• Behold He cometh
  • The second coming of Jesus Christ
  • How to get Divine Guidance
  • How to Discern Evil Spirits
  • Soul winners unlimited Nigeria


"I will come again".  (John 14:3)

That is the promise of the Lord Jesus Himself and He has not yet come. But He must come and thousands of His people are looking for Him soon.

Although men crucified Him and rejected Him, yet He will come back again because this world belongs to Him and He is the only rightful owner and ruler of this world. Yet the promise of His return was made over 1900 years ago and still He has not come. Men are saying, “where is the promise of His coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, things continue as they were from the beginning" (II Peter 3:4).

It is certain that the early disciples expected the Lord to return during their life time, yet many thousands of the Lord's people have since expected and fallen asleep and He still has not come.


"The disciples came to him privately, saying, tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" (Matt. 24:3)

The disciples too were eager to know the time of His return, but in their question they confused two events.

  1. When would He return?
  2. What shall be the sign of His coming?
  3. What will be the signs of the end of the world?

Each of these events will be dealt with separately in this article so that each of us may awake and be ready when the Lord comes.

Many people have claimed they have been given dates for the Lord's return but the dates have passed and He is still not here. The Lord told His disciples, "of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only" (Matt. 24:36).

Yet the Master did give us plenty of signs which would indicate His near return and we will mention some of these.

1.  He will come when the nations of the earth have multiplied and when social evils have so increased that men's hearts fail them for fear of what is happening on the earth (Luke 21:25).

  1. He will come when violence and lawlessness have reached unmanageable limits threatening the whole of the social order (Luke 17:26-27).
  2. He will come when moral standards have become very low and sex, drugs, and crime
  3. cry out for punishment (Luke 17:28,29, II Tim. 3:1-5).
  4. He will come when false and godless religions are increasing and when education
  5. has increased and denies the Bible (II Peter 3:3-6).
  6. He will come when the nation of Israel is once again in her own land and in grave
  7. danger of being destroyed by  the forces of evil.   Israel   is already a   recognized   nation and in her own land but in unbelief. She is struggling to exist now, but so far is not calling upon God to rescue her.

But the Lord cannot come until the gospel has been preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations (Matt. 24:14). This is probably the main reason why the Lord has not returned as He promised. His people, the Church, have gathered themselves inside church buildings to sing, pray, preach and to generally look after themselves without realizing that they were called by their Lord to see that all the world heard the gospel.

This is still a fact today. There are many tribes in Nigeria who have never heard the gospel and so we may boldly say HE CANNOT COME YET. He is waiting for us to do our part and obey Him.

HE WILL COME when He has again prepared His people with a mighty revival which has with stood Satan's final attempt to bring the Church into complete disgrace and disrepute.

This revival will be accompanied by a return and restoration of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and we are actually seeing this happening right now in many parts of the world, and especially in Nigeria.

This revival will increase and spread all over the country and into many churches and many will be converted fully to the Lord Jesus and many will fully dedicate themselves to Him in a special new way.

The Lord promised, "In the last days I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh" (Joel 2:28-32, Acts 2:17-21).

His Church will be presented to Him, at His coming, a glorious Church. "That He might present it to Himself a glorious Church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish" (Eph. 5:27).

The Lord Jesus is at present seated at the right hand of the Almighty in heaven, waiting for His Church to complete her divine task of taking the gospel to the world. He is there as our High Priest, Advocate, and as the Mediator between God and man. He is still the Head of the Church and is, by His Holy Spirit, fully directing the internal affairs of the Church and not any committee or council or synod.

But one day, probably quite soon, He will leave that Throne in heaven and step into the clouds and things will start to happen at once on earth. There are two startling events which will happen almost at once.

There will be a resurrection out from among the dead who died trusting only in the Lord Jesus and whom He knows as His people. They died watching and waiting for Him and trusting Him as their only Savior and Lord.

