We are living in the closing days of this age….when men’s hearts are failing them for fear as they look at prevailing world conditions and the seeming inability of the world’s conditions and the seeming inability of the world’s leaders to deal with the situation. We are also living in days of declension in the church when the truth is not being preached and the people are disillusioned as to the value of the Gospel. We are living in days when many Christians are deeply concerned about events and the lack of power in the Christians and the growing power of evil everywhere.

Hence this Magazine…… and its title……..HERALD OF THE LAST DAYS.

But there is need today to reaffirm the LORDSHIP and KINGSHIP of the Lord Jesus over all powers and authorities. No matter what the world may say………….no matter how the church may act…..no matter what the powers of evil seek to portray…. JESUS CHRIST IS STILL LORD OF ALL, and He alone can solve the problems of this world. He is the only rightful KING OF THE WORLD and He is shortly returning to take over  the reins of government, as was prophesied (Isa. 9 : 6-7).

But before He can return, as He himself promised, must be a mighty revival which will reassert the power of the Gospel and restore the power of the Gospel and restore the church to its proper place, and for this revival there must be also a mighty revival of the Gospel in a clear manifestation of the miraculous and in the development of the ministry of deliverance over sin….sickness…..evil powers….poverty …..fear, and all that raises itself up against the authority of the Lord Jesus.

This ministry has been committed to the Church and this magazine will seek to stimulate the faith of those whom the LORD has called to minister and to enable them to minister properly and to demonstrate to the world of men and spirits that the Lord Jesus Christ is indeed the LORD and that He has given His Church… and His people, the power to deliver and to prepare for His coming, to set up the promised of Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

So we feel there is a need for a magazine of this type and we shall seek to enlighten all Christians in all the denominations, so that they may be prepared for the revival, that it may not overtake us unprepared.

We shall seek to expound the truths the Lord has revealed for these last days and to show how He met those needs when He was ministering on earth…. And to enable all who desire to follow HIM to do so, in His way.

We must also examine the growth of evil powers in the world today and to expose the kingdom which Satan also is seeking to build called Babylon. It is a counterfeit kingdom and we shall seek to expose it and its workings.  

So this magazine is mainly for Christians….. for those who are eager for the truth…… for those who have a burning desire to know the Lord Jesus and His power in their lives and who desire to devote their lives to serving Him for the deliverance of their own people and nation.

All over the world today the Lord is raising up men and women with the New Vision of what He can do in them and of the end time revival which will demonstrate His Lordship and authority. We are dedicating this magazine to YOU.

It will not play with words or spare anyone…… it will be strong meat for the hungry but it will also liberate and challenge many and call upon them to get up and dedicate their lives  to HIM whom we serve and love, for the deliverance of others.

If you think you dare expose yourself to ideas which are not traditional-if you think you are capable of ‘thinking new’ without turning to condemn normal concepts; if you think you are big enough to make an honest re-assessment of your church and Christian attitudes towards sinners around you, which are accepted today in your church, as compared with the basic soul winning operations of the early Christians.

Most of all, if you think you actually desire to be useful to God and your people in Nigeria today and to become a soul winner, then go ahead expose yourself to challenge contained in this magazine, and see what happens. But you are warned before you start to read………… God will expect a response to His commands and challenge.


It has almost become ‘fundamental” for preachers to emphasize the soon return of Christ by declaring that “every prophecy has been fulfilled which precedes His second coming”.

But this is not true. Perhaps the most important sign of all has NOT been fulfilled. That is the sign which concerns me, and you as well. It is the sign which involves us as Christians in our commission as witnesses.

Jesus plainly named several “signs of His coming.” He mentioned false christs, wars, nations in conflict, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, persecution, deceit, lack of consecration, etc. (Matt. 24:4-12). Then He added: “ And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and THEN shall the end come.” (v.14).

This has not yet been done! This was  Christ’s last charge before He went away. He as much as said, “Go now to all nations and proclaim to every nations and proclaim to every creature the Good News. As soon as you do this, I shall return.”

