• The Power of the Age to Come
  • Faith and Prayer in Soul-winning
  • Teach us to Pray
  • Chosen Vessels of Honour
  • Unmasking the Liar


The Lord's prayer says “Thine IS the kingdom.” It does not say, “Thine WILL BE the kingdom” (Matt. 6:13) It clearly states "Thine is the kingdom".

The Lord Jesus came to re-establish the Kingdom of God which man had lost and forfeited and which Satan had taken. He spoke of His Kingdom, showed its power. He healed the sick and cast out the demons. The disciples knew He had come to establish that Kingdom, but they misunderstood the timing because they did not realize the necessity for Him to die to make atonement for sin.

The Lord Jesus clearly outlined the Kingdom in His many parables and demonstrated the power of that Kingdom in His many miracles. Then he surprised His disciples by saying. "I will give unto thee the keys of the Kingdom of heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven". (Matt. 16:19)

The Bible also speaks of two distinct and separate comings of the Lord Jesus. The first was the Incarnation when He appeared in flesh (I Tim. 3:16); and the second is His return and second coming to take up His rightful position as the King of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. (I. Thess. 4:16)

Jesus Himself said, "I have come, I will come again ". (John 10:10, 14:3)

Between these two different 'comings' is the period called in the Bible “this present age": "He gave Himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil age". (Gal. 1:4)


The PRESENT AGE is dominated by evil, wickedness, and rebellion against the will of God. People who walk according to the spirit of this age, live in sin, uncleanness, passion, drunkenness, immorality, pride and lawlessness. Satan is the god of this age; it is his purpose to choke the working of the Word of God. (Matt. 13:22)

Although Satan is the god of this age, he was defeated by the Lord Jesus at Calvary. Yet God permits Satan a measure of authority and power during this Age. Hence, we still have all the evil, the hatred, (he deception and strife, the conflict, misery, pain and sickness and death. These evils are caused by Satan and are part of the kingdom of darkness which will be replaced by the Kingdom of God.

The fullness and full benefits of this Kingdom of God do not belong to this age, but will be the feature of the age to come. But we are compelled to live in this age; this evil age, and so we have to learn how to combat the spirit of this age, we must also learn how to taste and use the POWERS OF THE AGE TO COME.

It is sad that most Christians do not know how to use these powers. When we are 'born again', we are brought into the Kingdom of Heaven and at once we know something of the powers of the age to come, heavenly and divine power; eternal life.

While we are forced to live among an evil generation and in an age of evil, yet we are also possessed with power which belongs to the Age to Come, and God expects us to use those powers against the present evil age, in order to combat Satan's designs and to give evidence of the Coming Kingdom of Heaven.

When the Lord Jesus was on earth, he repeatedly spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven as being among the people as 'being nigh.' In other words, He was saying "Look at what I am doing and you will see how the Kingdom of God works and what it will be like," He healed the sick; cast out demons, opened the eyes of the blind, unstopped the ears of the deaf; and cleansed the lepers. When He did these things the people knew this power did not belong to their age. They had never seen anything like it before. It was the power of a New Age.

In every age, when people see the power of God in healing, deliverance and blessing, they will gather eagerly to partake of it, it will not be necessary to advertise meetings then, the people will rush to be saved and healed and delivered.

All this is but a foretaste of the Age to come, when the Lord Jesus, with His people, will reign and everyone will enjoy the blessings of the Kingdom of God.

But until that day comes, and it is not very far away now, then we who are saved and have been brought into relationship with the Lord Jesus and have tasted of the powers of the Kingdom of Heaven, must seek to exercise those powers against the present Satanic ruling powers and to seek, daily, to demonstrate the power of God in our lives and against the power of Satan.

Remember the Lord Jesus said, "I Give unto Thee the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven". (Matt. 16:19)

His disciples did not understand the full meaning of His words. And most Christians today too are ignorant of the wonderful meaning and challenge which has been given to us.

The Lord Jesus has given into our care the KEYS OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, and with those KEYS we have been given certain powers and authority. Power to loose, and power to bind, on earth.

The Lord Jesus has finished the work of redemption and now He has committed into our hands the power to overcome the powers of Satan in nearly every realm. It is now for us to attack the kingdom of darkness. It is now for us to overcome the evil one and his works AND WE CAN DO IT. Because the same power that was given to the Lord Jesus has been given to us, the powers of the Age to come; the Kingdom of Heaven. It is now for us to demonstrate those powers daily in every situation we find ourselves placed.


