. Acts 8 When Paul himself was converted he too was baptized in water (Acts 9:18).

The Gentiles at the house of Cornelius believed and were baptized both in water and with the Holy Spirit, as were the Jews on the day of Pentecost (Acts 10:48).

In Ephesus, Paul met disciples preaching but found they were only preaching John's baptism. He preached Jesus Christ to them and they believed Him and accepted baptism again (Acts 19:5). It was the common understanding in the early church for all believers to be baptized in water as a sign of their faith.



Read carefully the whole of Romans 6:11-0.

"Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with Him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised Him from the dead". (Col. 2:12)



Water baptism is the outward sign made by a new convert of the Lord Jesus that he has forsaken the old way of life and has accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, and that the death of the Lord Jesus is also his death and the water baptism rite is his acceptance of that substitution and as Jesus Christ was buried so the convert is buried as well by immersion in water.


We become partakers of Christ's death by repentance, accepting by faith His sacrifice for us, then being buried with Him in baptism.


Only those who believe and confess that Jesus is the Christ are to be baptized.

No one was baptized in the N. T. until they were saved (believed), and given clear evidence by a new life of having repented of their sins and old life.

"Here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? And Phillip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. He answered, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God". (Acts 8:36-37).


A convert should submit to being fully immersed in water, a type of burial, after making a testimony confirming his acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and believing that the Lord will change his nature.


Administering the rite of baptism is the work of a Christian, who has himself been baptized and who is accepted by Christians as having and exercising the authority of the Lord Jesus to do so. There is no case in the N. T. of special persons baptizing.

Should Children be baptized?

Children should be baptized only when they have realized they are sinners and have accepted Jesus Christ as their own personal Savior. The significance of their action in being baptized should be fully explained, hence the need at times for special classes and teaching.

"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved". (Mark 16:16)

Is it possible to be baptized and still not be accepted by God?

If the baptism was merely a rite or done in obedience to a church requirement and is not an act of obedience to the Lord after true repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior, then that act of baptism is NOT accepted by God and one should be advised to undergo the baptism properly by faith.

What is the difference between infant baptism and adult baptism?

Infant baptism is not really baptism at all, it is called 'dedication' in the Bible and this is the act whereby parents dedicate their child to God and accept the responsibility before God of bringing up the child in the knowledge of the Lord and His Salvation.

Adult baptism is not the act of making one a member of a church or denomination but the act of a believer testifying that he is being buried with Christ in baptism and in the likeness of His death.

Baptism is not essential to Salvation

You get saved first and then obey the command 'be baptized.' Baptism does not save. Baptism does not help to be saved. It is a declaration by the converted one that he has been saved and now wishes to live by the new laws of God.

Baptism also means that as Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, we also should count ourselves as being raised into a new life as we are raised again out of the water after baptism and burial.

A baptism should be a joyful and deeply spiritual experience because it is done in obedience to the Lord's command and because we then publically testify to belonging to Him. God usually gives great grace and blessing at this act of obedience.


"For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you". (I Cor. 11:23)

The revelation of the Lord's supper was given to Paul but it seems to be a command of the Lord, "Do this as often as ye meet''.

 Other titles used the Supper, Breaking of Bread.

Why do we celebrate the Lord's Supper?

It is commanded by the Lord, “This do in remembrance of me" (I Cor. 11:25).

To constantly emphasize the importance of the victory of Calvary.

To constantly remember the great cost of Salvation.

To maintain our health as we draw upon the life of Jesus Christ.

What are the elements used in the Lord's supper?

The visible elements are bread and wine. No special bread or wine is mentioned but the type of bread or wine used is not important, it is the attitude of faith in what they represent.

Who may partake of the Lord's Supper?

All those who know they have been cleansed in the blood of Jesus Christ and who are children of God through faith in Jesus Christ. The 'table' should not be open to anyone who cares to come, as this could result in danger to the one who partakes unworthily (I Cor. 11:30). The Bible says, 'Let a man examine himself' The responsibility for partaking should finally be left to the one partaking.

What should we do before partaking of the Lord's Supper?

We should all examine ourselves and our hearts carefully before we partake of the Lord's Supper. All evil thoughts, malice, envy, must be put out of our lives. There should be confession and restitution before we partake. This is a very important feature of partaking of the Lord's Supper. God will not bless the partaker who lives in sin.

What does God say about those who partake unworthily?

We become weak in our bodies, spiritually sick and are in danger of death. "Whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord" Vs. 27.

"For this cause (eating unworthily) many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep”. (I Cor. 11:30)

What are the blessings for those who obey the Lord's command?

We receive physical and spiritual strength from God as we submit and obey His command. We are renewed in faith and grace as we meditate upon Christ's sacrifice, and we learn how to worship God in spirit.