They will be raised from the dead, or as the Bible states, "Those which sleep in Jesus." "Even so them which sleep will GOD BRING WITH HIM" (I Thess. 4:14). Only our bodies 'sleep', It returns to dust when it dies but our souls and spirits go to be with the Lord (II Cor. 5:6-8)

So, when the Lord Jesus comes back again He will bring the souls of the faithful with Him and they will be reunited with wonderful new human bodies, like His body (Psa. 17:15). "We look for our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our vile bodies, that it may be fashioned like unto His own glorious body" (Phil. 3:20).

HE had a body which was so like His former human body that it borne marks He was given at His crucifixion, the marks in His hands, Yet He was recognized, "He was seen of Peter" (I Cor. 15: 5-7).  He could appear to them and He could be felt and touched 'Handle me and see for a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have" (Luke 24:39). He walked, talked and ate as did the disciples (John 21:12).

It is clear also that he moved freely from earth to heaven without trouble. He met Mary on the first morning of the resurrection and said, "touch Me not, for I have not yet ascended to My Father" (John 20:17). Later the same evening, He appeared to His disciples and said, "Handle Me".

Then, at the same time as the Lord raises the dead in Christ to a new life with a new body, He will also change those who are alive and have been watching and waiting for Him to come. We too will have a new spiritual body like His body. This is called a 'mystery' in I Cor. 15:51. We shall need new bodies which are not subject to the limitations we now have, but which can live forever and move as needed to enable us to work in our new tasks in the Kingdom of Heaven.

When the Lord Jesus returns, He will come for those who are watching for Him. He will bring those who have died trusting in Him, and together they will be caught up to meet the Lord Jesus in the clouds, as He waits for them. They will then all return to Heaven where there will be much worship and praise.

There will also be a special judgement for believers when we shall each have to give an account of our work for the Lord Jesus since we have been saved. No one will be lost at that Judgement Seat, but many of us who have been given special talents and opportunities to serve the Lord now, will be ashamed when it is revealed what we have done with our time and talents. (II Cor.5:10-11, Matt. 25:29-30, Luke 12:42-44).

So each of us has a date to meet the Man in the Glory, the Lord Jesus. We feel that date is very near and so we are anxious that every Christian today is aware of this Day of Judgement and that everyone will be ready.

Much of what is called 'Christian service' today is not regarded by God as being His service. It is only as we surrender ourselves to the Holy Spirit and are governed and used by the Holy Spirit that we can do the work of God. Much of our bard work will be burned up on that day (I Cor. 3:11-15).

It would also seem that there will have to be differences in spiritual stature in our resurrection bodies and that this will be determined by our spiritual age here now. There will be many who have been converted for many years but who have never worked for the Lord how, and they will be mere babes in that day. Whereas there will be many young people now who will have learned the ways of God and have been used by the Holy Spirit NOW, who will be mature servants in that day and they will be given authority over many cities (Luke 19:17-19).

It is certain that some of our stature and work of the future is being determined NOW as we meet the demands of this life and are trained by the Holy Spirit to meet Satan and deal with the problems of sin, sickness and poverty and other evils.

So we urge all Christians to think deeply on the matter of their future life and position. It is being worked out NOW.

The Lord Jesus has saved us and filled us with His Holy Spirit in order that we might be His servants, profitable   servants.

But He will never force us to serve Him That must be the surrender of our wills to Him NOW.


The Bible reveals the Second Coming of Jesus Christ as the great event towards which we are now approaching. Most Christians believe the certainty of the Second Coming, and we give herewith the suggested program of the Second Advent according to the Bible.

Second Coming Prophesied in the O. T.

It is the subject of many O.T. prophecies. He is coming to fulfil those prophecies and in TWO stages:

 (1) for His Church and (2) to set up His Kingdom on earth

Promised by the Lord Jesus Himself

"I will come again" (John 14:1-3, Matt. 16:27, 24:27-31, 36-51, 25:31-36, 26:64).

The Lord revealed it in His parables (Matt. 25:1-13, 14-30, 24:30-35, Luke 19:11-27).

It was proclaimed by Angels

"this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall to come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven". (Acts 1:11, compare Rev. 11:15-19)

It was preached by the Apostles

PETER: "And He shall send Christ, which before was preached unto you; Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began". (Acts 3:20-21)

The Lord Jesus alone can restore this earth to peace and prosperity (I Peter 5:4, II Peter 1:16-21, 3:1-15).

