• Bringing Back the King
  • The Master Soul-winner
  • Faith to Change Destinies
  • Guerilla Warfare in Nigeria
  • Do not let the foolish virgins steal your oil


Jesus told a parable to those who “thought that the Kingdom of God should immediately appear”. He said, "A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return". (Luke 19:12)

I am sure you will realize that this parable was about the Lord Jesus Himself. He was the nobleman who went away. He did not go to get a country or piece of land over which to rule. His place of rule was in the land he left. He went away to receive the approval and authority to rule that land. He required from God the RIGHT TO RULE. He went to secure His right to rule His Own Kingdom, to acquire a kingship and authority.

He has already bought the right on earth. Now He is in Heaven, waiting for the command from His Father to return to take up the kingship of His own blood bought kingdom. He is returning very soon.

Many Christians in the churches today are concerned only with the 'Church' message and fail to realize that the Lord also is 'King' over a Kingdom, which He has already established and which He MUST return, to rule.

Meanwhile, He has instructed His servants to “Occupy till I come”. (Luke 19:13) Then on His return, after receiving the Kingdom, He will call His servants to render an account of the work they have done in His absence.

Our present age, the dispensation of Grace, and the Church age, is rapidly drawing to an end and this day of accounting is drawing very near. Today we are preaching the gospel of the Grace of God; the gospel of Christ. (II Cor. 10:14) This is the good news that the Lord Jesus Christ has died on the Cross for the sins of the world, that He was raised again for our justification, and that by HIM, all that believe are justified from all things.

This is the Gospel we preach to all the world today and is the only Gospel approved by God. Every person who accepts the Lord Jesus as Savior is 'born again' into the Kingdom of Heaven and is thus made part of that Kingdom, the rule of God, which is slowly and gradually extending over all the world today. But that Kingdom will never be established by the slow, gradual, growth by means of the preaching of the gospel, it will be established by the sudden and personal return of the King Himself, when He will take over the Government of this earth and the nations and will rule with His redeemed people. That kingdom will be heavenly in origin, principle and authority, but will be set up on earth and it will be governed by the King and His own people.

The King, during His earthly ministry often spoke of that Kingdom and in Matt. 13, we find out He speaks of the principles of that Kingdom. His disciples firmly believed He had come, as was promised in the Old Testament, to set up that Kingdom right away. They could not and did not know of God's plan for the 'church period' during which the Gospel would be preached to the whole nations; Jew and Gentile, so that God could gather out a new nation who would share with the Lord Jesus in the future Government of the earth.

There should be no doubt in the minds of Christians today that the promises of the Old Testament concerning the Kingdom will be fulfilled. (2 Samuel 7:8-17, Psalm 89:3,4,20,21,28-37; Daniel 2:34,35,44,45; Isaiah 2; Psalm 2)

For the past 1900 years, we have been in the 'Church' age and God has suspended His plan to take over the rule and government of His world, but He has not forgotten that plan and we are now in the closing days of the 'Church' age and we shall soon see the return of the King.

When the Lord returns next time, read carefully His own statement in Matt. 23:39. He will not return as a Babe, but as the crowned King, ready to exercise the authority and Kingship given to Him by His Father. Next time He will come, not as Savior, but as King and Judge to govern, rule and judge. (Heb. 1:13)

It is because of this terrible day of judgement that we are urged to persuade all men everywhere to repent NOW.

It is because of this pending event that Herald of the Last Days, is constantly urging Christians everywhere to review their Christian lives and activities, and to re-dedicate themselves and their resources to the Lord Jesus. It will be too late when He has come and the Judgement seat faces us all. (I Cor. 3:10-15, Rom. 14:10)

Because we believe that this tremendous event is nearly upon us, we want to again urge all Christians to think deeply upon these things. Let us review the probably course of events likely to take place within the next few years.

The Lord Himself will leave His throne in heaven and step into the world and clouds again, and He will call His own, both dead and alive, to join Him. (1 Thess. 4:16-17) This godless, mad and commercial world will then be left to devote its full time to money and position and commerce. But it will be shaken by the ‘rapture' and the fact that millions of its people are missing. There will be panic and wide spread fear and chaos.

In heaven the Lord will judge His servants on their work during His absence and rewards will be given. No one can be lost at that judgement seat. judgement of our sin has already been laid upon Jesus Christ once and for all.

Then, after a period during which the world will be seeking to establish itself and manage without the Holy Spirit, and the people of God (the Church), the Lord will return, with ten thousand of His saints to set up His Own Government and to bind Satan and the powers of evil and to rule this god rejecting world in power and with authority.

