
  • God’s true church in Nigeria
  • Fasting for today
  • Prophets with power
  • The Gospel of the kingdom
  • Our inheritance - the heathen
  • Now is the time for action


Jesus said: “I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18). “Where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matt. 18:20), (Eph. 2:22-23). “The Church, which is His Body” (I Peter 2:9). “Ye are a chosen generation (before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4), a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye might show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

Read also: John 17:20-26, 1 Cor. 12:12,13, 27).

This is not a useless argument about the merits or failings of any of the large number of denominations in Nigeria today. Each has been used of God to accomplish some special work and not one has the exclusive right to claim that they alone represent God’s thought and purpose for today.

We would say, as kindly as possible, that all have failed in some very important aspects and thus exposed themselves to exploitation by the powers of evil and to the scorn of the unbelieving world.

We have not been called to judge: and most certainly God has not called any of His people to judge or condemn any church, minister or Christian who is seeking to the best of their knowledge and ability to serve the Lord today. God has appointed Jesus Christ to be the future JUDGE.

We, at HERALD OF THE LAST DAYS, are not a church and do not speak for, or represent, any particular church, or revelation and we do not have any members and we shall never become a church.

But because we believe that there is a true church in Nigeria today and that God has a plan and purpose for that ‘true church’ in the very near future, and that there are many young Christians who are anxious to obey God rather than men, and who earnestly want to know where they can serve the Lord, then we want to reveal what the Bible says about that ‘true church’, and God’s plan for it and all who are part of it.


It is NOT a denomination. It is NOT a building and even a congregation is NOT a church. The Lord said He would build His church and Eph. 2:22-23 states ‘the church is His BODY’, so that it is composed of men and women, called and chosen by the Lord Himself. In Acts 5:14, we read “believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women”, and in Acts 2:41, “there were added unto them” and in 2:47. “The Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.”

God is building a heavenly church; a Body that is part of Jesus Christ Himself. The Church of God is not a thing seen, it is unseen; a secret company of heavenly - born people, spiritual, and God - called and chosen. The church designed and called by God SPIRITUAL BODY. There is a great difference between what is called the church on earth, its system, its methods, its relationships and administration, and the Church which belongs to God.

The Body of Christ has only one Spirit and that is what makes it ONE. You cannot join this church of your own accord or will. The Holy Spirit Himself places in the church as He wills. You cannot be a member of the Church which is His Body unless you have received the Holy Spirit.


The Church is composed of spiritual people, added by the Holy Spirit and the Bible says they are ‘lively stones’ ‘a holy priesthood’. They are ONE, belonging to ONE BODY; they own ONE Lord, they have ONE baptism, ONE FAITH.

Whatever differences there were amongst the Lord’s people locally, the early Church as a whole was ONE, everywhere. Held together by spiritual ties and bonds and ministries. It was ONE, and when Christians moved from one place to another they were not asked whether they belonged to a certain group, distinguished by a special name. No, they were just Christians, that was enough. They belonged to the Lord, that was enough.

But today, we find that most professing Christians think of a ‘church’ as a place or building. We need deliverance from this idea. I am not saying you should leave your present place of worship but we must stop worshipping the ‘church’ as we see it. There is too much ‘churchianity and churchmanship’, which has no part in the Lord’s Church or plan.

When the Apostle Paul (to whom was given the truth about the church the Body) was converted, he threw off all the old Jewish bonds, and moved into the liberty of the Spirit. He was freed by the Holy Spirit from all yokes of tradition, system and religious organizations on earth, in order to be complexly governed by the Holy Spirit alone. The Body of Christ is never governed by earthly plans or systems. We cannot take up church membership, we join the Body of Christ. That is the work of the Holy Spirit. We cannot take up church work, that is the sole right of the Holy Spirit to place us in this church.


  1. It is the vehicle for the revelation of the Lord Christ to the whole of creation.

“To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in the heavenly places (even to demon powers) might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God” (Eph. 3:10).

