
  • Christ in the ‘now’
  • Crime in the church
  • Whosoever – whatsoever
  • What is the purpose of the healing ministry?
  • Delivering the captives
  • Independence or partnership
  • Now is the time for action


“NOW is the accepted time: now is the day of salvation. (healing, deliverance and blessing).” 2 Cor. 6:2

In John 11 there is an account of how the Lord Jesus had to restore the shaken faith of Martha, whose brother, Lazarus had died. Martha had accused the Lord, “Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died” (John 11:21). That was wonderful faith in their friend.

But their friend had stayed away when they sent for Him, and Lazarus had died. Martha’s faith had been shaken. But she still knew that the Lord had power with God. “But I know, that even now, whatsoever Thou wilt ask of God, God will give thee” Vs. 22 

Those were her words but she did not really believe them herself; her faith was limited.

The Lord encouraged her, “Thy brother shall rise again” Vs. 23. Martha revealed the scope and extent of her faith in her response: “I know that he shall rise again in the last day” Vs. 23. Martha’s faith now was only for the distant future, the last day - not now; not today.

The Lord again tried to activate her faith for the now “I AM” Vs. 25, not “I will be”, not “I will be one day”, “I AM alive NOW” “I AM able to deal with this problem NOW. He is the Christ of the ‘NOW’.

The Lord Jesus - THE Christ of the ‘NOW’, then had to demonstrate His ability to deal with the problem now, by raising Lazarus from the grave at once. How strong must have been the faith of both Martha and Mary in the ability of the Lord as a result of that miracle.

That had been the purpose of the Lord Jesus in waiting and allowing Lazarus to die. He wanted to demonstrate His ability to deal with any problem now. He wanted to build faith in His people for the present.

“The trial of your faith, being much more precious than gold” 1 Peter 1:7 Is our faith like that of Martha’s? All reserved for the future? Christians speak of the blessings of God as being our inheritance in Heaven. There is no faith for the present, the ‘NOW’.

Most Christians accept that all will be well in some distant, future day, but they believe, wrongly so. In many cases, we believe that we are expected to accept our existing state, and conditions, and limitations with patience and regard them as God’s will for His people until they get to heaven.

Christians have come to believe that suffering, illness, tribulation, poverty and finally death are all part of the Will of God for us today. They remind themselves of the life and circumstances of their Master, the Lord Jesus when on earth.

They point out that the Bible says:

“Is not this the carpenter’s son?” Matt. 13:55 “He hath not where to lay his head.” Matt. 8:20 “He made himself of no reputation.” Phil. 2:7 “For your sakes he became poor” 2 Cor. 8:9

A picture of lowly birth, poverty, poor appearance and limitations, and this has become the image that some people expect to see in Christians today. BUT IT IS NOT A CORRECT IMAGE FOR TODAY.

He is no longer of no reputation; no longer poor; no longer restricted or limited. He is in heaven, glorified as the Victor. And He took on Himself our sins, our sicknesses; our failures and met all our needs now, for body, soul and spirit. After He departed for the throne, the Holy Spirit came and those weak, despised failures of disciples became new men; men of faith, men of powers and vision.

No need for us to remain in our sins, sickness, failings and limitations now. It is true that “in me dwelleth no good thing.” Rom. 7:18 but that is no excuse for failure now that the Holy Spirit dwells in us, now that the mighty Victorious Christ dwelleth in us.

I refuse to dwell in sin, sickness and poverty. They are not God’s will for His redeemed. The Lord Jesus is our full salvation now. The Lord of Glory is our Strength and ability now. The Lord Jesus is our health now. He has riches which He wants to give us. He became poor so that we may become rich now.

No need to wait until we get to heaven to enjoy these blessings which He purchased for us with His own blood; they are for us now. He is the Christ in the now. He dwelleth in you NOW. “IN Him we live and have our being” (Acts 17:28). He lives for you NOW, to meet every need, every moment, every day, in every circumstance.

You can have complete salvation from all your sins and weaknesses NOW. Claim it NOW claim it daily. It is yours. You can have complete deliverance from all sickness and demon power NOW. Jesus Christ has secured complete victory for you NOW. Claim it by faith NOW.

You can have full power to do the work of God NOW. Claim it in faith and act in faith using it NOW. You can have prosperity and provision NOW for all your needs III John 2 You can have His daily presence and blessing and health NOW, no need to wait until you reach heaven, enjoy for it NOW. “NOW are we the sons of GodI John 3:2 Let us act like Sons of God. 