The Early Church understood their commission. Not only the Apostles, but each believer as a witness. Day by day, in houses, on streets, at village wells and markets, on road ways, they preached Christ and won souls. They would reach “every creature, all nations” as rapidly as possible in spite of deadly opposition: because as soon as they finished, Jesus Christ would return. This was why they witnessed. They knew their mission was to win sinners.

“And ye shall be WITNESSES, unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth” (Act 1:8)

The Holy Ghost was given to them to empower them to WITNESS to go out and speak to people, house- to –house, person – to- person, with the object of causing them to believe on Jesus Christ and to become His followers.

Their method was simple and practical:

“And daily in temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ” (Acts 5:42) “And the number of disciples multiplied” (Acts 6:7). That brought on persecution and “they were all scattered abroad”…….”therefore they went on everywhere preaching the word” (Acts 8:1,4), “publicly and from house to house” (Acts 20:20).

“And this continued by the space of two years; so that ALL they which dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greek” (Acts 19:10)

There can be no argument about it: Early Christians followed the example of Jesus. All of them were fishers of men. They understood that this was why they were saved, that their purpose was to witness. 

What resulted in the Early Church?

They quickly evangelized their world-all of Asia Minor; many large cities like Jerusalem. Damascus, Ephesus, plus innumerable towns and villages. They even evangelized the segregated areas like Samaria, the nomadic tribe in the deserts and the pagan people in the nearby island. All this took them only 24months.

Think of it! Without electricity, radio, TV, tapes, records or films; without loud-speakers, jet airplanes or automobiles; even without bicycles or typewriters. But they did it-in just TWO YEARS.

Those 1st century Christians were witnesses. They were soulwinners. They won people “publicly” and “house to house” “DAILY”

What might have happened if this original zeal and passion for souls had continued in the Church?

But it didn’t. Instead, Christianity became entangled in theological controversy. Rather than to keep pressing on to the “uttermost part” and to more “regions beyond,” they began to argue over doctrinal fine points, and to divide their ranks.

And then Christianity was plunged into 1,000 years of awful spiritual darkness- the Dark Ages, and this terrible thousand years is the veil which separated the church today form the New Testament concept.

Rather than witnessing with power to the unsaved in houses, on streets, in markets, etc, out where the sinners are, they segregated themselves with a thousand sectarian barriers and denominational labels. They left the forgotten ones to their own pitiful fate while they segregated themselves into religions clubs and conventions-not to reach out to the unreached but to defend their doctrines, to proselyte members from religious creeds.

They have not skilled themselves in “going out where the sinners are”. 

We can never witness to the world –to the masses of unchurched multitude-from within our sanctuaries. Sinners don’t go to church. The Church was commissioned to go to the sinners. Go OUT quickly into “the streets and lanes of the city;” “Go Out into the highways and hedges”; “Go into all the world….. to every creature”.

Christ never said to go IN to the church, to ring a bell and to pray for sinners to come IN. He said to “go OUT” where they are and win them-exactly as He did-not in religious sanctuaries, but OUT WHERE THE SINNERS ARE.

This has not been done. This Gospel has not yet been preached “as a witness unto all nations” as Christ said “shall” be done prior to His return. I ask why should anyone hear the Gospel twice before everyone has heard it once? Over a thousand tribes have never had a Gospel witness yet. Reaching these tribes is, therefore, THE sign which Christ foretold, but which is not yet fulfilled.


“And  when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, Thou Son of David, have mercy on us, And when He was come into the house, the blind men came to him; and Jesus said unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? And they said unto him, Yea, Lord, Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be unto you”. Matt. 9: 27-29.

The extent to which God can or will deliver men from sin and sickness or other state of bondage, has always been a matter of debate.  Some declare there is no God, therefore man gets no help apart from that which he helps himself. Others admit a God and confess Jesus as Saviour but are unable to believe He has made full provision for deliverance from sin and all its fruits. We believe the plain Bible story as illustrated here.