God has planned that the church should display to all authorities the glory and power of the Lord Jesus. The Church is the highest expression of the wisdom of God on earth today, (the taking out from bondage of a company of people of all races, and making them one in the Holy Spirit). Its first ministry is to offer praise and worship to the Lord of Glory before all heaven all creation.

  1. To do the same work the Father gave Jesus Christ to do.

To do as He did, minister to the needs of men and women everywhere, spiritually, physically and mentally. Jesus said, “As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” (John 20:21) “The works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to my Father” (John14:12).

The last commandment of the Lord of the Church was that His disciples were to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.

  1. To represent the Lord Jesus Christ on the earth.

“As He is, so are we in this world” (1. John 4:17).

The church (Body) was designed to function in every way in the world today to demonstrate to the whole world that the Lord Jesus has completely defeated Satan and that victory is for all His Body today.

The Lord planned that His Body should also demonstrate the way that a Divine Body should be governed - He called men to take over Divine Government of His Body under the control of the Holy Spirit. The Body of the redeemed has been left on earth amidst all the evil and problems of an unbelieving world, in order to exercise the Divine power and to be trained as the future members and ministers of His Government on earth during his reign on the Earth when He establishes His Kingdom on earth.


It is the plan of God that the Lord Jesus will return to remove the prepared part of His Church to heaven. The lord Jesus Himself is coming again to be united with His triumphant body. That event draws very near now. But the Bible leads us to believe that when he comes, it will be to rapture a ‘glorious’ Church triumphant and victorious. It is certain that at the moment, His Church is not a victorious or glorious church. But when the promised revival comes, that will restore His Church to Her promised glory and so she will be raptured at the peak of her glory.

It is certain that the Lord’s return will not be to remove a defeated church or even a disgraced church. So we can expect a wonderful future and experience soon for the church. We are now beginning to see the early moves of the Lord to revive His Church again. The Holy Spirit is moving again and the gifts are being restored with the increase of signs and wonders and the demonstration of the miraculous, as experienced in the early church.


The King of the world is going to return to take up his rightful position as King of kings on the earth; and it is certain that His people, His Church will accompany Him, and will rule and reign with Him on this earth, (Rev. 5:10).

This is the final plan of God for His Church. He is preparing her now for this gigantic task, the task of ruling the nations of this earth. The glory and victory and success of the Church will become part of the successful reign during the Kingdom rule of the Lord Jesus. We are due to take part in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, and to impose, by power, the victory of the Lord Jesus over all the powers of heaven, earth and hell (Rev. 2:26-27, Psa. 149:5-9).

God has got his own church in Nigeria today. He is still adding to her daily, and He is preparing her for the coming revival.


“Wherefore have we fasted and thou seest not?... Vs. 4: Ye fast for strife and debate... Vs. 5: Is not this the fast that I have chosen?... Vs. 6-7: …to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry… Vs. 8: Then shall thy light break forth, thine health shall spring forth speedily; thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be your reward.” – Isaiah 58:3-8 


FASTING is a subject and experience of growing importance for Christians today, and there are some important facts that everyone should know. Fasting is a weapon we must learn to know and use for the coming conflict. It is a very big subject but this article desires to help those Christians who so far have found it difficult to fast, or who do not fast, and who do not realize the power in fasting and the need for it in facing the problems of today.

Fasting must be done unto God, before the eye of our Father who seeth in secret. God reminds us that the acceptable fast is the one which HE has chosen. Fasting, like prayer, must be God - initiated and God ordained.

We need to recognize the need for fasting, the willingness for the self-discipline involved, and the exercise of heart before God. When we fast, how long we fast, the nature and purpose of fast, are God’s choice.

Fasting must be to the Lord and not for selfish reasons. It should also be done in secret when you are personally concerned and only in public when the assembly is concerned and united; when facing the problems of this world and the enemy.

God’s chosen fast is that which He has appointed; that which is set apart for Him; to minister to Him; and which is designed to accomplish His will in the setting free of captives and bringing of freedom and blessing to His people.