In Matt. 12:29, we are told by the Lord Himself that we cannot enter the strong man's house except we first bind the strong man.

Satan is the strong man, the dethroned earthly prince of this age. The strong man's goods are the demon-possessed, demon-oppressed, demon-vexed and demon-harassed men and women in the world today. Now comes the question, "How can anyone enter into Satan's realm and deprive him of his goods except HE FIRST BIND THE STRONG MAN? Only then shall his goods be spoiled and seized. Is Satan bound today? At first thought this seems impossible when we view the world conditions.

We must however remember that Satan is not flesh and blood but a spirit world being. When we talk of Satan being bound, we do not mean he has a rope and chain round him. Since Satan is a spiritual being, he is bound in the sense that his power and authority is limited. He is subject to and must obey those who exercise the powers of the age to Come, the Kingdom power. When believers use the name of Jesus and the authority of His name, then Satan must obey that Name.

Satan has been bound by the victory of Calvary, and men and women who have been released from the captivity of their former masters, Satan, can now exercise authority over him.

We must cease being afraid of Satan. We should cease praying to God to defeat Satan, Jesus Christ has already done it.

We must claim our blood bought victory and exercise that victory over Satan daily, not only in our own lives and circumstances, but more importantly, in the lives of those still held captive by Satan. We must bind him, we must move into his territory and take his captives from his grasp and free them.


No matter how weak we may think we are, we have heavenly power in us if we belong to the Lord. His Life and His power lives in us and we are committed to using that power against Satan's kingdom. The keys are stated in I. Cor. 12:7-11; the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to every believer. These are the 'KEYS' we are to use against Satan's kingdom. Only spiritual gifts and spiritual powers can operate against a spirit being. Some of the keys are:

FAITH. This is a special Gift for today. It is not merely 'belief or faith in a set Tenets of belief. It is active aggressive action against the powers of darkness. Faith that God is the victor and that it is His Will to overcome and cast out sickness, demons and all evil. Whilst we use that faith, it will grow in us and Satan will attack us and seek to block every move we make against him. It requires FAITH in the power of God, and ultimate victory to continually attack Satan, no matter how dark and difficult things may seem.

MIRACLES. God is looking for and waiting for men who will fully surrender themselves to Him and who use the gift of FAITH against Satan, and God will give them also the gift of miracles, so that the exercise of the supernatural can be manifested today.

We have seen many miracles in Nigeria which demonstrated that God was at work, and God is giving this 'KEY' to many today. When this 'KEY' is used, then the dark pagan areas will open to the Gospel, and Muslims will no longer argue about the Deity of Jesus Christ when they see miracles.

DISCERNING OF SPIRITS. This is another gift or 'KEY' which God is giving today to be used against the world of evil spirits to expose their operations and work. We are to use these keys to:

  1. Open up new places for the Gospel
  2. Deliver slaves of Satan
  3. Liberate funds for the spread of the Gospel

We sing ‘it is time for us to go up and possess the country', 'To possess the Kingdom.' We can only do this as we use the 'keys' of the Age to Come and attack Satan's kingdom now and possess the land. The Lord Jesus Himself will use those 'Keys' when He comes again but they will be given fully to His people, whom He will use to rule and govern with Him. (Rev. 5:10)

God is moving towards that day now and He is preparing men and women who will see the wonderful power of the coming kingdom, and who will claim their own portion NOW, and thus exercise those powers in training for the greater task ahead, when He will reign over the whole world and subdue it.


The Christian whose burning desire and passion is to be used by the Holy Spirit in winning souls for the Lord Jesus, must learn how to exercise both FAITH and PRAYER in the task.

If the Master wept and prayed over lost souls, then we must also learn to do the same. Without Faith we shall never start and we shall never succeed. Without prayer we shall never secure the results He wants us to have.

We must first have the full confidence (FAITH), that the Lord Jesus died for every man, woman and child in the world, and that He wants to save them and give them a full new life. Nobody is too bad for Him to save and change. Nobody is good enough to secure salvation without Jesus Christ.