Here were two desperate, persistent, blind men who had more faith than the religious leaders and who pressed into Jesus’ presence to secure from Him what they needed.

Faith is the most persistent, determined thing in the world. It never looks at circumstances and it never conforms to excuses or the thinking of men.

“Believe ye that I am able to do this?” inquired Jesus and here is where faith enters. Many at this point will begin to look at their own weaknesses, their faults and failures, their lack of worthiness, their faults and failures, their lack of worthiness or at the terrible sickness which binds them, and immediately they begin to make excuses. “BELIEVE YE THAT I AM ABLE TO DO THIS?” asks the Lord. Do you think I can do it? Is God able? Why the very thought of inability cannot be associated with the Omnipotent God.

Get your eyes off yourself, my friend. Look away from your unworthiness and weakness and look to Jesus. What do you believe? Some may say, “Well I think so” Ah! My friend, there is a big difference between thinking and believing.

Others offer other reasons and say “Well I do not think or that is necessary”. Listen, my friend, that very thing is probably holding you back from the place where these blind men eyes were opened. You have tried your theories and you are still in bondage. That ought to be evidence enough that you need to change your thinking. Let us cast aside our doubts and fears and foolish pride and let us openly call upon the Lord Jesus, for there is a place of deliverance if one is determined enough to seek it out.


“Believe ye that I am able to do this?” they said unto Him, “Yea, Lord.” Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith be unto you.”



The Scriptures clearly show that there is a world of “spirit” beings. They are called demons, devils, sometimes evil spirits. They are sometimes identified as foul spirits, lying spirits, dumb spirits and spirits of infirmity. In West Africa they are also worshipped and feared as Ju-ju, Witchcraft is the work of demons.

 In your work of healing and deliverance you will meet a variety of demons, and you must know how to deal with them. One great secret of victory will be to RECOGNIZE THEN AND KNOW THE STRATEGY OF THE ENEMY.

The Bible clearly shows that demon spirits have access to men, that their presence brings about many kinds of sickness, disease, insanity and all manner of lawlessness. These demons produce in their victims such characteristics as pronounced stubbornness, melancholy, morbidity and all manner of wickedness.

The world “demon” is not found in the Bible, but it means evil spirit or devil. The Greek world for “devil” is “diabolos”, meaning adversary, false accuser, or slanderer. According to Mark 5:1-18, they enter into and control both man beast. There is however, a difference between demon POSSESSION and demon OPPRESSION. See Matt 4: 23, 24; and 16: 1-23.

Not only does the Bible reveal the existence of demon spirits and the havoc they have worked on humanity, but one need only look about him to see evidence of their destructive work.

Read Act 10:38 and note what is written concerning the Ministry of our Lord.

“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power; who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; For God was with Him.”

The thought suggested here is that the whole world lies under the dominion of this one personality, generally known as Satan, and that there is a ministry of healing and deliverance which will definitely heal and deliver people from his work and captivity.

Read the incident concerning the work of Christ and demons as recorded in Mark 5 :1-3.

Note three characteristics:

  1. The demon-possessed man was dangerous.
  2. The man was being tormented.
  3. The victim never knew the joy of rest and peace.

Two thousand demons had taken up their abode in this man’s life, and they drove him relentlessly into that nightmare world of lost and doomed creatures.

Notice the controversy between Jesus and the demon before this man’s liberation. When commanded by the Lord to come out, they opposed Him. Eventually Christ inquired as to their identity. They replied, “My name is Legion.” This gives evidence that spirits are not only known by class, but by name also.

They are indeed real, distinct personalities. In dealing with them, it is necessary that one be able to identify the kind he is dealing with so as to command it directly, in person.

So I want to deal with the various classes of demons, their characteristics, the ways in which they affect human beings, and how to deliver one from their power.

Some of the less difficulty to recognize are known as DEAF and DUMB SPIRIT. Read Mark 9:25.