PAUL: The hope of all Christians and the clearest statement on the Lord's second coming in the N. T. Should be memorized by all Christians (I Thess. 4:13-18).

See also I Thess. 1:10, 2:19, 3:13, Phil. 3:20-21, II Tim. 4:18, Titus 2:13, Eph. 5:25-32, Col. 1:22. 

JOHN: I John 3:2, 2:28.

It will be preceded by a worldwide Holy Spirit revival.

"It shall come to pass in the last days, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams". (Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17)

It is our belief that the present worldwide move of the Holy Spirit indicates we are now in this period of outpourings of the Holy Spirit, the restoration of the Gifts of the Spirit and world evangelism.


The signal in heaven

"The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God". (I Thess. 4:16, I Cor. 15:51-54)

The dead will be raised

"the dead in Christ shall rise first…" vs. 16.

All those who have died trusting the Lord as their Savior will be raised with a new resurrection, incorruptible body, which will be immortal.

The Living will be changed

"Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air" vs. 17.

We shall shed our mortal bodies, be changed at once into immortal beings with recognizable features and bodies that will not be sustained by human means any more.

All this will take only the "twinkling of an eye" (I Cor. 15:52). This long awaited and soon expected event is called "The rapture."


There are two schools of thought on this point.

The first, and largest school, insists that the Lord is coming for ALL His Church and that all born again Christians will be taken away with the Holy Spirit.

The second school feels that only those Christians who are actually watching and waiting and working for the Lord will be taken away.

We feel that the scene in Rev. 12. indicates that it is likely that only a portion of the church, the man child will be caught up, and that the major portion of the church will remain on earth to be persecuted by the Devil for the period of the tribulation.


(This is called this Day of Christ). No one knows the date. It would seem that Paul expected the Lord to return in his lifetime, "we which are alive..." (I Thess. 4:16). And it is possible that the return has been delayed by the failure of the church to obey the Lord's Command to take the gospel to the world.

There are still many tribes in Nigeria who have not yet heard the gospel, and so we should deal with this matter so that the Lord's return can be hastened. It is certain that the Lord's return is VERY NEAR INDEED.

If we examine the various dispensations, we find there is usually a period of overlap when two dispensations overlap. We believe we are now in that period of overlap when the Day of Grace (the church period) or dispensation of Grace is running out and the Day of the Kingdom of heaven on earth, the next dispensation, is coming into view. This would account for the hastening revival and the use of single individuals instead of the organized churches.

Read Rev. 3:20, "if any man hears My voice".


The marriage supper of the Lamb takes place (Rev. 1:7, Compare Luke 14:15-24).

Then we shall be clothed in beauty and without blemish. There will be glorious anthems of praise and worship to the Lamb.

We must give an account of our service for the Lord on earth after we were saved. All Christian's deeds are recorded and will have to stand the fiery test (I Cor. 3:12-16).

What abides will be rewarded. All other activities and works will be burned and not recorded again (II Cor. 5:10, Rom. 14:10, Matt. 25:19, Luke 19:15). No one will be lost at this judgement, it is for rewards for service rendered here now. It is called the 'Bema Judgement'.


This period is covered by the events in Rev. 6 to 19.

It will be mainly a period of judgement, distress, tribulation and intense lawlessness and wickedness and crime. The Devil will be cast down from heaven and the Holy Spirit will have been taken away with the raptured saints .and so evil will reign without restraint.

The seals of Rev. 6 will be broken. The trumpets of Rev. 8 & 9 will be sounded. The vials of Rev. 16 will be poured out on the earth.

These represent the wrath of God upon this Christ rejecting world.

The Devil will produce his 'Christ', the Anti-Christ. He will produce the political 'beast' and the religious ‘false prophet’. The world will generally accept these terrible world leaders.

The 10 kingdom revived, Roman Empire will arise, a confederation of ten kingdoms. (This could easily be the existing European Common Market whose present trade mark is ‘666’ (Rev. 13, II Thess. 2, Dan. 7:19-22, Rev. 17:11-12, 19:20).