We must also have faith that Holy Spirit wants to use us to minister that salvation to others, and that He will save them and change them as a result of our witness and testimony. Nobody can save another man, only God can do that but God uses men and woman.

We must have Faith in the power of the Word of God to convict and convert men and women. We must know the Word and use it to lead others to Jesus Christ.

There is also a need for a proper understanding how to pray and use prayer in the task of winning souls for Christ. The soul winner's prayer will be first for himself, and then for others whom God will bring into touch with him.

First, for himself, he should pray for BOLDNESS and courage to speak for the Lord Jesus whenever the opportunity occurs. Fear of man and what men will say when we speak of Christ often proves a barrier to witnessing. But in these days, there is a deep unspoken desire in the hearts of many to meet and talk with those who can give them peace and the sure knowledge of what God wants to give all men. Do not let fear seal your lips. It is often fear that is not allowing the needy ones to speak out and thus Satan keeps them in his bondage. SPEAK OUT BODLY.

Is it boldness that you need? Then do as the disciples did; pray. "Grant unto thy servant that with all boldness they may speak thy word". (Acts. 4:29-31) "I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me." (Phil. 4:13) You will be able, after prayer, to do what you could never have done without it.

Then we should also pray for GUIDANCE to whom to speak to. To speak to men indiscriminately and without inspiration is often hurtful and harmful to both speaker and hearer. God does not expect us to speak to everyone we meet, but to be ready to do so if the opportunity occurs.

Let the case of Philip in Acts 8:26 be our guide. If we constantly look to the Lord for instructions and guidance, He will guide us as to when and to whom to speak. There are some people for whom God has no message yet. He has spoken to them and they have refused to listen therefore God keeps silent.

We should also seek guidance as to what to say to those whom God brings into our company. When God brings someone to you, then He will also give you the right message. That is how faith works. But there are certain principles which we should all learn about how to speak to sinners and those seeking the Lord. We should never criticize them for any custom, clothing or actions they have. Never speak against churches or ministers. So never speak in a negative manner to seekers, speak in a positive manner about Jesus Christ.

Then we should also spend time in prayer for those whom the Lord will bring to us for advice, help, and prayer. Unless the Holy Spirit prepare the heart of the seeker, the worker will seek in vain to win him. Persistent, believing prayer will soften the hardest heart and break down opposition.

We should also pray that the Holy Spirit will work in heart of the enquirer and convict them of sin.

"When He the Spirit of truth is come, He shall convict the world of sin, of righteousness and judgement." (John 16:8)

But the real battle in prayer is in the unseen realms. The battle against the evil spirits, and Satan who is controlling all unsaved persons. This kind of praying is spiritual warfare, fighting for souls.

Real prayer is opposing the spiritual forces of Satan, breaking his power and taking the Kingdom by force, and robbing Satan of his victims. Satan, the strong man armed of Matt. 12:39, has bound every son of Adam, and contests their deliverance in every way. It is only by believing and claiming faith and prayer that the 'strong man' can be bound and souls delivered. We must learn how to claim the victory of Calvary for every soul. The blood of the Lamb has already conquered Satan and we must claim that victory. Plead the blood of the Lamb for the liberation of every soul for whom you pray.

Our prayers should also be direct and not aimless. Do not pray for the whole world and ask for sinners to be saved God will look after that aspect, pray for one or two particular persons by name, claiming their deliverance and salvation from God, and oppose the enemy's control over them. The victory will surely come if we are determined enough. God never burdens one of His people for the salvation of a soul and then refuses to answer that prayer, so keep on praying and believing.

"Knock and it shall be opened unto you, for to him that knocketh (knocks and keeps on knocking) IT SHALL BE OPENED." (Luke 11:9-10)

You will be well advised also to keep a small note book giving details of your prayer requests and claims and keep on praying for those whose names you have written, until they are converted and you see them rejoicing in the Lord Jesus.

He that winneth souls is wise", "He that cometh to God must believe." (Heb. 11:6)  "Let him ask in faith, nothing wavering" (James 1:6-7)



"He said unto them, which of you shall have a friend and shall go unto him at midnight, and say unto him, Friend, lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine in his journey is come to me, and I have nothing to set before him? And he from within shall answer and say, trouble me not, for the door is shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give thee. I say unto you, though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth." (Luke 11:5-8)

The disciples of Jesus had come to Him asking that He teach them to pray. After reciting the words known as the Lord's prayer, He gave them this parable and taught them the importance believing and demanding prayer.

