• Giants or Grasshoppers?
  • Power for today
  • Every Believer a Minister
  • Bondage of cults and the Occult
  • Soul winners unlimited Nigeria (S.U.N.)


“We saw the giants and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers and so we were in their sight”. (Numbers 13:33)

That was the report of ten of the spies sent by the Children of Israel to spy out the land God had given them. The unbelief of the people forced God to allow them to look ahead and see what they had to face as they entered the Promised land. The whole party of spies brought back wonderful reports of the fruits and produce of the land. It was as God had promised, but the giants were there too.

This destroyed the faith of the whole children of Israel and they wept and wished they had never left Egypt. They measured themselves by the giants and felt like grasshoppers both in their own sight and also in sight of the giants.

The Bible says, “As he thinketh in his heart, so is he". (Prov. 23:7)

If we say are grasshoppers, then we must not be surprised if others think we are grasshoppers too. What was it that destroyed the faith of the people? FEAR.


"Fear hath torment". (I John 4:18)

Fear destroys faith, turns giants into grasshoppers. Time and time again the Lord Jesus encouraged His disciples with the words “Fear not". Only faith and men with faith can do anything to please God. "Without faith it is impossible to please God" (Heb.11:6). It is the work of Satan to produce and use fear. Many Christians today are full of fear and thus they become useless in God’s service.

Because of the unnecessary fear which controlled the thoughts and minds of the whole children of Israel, they never entered the Promised land, but wandered in the wilderness for 40 useless and wasted years. Years when they could have been inside their own land enjoying the promises of the God. But fear destroyed them, and God was silent.

God never intended that man should be controlled by fear. It was only when Adam sinned that he knew fear. "I heard thy voice and I was afraid" (Gen.3:10). Sin made Adam afraid, and every sinner today fears God; fears to meet Him. God's early message when His son came into the world was: “Fear not”. (Luke 2:10)

Even when the early deliverer was called by God to deliver Israel out of Egypt, Moses pleaded his inability; he was afraid (Exod. 4:13). 

When the shepherd, David, visited his brothers in the army when they were facing the Philistine Goliath, he looked not at the size of the challenger, not at the size of the armies. But he recognized that the honor of God was being challenged and he had the simple faith that God would stand by him in any attempt to remove the challenge. He feared not and with simple faith and weapons he succeeded.

The mighty prophet Elijah had to learn to trust God and not be afraid of what he saw or what presented itself to him as a threat. He was eventually able to challenge the whole forces of evil and demonstrate the existence and power of God when Elijah asked for fire to consume the water and sacrifice.

Yet even Elijah surrendered and became afraid when a woman threatened his life, and he ran away. God had to relieve him of his job; fear had controlled him.

Surely there is also a secret hidden in the words of Job when he said, "The thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me" (Job. 3:25). It is possible that Satan was only able to attack Job because Job allowed him to enter through fear.

John the Baptist feared not when he directed men and women to the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus, but when imprisoned he began to allow fears to dominate his thinking and thus he lost his faith in the Lord Jesus.

The servant who had one talent given to him to use by his master lost it all when he buried it, "I was afraid and went and hid thy talent in the earth" (Matt. 25:25).

Fear is one of the greatest tools of the enemy. It is the opposite of faith and trust. Fear pushes us into a negative condition and in time will create circumstances by which the enemy can attack us. Fear opens the door to every kind of danger. This is a law in the spiritual world.


There, are various types of fear besetting Christians in Nigeria today.


When a Christian lives in fear of being attacked by sickness, then that very fear opens the door to Satan to take them captive and put sickness upon them. Every Christian must realize that it is NOT the will of God to put sickness upon them and when they are, then they should seek the cause and repent or remedy it.

No Christian needs to fear death today, the Lord Jesus has conquered death and destroyed its power. He now holds the keys of death and when we are called upon to leave this world then we merely pass into His presence. Read I Cor. 15. 

"I am the Lord that healeth thee". (Exod. 15:26)


Many Christians live in constant dread of becoming failures in either life or studies or work. It is NOT the will of God for anyone of His children to become a failure and if we live for Christ and dedicate our lives to Him, then we can safely trust Him to look after us and ensure our success in whatever work or studies He opens up for us.