I am not accusing anyone particular church or denomination, as I am not against any Church. I am accusing ALL churches; I am making a very specific charge; a charge of Murder in the church; murder by neglect.

Not the murder of lives; it is much worse. It is the murder of men’s souls, and this charge must be brought against every ‘born again’ Christian in Nigeria today.  The whole church in Nigeria, of all sects, is guilty. Many of us have been busily occupied doing many good, but secondary things that God never told us to do.

We dare not excuse our failures any longer. We must face the truth, it is wickedness not to warn the wicked and give them the chance to hear the saving Gospel.

Yet far too much effort is being spent edifying the saints instead of evangelizing the sinners.  World evangelism and not self-edification is what God wants of us. Yet it is clear that the present day church has left this task and is consuming the grace of God on themselves and ignoring the plight of the lost. That is the crime and the accusation I make against the church today.

MURDER BY NEGLECT - forsaking the command of the Founder of the Church. The Lord has been working in the church and He continues to save men and women and to fill them with the Holy Spirit so that they can serve Him as He commanded.

He has done all He promised to do for the church. He has done world. He died to accomplish this one forever.

But we those who He has sought out and saved and blessed, have taken these blessings as our rights and have selfishly kept them for ourselves and our families. We have buried our talents; we have hidden lights.  We are at ease in Zion; satisfied and contented because we have been saved and have been promised entry into heaven. But I fear that when we get there we may be faced with this accusation: MURDER BY NEGLECT.

This is not malicious criticism. It is facing up to the plain facts and truth.  Millions in Nigeria today are on their way to hell because the Christians, the church, is silent, and is hiding the gospel from them.

In the past, it was the overseas missionary societies who found both the personnel and the money to evangelize Nigeria and we are reaping today what they sowed. We are grateful for their sacrifice in bringing us the wonderful Gospel.  But that is now changing, ‘the day of the white missionary is finished’.

God is changing that pattern and He is now putting the responsibility for taking that same Gospel to the lost in our own country, as the ‘white’ missionaries brought it to us, on the heads of every Nigerian Christian - of every denomination.  In accepting the blessings of salvation we made ourselves debtors to all men too.

Yet, we are comfortably at ease in our churches, praying, giving and singing to our Savior, but ignoring His command, to pay our debts to our own people and take them the Gospel, most assuredly, we must answer for this one day when we meet the Master.  He will demand the blood of our people from us.  What will your answer be on that day?

We have acquired National Independence. We are attaining economic independence. We must also assume the spiritual responsibility for taking the Gospel to our own people.

This will mean a radical change of mind and attitudes among our church leaders. We have been carried and cared for as babies for far too long and we can never expect to be regarded as mature Christians, or even part of the church militant, until we assume this vital responsibility. It will mean that we regard evangelism as the first priority in our programs and that the men, time, and money must be made available for the purpose before it is too late.

We have the money, that is certain, but we are spending it on the wrong things. We have the power and the message, and the need is clear. But we are not using our powers; the power of the Holy Spirit, or our time and money for the right things. We preach wonderful sermons about evangelizing and we initiate a ‘missionary offering’ as a sop to our consciences.

We spend huge sums of money on elaborate church buildings with the excuse that we need to provide nice accommodation for the donors and worshippers. But the lost are going to hell!!! Christianity is not expressed in massive stone buildings, expensive organs, lavish stained-glass windows, but in human lives, Nigeria is growing more heathen every year; more are being born than re-born (born again), while whole tribes remain unreached and without the chance of hearing the gospel.

God is moving today in the hearts and lives of many of the young and many are yielding themselves up for the Gospel and we must join them and free ourselves from this charge of murder by neglect. Forgive me if you do not agree with me, but I speak on behalf of the lost. But if you have now caught the burden of the Lord and want to know what you can do to help and have no one to advise you, then write to us at P.O. Box 113, Ilesha, Nigeria. We are going to do something about the lost and we need all the help possible.


“Jesus said unto them, Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That WHOSOEVER shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have WHATSOEVER he saith.  Therefore, I say unto you, what things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them,” Mark 11:22-24

Whosoever; Whatsoever - these are wonderful words, words that work wonders. The words were spoken by Jesus Christ Himself to all those who believe Him and His words.

Jesus had one approached a Fig tree in order to find fruit there but when He did not find fruit. He spoke to the tree and said, “No man eat fruit of thee forever,” and immediately it began to dry up from the roots. The next day, in passing by, Peter called attention to the tree, that it had withered away. This brought forth one of the most remarkable statements Jesus ever made. “Have faith in God”, or have faith of God. Here Jesus Christ offered to them the faith of God. He placed at their command the power of God.  But they rejected the Son of God and turned from this mountain of unlimited possibilities to walk in the valley of defeat and unbelief.