He must reign here on earth; this earth belongs to our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus bought it with His own blood, and is now awaiting the signal to return to His kingdom.

This is the 'glorious hope' of every Christian today and this 'hope' purifies us in the expectation of what is to come. (I John 3:3)

But we must not make the mistake now being made by so many Christians of believing that the 'rapture' of the church or watching believers, ends our relationship with the earth, and that God is then no longer concerned with the earth.

God is vitally concerned with this earth, and this present age is but an interim period of His operations with it. He intends to set up the Kingdom of God on earth which He planned through Adam and He will use 'MEN to do this.

He has already chosen and produced His King and God is now in the process of training and developing His people and future world leaders and Governors, 'hast made us unto our God kings and priests; and we shall reign on the earth’. (Rev. 5:10) That is God's plan and we are part of it.

The task ahead demands great wisdom, great care and experience, for the coming Kingdom will be according to God's plan and will surpass anything that man today, with all his dreams and politics and intelligence and scientific knowledge, could ever think of. (I Cor. 2:9)

The Bible gives us clear indications of the nature and moral characteristics of this Kingdom. It will be a righteous rule of peace. The meek, not the proud, will inherit the earth. (Matt. 5:5) Longevity will be greatly increased; the knowledge of the Lord will be universal, ferocious beasts will be removed; absolute racial equality will be enforced; and out breaking sin will be visited with instant judgement. (Isa. 11:4,6-9; 65:20; Psa. 2:9; Isa. 26:9; Zech. 14:16-21)

In Rev. 20:1-5, we also find that Satan will be removed with his spirit powers from the world scene. It is impossible for us to conceive to what heights of spiritual, intellectual and physical perfection man will be able to attain during this coming age of righteousness and peace. (Isa. 11:4-9; Psa. 72:1-10)

When the Lord Jesus was ministering during His earthly life, He often spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God, and He also spoke of the Gospel of the Kingdom and by this He meant the ministry which delivered men and women from their sins, their failures, their sicknesses and the demon powers. It will be this special type of ministry which will be universal in the coming Kingdom of Heaven which we are expecting very soon.

And it is this very Gospel of the Kingdom which the Lord Jesus is bringing back to the ministry of His people in these days of revival and crisis. This is the reason why we are constantly urging Christians to seek the Lord Jesus about these powers and to seek for the fullness of the Holy Spirit and the exercise of this ministry, in order to be fully equipped for the future tasks.

The King is coming back. He is due very soon and He is NOW preparing those whom He will need and use for His future reign on this earth.

There is no need to fight the existing government or to study its failings. There is a new government coming which will be set up by the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and we are due to be part of that government.

The task ahead is far more important than anything we are doing now, if it is not related to the future government. Let each of us get our priorities right and seek to find the will of God for ourselves NOW.


“Faith can make a way

Faith can open doors

Faith can bring the answers

Faith can control all powers and all authorities 

--- because GOD IS OVER ALL”.


"He that winneth souls is wise.” (Prov. 11:30)

It will be noticed that God uses the word 'win' in connection with our service of witnessing for Jesus Christ.

He does not say 'catch' or 'trick' or 'trap', but 'win,' and this means the use of all means and methods of persuasion, with no pressure. It is also true that one of the most successful methods is personal soul-winning. Praying for; speaking to; and winning single individuals. The Master Himself won 7 out of 11 of His disciples, through personal conversation. Matthew and John record 16 personal private interviews. Let us learn some lessons from the Master Himself, the Master Soul- winner.

  1. He was no respecter of persons

He spoke with many and from each class. He had conversation with business men and men of the middle class, e. g. Zacchaeus. He discussed religious matters with the ruling class e. g. Nicodemus and the young ruler. But He did not neglect the outcasts; He discussed her problems with the woman at the well, in Samaria.

Each of them needed guidance and salvation and every one could only find peace through Jesus Christ Himself. All the leaders and men of Government in Nigeria today need Jesus Christ and we are to pray for them and seek to get into touch with them politely and without force. Yet, we must also go out into the street and markets to find those who are likely to be criminals and outcasts. They must be told the way of real life.

  1. He approached all manner of men in a way they would understand and accept

He was polite, frank and truthful, revealing that He had a desire to help them and lead them into a personal decision for the right way. At Bethsaida, He approached a sick man with a question which the man understood, 'Wilt thou be made whole.' He met him on a level which he understood and needed.