When Peter stepped out of the boat on to the water, he was exercising the normal power of faith, but it was when he let his senses govern him as he looked down at the water, that he lost his faith and his fear took over.

"I can do ALL THINGS through Christ which strengthened me". (Phil. 4:13)


Fear of man. Fear which keeps Christians silent when they ought to be witnessing of Christ. Satan laughs at this and encourages us to keep silent, thus depriving us of a means of growth and blessing. This fear is a shadow and there is no need to be afraid of ANY MAN. Listen to the words of the Lord Jesus, "Fear Not", "Be not afraid."


There are not many Nigerians who can honestly declare they are not afraid of juju or witchcraft. But as Christians, there is no need whatever to be afraid of either, or of any medicine or charm which others try to use against us. As long as we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us then we are living inside a wall of fire which God uses to protect us.

Let the word of God dwell in your hearts and this will strengthen you against the fear of juju or witchcraft or evil spirits. You will then find that His love will drive out fear. Let faith dwell in your hearts and stand against all forms of juju or witchcraft in your life or home. Make sure that all charms have been destroyed, burned and do not be afraid to give your testimony against Satan on this point.


Be assured that evil spirits cannot take control of a spirit filled child of God. Satan may seek to attack your mind and try to make you, fear the power of evil spirits. But remember that Satan and his kingdom has been defeated by Jesus Christ FOR US, and it is only when we fear Satan and fear evil spirits that he has any chance to trouble us. Take your stand against him daily.


God tells us, "I will go with you till the end" "My God shall supply ALL your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus" (Phil. 4:19).

"Beloved, I wish above all things, that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth". (III John 2)

Finally, let the word of God dwell in your hearts and lives and daily state by word your faith in the Lord Jesus.

Remember Satan is not afraid of the thoughts in your hearts, but he is afraid when you voice out your faith in words.


Believe God's word and then say so. The spies saw the giants, they feared and they expressed their fears publically and thus became grasshoppers.

"As a man thinketh in heart, so is he." What are YOU? A Giant or Grasshopper?

God wants you to be a giant and you can be a giant if you believe God and God's word and power and SAY so daily.


The words that I speak, are more than can be conveyed by natural speech. They are Spirit, they are Life, they are Light. They are not a revelation to the natural but

the spirit.

I am desirous that I might find good ground that has felt the flow of My Spirit, that has known the upheaval of My Spirit, breaking, destroying, pulling down and uprooting everything that is of the earth.

As you find within your hearts that conviction that you have heard the word of God, and known the Word of God, and you are ready to obey that word, then I declare that by Divine intervention I will provide for you and preserve you, as you launch out into the deep. There are depths you have not yet found, nor explored, but I am ready to bring you to that place where you will find My peace and rest.

Let not fear rule in your heart. Trust My word and you will find that fear will depart. Let the Word find a strong resting place in your hearts and lives and let there be a going forward into the fullness of eternal purposes in these days.

MY WORD shall never fail, it is Victory.




Studies in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

John the Baptist baptized in water, but the Lord Jesus promised His disciples He

would baptize them with a still more powerful person.

" I indeed baptize you with water, He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit". (Luke 3:16)

The subject of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is causing much study and reasoning all over Nigeria at this time because the Holy Spirit Himself is moving again in revival and many young people are being filled with the Holy Spirit in a special way.

This is a most important study and every reader should read and study every Bible quotation and ask the Holy Spirit to explain them. It is important that every new convert should receive the fullest possible instruction on the Baptism and work of the Holy Spirit.

Three examples of the special power of God in the O.T. for special needs.

  1. The giving of the Spirit to the 70 elders (Numbers 11:17).  As the Lord took of the Holy Spirit which was with Moses and gave it to these helpers. This was needed for leader ship in Israel. Notice that these Elders received the Spirit and prophesied.
  2. The double portion of the Spirit for Elisha (II Kings 2:9-10).  This   proves   that it is possible to receive a double portion of God’s Spirit and in these days of Satan’s revival then we all need to ask for this. But Elisha did not get it by   merely asking, he had to desire it more than anything else in the world, and fulfil   the conditions.
  3. Dedication of Solomon's temple. When the glory of God filled the whole temple. Compare this with Day of Pentecost.  It was a fully prepared temple (II Chron. 5:1, Acts 1:4). The priests were clad in white linen (righteousness).   There were 120 priests, vs. 12.  See also Acts 2:1, and they were completely ONE.

