• By What Authority
  • Speaking in Tongues
  • Two Thrones at War
  • Evangelizing your Community 


"As He taught in the temple, the chief priests and the scribes spake saying; tell us, by what authority doest thou these things? or who is he that gave thee this authority?" (Luke 20:1-8)

This story is recorded in Matthew, Mark and Luke and records how the temple authorities challenged Jesus' authority to teach or preach in the temple. They met Him preaching the gospel and they were disturbed because they had heard this man preach some strange new doctrines and He also had the power to confirm His preaching by healing the people and the religious leaders knew that the people eagerly listened to Him and followed in great crowds to see the miracles He did.

They had heard Him tell a man sick of the palsy that his sins were forgiven him and then had made him walk. They regarded Him as a challenge to their established authority and leadership and a challenge to their customs and tradition and they were forced to take action to challenge Him in return.

The Lord Jesus clearly did not follow the custom or even the teaching of the temple and had not asked permission from the authorities to preach them. The Lord Jesus had never been trained in the ways of the temple or by its leaders.

The Lord Jesus was not a Levite and had never been ordained. He had no certificate or diploma. He declined to admit the rights of the temple leaders to question His rights.

Of course, they were unware that He was the Lord of the temple and that He was the One who had designed the system and had established the priesthood.

That system had been established by God to provide the means whereby man could approach God and how God could communicate with man. But man had corrupted that system and it no longer met the needs of the people or was used by God. The temple leaders did not know all this, and they were so concerned to preserve their own positions and authority that they had to move to challenge Him. They waited till they met Him actually preaching the new Gospel and asked Him the question;

"By what authority...” or “Who gave you authority?"


The Lord Jesus knew the purpose of their question and asked His own and produced a terrible problem for them.

"I will ask you one thing, and answer me; The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men?"

He knew the problem He had created because He knew that the religious leaders had to deal with the same problems in John the Baptist as in Himself.


  1. John the Baptist was not one of the leaders and had no authority to preach; John
  2. is not one of us and is a challenge to our authority.
  3. John the Baptist preached a new message and was accepted by the people who demonstrated their faith in him by undergoing a new form of baptism.
  4. The leaders needed to protect their own position and office.
  5. They desired to ensure that the people remained under their control. The preaching of John and Jesus constituted a challenge which they must answer and stop.
  6. The leaders could not answer the questions raised by the preaching and messages of John
  7. the Baptist or the Lord Jesus. They had no answer to the gospel message.
  8. They could not deliver those who needed deliverance or heal those who were sick. They
  9. preferred that a woman in the temple should remain in bondage rather than she should
  10. be healed on the Sabbath day.
  11. They used the old laws as an excuse to cover their own failure to bring salvation or
  12. deliverance to the needy.

We wonder what would happen in some Nigerian churches today if the Lord Jesus entered and healed a man or woman who was in bondage? We ourselves have already been accused of using the power of Satan to heal and deliver just as the early temple leaders accused the Lord Jesus.

Oh, that our church leaders would only read their bibles but open their eyes to see what God is doing today and thus save themselves the embarrassment of finding that the power of God is now with a new group of believers who are ready to exercise faith and produce the results even if they are not ordained and have not been trained in our bible training colleges.


  1. God is moving by His Holy Spirit all over the world.
  2. There is a move of the Holy Spirit among the young people in Nigeria and can be indeed called a 'Jesus revolution.'
  3. Today we are seeing miracles of many lives being changed, bodies healed and men and women set free from bondage of Satan.
  4. It would seem there is a general inability in  the churches to meet this challenge or to rise and move with it and to take part in the move of God's Spirit to take the gospel to those who have never heard.

God's move today is producing the same kind of challenge and question which confronted the Lord Jesus.


Let it be clearly declared today that God has not called or chosen any special set of ministers or trained men to preach the gospel. He calls every one of His children to do so. "These signs shall follow them that believe."