But today, there is a new company of men and women in the world who have believed God and have given themselves voluntarily to Him so that He might transform them and create a new race of Spirit filled men and women who could and would believe.

Do you know why there is a cry in your heart to have living faith? Do you know why there is a longing in your life to reach out for the impossible? It is because of the Christ - life within you.  You were made to have FAITH - miracle working faith.

Every heaven - born child of God is so constituted, that they can believe, and somehow he knows what within his being lies all the potentials of a miracles worker. But many Christians are like a bird in a cage. The bird is none the less a bird because he is in a cage, but he certainly never was created to be a prisoner.

He was made to fly through the air. But what has happened? He tries to fly, the impulse is there, he has the wings, but no sooner he starts then he crashes against the bars of his prison. So it is with many Christians. They are made to believe; and Jesus never told anyone to do a thing before He had provided the means, whereby it could be done and when He said, “Have the faith of God”. He was providing not only the way whereby you could have that Divine faith, but He also put a hunger in your heart so as to urge you to ask, to seek, to knock.

“WHOSOEVER” - it is not necessary to be a priest, or a preacher, or a deacon, or an elder. You don’t have to be a Peter or a Paul, whosoever! You choose yourself, you yourself decide if you will rise and find this faith of God. You can if you will.

“WHATSOEVER” - “what things so ever ye desire”. There are many who will tell you that it would be dangerous to believe this statements for, they declare, “you might ask for something that isn’t good for you.”

The real child of God will respond to the cry and hunger in his heart placed there by God Himself and he will know what things so ever to ask for. It is the will of God to give us the things He desires us to have. Faith is daring; faith is audacious.

“Whatsoever he saith; Say it! Believe that God really means it and you will discover the power of words.


What is the objective in praying for the sick?


During His earthly ministry, Christ was everywhere ‘moved with compassion’ and healed ‘all them that had need of healing.’ His love, His compassion and His mercy continually moved Him to heal ALL who came to Him for healing.  He never refused one.

“His compassions fail not.” “The Lord delighteth in mercy.” “The mercy of the Lord endureth forever.”  “God is love.” His love is unchanged today.


Christ claimed to be the Son of God. John 9:35-37 He called God His Father. When He did this, they said He blasphemed. But the miracles He wrought justified His claims.

“Say ye of Him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the son of God? If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works; that ye may know and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in Him” John 10:36-38

When the heathen sees Christ’s ministry in demonstration today, it proves to them that He is the Son of God and that He is alive. Doctrine won’t prove it. Theory won’t prove it. But miracles prove it today, just as they did then.

The ineffectiveness of modern churches today is the result of their theory, that miracles are no longer necessary. A return to the miraculous will bring a return of the masses to Christ. This is being proved in scores of countries today. People everywhere are believing in Christ, as the Son of God, wherever they see His miraculous works in evidence.


After Christ’s resurrection, the disciplines returned to Jerusalem, went into an upper room, and waited for the promise of Holy Spirit, which Christ promised He would send. Acts 1:8-14

The Holy Spirit came upon them and filled them with His virtue and power Acts 2:1-4 After this, they went everywhere preaching, proclaiming that He had risen from the dead, that He had given them the right to use His name. John 14:13-14

They preached; if Christ is dead, then His name has no power. But if He is risen from the dead, according to the Scriptures, then His name has the power, that He claimed it would have when used in prayer against Satan or demon by believers.

At the gate of the temple, Peter took a man by the hand, who had been a cripple from birth, and raised him to his feet, commanding: “In the Name of Jesus Christ, rise up and walk” Acts 3:6 The man was miraculously healed.

The crowds came together “filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened” vs.10, and Peter said, “Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? Or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk? The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our Fathers, hath glorified His Son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied and killed, whom God hath raised from the dead: whereof we are witnesses. And His name, through faith in His name, hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by Him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you” vs. 12-16

How can we prove that Christ is indeed risen from the dead, according to the Bible, if there are no miracles done in His Name? Our arguments will not prove it to the satisfaction of the heathen.  The theologian cannot prove it. Miracles in His Name alone will prove it.