We need to discover the personal needs of people before we discuss salvation of the Lord Jesus with them. In the case of Nicodemus, an educated man, the Lord spoke of his personal interest in the things of God and enlightened him on those matters. With the fishermen, the Master spoke of fishing and urged them to rise to higher work; fishing for men.

  1. He sought to commend and not criticize and spoke positively rather than negatively, or finding fault with anyone

 We will never secure the ear of any one if we start criticizing them, or their habits, or clothes. The Master undoubtedly knew the defects in the character of Nathaniel, but He commended him on his good points when they met. (John 1:47) The Master thus secured a favorable hearing from Nathanael. Condemnation always alienates and closes the heart against further advances or discussion. We have not been sent as judges, but as witnesses of what the Lord Jesus has done for us. Don’t condemn. Don’t criticize, you will merit a charge of feeling yourself as superior and without blame.

  1. He refused to engage in useless argument

This is an important point for all witnesses DONT ARGUE. Argument never saved any soul. If a man wants to argue, then he is unlikely to be willing to listen to what you have to say and you are wasting your time. The Master met an argumentative lawyer who demanded an answer to a question, 'Who is my neighbor' and the Master soul-winner told him the story of the Good Samaritan and the lawyer had no further argument. The Master refused to allow any argument to divert Him from dealing directly on spiritual matters. NEVER ARGUE, just give your testimony and no one can argue with you on your own experiences. This must be noted when dealing with those of other religious beliefs, argument will never change them and only the Holy Spirit can convict them as you testify and speak of Jesus Christ.

  1. He was careful not to do anything unwise or give any appearance of evil

Whilst the Master had no respect of persons, He was careful how to deal with women and others of dubious character. Read how He dealt with the woman at the well. (John 4:6-13) She needed light and salvation and He used the situation of her need for water at the well to illustrate her greater need for the water of Life.

She tried to be frivolous (vs.15) and tried to be clever. She was also proud of her tribal connection (vs.12). She was sensitive, not shameless, because she visited the well when she knew she would meet no one, at noon. The Master met her in open daylight and was tactful. He did not condemn her, but revealed her secret character sins. He also asked her a favor and thus won her attention, making it clear that He was not afraid to speak to her or expose her secret. He pushed aside the sex barrier (vs. 19-20) and exposed her heart to herself. She tried to avoid the issue but He made her realize He knew all about her and could reveal it, and she agreed He knew.

He ended the interview by revealing Himself. It is our task to do the same.

  1. Be careful not to allow Satan any chance to start any suspicious attacks against you. Be careful how you act towards and speak with the opposite sex.
  2. Do not condemn, no matter if you know their sin. God is their Judge not you.
  3. Always speak of the Lord Jesus, never argue on any doctrinal points. It is the Lord Jesus who can save and change and not doctrinal truths.
  4. Be polite, courteous, sincere and eager to listen to your listeners needs. Then speak of what God can do as stated in the Bible. The Lord can then use His Own Word to convict and convert your listener. May the Lord make you a successful soul-winner.


"And Jabez was more honorable than his brethren; and his mother called his name JABEZ, saying, because I bare him in sorrow. And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, oh that thou wouldst bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldst keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested”. (I Chron. 4:9-10)

The name JABEZ means pain and sorrow and his life became all his name implied. Born in sorrow, living in sorrow and distress. Yet Jabez was not content to accept his conditions without doing something to change them. He sought a way of deliverance.

It would seem from the reading that a life of pain and suffering was all he could expect during his life. He rebelled against this way of life and prayed and claimed deliverance and God heard his prayer.

Thank God for men who will dare to rebel against the things which hold them in bondage and suffering and who pray and believe that God can and will change them.

The Bible records his prayer and his expectation that God would completely change his life and destiny, and surely the only reason God has recorded this is to encourage us and others to believe that we need not accept our bondage, sufferings and pain as inevitable, but to believe that they can be changed if we believe and claim deliverance from them.

JABEZ had never had a blessing, but had heard of others being blessed and so he wanted his share and called upon God saying “Oh, that thou wouldst bless me”. But he didn't end there. He was not content for merely a blessing and to remain in pain and suffering for the rest of his life. He wanted a completely changed life.

“Lord, bless me indeed and enlarge my coast”. God delights in this kind of prayer and asking Him; it glorifies God to be asked for big things. But Jabez was not finished even then, but went on making new and fresh requests, “Lord, that thine right hand might be with me and keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me”.

The closer Jabez drew to God, the more he asked from God and the more he got. It is only as men draw near to God that they acquire the faith, that enables and emboldens them to ask more and more from God.