God is being forced by the unbelief inside the churches and the determination of leaders to preserve their own offices and authority to use anyone who is ready to exercise faith in His Word. The power to heal is not given to specially ordained men but is promised to all who believe.

The Lord Jesus has defeated Satan and the powers of darkness for every Christian and He expects that every Christian will like-wise use this victory against Satan and God will encourage any and every child of God who is ready to challenge Satan even if that Christian is not an ordained minister or even a college trained man. It is FAITH that produces the results now.

The authority from God is no longer reserved for a specially selected group of ministers - every Christian is regarded by God as being a 'priest' and a 'deliverer'.

Every Christian (born again and filled with the Holy Spirit) IS CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS. We are IN CHRIST. We are MEMBERS of HIM. And He is Almighty.

"Christ liveth in me." (Gal. 2:20), "Christ; in you..." (Col. 2:7), "Jesus Christ in you...'' (II Cor. 13:5).

When we can really realize what God means by these startling statements then we too will realize the power that filled the Lord Jesus and enabled Him to do all those things He did.

Jesus prayed to His Father “As thou hast sent me into the world, even so I sent them into the world" (John 17:18).

Now are we ordained by THE LORD JESUS to do the same work as He did, with the same power. If He calls us, then He will equip us and we shall not need human calling or training or ordination. We can do the same works as HE did, we are to reach the needy and not worry about arguments or challenges about our authority.

Paul says "We are ambassadors for Christ" (II Cor. 5:20) and no ambassador has any doubt that the country which he represents will back his word. He knows it will. The very title of his office implies that we are expected to represent the Lord Jesus and God never failed to make good the words of the Lord Jesus and He will never fail to prove His Word to us.

There are those who will challenge this high stand and accuse us saying, "You make yourself equal with Christ." To which we will reply “No I do not make myself equal with Christ, He makes Himself equal with me, and I let Him do so."

As the Lord Jesus was the visible representative of God on earth, so we are expected to be the visible representative and agents on earth of the Lord Jesus. As we act in His stead and in His Name, then we can expect God to also deal with us as He dealt with the Lord Jesus no matter what men say or do. It is God who called us and filled us with His Holy Spirit to do the work that Jesus did and we are answerable to God for His power and revelations.

Finally, it should be noted that the Lord Jesus did not enter into argument with his accusers. He answered them courteously and firmly. Argument never settles any problem or saves any soul. Full respect must be given to all those in authority, even though we may feel they are not doing what God wishes. Only God can judge them we are not called to do so.

We must be positive in our attitudes. We cannot criticize anyone if we ourselves are not doing what God wants us to do.

Let every Christian search his heart and dedicate himself to the Lord's service and concentrate all his ability and life to serving the Lord and leave others to the Lord to judge.

But let us not be dismayed when we are challenged as the Lord Jesus was. We have been given the authority to go out and preach the gospel and we will be called to give an account of how we have used our lives and time.

We have been given authority to heal the sick let us seek the Lord's power now to carry out His commands. We have been given power and authority over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19).

We have the authority and we have the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us go out and fulfil our calling.


"With stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people" (Isaiah 28:11-12).

This is the first mention in the Bible of speaking in tongues and we should note well the promises of the prophecy.

  1. The fulfilment would take place in its fullness just before the end of the age.
  2. That speaking in tongues will be the special means by which God will reach the
  3. people of that day.
  4. The 'stammering lips' infer that the utterances at first may be halting and broken,
  5. before the clear flow takes place.
  6. The 'speaking in tongues' will be directly connected with a special 'refreshing' God will
  7. give His people; a clear reference to the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  8. Many will harden their hearts and reject it and in turn will be rejected by God. Note verses 12-13.

The N.T. declares that speaking in tongues is a fulfilment of this prophecy

"In the law it is written, with men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people'; and yet for all that will they not hear me, saith the Lord" (I Cor. 14:21).

Note the emphasis upon this sign being to unbelievers.