The nation of Israel, is already gathered in its own land once again, as promised by God. They will be under great external pressures after the 'rapture' and will probably make a covenant with the new world leader (the Anti - Christ) because of his diplomatic ability.

This covenant will be broken after three years and six months and then will start a period of terrible persecution for the Israelis that it is called 'Jacob's trouble' in the Bible (Daniel 9:27).

At the end of this period there will be a confederation of nations gathered against Israel in an attempt to destroy her.

It is likely that many people will be converted during the tribulation and these, together with those left behind, will be subjected to terrible persecution and trials these are called the 'tribulation saints’ (Rev. 7:9-17).

Morally the world will get very much worse than now. Economically there will be suffering because of the restrictions imposed by the ruling world powers. Only those accepting the anti-God regime will be permitted to trade or work in business.

Spiritually we shall see the growth of the World Church which is the apostate church, which will make an alliance with the anti-God forces politically and will eventually be destroyed.


"Then will appear the Son of Man in the clouds of heaven in power and great glory" (Matt. 24:21-31, Luke 21:25-28, Rev. 1:7, 19:11-16, Zech. 14:4-7).

The Lord is the only rightful KING of the Earth and HE MUST return to take over the kingship and authority and leadership. He Himself said He would return again in many statements to the Jews.

The Lord's return will coincide with a desperate cry for help from the suffering Israel nation, engaged in battle with the anti-God forces. The Lord's appearing will destroy the enemy (In the battle of Armageddon Dan. 11:44-45, Zech. 14:3-4).

The beast and the false prophet will be destroyed and Satan will be bound and cast into captivity. Then will be established the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, as the Lord directed us to pray (Matt. 6:9-15, Luke 11:2).

The nations 'of the world will be judged on the basis of how they have been dealing with God's nation Israel.

Nature will be restored to a   period of peace and animals will live in peace now that mankind is restored to his original dominion (Rom. 8:21).

There will be universal healing (Isa. 35:5-6). Mankind will live to an old age (Isa. 65:20-22). Restoration of justice for all men administered by the saints, who will then judge the world.

There will be complete full restoration of worship to God (Mal. 1:11, Zech. 14:16, Psa. 96:11-13).

Peace and prosperity will reign all over the earth under the Government of the King the Lord Jesus and His saints and people.

The administration of justice, education, development and the economy will be in hands of the Lord's people.

Government will be enforced and crime will be quickly detected and punished. Wars will cease. But the earthly humans will have to acknowledge the Lord Jesus as LORD (Phil. 2:9-11).


At the end of 1,000 years God will allow the enemy (Satan) to be released so that he may test the allegiance and obedience of mankind to see if they prefer to serve God or follow the enemy again. Some will follow Satan and God will then bring about the final judgement and Satan will be cast into the final Lake of Fire.

Then God will create a NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH.


"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord". (Psa. 37:23) "As many are led the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God". (Rom. 8:14)

When we are converted and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our own personal Savior, and He takes up His abode in us, He also wants to lead us into the ways of God, so that our lives may be fruitful and we live with the daily blessing of God and fulfil His purposes in saving us. It is unthinkable that the Lord would save us from Satan and the world, and then leave us to find our own way in life. God wants to guide us daily and He is ready to do so plainly, leaving us in no doubt about that guidance.

In order to secure this guidance God asks us to surrender ourselves and our lives and ways to His scrutiny and correction and then we can claim His guidance, protection and blessing.

In guiding us, the Lord never forces us to go His way. God chooses His plan for each of us, and He wants to show us some items of that plan and then to ask for our surrender to that will. But He never forces us and allows us the choice at all times.

Even the Lord Jesus had the choice of going to the Cross, but freely chose to accept the Cross and all its suffering, because He knew it to be the will of God, the only way to save this world.

It is just as important for YOU to know the will of God, and that requires definite guidance. God has a distinct definite personal plan for each of you.

How does a person find the Will of God? That is the important requirement for every Christian today and we do not want anyone to miss the way or the mighty blessing of God in their lives and service. There are six different ways of securing Divine guidance.