Many Christians today do not get any answers to their prayers, because they lack importunity and urgency in prayer. They pray something like this:

"Lord I would like to have these things providing it is your will. There is really no hurry about the matter, but I would like your answer when you have time, but I will not be too disappointed if it is never answered." 

This is not praying at all but rather a timid wish which is never answered.

In the parable the man with the bread represents God, and the man with the needs is you, me and any other man, woman or child who has a conscious need.

The first prayer of this needy man was flatly rejected with the words "Trouble me not". Most Christians of today would then have left him and returned empty-handed. But this needy man refused to accept that answer and kept on demanding that his needs be met. "I want some bread; I've got to have some bread now! I know its midnight and I'm creating a commotion, but I have a friend in need and I must have it." So the owner, because of his importunity, rose and gave him all he needed.

Our prayers have become too mild there is no urgency, no compelling drive and they do not demand or receive, any answers.

In the majority of cases where prayer is not answered it is not because God is opposed to the request, but the failure lies with the prayer. We must develop and maintain a spirit of urgency and desperate demanding and constant appeals to God. This is His word and the needy ones are His people and He has the full and complete answer to their every need and, what is most important, He is anxious to meet that need NOW.

What is lacking in the Christian world and with our service, is that we are not stirred enough to desire to meet those needs, and, as we know that of ourselves, we are unable to meet those needs, then we forget them and make excuses for ourselves. But God is looking for men and women who will give Him no rest until the needs of others are met.

The four friends of the paralyzed refused to be pushed aside when they brought their friend to be healed. They persisted, acted and forced the Lord to answer them. And He was very willing to answer them because they had faith and persistence and urgency.

Blind Bartimaeus kept on shouting his demands "Jesus, Jesus thou Son of David, have mercy on me", he would not keep quiet, or be pushed aside, but demanded instant action on the part of God and he got the answer.

It is surprising how many needs were instantly met in God's Word because in each case, those needs were presented in a spirit of urgency and faith.

We at H.O.L.D. are often told that God is blessing us greatly and we know this to be true. But it is not because we are anything special but just that we can see needs and we are very determined to do something about them and we push God into meeting those needs and our own.

You must also learn to secure answers to your prayers. But remember that the prayers that God likes to answer are those we pray on behalf of others.


"He is a chosen vessel unto Me, to bear My name before the Gentiles, and kings and the children of Israel”. (Acts. 9:15)

"In a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth: and some to honor and some to dishonor". (II. Tim. 2:20)

"If a man purge himself he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified and meet for the Master's use". (II. Tim. 2:21)

God is LOVE, God is LIGHT. Therefore, God must reveal Himself and this He has done in many ways, but mainly through MAN, whom He created in His Own Image to reveal Himself. Because of the fall and corruption of those channels, God had to choose special individuals as the VESSELS of Revelation and Recovery, and thus reveal Himself again. Because of the loss of the original revelation to Adam to "replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion". (Gen. 1:28) when he became a slave himself instead of being the chosen vessel of dominion; God had to start again and in the Old Testament, we see the many various individual 'Vessels' God used. Man was the channel of revelation (Writers of the Bible); channels of explanation of God's purposes; and vessels of effective implementation of those purposes.


  1. To show that God uses MEN individually, over the ages, as Vessels in special conditions.
  2. To reveal the various situations which could require a special intervention and revelation.
  3. The need and importance of FAITH in all channels under such circumstances.
  4. To reveal the special conditions and needs of TODAY.
  5. Qualities needed in the Vessels of the 'new move' of today.


There was a slow and gradual revelation by God of Himself and His purposes; light came gradually. These VESSELS were ordinary men and God found them in various places and circumstances to serve special purposes. The main thing God required from them was FAITH and obedience to Himself.

God is constantly seeking individual 'Vessels' even today, because large bodies of people do not seem to be able to remain faithful to the revealed revelation of God. In the Old Testament God used:

ABRAHAM. The Father of Nations.' God's first step in gathering out a new people for His name and purpose. "God of Glory appeared unto our father Abraham". (Acts. 7:2)

MOSES. The great deliverer of Israel; the 'Vessel' who established the nation of Israel, who had to move daily in FAITH and demonstrated the single-mindedness of trusting alone in God.