They worshipped the Lord, Vs. 13-14, Acts 2:4.


There are a number of Christians who believe that they have received all the fullness of the Spirit when they were converted. The Bible reveals that in most cases the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is an experience which FOLLOWS conversion.

1. The Lord Jesus taught His people should ASK for the Spirit

"If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children; how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him". (Luke 11:13)

It is clear that every Christian must receive a measure of the Holy Spirit at conversion but the Lord speaks of a definite ASKING which must be something AFTER conversion.

2. The Lord, in His ‘farewell address’ told His disciples to “WAIT” for the promise of the Father (Acts 1:4-5).

The Apostles were certainly saved before Pentecost (Luke 10:20). But the Lord spoke of a further experience (Luke 14:49).

3. After Pentecost, believers experienced the Baptism of the Holy Spirit after, and apart from, conversion

In Acts 8:5-17, Philip preached the Gospel and many were saved and many miracles took place. There was great joy in the city and many believed and were baptized in water. But the Christians HAD NOT YET RECEIVED THE HOLY SPIRIT. Then Peter and John were sent to pray and lay hands on them that they might receive the Holy Spirit. They did so and they received the Holy Spirit. Conversion came first and then was followed by water baptism and then Holy Spirit baptism.


It is clear that Paul was converted on the Damascus Road, but the Lord sent Ananias for the special task of praying for him and laying his hands on him so that he would receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.

Paul stated that God's great purpose was that he (Paul) should be "for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on Him" (I Tim. 1:16).

5. Paul also taught that the receiving of the Holy Spirit follows believing in Jesus Christ as Savior (Acts 19:1-7).

When Paul came to Ephesus, he met certain disciples but he noticed something which made him ask the question, "Have you received the Holy Spirit since ye believed"? He knew that they lacked something and that this was the Holy Spirit. He therefore must have understood that the Holy Spirit was not received at conversion, even though it was discovered that the disciples had not actually been converted to the Lord Jesus. When asked they replied, "We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Spirit", vs. 2. When they had accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and had been baptized in water, then Paul laid hands upon them and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues and prophesied, vs. 6.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is such an amazing experience with such tremendous results and purpose that it is obviously a separate and definite experience.


1     The Lord Jesus needed it

"The heavens were opened and the Spirit of God descended upon Him". (Matt. 3:16)

He needed the Holy Spirit's fullness to do the work of God.

2.   The 12 Apostles received Him

The women received the Holy Spirit, Including Mary, the Mother of Jesus (Acts 1:14). 

Everyone in the Upper Room, (120) received the Holy Spirit. Everyone who heard Peter preach His sermon was given a promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:37-39).

3. The Holy Spirit needed for power to witness

"Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you; and ye shall be witnesses". (Acts. 1:8)

We cannot witness fully without the Holy Spirit fullness. The power of the Holy Spirit in all His fullness is necessary if we are to meet the demands and needs of this generation of drugs, alcohol, sex and sickness and evil spirits. Only the Holy Spirit in all His fullness can challenge the growing kingdom of Satan and evil, as the Holy Spirit will move and bring in the last revival of the Church.

In these days when the Holy Spirit needs men to be His channels for revival in Nigeria, He can only use those who are filled with Himself to deal with the powers and kingdom of evil.

4. The Holy Spirit's fullness gives Power to overcome the World, the flesh and the Devil (Romans 8:1,2,13).

Without the fullness of the Spirit, our attempts to live a holy life are futile. We cannot live an overcoming life in our own strength. But with the Holy Spirit living in us then He will lead us into victory which the Lord Jesus bought for us.

5. The Holy Spirit will quicken our mortal bodies

"But if the Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you". (Romans 8:11)

We know that Divine healing is accomplished by the power of the Spirit. The Spirit is also our daily health. The Spirit works healing and health in those whom He indwells as they claim these purchased   blessings by faith daily (III John 2).