“When Jesus saw that the people came running together, He rebuked the foul spirit, saying, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him.” 

Let us give attention to a spirit with which you have come in contact. An example of this kind is found in Acts 5:1-4, known as LYING SPIRITS. This is a common spirit. It dominates all false prophets, and teachers. Satan, the father of lies holds a great power over countless human beings who are victims of lying spirits.

Another type is UNCLEAN SPIRITS. Read Acts 8:5-7. These spirits are the producers of many kinds of sickness for they dominate the mind of its victims, until the individual loathes himself, yet it is powerless in its grasp.

The only cure is to TAKE AUTHORITY OVER them in the Name of Jesus Christ. “They shall cast out the devils.” Has direct reference to the believer’s authority over lying and unclean spirits.

These demons must be REBUKED in the name of Jesus and CAST OUT of the victim. Demon manifestations are often very violent and vicious. They like to affect and attack the mind of an individual. When it is difficult to discern the identity of a demon, it is an unclean spirit.

Some of the distinguishing characteristics are vexation, nagging, undue suspicion, so called nervous trouble, (unless, this originates from overwork or some organic disorder), stubbornness, sullen, morose, gloomy, and constantly depressed.

Another spirit, quite common, is the SPIRIT OF INFIRMITY. An account of its manifestation is found in Luke 13: 10-13. These spirits affect the bone structure of the body, bringing the victim into absolute bondage.

THE EXERCISING OF FAITH IS THE GROUND FOR DELIVERANCE. We are told to “RESIST the devil”, “REBUKE the devil”, and “CAST OUT the devil.” Satan is declared to be the author of sin, sickness and oppression in the human race. See Acts 10:38. Luke 13:16 John 10:10, I John 3:8.  


IT IS THE WORK AND PURPOSE OF JESUS CHRIST TO REDEEM AND MAKE WEL. John 10:10. YOU CANNOT MIX THE TWO. One is total darkness, the other is total light. There is no light in Satan, there is no darkness in Christ Jesus. You will always end in confusion and failure, if at any time and for any reason, you mix the work and purpose of Satan with that of Christ.  

To cause sin, sickness and failure is the chief aim of the devil. You are to deliver men and women from these three evils.


Jesus Christ defeated the powers of darkness on Calvary and the powers of evil are broken. This fact will only work as you realize and believe it!

Only through the work of Jesus Christ and faith in that accomplished work of Christ can one gain personal victory over the work of the enemy. Study and let the truth of Colossians 2, 15-17 dawn upon your soul.

If you are not sure in your own mind as to the strategy of Satan, you will never go far in resisting him. Recognize him as a power to be reckoned with, but DO NOT FEAR.  Do not become alarmed, for…………..”greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1Jn. 4:4.

Get a clear understanding of the work of Christ in destroying the works of the devil. Study 1John3:8 and Colossians 2, 14-17. Become well acquainted these Biblical truths.  Never lose sight of your spiritual power and authority! The ministry of your high calling in Christ is not merely to contend with Satan, but your calling is accompanied with holy power and authority OVER Satan.

Affirm your spiritual position in his presence. Tell him he is a conquered enemy. Before dealing with him, make absolutely sure that you have surround yourself with prayer and are thoroughly versed in the Scriptures.

As far as the believer is concerned, the power of Satan is limited. His dominion is over and broken. The tragedy is that too few Christians realize this and fewer yet believe it.

“Be sober, vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walking about seeking whom he may devour; whom RESIST STEADFAST IN THE FAITH. I Pet. 5:8-9, also James 4:7.

This “resisting” is best accomplished by submitting yourself wholly to God, and by putting on the whole armour of God. Satan is a conquered enemy. He is under a perpetual curse and his future is the lake of fire; there to be tormented forever and ever. Matt. 25 : 41 and Rev. 20 :10.


(Acts 1:8)

This was the instruction of the Risen Lord to His disciples before He left them to return to Heaven. he told them to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel……….to “witness” to the power of Jesus Christ to save, to heal and deliver.