ELIJAH. The 'Vessel' whom God used to restore a nation's faith and who challenged the powers of evil and juju; who stood almost alone against the forces of unbelief and backsliding but whom God used to re-establish ISRAEL with God.

ELISHA. The new 'Vessel' who had such great faith and demonstrated how God can use any man to work great miracles in so many different aspects of faith, and need. ESTHER. The great 'Vessel' of the crisis days for the Jewish Nation, and who exercised faith on behalf of her own people and saved them against the wiles of the enemy when he planned to destroy them.

All these 'Vessels' had to exercise complete FAITH in God. They had to undergo a lot of opposition from their own people and lead them into national repentance; into faith in God's purposes; and into an utter surrender to the Lord. Men and women of passion and dedication.


The Old Testament closes with the record of a small remnant which God called "They shall be mine, in the day when I make up my jewels”. (Mal. 3:16-17) But God waited for nearly 400 years before He sent another 'Vessel' to His People, John the Baptist.


"John did no miracles, but all things that John spoke of this man (the Lord Jesus) were true." (John 10:41)

John's work was to direct the attention of men and women to the Great Vessel of recovery; Jesus Christ. "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world". (John 1:29)


"He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father." (John 14:9) The Lord Jesus was God's perfect Vessel who revealed the Purpose of God to provide free salvation and deliverance for all men and also to reveal the power of God to deal with sickness. Satan and all problems caused by sin and the fall and Satan his purposes.

It was Satan's determination to destroy this Vessel and to spoil God's plan of redemption. Satan concentrates full pressure against every vessel God uses. The Lord Jesus called disciples and train them in His own ways as Vessels of Recovery and of course Satan attacked them.

But a great Vessel who followed the Lord Himself was Paul, and he knew exactly what he was chosen to be. A Vessel to the Gentiles, and to reveal the great secret of the Church; the Body which was to be the greatest Vessel of the day.

Paul asserted his independence of any outside revelation apart from God Himself. "I received of the Lord" (I Cor. 11:23); “I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ" (Gal. 1:12-17) When God sent Ananias to pray for Paul he stated, "God hath chosen thee, that thou shouldest know His will and hear the voice of His mouth." (Acts 22:14-15)

Paul was a special Vessel with a special Vision and a special task of Recovery, but God had several other Vessels Which He used in the Acts of the Apostles.

The Vessels were in operation at the Gate Beautiful (Acts 3:1-11); on the streets of the city of Jerusalem (Acts 5:12-16); In the jail at Philippi (Acts 16:25-40) and at Ephesus. The Vessels were the Apostles and later Stephen and Cornelius.

There was individual responsibility and response and a unity of the 'body' working together to prove the effectiveness of this wonderful 'new cruise', the Church, as she moved under the power of the Holy Spirit to glorify Her master and Lord Jesus Christ.

God intended that the 'Church’ - the Body of Christ, should be the complete revelation of Himself in this Age to the whole world revealing God in Christ to the world.

  1. The Church was to be the Vessel for the revelation of God in providing the means to find HIM for every man.
  2. The Church was the Vessel for the preaching of full salvation to all in the world.
  3. The Church was to be the vessel for development of His people in spiritual knowledge and revelation.
  4. The Church was to be the unique Vessel displaying the Government of God in Christ over all spiritual forces and the demonstration of the power of God in world affairs.
  5. The Church was to be the Vessel where Jesus Christ is the HEAD, the Sovereign Lord, where His vessels are endowed with His Spirit to demonstrate His glory, power, Kingship and Lordship.

The Church is not just the place for the holding of Christian services, or to carry out a set order of things or maintain a form of worship. It must be a "Vessel of recovery" and when the Church ceases to be what God calls the 'Church' and when it fails in its Divine purpose, then God withdraws Himself. The Vessel ceases to be His Vessel, even though it may still exist. When Israel ceased to be the Vessel of God, then God left her.


Is the Church today the Vessel God planned it to be? Is it displaying the character and power of God to the world? We do not say that the present organized church is the Body of Christ, or that God's plan has failed, but it cannot be denied that what is today called the 'Church' is NOT a Vessel for God. It has failed to witness or even preach the Gospel. It has been taken over by man and is now a human organization for human efforts to reform the world according to a new gospel, without the Holy Spirit's power or presence.