In the GREAT COMMISSION, the Lord said that believers should speak in tongues

"Go ye into al the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. These signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues." Mark 16:15-17

These are the Lord's last words to His disciples and the command is also for today. The command is:

  1. Preach the Gospel to every creature.
  2. Make disciples of all nations.
  3. Healing the sick and casting out of devils are signs that would follow the believers.
  4. "They shall speak with new tongues."

All the 120 disciples who were filled with the Holy Spirit also spoke in tongues

"When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. Suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." Acts 2:1-4.

As they were all filled, so they spoke in tongues

Mary, the mother of Jesus spoke in tongues too. This is the pattern for the receiving of the Holy Spirit and it is the same today. As we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we also speak in tongues. This is a supernatural visitation and a miracle. A multitude heard it and were amazed as they heard the 120 disciples speaking in various tongues, including their own native languages and it resulted in over 3000 being converted. It was the miracle of 'tongues' which arrested the crowds.

The first Gentiles to be saved received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues

"While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Spirit fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the cirumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Spirit. For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God." Acts 10:44-46

The opening of the Kingdom to the Gentiles was proved by their receiving the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues also. Peter reported this to the Apostles (Acts 11). Both Jews and Gentiles had received the Holy Spirit as on the Day of Pentecost and the proof was that they both spoke in tongues.

The Apostle Paul spoke in other tongues

"I thank my God that I speak in tongues more than ye all" (I Cor. 14:18).

The Church is based upon the revelation which the Lord gave to PAUL and he was the channel for most of the instruction to churches. He stated he was "a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting" (I Tim. 1:16).

If Paul boasted that he spoke in tongues, then why should we refuse to accept this for today?

The men at Ephesus were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues – 25 years after Pentecost.

"And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Spirit came upon them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied" (Acts 19:6).

These men had not as much as heard of the Holy Spirit, they were preaching repentance according to the teachings of John Baptist. When Paul preached Jesus Christ to them "who would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire" (Matt. 3:11), they accepted Jesus Christ and were baptized again in water. They needed to be re-baptized in water. Then Paul prayed for them and laid his hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. So it should be today.

Did the believers at Samaria who received the Holy Spirit speak in tongues?

This is the only other record in the N. T. where we hear of believers receiving the Holy Spirit. They had a revival and many demons were cast out; many miracles were performed under Philip.

But when Peter and John (who seemed to have had a special ministry in this respect) visited Samaria, they "laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit" (Acts 8:17).

Nothing is said about 'speaking in tongues', but notice what did happen. Simon, a sorcerer, saw Peter and John lay hands on the converts and "Saw" they had received the Holy Spirit and he desired this 'magic' for his own use. What did Simon see that made him offer money to buy such a 'gift'? Neither the miracles nor the healings had stirred him to make such an offer, so it must have been something which happened when the believers were filled with the Holy Spirit. It must have been the same strange miracle of 'speaking in tongues' which caused such an astonishment at Pentecost.

Speaking in other tongues is a gift by God to His Church

In I Cor. 12, there is a list of nine gifts given by the Holy Spirit to the Church. Among these gifts is the speaking in 'divers kinds of tongues..." (I Cor. 12:10).

Despite unbelief, these gifts have never been withdrawn by God. Many who wish to oppose 'tongues' refer to I Cor. 13:8 - "Whether there be tongues, they shall cease..." and insist that 'tongues' have already ceased. But Paul is here referring to the time when that which is perfect is come (V. 10) when "prophecies shall fail" and "knowledge shall vanish away." It is when that which is perfect is come that which is in part shall be done away with. We have not yet reached this point and until that time comes (when prophecy and knowledge shall also be done away with), we shall still need to speak in tongues.

The Lord needs these gifts in His church today; "So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall also confirm you unto the end" (I Cor. 1:7-8).

Since Christ will confirm His Church even until His Coming, that also means that the gifts should also be in operation now. It also means that believers should speak in tongues today.