But before they could successfully “witness” to this wonderful changing power, it was necessary that the disciples should also receive the same power that Jesus received before he began His ministry-the filling of the Holy Spirit. Before Jesus could face and defeat the attacks of Satan, He received a mighty filling of the Holy Spirit. Before Jesus could face and defeat the attacks of Satan, He received a mighty filling of the Holy Spirit from Heaven.

“And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by spirit into the wilderness.” (Luke 4,1).

When the Lord Jesus was leaving His disciples, He promised to send the Holy Spirit upon them all.

“Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you: and YE SHALL BE WITNESSES unto ME.” (Acts 1:8).

The Lord Jesus was really saying-“You shall receive miracle ability-supernatural energy- to give absolute proof and evidence of my resurrection. This power of the Holy Spirit working in you will actually demonstrate the power of my life and ability to work miracles” 

The purpose of “the power” was to give witness to all men of Jesus Christ, to “turn them from darkness to light: from the power of Satan unto God.” (Acts 26, 18).

The purpose then of receiving the power of the Holy Spirit is to evangelize: to win lost souls to Christ. The baptism of the Holy Spirit which the disciples received on the day of Pentecost enabled them to fulfill the instruction of the Pentecost enable them to fulfil the instruction of the Lord Jesus to go out and preach the Gospel. Without the baptism, their minister lacked the power of God which performs miracles.

Jesus said “These signs shall follow them that believe: in My Name shall they cast out devils: they shall speak with tongues; they shall lay hands on sick, and they shall recover.” (Mark 16,17-18).

This is the ministry which will turn sinner and needy people to Jesus Christ. People everywhere will rush to hear a man whose ministry is confirmed by these “signs”. In fact, the need of Nigeria demands this kind of ministry today.

Those who have been following Ju-ju demand that the Christians shall have more power than Ju-ju.

The heathen can only be convinced and converted by a manifestation of “great signs among the people”(Acts 6:8)

Only the power of the living Christ proclaimed in demonstration of the Holy Spirit, can meet every need of humanity. They will receive Him and follow Him when He is proclaimed in power –when His message of Salvation and deliverance is confirmed by miracles of His delivering power.


JOEL, the Prophet of the ‘last Days’ foretold a picture of the conditions of these ‘last days’ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and blessings of the Kingdom of God.

First, He told of the apostasy which prevail. Joel 1; 4,7.10,12. 

Secondly, He started that God’s remedy t meet conditions was repentance, fasting and a rededication, fasting and a re-dedication to God with a promise of deliverance. Joel 1;13-14, 2;12-13, 15-22.

Third: He declared the results of such repentance………a restoration of God’s glory; the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh, which would results in the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth, with full Kingdom blessings. Joel2; 25-32.

Fourth: He commanded those on whom the spirit is outpoured to ‘proclaim this among the Gentile’! that is, to preach it, demonstrate it, exhibit it among the heathen, the unconverted, the lost, the sinner, the pagans. Joel 3:9.

Fifth: He promised there would be a great harvest….. a great revival with ‘multitudes in the valley of decision.’ This would take place before the Day of the Lord. Joel 3:13-14.

This was 800 years before Christ and generations went and greater prophets rose. Revivals came on Israel but this great outpouring was never fulfilled.

Till, in answer to the power of the Victor of Calvary-the Lord Jesus Christ, the Father poured forth the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost…. And then Peter triumphantly declared…”This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel!! 

But it is clear that that outpouring was only a partial fulfillment of that promise and prophecy….that the great outpouring and HARVEST was still to be fulfilled.

The prophecy was specially fore ‘Last Days’……….and we are now nearly 2000 years later than the Day of Pentecost. The conditions prevailing in the world today exactly fit the conditions mentioned in the book of Joel.

On every hand, at home and abroad, we see the impotence of the modern church, struggling against the rise of false religions and ideologies. The church today is learning on the arm of the instead of relying upon the wonderful power of the Holy Spirit, and ‘iniquity abounds and the love of many is waxed cold’ (Matt. 24-12).