Read Jer. 14:11-12, Matt. 6:16-18, Luke 18:12-14.


There is a right way to fast, and it is quite possible to fast in a way that will do more harm than good. The Bible speaks of three kinds of fasting.

Supernatural Fast:  No food or water. In Exodus 34:27-28 and Deut. 9:9,18, we read of Moses fasting for forty days and nights without food or water. This would need divine sustenance and was for a special dispensational revelation and intervention on behalf of a nation, before God.

In Acts 9:9, we read of Saul of Tarsus facing the great crisis of his future, and fasting without food or water for three days and nights. This is usually the utmost any normal man should fast. See also Ezra 10:6, Esther 4:16, 1Kings 19:8.

Total Fast: No food but water. (Luke 4:2, Matt. 4:2). This is the normal type of fasting and we advise this to all who desire to devote themselves to seeking God’s face and blessing, as stated above.

The Partial Fast: ‘No pleasant bread’ (Daniel 10:3). This type of fast is of great value, especially where circumstances make it impossible or inconvenient because of work requirements, to undertake the total Fast. It is most suitable for elderly persons and those of weak physical health, and it can be used for long period fasting. For Daniel, it resulted in a great spiritual victory over the powers of darkness and the revealing of the vision for the future. All forms of fasting are generally beneficial physically.


“The days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast” (Matt. 9:15). The time is now. Now that the Bridegroom is absent. This is the age of which he said. “then they shall fast.”

The early Church fasted and if we desire the power and results of the early church we must also fast. Fasting is a God - appointed means for the flowing of His grace and power, that we must learn to use. We should fast in order to prepare for His return. But that means thousands need to be freed and liberated. This will mean fasting to secure their release. It will be a praying and fasting church that will hear the cry, “Behold the Bridegroom cometh” (Matt. 25:6). The fast will then be ended and the feast of the marriage supper of the lamb will begin.

When should a Christian fast?

  1. When the need to seek God becomes more important than food.
  2. When faced with Satan, and Satanic problems and powers, or sickness or poverty, and oppression.
  3. When an assembly faces attacks from the enemy who refuses to yield or obey their commands in the name of Jesus Christ.
  4. Some demons are so powerful that they refuse to be cast out except by prayer and fasting (Matt. 17:21).
  5. When an assembly is making a forward move in the will and work of God.


  1. Deliverance: Delivering the captives. Fasting is the master key to the impossible in deliverance. (Isa. 58:3-6).
  2. Safety: Read the story in (Acts 27, Ezra 8:21-35, Esther 4:16).
  3. Guidance: (II Chron. 20:3-4, Acts 13:2).
  4. Revelation: (Exod. 34:28, Dan. 10, Acts 10:10).
  5. Blessing: (Acts 9:9).
  6. Changing the plan of God: (Jonah 3:5, 8, 9, 10).

What the early church accomplished through Fasting

The conversion of the Apostle Paul was accompanied by fasting (Acts 9:9). Blinded by the vision of the risen Christ, he fasted until he secured guidance on future action and was given a vision of his release and work.

Fasting opened the door of the Gentiles for the Gospel. He only had a limited understanding of God but he was determined to know. Read Acts 10:30-31.


Paul remembered that Ananias had spoken that Paul would be sent on a mission to the Gentiles, now the time had come to obey, and so the church leaders gathered to commit the operation to God. They fasted and prayed for the missionaries and sent them out. An entire ship’s crew were saved when they fasted and prayed (Acts 27).


Fasting (whether total or partial), can be of utmost importance in the conflict with and the conquering of Satan in the lives of others and of the deliverance of his slaves. But one of the most important examples of the conflict with Satan in the O. T. is found in Daniel 6:10, 9:3-5, 10:2-3, 10:12-20. The Lord Himself fasted when meeting the Enemy and defeated him (Luke 4:1, Mark 1:13).