Jesus said “He that believeth in me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto My Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask (literally “demand” a legal demand) in My Name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son” John14:12-13

Jesus said, just before ascending, “These signs shall follow them that believe, (the believing ones - believers;) In my name, shall they cast out devils. They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover” Mark 16:17-18

How may we identify a true believer? The ministry described by Christ in these two verses shows us the way. Where there are true believers, devils are cast out and the sick are healed in Jesus’ name; the works of Christ are manifest. I am glad I associate with ‘believers.’

Referring again to the miracle for which Peter was arrested, when his accusers ‘saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus” Acts 4:13

The world will know that we follow Christ and that we have truly been with Him, where we act boldly on His Word and minister in the name and power, as Peter and John did.



“And a great multitude followed Him because they saw His miracles which He did on them that were diseased” John 6:2

“……and great multitudes came together to hear, and to be healed by Him of their infirmities” Luke 5:15

Wherever Christ’s healing power has been proclaimed, and He has been allowed to heal the people, multitudes have gathered. We’ve proven that multitudes still follow Christ when they see His miracles on the diseased.

Theologians tell us that the days of miracles are past - that healing for the sick is no longer necessary in the Church. What are the results of this theory?

False cults which have offered healing have flourished everywhere. A healing church has always been, is, and always will be a church which draws the people to hear the Gospel - an evangelizing church.


Referring again to the miracle for which Peter was arrested, and the Early Church severely persecuted, the results were: “many of them which heard the Word believed; and the number of men was about five thousand” (Acts 4:4); Philip went to the wicked and immoral city of Samaria to preach “the things concerning the Kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ” (Acts 8:12); “and the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did.  For unclean spirits, crying with a loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed. And there was great joy in that city” (Acts 8:6-8).

Ministers who are following these examples today are seeing thousands turn to our Lord. Results are the same today as they were then, as we preach the message they preached then.


When Jesus healed the paralytic, and ordered him to take up his bed and walk, “immediately he arose and went forth before them all; in so much that they were amazed, and glorified God, saying, we never saw it on this fashion” Mark. 2:12

After Jesus had healed the blind man, “he received his sight, and followed Him, glorifying God: and all the people when they saw it, gave praise unto God”. Luke 18:43


God is in the ‘deliverance’ business. He has been in it since He personally promised to deliver and restore man after the fall.  He is still in it today, for it is God’s way of saving, changing and restoring man today.

God took upon Himself the full responsibility for man’s sin and fall, and He planned and undertook to deliver man from the fall and all its effects. That plan, called the way of salvation, involved God personally and resulted in the coming and sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ.  Many Christians do not realize or experience the full benefits of this ‘deliverance’ which God has provided for everyone. Many Christians regard the way of salvation merely as an escape ladder from hell and the penalty of sin. But it is more, much more, than that, and not one ye has been fully able to record all the blessings of ‘deliverance’.

The word ‘deliverance’ which is interpreted as “salvation” in the new testament, Rom: 1:16 also means ‘deliverance, safety, preservation, healing and soundness’. When God speaks of salvation, then He means all these features of it can be enjoyed NOW.

One of the simplest and most comprehensive accounts of ‘deliverance’ in the old testament is God’s plan for the deliverance of His own nation - Israel, from Egypt, where they had been slaves for 400 years. God found, and used, one man to be His instrument for the task of delivering Israel. Listen to God’s call to Moses. 

“I have surely seen the affliction of my people and have heard their cry. I know their sorrows and I am come down to deliver them” God said have seen, I have heard and I am going to take action to deal with that through you.” Exod. 3:7-10

God chose a man as His instrument, and His deliverer. God still uses men. We marvel at God’s choice; Moses. Reared and trained in the King’s palace, given the best in cultured education, in readiness for the task God had reserved for Him. We can also marvel at God’s patience. God waited 40 years for Moses to get his experience in Egypt and then another 40 years in the wilderness before God appeared to him and called him.

Even then, God had to convince Moses of His plan and purpose. The man who had murdered a man in Egypt in defense of his own people, and was then eager to deliver them, was now refusing God’s call to do that very same task. Maybe Moses had lost every bit of faith in the vision for his people and in himself and God had to start to rebuild that faith.

It takes faith in the call of God to be deliverer. It takes faith in the Power of God to step out and face the enemy and deliver men and women even today but it is God who wills and works in those whom He calls. Phil. 1:6

We must also have the same vision as the Lord Jesus. He knew that the task His Father had given Him would be accomplished and that He would succeed, likewise with us. We know that the Gospel can and does deliver men and women from all kinds of bondage and evil and that the time is very near when the Lord Jesus Himself will return to take over His kingdom of ‘delivered’ men and women to rule as He promised.