We are on the verge of the full final outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

When conditions are terrible, when judgment is about to be poured out on an evil world; then the Lord will fulfill His promises to give us ‘times of refreshing.’ There is to be a time of restoration, and a great revival from the Lord. Everything we look at speaks of the Lord, but before He will have a ‘Glorious Church, not having a spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing’ (Eph. 5; 27)

These are the ‘Last Days’ and in these last days we must have that great outpouring which will restore the lost Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit which he gave to the church in I Cor. 12…..which will result in a tremendous demonstration of the power of God and the Gospel and thousands will be saved and delivered.

This is the ‘gospel of the Kingdom’ spoken of by the Lord Jesus in Matt. 24:14 which MUST be preached before the end comes. We shall be dealing in more details with this subject of what it will be like in the ‘last days’ in future articles, but we assert that the restoration of the Gifts to the church awaits this great outpouring and time of ingathering or HARVEST TIME.

The final outpouring will be the same in character as the one on the Day of Pentecost…..but it will be world-wide and it will be world-wide and it will be poured out on ALL FLESH. It will create a tremendous worldwide revival and prepared for the return of the Lord Himself. It will sweep away denominational barriers and will over flow denominational walls and men everywhere will be accompanied by supernatural wonders and miracles….far greater and wider than those of Day of Pentecost….and all this BEFORE THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE DAY OF THE LORD.

The conditions in Nigeria today indicated that the Lord is starting to move in a special way. The Lord is using young men, and women, who have yielded everything to HIM, and miracles are happening, hundreds are being converted and changed and filled with the Holy Spirit.

But this is only the early showers….the great deluge is coming and it is our purpose to awaken Christians everywhere to answer this challenge and to prepare themselves for the greatest revival the world has even seen.

“The husbandman (GOD) waited for the precious fruit of the earth….for the coming of the Lord is at hand” (James 5:7-8). The HARVEST is yet ahead and the Lord is gathering the forces of evil to battle.

But He is seeking for reapers….to ‘thrust in the sickle’ and deliver men and women from sin……. Sickness and evil powers.

Will you be dedicated your life to the Great Husbandman………..and submit to His Spirit and then move out into ripening harvest fields.


Now that you have read this magazine we believe you will have been challenged, as we intended, by many questions concerning your own spiritual life and services. You have heard the Holy Spirit speaking from His word ….now it is time for you to respond to His challenge. We believe you will be expected by the Lord Jesus to face the following questions and answer them in His presence.

  1. How much do you know and experienced of the scope of Salvation?
  2. How much have you experienced of the ministry of deliverance in your own life and in dealing with those in need?
  3. How do you detect and deal with demon possession?
  4. To what extent are you personally growing in faith?
  5. What do you expect God to do in your life and in Nigeria this year?

The joy of delivering men and women from sin….sickness and from evil spirits and powers is almost as evil spirits and powers is almost as much as being saved…and this joy and privilege is for ALL GOD”S PEOPLE. The Lord is waiting for YOU to accept this challenge and to step out in faith to serve HIM and your own nation.

This will mean you must get alone with God and listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you.

To all who have heard the Holy Spirit speaking in this magazine we ask you to obey His Call and “COME” to the Lord Jesus once more. Once again you should repeat your dedication and ask HIM to cleanse you from all those things that will hinder HIM working once again to HIM. 

Be filled” (Eph 5. 18). You can only please the Master as you are filled with His Spirit and then He can use you as His channel and instrument for the blessing of others. The Holy Spirit waits to fill you, to take full possession of you and then to use you and all your faculties and abilities to win others for the Master.

Go” Every Christian is called to be a “witness”. You have been saved to serve… you must GO….and the Lord Jesus wants to use you as His servant to win others.

You may not be a preacher… but you MUST be a ‘witness’ of what the Lord has done in your own life, to others.