"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path". (Psa. 119:105)

This is the surest and safest means of securing guidance. God never changes His Word. It is also the most frequently used means of guidance and therefore we MUST know the Word of God intimately.

God can speak to us as we read and study His Word, either through a preacher or in personal reading., We can and should know the unchangeable Word so that we can easily detect any preaching or advice which seems to deviate from God's Word. This is a strong reason why every Christian should regularly attend a Bible believing church and be in a place where God can speak to him.

God speaks to His people through preaching even though the preacher may not know he is being used to guide others.

"Faith cometh by hearing the Word of God". (Rom. 10:17)

God also speaks to His people by bringing to their mind the Word of God when they are in prayer or meditating on the Word of God.

Beware of people who twist the word to suit their own purposes, God never changes His word. Young Christians should also be cautious about leaving their work or studies to do Christian work unless they have clear unmistakable command from God through His Word. God is using men and women in secular work to witness and do His work in these last days. We at H.O.L.D. always seek to minister the word of God so that Christians may be guided and blessed. It is the sure word of God which guides and leads His people.

The second most blessed way God guides his people is through GODLY ADVICE FROM ACCEPTED SERVANTS OF GOD.

"Without counsel purposes are disappointed; but in the multitude of counsellors they are established". (Prov. 15:22)

"Every purpose is established by counsel; and with good advice make war". (Prov. 20:18) "Be followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises”. (Heb. 6:12)

God is raising up today a number of experienced spiritual men and women, filled with the Holy Spirit, whose chief function in the Body is to counsel and advise younger Christians, and they are invaluable. Even when a Christian feels they have a 'word' of guidance from God directly themselves, it is wise for them to seek confirmation of this guidance by seeking advice from such experienced Christians.

Remember "that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established” (Matt. 18:16). When a Christian feels they have a 'word' from God then it is a double faith building word when that guidance is confirmed, often unknowingly, by experienced Christians.

Be careful in choosing counsellors, make sure they have been successful ministers or Christians in their own spheres of ministry. It must also be realized that the Lord gives the Gift of the Word of knowledge to such experienced counsellors and the Lord uses this gift to guide His people.

The third most common means used by God is the INNER VOICE. "My sheep hear My voice" (John 10:27)

Many Christians spend a lot of time in praying, but do not realize that God wants to speak to them in the quietness of their minds, but that they have to learn how to listen and wait for the Lord to speak to them. It may not necessarily be an audible voice but anyone who has heard the Voice of God in their inner mind will know it and even though unable to explain it they know it is God speaking to them.

This needs an act of faith, but that too is a sign of God. Even with this 'voice' one should seek the Lord's double witness as a confirmation.

We would urge young Christian to cultivate a listening ear and a waiting on God for the Lord to speak and guide them then, with the confirmation as a double witness (Matt. 18:16). One may stand and defy all the subtle attacks of the enemy to mislead them. The Lord often speaks with this quiet 'inner voice' to those whom He is selecting for special ministry which may require strong faith to continue.

For examples read, Acts 8:29, "The Spirit said unto Philip", "The Spirit bade me go with them" (Acts 11:12).

There will be a growing number of 'inner voice' guidance in these last days as young people eagerly surrender themselves to the Lord and desire and seek His Will. Learn to know the Voice of the Lord. Another method used by the Lord in the Acts is by Prophecy and the gifts of the Spirit.

"As they ministered and fasted, the Holy Spirit said" (Acts 13:2). God can and does speak audibly to His people today using Spirit filled channels (called prophets) to convey His Mind and Will.

It is the right of the Head of the Church to speak to His Church and this method of speaking to His people will increase in the last days of this age as the Lord finds channels He can use. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit and one of the 'ministry' gifts of Eph. 4:11.

This method of guidance will be more and more frequently used by the Lord as the days get more difficult and the Spirit more in daily use, because of the need for quick and personal guidance.

But, as in so many instances of the Holy Spirit's ministry, this method has its dangers and Satan will be counterfeiting it and using 'false prophets' and 'seers'. Even they are in the world, in the church, today. Christians should be cautious about seeking personal guidance through prophets and prophecy.