6. The Holy Spirit helps us to pray supernaturally (Rom. 8:26).

"We know not what we should pray for as we ought; but the Spirit Himself maketh intercession for us". See also I Cor. 14:14-15.

When the full baptism comes, and we yield to Him, we find that the Holy Spirit will intercede and help us in prayer and give us answers to many problems, because He dwells within. 

7. The Holy Spirit wants to give each of us gifts and use us for the work of God

The Holy Spirit needs men who are filled with Himself to demonstrate the power of God for today. The unbelieving world needs a demonstration of the miraculous and God can only use Spirit filled men and women to do this.


The Holy Spirit is a GIFT. If we earned it and deserved it, it would not be a gift (Acts 2:38-39).

The baptism of the Spirit is ministered as a gift, by faith, and not when a believer believes he has become holy enough, nor reached a certain spiritual attainment. The average Christian who has tried to receive the baptism and has failed, has built up unbelief and needs to study carefully the Bible promises. Some Christians seek to merit the baptism in the same way many try to merit salvation. Both are a gift and cannot be secured by merit or endeavor. Failure to understand the basis upon which the baptism is given has caused many to become discouraged and even to forget about this blessing.

Others just rush in and push forward to receive. Many unstable and erratic type of Christians often receive before the solid Christians. These 'superficial' Christians often speak in tongues and some many conclude that he is specially holy. God gave the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost and His part in this matter is finished. The Holy Spirit is now in the world and is ready to fill any life that will ask and receive Him.


Those who desire the baptism of the Spirit should fully repent of their sins.

 "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit". (Acts 2:38)

We believe and teach that any Christian who sincerely desires the baptism and is ready to give himself 100% to God, then he can receive at once without a period of waiting. Only the early disciples were told to "tarry' because the Day of Pentecost had not fully come. The Holy Spirit is here now and waiting to fill you NOW.


  1. Remember the power of God is only for those who know the Lord Jesus as Savior,
  2. and who earnestly desire the best from God.
  3. Make up your mind that God desires you to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It is a
  4. complete   GIFT to all who ask  HIM.  It is God's promise and provision.
  5. Surrender yourself, completely and absolutely, to God. Do not fear you will receive
  6. an evil spirit. Read Luke 11:11-13.
  7. Open your heart and life to God, believe and accept His fullness. There is no
  8. need to struggle or argue. Faith hears, accepts and gives thanks.
  9. When you have CLAIMED God's promised Gift, then thank HIM.
  10. Allow God to use your vocal organs. Do not persist in speaking your own language, surrender them to God. No man can speak two languages at the same time. Yield
  11. your tongue continually to God.



"I was made a minister...of the gospel”. (Eph. 3:7)

God made man with the ability to approach Him in worship. Mankind everywhere today desires to worship His Creator. When God had gathered His nation Israel, He gave careful and detailed instructions how this could be done. He selected a special tribe (Levi) to function as the priests and then made sure that man could only draw near through a system of sacrifices, ceremonies, laws and ministry. Sin separated God and man and the basis of the O. T. worship was in the shedding of blood. God was hidden from man by a veil and could only be approached by a system of sacrifices.

Note carefully. God designed the Tabernacle and Temple services of sacrifice and worship. God designed the garments and chose the priests. All, God chosen and designed.

JESUS CHRIST CAME AS THE LAMB to meet all those types. He came as the priest, the sacrifice, the altar. It is a wonderful study to trace how the Lord Jesus fulfilled all these functions in His earthy life.

When He died as the perfect Lamb who took away the sin of the whole world, the Bible tells us that the Temple veil (which separated God and man) was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.

The way was now open for man to enter into God's presence and God Himself could move out towards mankind, seeking them and drawing them into union with Himself.

God had no further need of His former Temple. It would be left desolate and in ruins (Matt. 23:38, 24:1-2). God now took up His abode in the bodies of His redeemed saints (I Cor. 6:19).

When the Lord Jesus started His ministry He called and chose a new group of disciples, not the educated and trained or the Temple priests or the established ministers. They had failed, and the Lord chose a new set to begin a new style of ministry. He trained them Himself to move out against Satan and the kingdom of darkness and to liberate mankind everywhere.