The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?". (I Cor. 10:16)

How often shall we celebrate the Lord's Supper?

"As often as ye meet." We should arrange for special meetings together for this special means of grace. The Lord's Supper will continue 'till He comes’ vs. 26.

Who should administer Holy Communion?

The service should be kept as simple as possible and the leaders should be those who are accepted as Holy Spirit ordained ministers, whose lives and conduct are known to be in accordance with N. T. principles.

There are no specially ordained ministers mentioned in the N. T. for this service and the present church systems leave much to be desired.

A warning must be given against making this sacred service into an ordinary service or to allow men to administer it whose lives will hinder the anointing of the Holy Spirit and cause adverse effects to the congregation. No fees or charges should be made on those partaking.

It would be better for anyone whose conscience accuses them of anything against the Lord or His people to refrain from partaking until they have put the matter right with all concerned.

Those who partake should never feel this service makes them more holy than those who cannot partake but rather more privileged and therefore more responsible to God.


"Son, all that is mine is yours". (Luke 15:31) 

"If we are His children, then we are His heirs also; heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, sharing His inheritance with Him". (Rom. 8:17) 

"having nothing, and yet in reality possessing all things". (II Cor. 6:10)

Do you believe that God tells lies? Most of you will strongly deny such a thought. Yet if God listens to our prayers, He must think we do believe He tells lies because we are always asking for things He has promised us; and in many cases, has already given us and we do not believe Him. We believe that God can, in Jesus Christ, meet every human, and spiritual problem. But we have to be absolutely certain what God has promised us and to know the answer to those problems and to claim it as our rights.


  1. To clarify and emphasize what God has promised and already provided for us to claim NOW.
  2. To correct our praying and to deal with oar failure to secure satisfactory answers.
  3. To encourage Christians to know and claim their rights in Jesus Christ.
  4. To enable Christians everywhere to confidently say, ‘We know’.

God has purchased a full SALVATION for everyone who claims it NOW.

"He that believeth HATH everlasting life". (John 5:24)

There is no need to doubt this positive statement. We are not saved because we find our life and conduct is changed, or because we feel we are saved, but because GOD SAYS WE ARE SAVED WHEN WE BELIEVE HIS WORD.

When we believe God's statement that He sent Jesus Christ to die for US, (John 3:16) and we openly confess and testify to this, then God states we are saved, no matter what the devil may whisper, or our feelings and experiences may seem to declare.

Salvation is the GIFT OF GOD and no merit or works we can offer will procure us salvation. ln the parable of the prodigal son, the elder son tried to merit fellowship with his father and the right to have his father's possessions. The elder son could have had them all at any time he cared to claim them but he lived in the midst of plenty as a pauper. God accepts us as HIS SONS immediately we accept Jesus Christ as our own personal Savior.

"The Spirit Himself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the sons of God”. (Rom. 8:16)

If you are a son of God, according to God's standard and reckoning, then you have the right to claim ALL that God promises you. God is not honored when we act as beggars when He says we are His sons, we are sons of the richest Father in the universe, and He asks us to possess our possessions and enjoy them and use them to honor God and bless those in need everywhere.

Faith Says, ‘I am what God says I am, and I have what God says I have’.


At some time, every Christian faces sickness, either himself or those in his family. Every Christian knows that God CAN heal and does heal at times. But few realize that it is the right of every Christian to CLAIM healing. Healing is one of the results and blessings purchased by Jesus Christ at Calvary. As God offers full and free salvation to ALL who will claim it, so God also waits for every one of His sons to claim healing, for himself or those who need it, and who are children of God.

The Lord Himself stated that healing is 'children's bread' (Mark 7:27). As a son of God then I have the right to claim healing when I need it.

The Bible says, “Himself took OUR infirmities, and bare OUR sickness”, “by (His) stripes ye WERE healed" (Mat. 8:17, I Peter 2:24).

Do not let Satan put on you again what God has already put on Jesus Christ. It is unbelief on a Christian's part to pray for healing in a begging attitude. Healing is our RIGHT. We are expected to CLAIM OUR RIGHTS. It is unbelief to pray 'If it be thy will' to heal, IT IS GOD'S WILL.

God has more miracles than you have needs.


"The Lord is (now) the strength of my life". (Psa. 27:7)

God is honored when we dedicate our bodies to Him (Rom. 12:1) and He accepts them and plans to make daily use of them to do the same work as He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to do; deliver men and women, and meet the needs of the needy in body, soul and spirit.

While God can and does get glory out of weakness and sickness at times, yet the tremendous needs of the world requires strong and healthy men and women to work for God. Every Christian should DAILY claim health and strength to meet every demand.


"Behold I give you power over all the power of the enemy". (Luke 10:19)

How often do we hear Christians begging God for power? God has already given it to us when we became His sons. We already have power over the enemy, it is one of the results of Calvary and is one of our rights. That is the power of protection for every child of God.