God has set 'Diversities of Tongues' in the Church.

This is different to the initial speaking in tongues which follows baptism. This is a separate 'gift' of tongues which is used to convey a message to the church at any particular time when an interpreter is present. But this is not a 'known' language, it is a supernatural gift of an 'unknown tongue.' All should speak with tongues when they are filled with the Holy Spirit, but not all are given the 'gift of tongues.' This is a specialized gift for certain chosen ones by the Holy Spirit.

He who speaks in other tongues "speaks to God."

"For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto God" (I Cor. 14:2).

Many people wonder about God's purpose in speaking in other tongues. Here is one sufficient reason he "speaks to God" in God's own language, which no man understands except God.

The believer who speaks in tongues edifies himself.

"He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself" (I Cor. 14:4).

Here is another purpose for speaking in tongues; God given and perfectly reasonable. It is God's provision for the believer to edify himself. This means that it is often for personal use and not for public use. Prophecy is for use in the church or assembly, but tongues are usually personal. Speaking in tongues is a spiritual exercise designed to edify the speaker.

It is impossible for anyone who has not spoken in tongues to understand how this exercise can be a blessing, but it is so.

A believer may also pray through an unknown tongue

"The Spirit Himself maketh intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered..." (Rom. 8:26-27)

None of us know how to pray as we ought. But the Holy Spirit who knows the will of God can pray through us. We can pray with our understanding and we can pray in the Spirit, often in tongues.

Speaking in tongues is a sign to unbelievers

“Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believeth not” (1 Cor. 14:21-22).

As at Samaria, so in many other places, God has used this sign and manifestation of His presence to convict unbelievers.

I have heard new converts who have been filled with the Holy Spirit speak in perfect English, although they have never learned to speak English, this surely can convince unbelievers. See Acts 2:5-6 to confirm this; it was this sign which convicted the 3000.

Paul said I would that ye all speak with tongues (1 Cor. 14:5)

If Paul desired this for all his converts, then surely it must be a spiritual blessing for all Christians. It can be a spiritual blessing to you.

Speaking in tongues is NOT the final benefit of the baptism of the Holy Spirit

We must go on to dwell in the Holy Spirit so that the fruits of the Spirit can be produced in our lives. It is a contradiction of the purpose of the Holy Spirit if we merely sit back satisfied when we have received Him in His fullness and spoken in tongues. This blessing must produce fruit in our lives.

Never argue on this blessing or about it - that is the way to lose it. Never fight God for it, He will give you His blessing when He is ready and when you have been filled to overflowing. (Read carefully 1 Cor. 13:1.)

When the Holy Spirit fills you and you speak in tongues it means that He has taken control of your tongue. Therefore, do not allow your tongue to get out of His control. Many Christians lose the blessings of the baptism of the Spirit by using their tongue to 'bite and devour' other Christians because they do not agree with their views scripturally.

Personal holiness is also a vital part of a Spirit-filled life. Any Christian who thinks that by the abundance of spiritual gifts he can make up for lack of personal holiness is miserably deceived.



"Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands COMMAND YE ME" (Isaiah 45:11).

"Jesus stood and said what wilt thou that I shall do unto thee?" (Luke 18:41)

"Then he called His twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases" (Luke 9:1).

"Behold, I give unto you power over all the power of the enemy" (Luke 10:19).

When God created man He gave him dominion and authority over the whole of creation and it was God's plan that man should retain that authority and exercise it for the glory of the Creator - God. But man surrendered that God-given gift of authority to the Devil who originally desired it. So the authority of this world passed to Satan and He exercised it completely until the Lord Jesus Himself came and challenged him. Man became a slave instead of the ruler of this earth, and that slavery is apparent everywhere today.

The Great Deliverer

One of the great purposes of the coming of the Lord Jesus as a man was to defeat Satan and take from him the authority he had seduced from man. As man he met and defeated Satan and regained the authority over this world.