You should expect that a season of fasting would prove to be for you, as it was for your Master, a time of conflict with the powers of darkness. Satan will then try to take advantage of your physical condition to launch an attack.

In these days, when the Holy Spirit is moving fast and the power of God is being manifested, evil forces that have lain dormant in human breasts for years, are being compelled to revealed themselves and challenge the child of God.

They need men who are ready to pray and fast with them, and for them until the enemy releases them and they are freed. Do we care enough to fast and pray for them? Fasting in this end-time crisis. (Joel 1:14-15, 2:12,15).


“Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. 18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit.” (James 5:17-18)

The 5th chapter of James is most illuminating and clears away much of the theological fog concerning the deliverance of mankind from sin, sickness, disease, and torment. Three great facts stand out in this chapter.


First is the necessity for patience - ‘Be patient therefore, brethren’ is the admonition. This patience is not passive resignation as many would have you think, but is an active faith that does not despair when everything ordered is not delivered at once.

“Cast not away your faith which hath great recompense of reward, for ye have need of patience, that after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.” Thousands have been defeated because they did not have patience to wait until the reward came.


The second great fact that shines clear in this chapter is the deep concern of God for man - “Ye have heard of the patience of Job and seen the end of the Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy.”

Despite the clamor of religious dogmas and the arbitrary edicts of men, this truth must be carried home to the hungry hearts of humanity, the truth that God is a God of mercy, that His attitude toward men is not that of cruel dictatorship but of passionate longing to set them free from the tyranny of sin and sickness.


The third big fact revealed in this chapter is the omnipotence of believing prayer: “Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.” (James 5:14-15)

“The prayer of faith shall save the sick.” Many have considered the prayer of faith to be some special kind of prayer that few could attain. The enemy has suggested this, and men have accepted it as truth; but I say unto you that it is false. The prayer of faith does not require any special gift of the spirit, but any believing prayer is the prayer of faith, or a faith prayer.

Just pray believing and it will be the prayer of faith. Don’t be afraid to pray; and don’t be afraid to believe that what you say shall come to pass.

The inquiry in our text, “Is any sick among you?” includes every sick person in the church. There is no occasion to inquire as to whether it is God’s will for some to be healed, for all are included in the word “any”.


The Lord knew the weakness of men and how prone they are, to see things in the light of impossibilities – He knew how a mere man, a man full of faults and failures, would feel as he stood before the unknown powers of disease-for instance the power of a cancer, a force that has baffled all the skill of science, a power that walks unchecked among men and claims for itself millions every year. This giant killer that tortures its victims for months and sometimes for years before it destroys them, has filled the hearts of millions with deadly fear; and the Lord knew that we must be fortified with something more than just an order to pray for those who have been attacked by this deadly foe. We must know that the words we speak are omnipotent.


The Lord, ever thoughtful of our needs and desirous that our courage might be built up to victory heights, add in the 17th and 18th verses: “Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain, and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.”

This is the wonder of faith.


And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness, unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matt. 24:14).

These words were spoken by Jesus Christ to His disciples in answer to their question:

“Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world?” Vs. 3

He told them to beware of deceivers and of those who claim to be Christ; that they would hear of wars, earthquakes and pestilence; that some of them would be hated and even killed for His name’s sake; that there would be false prophets; that the love of many would wax cold because of abounding iniquity, and then, after all these signs, He gave them the main sign of His coming: “This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”

In Mark 13:10, Jesus said, “the gospel must first be published among all nations.”

The supreme task of the church is the evangelization of the world.

That was Christ’s final order.

That was Christ’s last commission.

That was the purpose of which He sent forth His disciples.

What is “this Gospel of the Kingdom” which Christ said “shall be preached in all the world?”

It is the same Gospel Jesus Christ preached. It is the same as His disciples preached. When Jesus told His disciples to go forth, He said, “Preach saying, the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Together with that message, He told them to “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils, freely give” (Matt. 10:8). These signs were evidence of “this Gospel of the kingdom.”