Yet, we are sure that God still has His Vessels in the world today and they are doing His Will. God is not calling out a new church or Body, but He is undoubtedly speaking and calling to individuals who will hear His Voice, calling them to open to Him and to surrender themselves to Him.  "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock; if any man hears my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." (Rev. 3:20)

The Special Tasks of Today’s Vessels

  1. To be the Vessel of witness to the victory and blessing of the Cross in providing
  2. full salvation, healing and  deliverance  in Jesus Christ for all men.
  3. To be the Vessel exercising authority in Jesus' name over the powers of evil and
  4. opposition.
  5. To be the Vessel demonstrating the power of the Kingdom of Heaven today in the earth.

4.   To be the Vessel of His Government on earth.

Qualities Needed by Vessels Today

  1. Faith in the plan and purposes of God in these days.
  2. Faith in a personal call of God to share in those plans.
  3. Faith in the power of God and the Holy Spirit to make use of as to accomplish
  4. those plans.
  5. Faith in the ultimate triumph of the Lord Jesus and His purposes for His world.
  6. Faith in the soon coming of the Lord Jesus again to set up His Kingdom, of which we
  7. are a part. (John 3:3)
  8. The daily fullness of the Holy Spirit for guidance and power to exercise our God given authority on His behalf.


If you have understood this article and the Holy Spirit has created an understanding and desire to serve HIM, then YOU can be such a 'vessel'. You can be used of God in these last crisis days. Your people need you, your family need you, and God needs you.

Others have failed but you need not fail. Many have succeeded and have been mightily used of God as His 'Vessels of Recovery', and so can you be His vessel.

God has placed you just where you are and He can use you just where you are. It is your part to find out exactly what He wants you to do.

Let me encourage you NOW, to seek His face and to ask Him How He can use you. Surrender yourself to Him right NOW. Then be ready to witness to those whom the Lord will bring to you. He will bring them, all God needs is a Vessel and that Vessel can be you.

Which will you be. A Vessel of honor or dishonor? A Vessel of Gold, silver, or wood or earth? I want to be a "chosen vessel".


THE DEVIL SAYS: You should do the best you can and then hope that God will allow you to enter heaven at the end of your life on earth.

GOD'S WORD SAYS: "By grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: NOT of works lest any man should boast." (Eph. 2:7-8)

THE DEVIL SAYS: It is not possible for any person to be sure of salvation. We must just hope God will accept us and wait till we get before Him.

GOD'S WORD SAYS: "These things have I written unto you that ye may KNOW YE HAVE eternal life.” (I. John 5:13) "He that hath the Son hath life. (John 3:36) "He that heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting Life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life." (John 5:24)

THE DEVIL SAYS: There is no need for you to be baptized in water especially if you have been baptized as an infant by your Christian parents. Baptism will not save you.

GOD'S WORD SAYS: "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved". (Mark 16:16) "Go ye and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of Son, and of the Holy Spirit”. (Matt. 28:19)

It is true that being baptized in water does not save anyone, but if the Lord Jesus commanded us to be baptized then it is important and if we wish to follow him, then we also should obey Him and submit to baptism by immersion. 

THE DEVIL SAYS: There is no need in these days to seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit that was only for the early disciples and to introduce the new Church age. The Holy Spirit is with us and in every Christian today.

GOD SAYS: "Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you; and ye shall be witnesses unto ME." (Acts 1:8) The disciples received the Holy Spirit in Acts. 8:18, Acts. 10:44 and Acts. 19:6.

THE DEVIL SAYS: "Accept your sickness and God will get glory out of it ".

GOD SAYS: "I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me." (Psalm 50:15) God does not get glory out of our bondage and sickness any more than He gets glory out of our sins. Satan is the author of most sickness and sin. God called sickness "captivity", Jesus called it "bondage" and the Holy Spirit called it "oppression." 

THE DEVIL SAYS: Accept your sickness because God has sent it to purify you and keep you humble; it will all bring glory to God.

GOD SAYS: Healing, not sickness, humbles people. (Luke 17:12-20) The Devil comes to kill and destroy and not to purify or heal. The Lord Jesus never turned anyone away, telling him to stay sick and be pure, and He never will. "And every man that hath this hope (the coming of the Lord Jesus again), purified himself. (I John 3:3) If sickness purifies then why do Christians seek medical aid? Are they not trying to defeat the purposes of God in allowing sickness?