He sent them out to preach a new message that God had drawn near to deliver them from sin, sickness and Satan. It was this sudden change which astonished the Scribes and Pharisees. The Lord rebuked them and used His chosen twelve to demonstrate the new Gospel, the New Power of God to meet the needs of men.

The Lord Jesus taught His disciples, not by text book or educational principles or even in a Bible School, but by example and practice. He showed how they could overcome sin, sickness and Satan and then sent them out to do it. It worked too (Luke 10:17).

An entirely new system of worship and service was introduced. God moved OUT to meet man, no new church buildings were erected, and nearly all the ministering was done OUTSIDE THE TEMPLE. When the Lord of the temple Himself healed a woman with a spirit of infirmity in the temple, the temple leaders were angry (Luke 13:10-17). The existing system had failed to deliver mankind and God set it aside and chose an entirely NEW ORDER and a new set of ministers.


The new 'priests' (Apostles) were filled with God the Holy Spirit for their new work and, in obedience to their Risen Lord, they went out into the world to preach the Gospel, liberate captives and attack the kingdom of Satan. They had some wonderful results too. Thousands were converted. The crowds rushed to be saved and healed as they saw the miracles of these 'new workers'. This again angered the established church leaders and some of the Apostles were imprisoned. They were fighting against God and God moved to release His servants (Acts 5:38-39).

Slowly a new set of Church leaders emerged. Apostles were chosen and confirmed and accepted; prophets (male and female) began to lead and guide the work; evangelists, fired with the desperate need to take the gospel everywhere, moved from place to place (Acts 8:26).


"He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelist, and some, pastors and teachers. For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of stature of the fullness of Christ". (Eph. 4:11-13)

That is God's new order and each of them is a DEFINITE MINISTRY. They are not merely titles to be earned or awarded to men after training. THEY ARE MINISTRIES, and any Christian can exercise any of these ministries. It is sad that man has again changed the order of God and corrupted His order by ordaining men with Titles without the corresponding ministry. They are man-called and man-made, and they are unable to deliver the goods in this age of spiritual conflict and challenge. But there are many Christians today who are being developed in the exercise of ministries for the growing conflict. "A man's gift maketh room for him" (Prov. 18:16).

We give an indication of God's design for these ministries so that every Christian may submit himself for the Holy Spirit to use and develop for the work of the Kingdom.


God Himself gave these basic, ascension gift ministries to the new Church so that she could grow, develop, and be perfected and edified, and represent her Lord in the world and against Satan.


An ambassador of Christ whose primary mission is to establish Christians and 'called out groups' (Churches) and should prove he has the gifts of wisdom and knowledge of the ways of God and be able to guide the Lord's people in this evil world.


A Prophet is one speaks for God, bringing revelation and direction from the Head of the Church to guide His people in many ways (Acts 11:28). The Lord also speaks through His prophetical channels today unto edification, exhortation and comfort (I Cor. 14:3).

This gift should not be used for personal gratification and selfish ends. It is a ministry to the church.


This is an extremely important ministry for Nigeria today, because its main purpose is to proclaim the good news to all men, especially where they have never heard. Paul's letters to Timothy and Titus are the text books for all evangelists.

An evangelist must be filled with the Holy Spirit daily if his ministry is to be fruitful and be able to deliver those who are bound in sin, sickness and with demon power. He must know how to deliver such and to constantly challenge and attack the enemy. Every Spirit filled Christian can exercise the ministry of an Evangelist, especially in Northern Nigeria.


This ministry gift is for the care and spiritual oversight of a local congregation; ruling, feeding and teaching. This ministry needs much patience and faith and much wisdom so that Christians may be developed into fighters (Acts 20:28, I Peter 5:1-4).


This ministry is for the exposition and establishing of the true doctrines of the Word so that His people can be strengthened and established. While we should not despise educational degrees yet this ministry is the result of Holy Spirit's training and gift.


Apart from the ministry of women who are used as Deaconesses like Phebe there are many ministries for women (Rom. 16:1). As far as ministry is concerned to the church there is no difference between male and female except that women are not advised to assume the leadership or govern or to attempt vain questioning in the church services (Gal. 3:28).