But there is also POWER to create a positive beneficial deliverance and healing for others, "Ye shall receive power AFTER that the Holy Spirit is come upon you" (Acts 1:8).

When you, as a son of God, are filled with the Holy Spirit, you possess the same power that filled the Lord Jesus and enabled Him to heal the sick; cast out demons; raise the dead; challenge Satan. The Holy Spirit is that power and everyone filled with the Spirit is a channel whom God wants to use to do these same things.

There is also POWER in every Christian to live a victorious, overcoming, witnessing life. God makes no excuse or provision for failure. He wants every Christian to be a successful, victorious son of God.

God reaches out to you, as you reach out to others in need (Job 42:10). "The Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before, when he prayed for his friends". Are you still praying for the fullness of the Holy Spirit or are you claiming it NOW?


Many pray for power over the enemy and forget that Jesus Christ was "manifested to destroy the works of the devil” (I John 3:8).

Christ has already "spoiled principalities and powers, triumphing over them". (Col. 2:15)

The Lord Jesus defeated Satan for us Satan is an ALREADY DEFEATED FOE. Then why pray for God do it again. When we are attacked or troubled by Satan or any of his evil spirits, then we should remember that Jesus Christ has already defeated him and we should then turn on Satan and remind him of this and rebuke him for trying to trouble us, for trying to put on us things and sickness which does not belong to us.

We should CLAIM our freedom and the victory of Jesus Christ on our behalf and not beg God to act and do something extra.

Satan regularly seeks to create a blanket of mist (unbelief), so that we forget our rights and seek to defeat him in our own strength and by our own wisdom which is impossible.

"Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world". (I John 4:4)

Our Inheritance

As sons of God we are promised, and indeed granted, an Eternal Inheritance. The Lord Jesus lives today to make our inheritance certain. That inheritance means that what belongs to the Lord Jesus also belongs to each of us we are not merely heirs but Joint Heirs.

Not merely promised an equal share-but we are given to share all that the Father has given to Jesus Chris. What is His, is mine.

The elder brother in Luke 15 really owned all the father's property but did not realize it, and never used it or enjoyed it was all his but failed to claim it. Think of all that we own in the Lord Jesus.

We are joint owners of this world, "It is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom" (Luke 12:32). Yet we still strive to possess money in order to purchase land and property in advance, apart from God.

The Christian can Claim all his needs and God has promised to meet those needs according to His riches in glory by Christ" (Phil. 4:18-19). "The glory Thou hast given them" (John 17:22). We can have it Now if we claim it. God Will Do What He Says He Will Do.

Provision and Prosperity

Many Christians feel it is not God's will for them to have riches, and Satan urges them to believe that money is the root of all evil. But it is the "LOVE of money" that is evil, not money. It is God's will for you to prosper" I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper, and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth" and that "riches, and wealth are the gift of God", which He entrusts to us to carry out His Will and work (Eccl. 5:19, III John 2).

 God is today seeking those whom He can trust with riches in order that His work

may prosper and the gospel sent out to the world. The only time that God ever commanded men to put HIM to the test.

“prove Me now, herewith”. Mal. 3:10 was in regard to money.

God covenanted that He would respond to that testing, by opening "heaven's windows and pour you out a blessing", abundantly more than you brought to Him. The Lord "hath pleasure in the Prosperity of His servants" and that He created the earth's wealth for the use of those who Do His Will (Psa. 35:27).

The Lord has promised to "bless the fruit of your ground and cattle, and to increase your basket and your store” (Deut. 28:4-5). That "as long as you seek the Lord, God makes you to prosper" (II Chron. 26:5), to "give thee riches, and health and honor" (II Chron. 1:12).

"Paul urges us to sow bountifully so that we can reap bountifully" (II Cor. 9:6,8). "The blessing of the Lord maketh RICH; literally, to accumulate, become wealthy, increased in goods (Proverbs 10:22). When Jesus Christ died for us He wished us also to become rich so that we could do the work of God and be a faithful steward of the grace and riches of God.

Evangelism and soul winning   in Nigeria requires money and God has that money and is waiting to see those who will faithfully use what He has given them now, for this work, and He will then give us more and more and more, as we faithfully use that wealth and means for His work.

We should think of ourselves as God thinks of us, freed from sin, filled with the Spirit of God, living daily in victory and His strength, daily masters of Satan and enjoying all our possessions in peace and plenty.


In Hebrews 6:1-3 we read, "Therefore leaving the principles (beginnings) of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to perfection (full growth, maturity); not laying again the foundation...

  1. repentance from dead works
  2. faith towards God
  3. the doctrines of baptisms


5.    resurrection of the dead 

6    eternal judgement

These are the six foundation stones of our faith and if they are properly understood then the Christian's life will develop. In this study we shall investigate the LAYING ON OF HANDS.