“And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, healing every sickness and every disease among the people” (Matt. 9:35).

When Jesus preached ‘the Gospel of the kingdom,’ He always healed the sick. And He was casting out a devil, and it came to pass, when the devil was gone, the people wondered.”

“And Jesus said, If I cast out devils by the Spirit of God then the kingdom of God is come unto you” (Luke. 11:14 and Matt. 12:28).

Jesus proved that when the Gospel of the kingdom is preached, devils are cast out, and the sick are healed. It is ‘this Gospel of the kingdom’ being preached in the power of the Spirit of God, confirmed by signs and wonders and driver’s miracles, that is bringing to pass some of the greatest world-wide evangelistic triumphs in history today.

There have been certain countries in the past which have received great spiritual visitations. There has arisen a servant of God now and then, here and there, but in these last days, nation after nation is being literally swept by evangelism.

Not only one servant of God is being used, but literally scores of both men and women are now preaching to crowds numbering in the thousands. This is taking place not only in our country, but in many. God is confirming the Word preached with signs and wonders. Thousands are turning to Christ as a result.

When John’s disciples inquired as to whether or not Jesus was the Christ, they were instructed to “go and shew John again those things which ye do HEAR and SEE: the blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and poor have the GOSPEL preached to them” (Matt. 11:4-5).

Did you notice it? “Tell John what you hear and see”. They heard the Gospel preached, and they saw the blind receive sight, and the lame walk etc.

His message was with evidence.

His Gospel was with proof.

His preaching was with demonstration.

There could be no doubt that He was the Christ. The Gospel of the kingdom must be proclaimed with evidence; it must be preached as a witness.

More can be accomplished in one campaign preaching Gospel with evidence, than in a hundred years of preaching without proof.

Paul testified: “Christ wrought mighty signs and wonders through me, by the power of the Spirit of God, which made the Gentiles obedient by word and deed” (Rom. 15:18-19).

“This great salvation was first spoken by our Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard HIM: God also bearing them witness, both signs and wonders, and with divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost.” Hebrews 2:3-4

Again the Gospel was with EVIDENCE.

Again their message was with PROOF.

What the world needs is the preachers who, like Paul, preach “not with enticing words of man’s wisdom’, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: that the faith of the people should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God” (1 Cor 2:4-5).

The world MUST hear ‘this Gospel as a witness.’

The Good News MUST be proclaimed with proof, with evidence. Fancy sermons, and elaborate discourses have no place, and draw no audience in this day of miracle evangelism. There is no place for such in the ministry of the Holy Ghost. I believe that the puny programs by modern Churches have had their day of greatest success, and that they will do nothing more but continue to fade into obscurity as a mighty army of living witnesses appears upon the horizon of this closing gospel age.

Acts 6:8,15 informs us, “Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people…and all that sat in the council, looking steadfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel”. Stephen was a WITNESS. His sermons were demonstrations. His preaching was with power.

Ah, church awake, Arise, shake thyself, go forth, preach the truth, proclaim “this Gospel of the kingdom.” Be a witness and you will reap the harvest.

Acts 4:31,33 tells us, “When they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together and with great power gave the apostle witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.”

We must take ‘this gospel’ as a witness (with evidence) to all nations.


Nothing else will substitute for ‘this Gospel with evidence.’ There exists absolutely no substitute for ‘the demonstration of the Spirit and of power.’

It is the witness, with evidence, who convinces. One miracle is worth a thousand sermons. “This gospel” was designed by the Master to be proclaimed, without alterations or adjustments, ‘to every creature.’  ‘to all nations’ unto ‘the end of the world’.

We need to preach the gospel of the Kingdom as a witness, (with Holy Ghost evidence), and the same results will follow today as they did in the Early Church: “Believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women” (Act. 5:14). The whole world is waiting to believe the Gospel proclaimed by anyone whose preaching is confirmed by a demonstration of the Spirit and power.

When the Church began her ministry, it was a ministry of miracles. A stream of miracles followed the preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom which challenged the authority of the Government of that day.