So God had to teach faith to Moses again.  He had to prove to Moses that he (Moses) held God’s super - natural power in his hand which God wanted to use to prove His purposes. “What is in thine hand?” Exod. 4:2 Then, in obedience to God’s command, the rod became a live snake (the emblem of evil) and Moses had to act in faith to deal with it.

God was teaching Moses that he had the power and ability to deal with the powers of evil. Moses needed that faith and assurance when facing King Pharaoh to demand the release of his people. We today, also need to realize that God has committed to us believers, the ministry of deliverance and reconciliation, and that we have the power of God to deal with all the powers of sickness, sin and Satan because the Lord Jesus secured it for us. If we, like Moses, excuse ourselves on the ground of inexperience or inability, we are denying God’s call and choice and He never makes a mistake in His choice of deliverers.

God has restricted Himself to using men and women today, and that means ordinary believers, ‘these signs shall follow them that believe’. Mark 16:17

“As the Father hath sent me, so send I you” John 20:21 When you have been saved, changed and filled with the Holy Spirit then you too have all the potentials of being a deliverer and performing the same kind of healings and miracles which the Lord Jesus Himself did. He said so. John 14:12 You are indwelt by God and can face the powers of evil and deliver the slaves of today.

Yet God also had to make sure that Moses realized the source of his power, hence the second miracle of the leprous hand. Moses had to learn (like Paul in Romans 7:18) that in him dwelt no good thing. It saved Moses from becoming proud and assuming he could do without God.

There are many Christian workers today who have heard the call of God and who have acted in faith and realized the truth of the power for deliverance today, and have enthusiastically stepped out in answer to that call, and have proved that God will indeed stand by His word to perform it; and wonderful results have followed.  But they have also become proud and useless now to God and they know not that the power of God has left them and they try to continue with the form of the Gospel. The pitiful Samsons of this age.

Even Moses himself fell into this same sin of pride in his own ability to produce miracles and suffered for it.  He spoke in anger to the rock and the rebellious Children of Israel “Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock?” Numbers 20:10-13

We must never forget that it is only as God works in us that we can do His works. Yet, God had faith in Moses and had great patience with him and eventually Moses learned his lesson and submitted to God and went back to Egypt.

He strode back to Egypt, unafraid of the charge of murder which they still had against him, and gathered the slaves and told them of the deliverance God planned for them. It was good news (Gospel) and it sounded all right to them, but they feared the consequences if they rebelled against the masters - and so they demanded proof of the call. They wanted to see signs, and it was not until Moses did the signs in the sight of the people that the people believed in his message.

So it is today. The heathen, the Muslims and the other faiths, all agree that the Gospel is wonderful message, but they want to see the proof of what God can do for them NOW. That is why the Lord stated, ‘these signs shall follow them that believe’, they are essential for the unbelieving world so that they may have no excuse in accepting the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Then Moses went back to the King, and here we see the actions and faith of a man who knew what God was going to do. He did not beg Pharaoh, he did not make any petitions, he demanded that Pharaoh let his people go. Exod. 5:1 He was a man speaking with authority; the authority of God. He demanded obedience to God, he insisted that he was God’s servant and that he would deal with Pharaoh. The result was a battle between Pharaoh and the servant of God, Moses.


During the past few years in Christian work, a large number of men have felt they were called by God to step outside the government and leadership of their denominations and to set up independent assemblies and groups of their own. In some cases, there is no doubt that this was a sincere move and forced upon them by circumstances which they could not avoid.

But in too many cases men have started small independent works of their own, in order to become leaders and independent of any authority or discipline; and to become the center of their own work and group. These works have become places where the ‘personality cult’ has made the leader or prophet the center of the worship and service, and the whole program and church exists for his benefit.

We feel this is not the will of God and not in accordance with the plan of God for His work. It is true that God never planned that any one man should be the master of another in His church. We only have one head, one master; the Lord Jesus.

But it is also true that the Lord Jesus does not make every man a master independent of others; He believed in co-operation, in body functioning. I. Cor. 12:14-27 So that there would be unity and discipline and co-operation in His Church. We need each other, God does not desire schism in the body; His church.

There is also a wonderful illustration given by the Lord Himself on partnership. It is found in Luke 5:10 “And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon Him to hear the Word of God, He stood by the lake of Gennesaret, and saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were washing their nets”.

“And He entered into one of the ships, which was Simon’s and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land.  And He sat down, and taught the people out of the ship.