THE DEVIL SAYS: Jesus allows you to be sick and that you should wait and allow Him to take it off you when He is ready.

GOD SAYS: That sickness is a curse brought on you by Satan after man sinned. (Deut. 28, Acts 10:38)

The Lord Jesus came to destroy the devil and His works which includes sickness. Sometimes God allows the devil to put sickness on people when they sin and leave the protection God has promised. God wants all His people to dwell in His ways and thus secure from all plagues. (Psalm 91:1-10)

THE DEVIL SAYS: You cannot be healed because you have brought the sickness upon yourself.

GOD SAYS: That you can be healed even though you did bring it upon yourself. (Psalm 107:20) God will forgive you your sins and then heal your body. Forgiveness and healing are both in the atonement and are freely bestowed because of God's mercy. Seek forgiveness for breaking God's laws and then seek and receive your healing too.

THE DEVIL TELLS YOU: You Cannot really believe you are healed unless you see it.

GOD SAYS: If you believe you will see. (John 11:40) If you do not believe until you see then where does FAITH come in? The heroes of faith in Heb. 11 all believed before they saw. Claim your healing and thank God for it and He will heal you and then you will see and glorify Him again.

THE DEVIL WILL TELL YOU: You are not worthy enough to be healed and that you might exalt yourself by asking for your healing.

GOD TELLS YOU: "Come boldly to the throne of grace that you might find grace to help in time of need." (Heb. 4:17) God will heal you because He found Jesus worthy. It is not based upon your worthiness. Any person who accepts Jesus as Savior can also claim healing because Jesus is worthy.

THE DEVIL WILL TELL YOU: You should not expect to see signs and that signs will destroy faith.

GOD SAYS: "These signs shall follow them that believe". (Mark 16:16-18)

If you have faith for salvation, then your changed life will prove your faith, it will be a sign to unbelievers.

If you have faith for healing, then the Lord Jesus will be glorified by your faith. God says you should believe with your heart and not your head. (Rom. 10:10)

THE DEVIL SAYS: You should not be too fanatical but be a good church attender and pay your tithes and let others do the witnessing.

GOD'S WORD SAYS: "Whosoever shall be ashamed of me and my words, of him shall the Son of Man be ashamed, when He shall come in His own glory". (Luke 9:26)


“I was made a minister, that I should preach the unsearchable riches of Christ.” (Eph. 3:6-7)

This is a message to my fellow ministers, and let me say that I am not preaching at them, but rather trying to share an experience with them and to encourage them to seek God for the revival that is coming.

Revival in churches usually waits on the pastor. When the fire starts to burn in the pulpit then the pews are ignited too. Every minister today needs to be on fire for God. Today’s need is for men whose preaching make people cry out for mercy from God and who are not afraid to preach the whole truth of God, without fearing the face of man.

We need men who are prophets, who are warriors, who are the mouthpieces of God for these crisis days. 

Fellow ministers, what a message we have! Angels would gladly tell it and become partakers of Jesus Christ, but God has commissioned men to proclaim it.

Let us remember that the Gospel is still power of God and when preached under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, men and women will be converted and brought into proper relationship with God and men. But we must also realise that there is a wide spread declension which is affecting all churches and that the youth of the world are being attracted by other ‘ideologies’ and are not interested in the church today. We as ministers must face this challenge and God is waiting for us to seek Him.

“If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (II Chron. 7:14)

“Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach. Then will the Lord be jealous for His land and pity His people.” (Joel 2:17-18)

Let us not be content to preach sermons on Sundays and conduct business meetings which please the people.

We must lead the people, warn them of situation and then pray for them as well as ourselves to see the dangers of these days and the way of revival and blessing which can be ours.

In these testing days we need to listen to the Voice of God speaking personally to our own souls and then to be ready to follow His voice.

We have heard His voice and we know what a difference it has made to our ministry and if we can help and encourage you, then please write us.

We encourage you to read the books mentioned on this page also. May god bless you and use you to lead many souls to the Lord Jesus Christ and great will be your reward and blessing NOW.

If you would like some copies of H.O.L.D. for your members then please write and let us know, we will supply them free.