Jabez found a prayer-answering God, for it is written that “God granted him that which he requested”.

Many Christians would have advised Jabez to accept his affliction and suffering and to have patience and to realize that all would be well in heaven. But that is not how God expects us to remain. He is honored when we seek the best for ourselves, that we might then surrender our renewed and changed lives to His service.

Many Christians also have no idea how to break out from the prison cells into which Satan has crowded us, and so many Christians live through their lives without seeing how God can and will release them and bless them.

The same God who answered the cry of Jabez, is still alive today and eager to answer your persistent prayers. I exhort you to refuse to accept any bondage or sickness on the plea that they are the will of God, but PRAY and keep on praying and claiming your deliverance NOW.

Two things are necessary for answered prayer. First, there must be a real conscious need and a desire to have that need met, it must be a desperate crying need. Secondly, men must believe that God can and will answer the cry of faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God. “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”. (James 5:16)

Rebel against the chains and bondage of Satan, cry out to God for deliverance and keep on crying until He hears and answers. Do not be contented with just mere praying, cry out and believe.


"The whole world is in the power of the evil one.” (1 John 5:19 - Amplified)

God's world was taken over by Satan when Adam surrendered his liberty to him and Satan has retained that power ever since. Even the Lord Jesus acknowledged this when Satan tempted Him. God has stated that He will redeem and recover His own world and He will use men; converted and saved by His grace and power, to conquer Satan and recover the whole world. We are His troops: but it is not a normal war, it is guerilla warfare. We are not an organized army fighting in battle formation, we are fighting in enemy held territory and against many enemy agents (evil spirits and Satan controlled human being). Whereas, God has only His own redeemed men and women.

It seems like a losing battle. But God cannot lose: He will win and the end of the warfare is now in sight. We are in the last stages of the struggle and the enemy is well aware of this and is throwing everything he can into the battle against God's agents and fighters now.

We are God's soldiers in His army of liberation. The author of all the confusion, suffering, sorrow, disease, sickness, death, wars, catastrophes, accidents and worldwide calamities is SATAN, the arch enemy of God, and ruler of the present world system.

This was the condition of the world when God sent His Son Jesus Christ, to challenge the ruler; Satan, and to defeat him and master him and take over the world again for God.

When the Lord Jesus came, His first act was to declare war on the enemy and his kingdom.

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to preach the gospel, to preach deliverance, to set at liberty...to preach the acceptable year of the Lord". (Luke 4:18-19)

That was His declaration of WAR and at once He started to deal with the problems created by Satan. He attacked sickness, demon power, poverty, religious bigotry and death.


Jesus asked, “Ought not this woman whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond?” (Luke 13:16) “All His adversaries were ashamed and all the people rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done by Him”. Vs. 17


A new Lord and Master had come and a new Kingdom had been setup, in enemy territory. Jesus said unto Satan, “Get thee behind Me, Satan, thou shall worship the Lord thy God, and him only shall thou serve”. (Luke 4:8)

The people recognized the advent of a new Authority. “When the sun was setting, all they that had any sick with divers diseases brought them unto HIM; and He laid His hands upon them and healed them; ‘And devils also came out of many, crying and saying, thou are Christ the Son of God’; (Luke 4:40-41) Jesus said, ‘If I cast out devils by the Spirit of God. then the Kingdom of God is come unto you”. (Matt. 12:28)


His first miracle showed His power and ability and willingness to meet the needs of many. (John 2:11) He proved He could catch fish and provide for fishermen. He also could multiply food and feed 5,000 and have enough left to feed many more. (John 6:1-14)

“They were all filled”, He even produced His own, and the disciples tax money. (Matt. 11:24-27)


“Woe unto you, for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him two-fold more the child of hell than yourselves”. See also Matt. 23:15, and verses 23-33 for His condemnation of hypocrisy and religious sectarianism.


“O Jerusalem, I would have gathered you and ye would not”. (Matt. 23:37-39)


He challenged death in Jairus daughter. “They laughed Him to scorn, He put them out and called saying; Maid, arise “. (Luke 8:41-56)

He raised the widow's son of Nain. (Luke 7:11-18) He rebuked death and brought Lazarus back from the dead. (John 11:38-44) He was the master of death and age did not count children, youths and old men.

He was the master of the wind, the sea and the trees. The master of a new Kingdom Which He must establish.