Those early years of the Early Church, as recorded in the ‘Acts of the Apostles’ were to be the pattern of the ‘Acts of the Church’ until the Second Coming of the lord Jesus Himself.

If we do not have the supernatural in Christianity, we have nothing left to offer the heathen except a religion; and true Christianity is not a religion. Wherever God raises up a man or woman whose prayers are heard and answered, great crowds flock to seek their aid, by - passing the established churches and educated leaders.

All normal men crave the supernatural. They long to see the manifestation of the power of God. People are even willing to excuse extravagances and individual fanaticism if they can find God working today no matter how uneducated the preacher may be. We cannot teach the ideas of our modern - day churches and get Bible results. We cannot use the methods of old missionary system and evangelise the whole country for Jesus Christ.

If we want to see the Gospel of the Kingdom in operation, then we must have faith in the promises of God - we must sow the seed of faith; the Word of God. The Bible says, “faith cometh by hearing the Word of God” (Rom. 10:17).

We may call a week of fasting and prayer, but if we rely merely on prayer and fasting, it will not bring results. The Word of God must be preached in the power of the Spirit, which will inspire Faith in the miraculous, and result in miracles and healings and the demonstration of the gospel of the Kingdom as it did in the Acts of the Apostles.

If ministers do not know these truths, then how can they teach them or practice them and deal with the problems of the needy today.

If there is no faith for miracles they cannot be done. If miracles are not done then there is nothing to attract the needy and heathen to the Gospel. The heathen do not want to hear excuses for not being healed or comforted by promises that all will be better when they reach heaven. They want to taste and enjoy the benefits of the Gospel which Jesus preached and was given to the disciples to preach also.

The gospel of the Kingdom includes God’s promise and covenant of healing for today: the believer’s authority over Satan, and Satan made diseases, our throne rights in prayer and authority over all that raises itself against the Lord Jesus.

This is the secret of the mass revivals which are spreading all over the world today. Men of faith are preaching the gospel of the Kingdom with power, and they are seeing results which are attracting thousands who are seeking the Lord Jesus and being saved and converted and brought into the churches.

Do not be contented with a gospel without power. God is seeking men of faith who will have faith in His Word.


Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession” (Psa. 2:8).

“He hath shewed His people (us) the power of His works, that He may give them (us) the heritage of the heathen.” (Psa. 111:6).

“I will no more make you a reproach among the heathen” (Joel 2:19).

David the psalmist stated that God had empowered His people with His own miracle powers, to enable them to claim their inheritance, to claim the heathen as their own portion. The ‘heaven’ means every unregenerate, unsaved person, ignorant of God and His plan of Salvation. It does not matter what nationality or color he may be, even if he is supposed to be educated and civilized, if he is not converted then God regards him as a heathen.

God has promised us - those whom He has saved and regenerated, the heathen as an inheritance forever. We need not trouble ourselves about houses and property here, or if our earthy fathers will leave us a good inheritance; our Heavenly Father has promised us our own inheritance, millions of souls, waiting to be claimed for ourselves as our inheritance.

The sacrifice of Jesus Christ paid the price for the redemption for every heathen soul on earth. Their salvation is fully provided. Now God says: “You can possess these uttermost parts of the earth, and the souls of the heathen will be your inheritance.”

To possess such a treasure should we not be ready to “sell all” and buy this inheritance.

The vast areas of unreached souls in Nigeria today present us with a challenge to our faith and courage and resources. This is a priceless treasure, the souls of millions of Nigerians. The responsibility to invade these areas and possess this treasure demands unselfish and sacrificial faith and devotion from us all. No single Nigerian Christian is excused.

This task must be done and will take men of vision who are no longer content to rest in secure government positions or business offices, and who are restless and unsatisfied with remaining in the congregation listening to sermons for Christians, but who will regard the heathen as more valuable than money or position.