Christians should be cautious about seeking personal guidance through prophets and prophecy. It usually means Christians are too lazy to wait personally on the Lord for His personal directions.

Guidance by prophecy is dangerous and we cannot warn Christians too strongly on this matter. "Try the spirits..." Every personal prophecy should be carefully tested and checked by the usual double witness before accepting it as divine guidance.


"Your young men shall see visions; your old men shall dream" (Acts 2:17). God used dreams and visions to direct many in the O. T. God appeared in a dream to Joseph to command him to take the Lord Jesus to Egypt to Peter, God gave a vision of the sheet full of animals and to Cornelius to send for Peter (Acts 10:9-16).

It will be noted that in every instance where God spoke in a dream or vision, the direction was clear, plain and without any doubts.

God can and does speak in dreams and visions now, and as this is going to increase, then we must be sure that such dream and vision directions are clear and unmistakably from God. If the meaning is not clear then question the source and guidance, God will never leave us in any doubt on such matters. Guidance is too important for there to be any doubt.


God also allows circumstances to help to guide us although we should always be careful and make sure by prayer that the circumstances are arranged by the Lord and not by Satan.

There are many Christians who pray for guidance on some things upon which the Lord has already given clear commands.

There is no need to pray for guidance as to whether we should witness for the Lord.

The Lord has commanded us to do that. We should be ready at all times to pray for those in need and to help wherever we can do so in the gospel work. It is our duty to witness, to visit the sick, to help all we can. God has promised us His power to do so and to bless and provide for us. We can pray for doors of opportunity to be opened for us to do all this and the Lord has promised His help and guidance.


  1. We cannot expect God's guidance until we have accepted the Lord Jesus as our own
  2. personal Saviour.
  3. We must be prepared to forsake all sin and customs and habits and anything the Lord
  4. reveals to us before we can expect clear daily guidance. “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jews Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (I John 1:7).
  5. Guidance is usually 'step by step' and not a complete plan from beginning to end and God teaches us faith by revealing only a step at a 'time and strengthening us as we walk in the light and by faith. Seek guidance daily from God for all activities.
  6. God deals with us as individuals and therefore we must not copy others or expect that
  7. God will always guide us in the same way.
  8. God uses various ways to guide us.
  9. God never contradicts the commands or instruction of His Word.

His guidance will explain and clarify HIS WORD.

The coming revival will demand men and women who KNOW GOD, and who know how to secure regular guidance. Now is the time we should begin training. Learn to know God's voice and how to get instructions for the work of God. That will mean prayer and quiet times of listening.


"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world". (I John 4:1)

How can we discern the presence and operations of evil spirits? How can we tell the difference between the Spirit of God and evil spirits? There will be times when it is not easy to identify them. But there are several Biblical tests whereby we can recognize them.

Test 1.  Does the spirit deny any of the Word of God?

An evil spirit can usually be detected because its nature is to lie and to make statements in direct contradictions to the Bible. Sometimes, even Christians can believe a lie because of failure to recognize the slight error introduced by evil spirits.

The first mistake made by man was to fail to detect the partial lie by Satan (Gen. 3:4-5). The devil is a liar and if it is suspected that the spirit operating is an evil one, then he should be challenged on this point.

Satan is going to twist important Biblical statements in the last days by introducing slight errors or to seek to put too much emphasis on certain doctrines out of context.

Remember Satan knows the Bible as much as we do, but he only seeks to twist its meaning and to lead men and women to doubt its power. The only remedy is for us to read, study and apply the Bible in our everyday lives and to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit (II Tim. 2:15).

Satan tried to tempt the Lord Himself with the Bible in the desert by only quoting a part of the promises of God. Satan omitted "in all thy ways" from his quotation of the Bible, thus only giving half the truth. "His ways" could only be marked out for Jesus by His Father's will (Luke 4:10-11).

Test 2. Does the spirit confess that Jesus Christ came in the flesh?

"Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God. Every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is the spirit of antichrist, whereof ye heard that it should come, and even now already is it in the world". (I John 4:2-3)

This test enables Christians to check teachers and preachers who may be introducing some new doctrine or cult. The evil spirit eventually forces the human channel to deny or doubt the fact of Christ's deity or the fact that Jesus was born of a virgin but is the Son of God indeed. Islam usually teaches that Jesus Christ is a prophet but on the same level as Mohammed.

All sound teachers and preachers who are led by the Holy Spirit acknowledge that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, was born of a virgin, and make the same confession that Peter did when Jesus asked him, "whom say ye that l am? Simon answered, thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Matt. 16:15-16).

Whenever doubt is expressed concerning these fundamental truths of the gospel, one may be certain that seducing spirits are operating. 

Test 3. By their fruits shall ye know them

It is possible for a man to perform miracles, to speak in tongues, to exercise the gift of prophecy and yet be controlled by an evil spirit or misled by evil spirits. Read I Cor. 13:1-3. Spiritual gifts are not infallible signs of spirituality.

But it is impossible for any evil spirit or Satan, to produce a changed life and a holy character. Only the Holy Spirit can change a man's nature and give a new life which yields spiritual fruit. The real test of anyone's spiritual stand is the fruit displayed in their daily lives.

It is probably that in these last days we shall see many manifestations of spiritual powers and gifts but we should insist that the real test is a changed life. Because of this it is likely that Satan will even encourage spiritual gifts in order to hide defects in character and nature and thus secure control and mislead others. 

Test 4. By the gift of discerning of spirits

If the forgoing tests are applied carefully and prayerfully, it will not be possible for Satan to deceive the elect. These three tests should be sufficient for every sincere child of God. But God has also added a special test in bestowing a gift of discerning spirits.

It is possible for a Christian manifesting this gift to reveal and expose an evil spirit in co-operation with the spiritual leaders. This gift is specially designed to detect the presence of demons. On occasions these evil spirits will feign to be the Spirit of God and escape detection.

The gift of discerning of spirits can expose. Such in Acts 8, Peter discerned that Simon was not a true believer but was a sorcerer and exposed him, even though Simon had been baptized. Gehazi thought he had deceived Elisha concerning the money and clothes, but Elisha knew and revealed that he knew (II Kings 5:20-27).

So in these last days of this age we can expect a big increase in the variety of Satanic activities and counterfeiting, in an attempt to mislead those who are stepping out in faith against him and evil operations. This clearly means that we must be aware of this problem and learn by daily spiritual exercises how to detect the evil activities. As we progress in spiritual knowledge and activities we shall quickly learn to recognize the genuine from the fake. The key is usually how much or how far the exercise gives glory to God and magnifies the work of the Lord Jesus and the Cross and where it seeks to glorify man and mankind. The latter is not of God.



“They laid hands on them". (Acts 13:2)

Many students, teachers and graduates are hearing a CALL FROM GOD in these days, when God is moving throughout the whole country.

God is using these men to challenge Satan and to snatch souls from the Kingdom of darkness and deliver them from fear, sin, sickness and demon power. Many N.Y.S.C members have been mightily used by God in many places.

Recently, many students, who are completing their studies this year, surrendered themselves for the work of God and hands were laid on them as hands were laid upon Paul and Silas in the Acts, and they were commissioned to go as the Holy Spirit had called them.

They have been called, chosen and commissioned by God and we who are left behind are responsible to bring them daily before the throne of grace, as they face the powers of darkness and win souls for Jesus Christ. There is a special word of the Lord for those who are going forth:

“I am sending you away with a new deposit of My word within you, because I have been working by the power of My Spirit, to leave within you a new deposit of Divine substance of My word, so that as you go to your places, it will be a LIVING WORD, a creating word, an enduring word; and it must find its expression.

As you have received of the revelation and of the ministry of My word by diverse operations, the effect will be in your own life, in your own home, an in your work, that the word of God has come to you in new and living way. The production of my dealing by my spirit and the word is to the end that all of you face the enemy of your selves and know that My word shall accomplish My purposes.

I will not rest, my people, until I have accomplished all things I have promised concerning you”.