Now when He had left speaking, He said unto Simon, launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. And Simon answering said unto Him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless, at Thy Word I will let down the net. And when they had this done, they in closed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake.

And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink” Peter was astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken: And so was also James, and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon.  And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men” Luke 5:1-10

Here is a significant example of the ‘partnership’ necessary in the work of God. The Lord taught that it will take partnership if we are to catch the multitudes of the souls of men, seeking Him in Nigeria today.

Jesus had already called these men earlier to follow Him and to become fishers of men Mark 1:17 But now, the Master wanted to give them a lesson in ‘Co-operation’, or ‘Partnership’ in catching men. Thus He used a fisherman’s object lesson to teach those men how to win souls; multitudes of them.

He told them to do, what He is trying to get us to do today, “launch out, let down your nets for a drought”. When they activated their faith and obeyed Him, “they enclosed a multitude of fishes”. Obedience to His Word always brings results and conversions.

But then they needed some help, and they “beckoned unto their partners to help them”. Let their partners in the ‘other ship’ represent ‘our fellow Christian partners in the churches’, then you will see why this lesson has important application for us in Nigeria today.

The Lord Jesus is moving again in Nigeria by His Spirit, and many hungry, needy men and women are seeking the Lord for their needs. He is meeting them in those needs, and multitudes are finding Christ and salvation, and healing and blessing. But this ‘move of God’ is not meant for any one church or group or denomination. It is designed for the whole church in Nigeria today for all who will join hands in ‘partnership’ to gather in the catch.

Only God can save men and women but He Himself seeks our help and co-operation and partnership in teaching them and them and helping them to grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus, and to make them into ‘fishers of men’ also.

The first objective must be to recognize that it is the Lord Himself who is producing the miracles; moving by His Spirit. It cannot be done by men, however clever or experienced. It is the miracle of God by His Spirit.

Then God’s objective is to save, to heal, and deliver men and women from sin, sickness and Satan, and He is not so much concerned as we are in ‘church members’ or ‘proselytizing’. Then it is necessary that the ‘catch’ is brought home safely, and used properly for God’s glory. We are to so arrange our church programs and services in order to help these new converts, and train them to become Christians and soul-winners; and not merely regard them as potential ‘money givers’ or added numbers to our membership roll.

Let us examine ourselves as servants of God (fishers of men) and make sure we are not hindering the ‘move of God’, by insisting upon our own special doctrines or separate existence, and thus miss the multitude of fishers in the coming revival.



“Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near, let them come up.” Joel 3:19-14. “War a good warfare” 1 Tim. 1:18. “A good soldier of Jesus Christ.” 2 Tim. 2:3

We are on active service and our life business is WAR. We are in a spiritual warfare and Satan, the Enemy, and his evil spirits are seeking to destroy our faith and prevent his slaves and captives being free. But the Lord Jesus has already conquered him and we are likewise expected to take that authority over him and to release his captives.

This task is committed to every Christians, no matter what denomination they belong to, and the Lord has promised to go with us and work with us. Matt. 28:20


We cannot be dependent in this battle; our strength lies in our unity. We need the encouragement, prayers and strengthening of all fighters to stand with us.

We call upon ALL Christians, especially the young, no matter what their church may be, to join hands against the common enemy.

There will be no armistice and no peace treaty in this life. We, at Herald of the Last days, are an Enrollment Centre. We are enlisting soldiers and warriors for the Lord from every State in Nigeria.

We are committed to training them. We have our Bible Schools and Bible studies (see special panel re-books on this page). WE ARE TO PREPARE FOR WAR 2 Tim. 2:15

We are fighting a very cunning and experienced Enemy, and we need to be well trained and experienced too. There must be undivided interests. 2 Tim. 2 No entanglements, no divided loyalties. Jesus Christ demands 100%. We want no half-hearted fighters.


  1. We all MUST be filled with the Holy Spirit Zech. 4:6 Do not attempt to fight in your own strength, Satan will easily defeat you. Only the power of the Holy Spirit can master him.
  2. Prayer. Daily instructed and definite prayer. We need no aimless fighting.
  3. Bible Study. The word of God was the weapon of Jesus Himself. We need to know it thoroughly.
  4. Daily witnessing. We are to take the fight to the enemy and attack. Not merely defend.
  5.  We are to seek our unreached areas and have a plan of battle to win them for Christ.


  1. Gather your friends for prayer groups, and send us details so that we can help you too.
  2. From study groups for Bible study. We can supply text books.
  3. Prepare a definite plan of the needs of your district and have a definite plan and carry it out for God.