But they can sing, prophesy (Acts 21:8-9), pray (I Cor. 11:5), preach (Acts 9:36-42) and even teach (Acts 18:26). They are among those whom the Lord is baptizing with His Spirit (Joel 2:28-29, Acts 2:17) and therefore the Holy Spirit can use every woman whom He fills. The very fact that He baptizes them implies that He can and does also bestow Gifts, any or all of the nine gifts stated in I Cor. 12. It is also clear that God is using many women today in ministering to the needy and this may be because men are failing God. God has used women in many ways and will continue to do so.


God is restoring the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in these crisis days and this means that the end of age conflict is beginning. God is also calling men and women of all ages, in many different churches; filling them with His Spirit and then inspiring them to spread the gospel as happened after Pentecost. Many young people are catching the vision of the lost and are ready to surrender themselves and their future for the work. This is sign of the work of God in individual lives, and although there will be some who will step out without being called or equipped, yet they will soon realize that they are unable to meet the demands of the ministry and will fall by the wayside.

To those whom the Lord is speaking, we would advise that they do not leave their work or studies until they are absolutely sure it is the Will of God. God usually wants them to stay where they are and accept their situation and conditions as the new style of Bible School training for a larger scope in ministry.

Every convert should accept it as a personal duty and responsibility to witness (not necessary preach) to his own family, group and companions at home and work, and then in the church.

The Satan inspired revival in the evil spirit world will produce conditions which will test and train every Christian and we must be prepared to challenge Satan and all his evil spirits in the lives of those who seek deliverance.

It is an absolute necessity for every 'minister' to have a ministry of deliverance. This means the power and ability to lead men and women into salvation...deliver from sin, sickness, and demon powers.

The real battle of the age is upon us and God is seeking men and women who will be prepared to surrender themselves for this ministry.


It must be understood that spiritual gifts and ministry cannot be learned from mere educational or training school learning. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are given by God to equip His servants and they cannot be obtained by learning. We are not opposed to higher learning but this is NOT essential. We are NOT opposed to overseas or long Bible School training, but these are NOT essential.

Dedication, surrender being filled with the Holy Spirit are the basic essentials and when one listens to the Holy Spirit and studies His Word and daily seeks to obey Him in all ways, they will soon find He is using them in the ministry for this day.

We can also promise much persecution and opposition and misunderstandings, but, if taken properly, these will be used by God to test and train His ministers.

May the Lord make you an “ABLE MINISTER” (II Cor. 3:6).


The Bible warns that there will be a big increase in the growth and number of cults and a greater interest in the occult in the last days of this age.

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils". (I Tim. 4:1)

Anyone who has ever practiced or taken part in any form of occultism (whether done innocently or not) has opened the door to oppression by the powers of darkness and evil spirits. There are even churches in Nigeria today which practice a form of occultism without really knowing they do it. The congregations are governed by prophets who are in turn controlled by evil spirits.

All forms of fortune telling, Spiritism, magic practices and continual personal guidance through prophets are forbidden by God.

"...thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found with thee any one...that useth divination (fortune telling), or an observer of times (soothsayer), or an enchanter (magician), or a witch, or a charmer, (hypnotist), or a consulter with familiar spirits (a spiritist medium or 'guide'), or a wizard, or a necromancer (one who consults with the dead). For all these things are an ABOMINATION unto the Lord".  (Deut. 18:9-12)

The following are a few evidences of occult and evil power oppression and bondage, although some of the symptoms may also stem from other physical sources. But when such symptoms fail to respond to proper treatment, then the cause must be sought elsewhere.

  • Prolonged depression and gloominess; 
  • Unpredictable behavior; 
  • Delusions; 
  • Uncontrollable passions and appetites, sexual perversions; 
  • Enslavement to drugs, alcohol or tobacco; 
  • Uncontrollable temper and hatred of others;
  • Chronic doubts, fears and constant anxieties; 
  • Compulsions and obsessions (lying, stealing, gambling, thoughts of self-destruction);
  • Psychic experiences; 
  • Possession of psychic powers; (none of which should be confused with the genuine gifts of the Holy Spirit) 
  • Psychic oppression (seeing apparitions, hearing voices);
  • Indifference to spiritual things;
  • Hatred of Christians or the preaching of the Cross; 
  • Shunning the company of others; 
  • Abnormally bright or glazed eyes, sullen, perverse or defiant facial expressions.