His Words were words of authority. He commanded evil spirits and they obeyed Him and submitted to Him. He commanded sickness and it departed. He commanded death and He became its master and fled. He commanded fishes to surrender to His disciples. He demonstrated the power and authority that God originally planned that man should exercise.

After He had taken His disciples with Him and proved His power, He then gave them the same authority over sickness and demon powers. In fact, He stated that this power and authority was the proof that the Kingdom of Heaven had come to them.

He encouraged them to exercise it, to use it against the evil powers that had subverted mankind. When the disciples obeyed and used this authority by faith, they found they too could do the same works as their Master did. They had to learn to put their faith into action. The Lord told them what to do; deliver men and women and they had to believe His Word and use His Name and authority and power.

All the authority came from God, through the Holy Spirit, and Jesus passed that authority on to His disciples. As the Father sent the Son, the Son sent the disciples. With the same power and authority and with the same results.

One essential ingredient was FAITH in the word of God and His promises, and the other was the fact that the Lord Jesus had secured full control of the spiritual realm.

Listen to what the Lord Jesus told Peter; "I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven" (Matt. 16:19). He repeated this again to the whole of His disciples so that they may start to understand the tremendous opportunity He was opening to them and the wonderful range of authority He was giving into their hands (Matt. 18:18-19). He also repeated it after His death and when He met His disciples again to commission them for the work He had started.

"Receive ye the Holy Spirit. Whosoever sin ye remit, they are remitted; and whosoever sins ye retain, they are retained" (John 20:23).

This was a tremendous authority, the Lord Jesus actually gave the authority to remit and retain sins. This is in contrast to the belief of the Jewish leaders and scribes; "Who can forgive sins but God alone?" (Mark 2:7).

It is clear that God has far more faith in Christians than we have either in ourselves or in each other. He was calling and equipping a new race of deliverers who were to be His representatives on earth to continue the work of the Lord Jesus.

The Lord Jesus expected His disciples to challenge and defeat Satan and advised His disciples to "first bind the strong man" (Matt. 12:29).

The Children of God today have that same Authority over Sin

The Lord Jesus said; "Son, thy sins be forgiven thee" (Mark 2:5). Peter said "Repent, and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:38).

Paul said; "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved AND THY HOUSE." (Acts 16:31).

They acted with authority and today we can firmly and confidently proclaim that all who repent and believe will likewise be given forgiveness and salvation and all the blessings of God. We have the promise of God and His authority to say so.

We can enter a crusade or meeting or house knowing that we can offer and grant forgiveness and salvation to the whole people if they will accept God's offer. God has left the making of that offer in our hands and we are depriving sinners of God's forgiveness when we do not tell them of it. We have God's authority and power to release them from sin and to give them a blessing. We are the dispensers of God's blessings.


Jesus said; "Take up thy bed and walk" (Mark 2:11). Peter said; "Such as I have, give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk" (Acts 3:6).

Jesus promised; "They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover" (Mark 16:18).

Peter did not call a prayer meeting to ask God if He would heal the cripple at the Gate Beautiful. Peter exercised his authority. There are many instances in the book of Acts where the disciples proudly and confidently proclaimed this deliverance and many were converted, healed and changed into rejoicing followers of the Lord Jesus (Acts 9).


Jesus said; "In my name they shall cast out demons" (Mark 16:18).

Acts of Apostles; "them which were vexed with unclean spirits...were healed everyone" (Acts 5:16).

Paul delivered a demon possessed girl (Acts 16:18). Miracles by God through Paul (Acts 19:12).

The Lord Jesus defeated Satan and God has promised to bruise Satan under our feet (Rom. 16:20).

Our fight is not against flesh and blood but against the principalities and powers in heavenly places, which means Satan and his angels and evil spirits. And God has given us the power and authority to challenge and conquer these powers and to exercise our regained dominion. We have the power to bind and loose.