Isaac laid hands on Jacob instead of Esau and imparted a blessing to him (Gen. 27). Jacob then laid his hands on all 12 of his sons and prophesied concerning their future (Gen. 49). In each case, they received a blessing by the laying on of hands.

Moses was told by the Lord, "Take Joshua and lay thine hand upon him" (Num. 27:15-23).

This resulted in a blessing for Joshua. "Joshua was full of the spirit of wisdom, FOR MOSES HAD LAID HIS HANDS UPON HIM" (Deut. 34:9).

In the Tabernacle worship, the priests laid their hands on the heads of animals as sin offerings. Moses laid his hands on the 70 elders who helped him in his ministry (Numbers 11).

So in the O. T. we find that the laying on of hands by called men of God imparted something to those upon whom hands were laid.

In the N. T. we notice how often the Lord touched and laid hands on those whom He healed or blessed. He conveyed His blessing by laying His hands upon them and they knew that His   touch had power (Mark 6:5, 7:32, 8:22-23, 16:18).

It will be noted that when the Apostles ministered, it specially stated they laid hands on people (Acts 5:12).

When the first deacons were chosen and presented to the Apostles they prayed for them and LAID HANDS ON THEM (Acts 6:6).

It was specifically stated that when the Apostles from Jerusalem went to encourage the new converts at Samaria (Acts 8) they prayed for them and laid hands on them so that they should receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:17).

When God arrested Saul of Tarsus and sent Ananias to reveal His call to the blind Saul, we read that Ananias laid his hands upon him that he might receive his sight, be filled with the Holy Spirit and to know why he had been chosen by God.

So Saul learned of his call from an unknown disciple who laid his hands on him for he all needed. Now it was left for Saul to "make his calling and election sure" (II Peter 1:10).

God had made known his revelation with the impartation of revelation and knowledge. But it seems to took Saul 15 years before he actually started to see the wonderful results (Acts 11:25-26, 13:2).

We believe that all true Christians have a specific calling as members of the Body of Christ and that they have to discover this calling and make their calling sure.

This call can be revealed and made known through the laying on of hands accompanied with prophecy. This call must surely be realized if we press on to maturity, "The gifts and callings of God are without repentance" (Rom. 11:29).

Once they are made, God does not withdraw them and if we fail to go on to perfection then we face loss as a result of missing the calling.

The laying on of hands, when accompanied by prophecy, can also bring an IMPARTATION of spiritual gifts.

"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery". (I Tim. 4:14-15)

"Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands". (II Tim. 1:6)

We find that the Apostles also laid their hands on new converts that they might receive the Holy Spirit.


"Separate me, Barnabas and Saul to the work whereunto I have called them". (Acts 13:2)

Both men had been called into the ministry many years before and had proved their ministry, they had made their calling clear and plain.

Now they were being called into a larger ministry. Then, by the laying on of hands, they were confirmed in that calling again, strengthened and ordained.

Note those who took part in that ordination service, prophets and teachers and one of them   was undoubtedly a negro (Simon called Niger). Their authority came from the Holy Spirit and that was all that was needed. None of the Jerusalem Apostles were there. These two ordained men "confirmed the souls of the disciples, and ordained many elders in every church" (Acts 14).

Every Christian consecrating themselves for the service of God should seek for a recognized servant of God to lay hands on them for the ministry and to see that the will of God should be made known, with confirmation.

One other very important feature of LAYING ON OF HANDS, is that of IDENTIFICATION.

In the O. T. the act of laying on of hands was recognized as identifying the person on behalf of the sins of others. It was an act of substitution.

In the N. T. when elders or servants of God lay their hands on another one whom they are sending out into the work, they are making it plain that they are sending such a one in the Name of All; the person being sent is the representative of all who are involved.



Large number of young people are surrendering themselves to the Lord Jesus and finding in Him all they need. They are eager to serve Him and to be trained for witnessing.

To meet this need, we have started special schools of Evangelism in several states for special periods of training, sometimes only for 5 or 6 days, during which the students are trained in witnessing, soul winning and the deliverance ministry.

These schools are Free, and a small range of text books is provided free.

Many more are being arranged for the various vacation periods in different places and to meet the needs of different language groups.

Men and women are being filled with the Holy Spirit and they are being called to witness to the full cleansing power of the blood of the Lord Jesus, and to withstand the attacks of Satan, who knows his time is now short.

Satan is being challenged by this new group of young Christians all over the world and God is using them mightily in many places.

If you would like to arrange special training classes for young Christians, then we will gladly supply sample sets of lessons FREE.

We cannot promise leaders or speakers but those whom God has called will know what to do to help these young Christians.