There are some new ‘imported’ cults also which are making big claims to be able to enable their members to attain self-realization and self-mastery. These are mainly demon-inspired and are designed to attract the educated who are searching for the supernatural. Satan is also encouraging many 'so called' prophets to draw men and women with promises of 'foretelling' events and give personal direct guidance apart from the Holy Spirit. But these claims attract those who desire the supernatural at any cost. 

It is true that God does and will give definite clear guidance to those who seek Him but it will be for the glory of God Himself and not merely for the benefit of the human.

The Lord's people must be on their guard against the rapid increase in such cults and operations. Once Satan obtains a hold on anyone through these 'directions', He will not willingly release any of his victims.

Once a beginner starts to receive ‘messages’, he will discover that a particular spirit, usually one who claims to come from another country and lived ages ago, will ‘assign’ himself to him.

This spirit is called a ‘guide’ or a ‘control’ and he acts as master of ceremonies, directing the communications of other spirits. This ‘spirit guide’ gradually increases his control over his victim until they find themselves being controlled in everything by this ‘spirit control’.

It is possible for this ‘spirit control’ to reveal hidden secrets and truths and thus convinces his victim of the supernatural powers he possesses.

The experience of receiving a ‘guide control’ is thought by some Christians to be the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is a tragic mistake.

But every Christian must also recognize that they can deal with every form of demon power. Every Spirit filled Christian has the indwelling power to challenge Satan and to deliver all who have been brought into bondage. It is possible for even some converted Christians who have been involved in the occults and demon inspired, to still be troubled and under some kind of oppression from these evil powers. For them there must be a definite action against these oppressions.

  1. There must be a confession of faith in the Lord Jesus. This must be made publically and as often as the victim recognizes the oppression. Claiming the power of the blood against all such powers will produce release and peace.
  2. There must be a full confession of all occult connections and cult membership and uniforms and books and treaties. All such connections must be confessed as disobedience to God, repudiated and   publically refused in all future movements.

The deeper the involvement in the occult and cults, the deeper should be the confession and repudiation publically.

There will be a battle from the forces of evil against such victims but this should be explained to them first and then they will be ready for it and it will then merely strengthen them.

  1. If the oppression persists, then help should be sought from other Spirit filled deliverers   who   should take authority over the demon powers oppressing the victim. This operation may be necessary more than once as God and Satan battle for the control of the victim.


On no account should the one delivered return to the use of the occult as this will renew the control of Satan.


Nigerians welcome new wonderful opportunity to serve the Lord and join in partnership with God in sending the Gospel all over Nigeria.

Revival is spreading and the Holy Spirit is working and moving in wonderful revival in many places. We are receiving many appeals from several places, where hungry seekers are being stirred and convicted by the Holy Spirit.

“How shall they hear without a preacher”. (Rom. 10:14)

We are also receiving many offers from dedicated Nigerian Christians who are eager to take the Gospel to their own people and meet the demands of the hungry.

We are training them, teaching them how to face the enemy and overcome him and to establish new groups of Christians, who will then be trained in this last day’s message of revival’ to become soul winners.

We are expecting the Lord to lay a heavy burden on the hearts of many Nigerian Christians, who have the means to support these volunteers.

We are asking the Lord to challenge every born again child of God and make everyone realize their personal responsibility to share the blessings they have received, and to take action while there is time to take or send the gospel to those seeking Jesus Christ.

God has done His part, He sent the Lord Jesus Christ to die for every man. God has sent His Holy Spirit so that every child of God can be filled with power to do the work God has called us to do.

We are doing our part, calling men and women to move into the revival and to bear the responsibility God is putting upon us. We are sending literature to anyone who needs it. We are training the volunteers.

NOW God is waiting for YOU to do your part. YOU MUST DO SOMETHING.

You can go yourself and experience a mighty revival in your own life and be the means of salvation and blessing to thousands


You can send a substitute or representative into a place of your own choice, and support him monthly as your own Evangelist who will report progress to you monthly.

The greatest sin NOW is for you to do nothing.