The Lord Jesus had no difficulty in paying His tax or securing food for Himself and His disciples. His disciples should also exercise the same providing power and take authority over Satan who daily and constantly seeks to destroy the faith of the Lord's people by withholding funds for necessities and also for the work of the Gospel.

We at H.O.L.D. are well aware of this aspect of our work when we have to face the enormous demands which come upon us monthly for provision for our evangelists working in over 20 languages and for the large literature work. Satan constantly blocks funds and we have learned how to release these funds. Many Christian workers need to learn how to take authority and secure by faith the means to live and progress with the Gospel.


Peter used his God-given authority (Matt. 16:18) to open the door of the Gospel to the Gentiles at the house of Cornelius (Acts 10). God is waiting NOW for Christians in Nigeria who will actively take authority and move into the areas in Nigeria where there is no Gospel, especially in the North and claim it for God. This means much more than prayer. It means taking action.


Peter acted promptly and without hesitation in passing judgement upon Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5). Paul rebuked and brought judgement on Elymas in Acts 13:11. God is ready to entrust this power to those who are ready to fearlessly challenge evil, even among Christians. But God will not freely bestow this authority until we can be trusted to use it only in God's honor and for His glory.

Our authority must NEVER be used for self-gratification or self-glory. Moses lost his blessing and never completed his task because he used his power and authority to express his own anger and to share God's glory and power personally (Numbers 20:10-12).


1. To challenge and defeat the seducer of mankind, Satan.

  1. To assert the triumph and Lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ and to glorify His work
  2. at Calvary.
  3. To deliver captives and deliver those who seek release.

Areas in which YOU should begin to exercise Authority NOW

  1. In your personal life. Taking authority and using the Name of Jesus against all oppression, opposition and sickness.
  2. Claiming salvation for all the members of your family.
  3. For the supply of finance to meet all your needs (not wants)
  4. Against attacks of Satan among your friends and colleagues.
  5. Establishing the glory of the name of Jesus in your school, college, university, place of work, home and church.
  6. The opening of all villages and areas for the Gospel.

The basis and foundation of successful exercise of authority

In Rev. chapter 5, the Lamb was shown as being fully in charge and able to exercise ALL AUTHORITY. "In the midst of the throne, stood a lamb as it had been slain" (Verse 6).

God will willingly give authority to every one of His people who bear the marks of a 'slain lamb'. Paul gloried in the cross of Jesus because it was the throne of God. THE CROSS OF JESUS CHRIST IS THE THRONE OF GOD. It is from that cross that He governs.

The secret of a life of authority is that we are slain to all our own self ideas, desires and pride. It is a 'slain man' who really wields authority, both in heaven and on earth.

Paul said he was crucified with Christ, risen with Christ, and seated with Christ (on His throne). God is searching for men like this. The Lamb of God (as He was slain) is also the Lion of the tribe of Judah - the KING who governs.


Just before the Lord Jesus departed this world, He gave His disciples the Great Commission; "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned" (Mark 16:15-16).

Christ's plan for world evangelism was simple. It was nothing more than winning the person next to him. Then he wins the one next to him and so on, until the whole world was evangelized.

When the Lord began His ministry, He visited people in their homes. His first miracles were performed in a home (John 2). He sent His disciples into the homes of the people (Luke 10:5). Christ accomplished much of His work through personal testimony. He often avoided the multitude so that He could speak to a single person (John 4:6-13).

The ministry of visitation in homes was the method generally used in the Early Church (Acts 2:42-46).

"Daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ" (Acts 5:42), "the number of the disciples multiplied" (Acts 6:7), "They went everywhere preaching the Word" (Acts 8:1, 4). "publicly and from house to house." (Acts 20:20).

The spread of the gospel in the early days was rapid and this growth was due to the fire and determination of the Christians to take the gospel wherever they went from house to house. They had no church buildings in those days. When persecution scattered the church at Jerusalem the Christians did not relax; they went preaching the word (Acts 8:4). Every Christian became a friend and carrying the gospel wherever he went. Evangelization in those days was not dependent upon loud speaker equipment or radio broadcasts, it was personal. It had no cathedrals, robed choirs, pipe organs, educational programs, valuable though these may be. It was personal work and it covered the whole of Asia in two years.