It will take men who are tired of religious competition, and who are yearning to proclaim Christ in places where the Gospel has not been preached or burnt over by religious opportunists or Gospel commercializers.

Yet, it seems that such men are not in Nigeria. Can it be that Nigerian Christians are not willing to dedicate themselves in sacrificial devotion to the same extent as the missionaries who brought the Gospel to this land? Can it be that Nigerian Christians place a greater value on comfort, position and money than on the souls of the heathen?

Reports are coming in from many parts of Nigeria where there are hundreds of villages and districts where the inhabitants have never heard of a man called Jesus.

When they hear of the Gospel and they experience the power of the Lord to save them and deliver them from evil powers, then they cry out and demand someone to stay with them to teach them about this ‘Jesus’. Yet, in far too many instances we have to refuse them because we do not have the dedicated men who are ready to forsake their own security and comforts and take the gospel and possess their inheritance, as promised by the Lord.

On every hand, we see the impotence of the modern church struggling against the tide of false religions or compromising and accepting statements which make the gospel powerless, accepting that every religion is of God and that it does not matter what you believe. So the Church is striving in vain, to avert the wholesale conversions of unchurched Nigerians to anti - Christian groups and sects.

It is claimed that three out of every four converts from paganism are to the Muslim faith. Yet the church learns on the arm of the flesh, instead of relying on the miracle power of the Holy Spirit, and the heathen turn to juju and pagan rituals when they are sick and in trouble. The church stands by in impotence.

Is it any wonder then that the Lord is turning to untrained men and women of faith who have learned of the miracle of faith who have learned of the miracle - working power of the Gospel and who know what the heathen need? God is raising up today, in Nigeria, groups of young men and women who are daring to take God at His word and step out in faith to prove the Gospel and demonstrate to the heathen that the Gospel is still ‘the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believeth’ (Rom. 1:16).

The church today is a ‘reproach’ among the heathen because it is so powerless. But our mighty Saviour has empowered us so that we can possess this treasure of souls as our inheritance.



God made man. God loves men, all men; rich, poor, educated and illiterate, and desires that every man shall be saved (John 3:16, 2Peter 3: 9).

Man wants God; they seek HIM, even as idol worshippers do. They want the gospel. They seek the proof that God is interested in them and has the power and love to meet their needs (Luke 5: 12-14).

But how shall men know God without a preacher? (Rom. 10:14). No Christian lives a really successful life until he succeeds as a Soulwinner. God has placed you where you are in life to be His CONTACT there. You are His voice. No other person can take your place, you have your own personal testimony, and although you may never be a preacher, yet you MUST be a witness. (Acts 1:8).


  1. To be a witness of God’s grace and power in your own life. No man can take your own testimony from you, it is beyond dispute or argument unlike church doctrines.
  2. To be a deliverer as the Lord Jesus was on earth. To point men and women in their needs to the Lord Jesus, and minister to them from the Bible so that those needs can be met NOW.


  1. The Lord has sent His promised ‘Comforter’, the Holy Spirit, who is now in us and only the Holy Spirit can do the work of God. “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord” (Zech. 4:6) “Be filled with the Spirit” (Eph.5 :18).
  2. Prayer and prayer groups. Seek God’s guidance, His power and blessing daily on your witnessing. Gather your Christian friends and form a prayer Group to deal with the problems of your own community.


  1. Your own household and family. Is your wife, your husband, your child, saved and will they be in heaven with you.?
  2. Your own village or locality and tribe.
  3. Your fellow students or workers.
  4. Those whom you meet daily in your work and movements.
  5. OUT where sinners are. It will eventually mean that you will have to do some door to door witnessing.


  1. To lead all contacts into a knowledge of Jesus Christ so that they will accept Him as their Saviour and Lord.
  2. Every saved soul to be added to your church. It is not enough to witness, or win souls. They must be helped into the church fellowship and then taught and trained to be a soul-winner like yourself. No convert should be allowed just to be a church ‘attender’. EVERY BELIEVER MUST BECOME A SOUL WINNER.