In these days when the large majority of people do not attend any church services and have no interest in the gospel, then it is essential that we take the gospel to them where they are.

This means that every church should have a definite visitation program. This should be composed of a group of definitely converted and dedicated church members of mixed ages and of both sexes.

It is not enough to call for a visitation program. The program needs careful and vigorous planning and carrying out. To reach the multitude of unconverted requires a careful program and a continuously effort. It is not enough to start a class and make a visit to a street of houses just once. It must be a regular program. It must be systematic.

Those volunteering for house to house visitation should first gather at the church or a place for prayer. The leader should be an experienced Christian with experience in counselling enquirers and leading them into touch with God. He should briefly instruct the group on methods, using the methods used in the Bible as the examples.

It is wise that visitors work in pairs usually an experienced male with another younger male, and similarly with the females. A definite location should be chosen each time and every house should be visited.

Courtesy is essential when visiting strangers. Win their attention by addressing them courteously and inform them of your desire to take a few minutes of their time to speak to them of the program of your visit and desire to help them. Make sure they do not think you belong to a well-known organization which tries to sell magazines. To disprove this, it is wise to have a few tracts or booklets at hand to give them freely. Be ready to give your testimony.

Do not insist upon preaching, that usually starts as argument which is merely a waste of time and ends in failure to convince anyone.

Never argue. You are presenting the Lord Jesus. Do not emphasize your church or denomination or attempt to argue on the merits of your own or other denomination. YOU ARE SPEAKING OF JESUS CHRIST AND NOT THE CHURCH.

Your best weapon is your own testimony. Have you got a testimony? Remember it is yours and no one can argue about it. Do not prolong your visit and upset the work of the household. Be ready to pray for any who will gather.

If anyone is sick, then offer to pray specially for them. Before praying for anyone who is sick, always make sure that the sick person knows the way of salvation. Do not accuse anyone of particular actions, remember you have not been invited to the house and that God has not called you to be a judge. If you speak of the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit is using you, then He will bring conviction and you may not even know of this.

Make sure all interested households are visited regularly. When you leave a house invite them to your church services and if possible leave a special invitation card on which the times and details of the various services are printed.

Keep a record of every house visited and give a report to the 'visitation group' on return to the church for prayer.

If anyone in your visitation shows a desire to follow the Lord, then offer to call for him to accompany him to the church. Help him with prayer and advice and show interest by passing on your own experiences in the Lord. Provide any literature he can read. It is possible to double the Christians in your church in a very short time.

Make sure that every convert won in this way is invited to join the 'visitation group' and thus pass on to others his experience and blessing. Every Christian should also be turned into a soul winner.


UNLIMITED CHALLENGE now being offered to every born again Nigerian who wishes to serve the Lord. The Lord Jesus is challenging everyone to join Him in the work of saving men and women and meeting their spiritual needs.

It is now possible for those who cannot go themselves to support trained Nigerian evangelists, who will represent them and make regular reports of progress and victories.

UNLIMITED SCOPE now opening, as many districts, call for the gospel and for someone to go and tell them of Jesus Christ and His power to save, heal and satisfy the needs of men.

Only the gospel can solve the problems of men and women in bondage to sin, Satan, sex and evil passions.

UNLIMITED POWER is promised by the Lord Jesus to all who will act faith and either go themselves or support a chosen representative.

No power can withstand the power of God and we who have been entrusted with that power must use or lose it.

UNLIMITED BLESSINGS can be guaranteed for all who seek to obey the Master’s last COMMAND “GO YE, preach, teach and make disciples.” The blessing of God makes rich and adds no sorrow and is everlasting and satisfying.


No fixed amount is demanded; you give as the Lord enables you.