What the Lord Jesus began to do, His disciples continued under the control and power of the Holy Spirit at the Gate, beautiful. (Acts 3:6) Buildings shaken as Holy Spirit filled men. (Acts 4:31) Signs and wonders among the people. (Acts 5:12) Stephen, full of faith did great wonders and miracles among the people. (Acts 6:8) The people gave heed when Phillip spoke, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. (Acts 8:6) Tabitha was raised to life again from the dead. (Acts 9: 36-41)

Signs and wonders in Iconium, and Der-be and Lystra. (Acts 14:3-5, 9-11) The people proclaimed them as gods. A new kingdom was being manifested which challenged the powers and kingdom of darkness, evil and death.

Paul's touch on pieces of material was sufficient to rebuke diseases and evil spirits when the people believed him. (Acts 19:12) The power of a holy church and the establishment of a new kingdom and government provoked much opposition from the priests of the former covenant of God.

“The high priest rose up and put them in the prison. But the angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and said, "Go stand and speak in the temple to the people”.  (Acts 5:18)

Even when they put Paul into prison in Rome, he continued to raise his voice against the rule of the kingdom of darkness and to preach the coming Kingdom of God. (Acts 28:31)

The disciples in the Acts were GUERILLA fighters in enemy held territory and they established the Kingdom of God. So it should be in these days God has not changed His plan or desire to liberate men and women, the world needs to be shown the power of the new Kingdom and God has chosen men and women, redeemed men and women, as His channels and instruments to demonstrate that new Kingdom and authority.

For this reason, He poured out His Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost ‘Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you.’ (Acts 1:8)

POWER to heal the sick. Power to cast out demons. Power to challenge the designs and plans of the enemy.

It must always be remembered that the power of the Holy Spirit is given mainly that His people who all ought to be fighters may be enabled to contest the ruling kingdom of darkness and evil powers.

The Holy Spirit also undertakes the guidance of 'fighters'. It was He who moved Philip from a city to the desert and called Paul and Barnabas to leave Antioch, He told Peter to go the Gentiles and Paul and Silas to Europe, rather than Asia. (Acts 8:26; 13:2)


God has also provided special spiritual gifts to all His 'guerilla fighters', spiritual gifts to fight spiritual foes. “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds”. (II Cor. 10:4)

These GIFTS are referred to in I Cor. 12. They are:

  1. The Word of wisdom
  2. The Word of knowledge
  3. Faith
  4. Gifts of healing
  5. Working of miracles
  6. Prophecy
  7. Discerning of Spirits
  8. Divers kinds of tongues
  9. The interpretation of tongues

There are other gifts mentioned in Rom. 12:6-8.

  1. Ministry 
  2. Teaching 
  3. Exhortation

The Gifts of the Spirit are the operations of the Holy Spirit in this warfare against Satan and his powers. They are NOT for personal operation and enjoyment. They will lose their power and meaning if they are used as 'toys' by those to whom He has given them. They MUST be used for others, and it is the work of God which suffers when they are misused. They are NOT natural gifts, and they are freely bestowed by the Spirit according to His Will and are often manifested by momentary outbursts of spiritual 'energy' to accomplish a specific purpose and then remain dormant. These Gifts are a visible and tangible evidence of the manifestation of the glory of God against the kingdom of evil.

They are opportunities for ministry to others, both inside the Church and outside in the battle field, to combat sickness, demon, powers, oppression and death.

These are the only weapons the Holy Spirit uses. God has no hand in much of our carnal activities and Council decisions and actions which are designed to use man and human gifts and power.

These Gifts must not be confused with the FRUITS of the Holy Spirit as stated in Galatians 5:22-23, "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance".

These should be manifest in the life of every Christian and are the produce of the life of the Holy Spirit in-dwelling. Fruits are spiritual life manifested. Gifts are operations of spiritual weapons to be used in the Church and against the enemy in the battle of the Kingdoms.

Every Christian has been given one or more of these GIFTS to be used according to the choice of the Holy Spirit; and every Christian should seek to use these gifts against the enemy. They are functional, they are given for a special purpose. Satan also uses these gifts. He is anxious to corrupt them and lead Christians to use them for ‘self’. All manifestations must be tested by the Word of God. 


  1. God has given the gifts as weapons to be used by the Holy Spirit for the edification
  2. and  encouragement of  the Church and  the fighters, and therefore it  is  dangerous   when the gifts  are  used  for  personal  benefit or internally in the church only.
  3. The gifts MUST not be used as 'toys' in church services or for internal consumption and benefit only. They are not given for entertainment but for battle equipment.
  4. It is unwise to meet privately or in secret prayer meetings merely to encourage the use of the Gifts. They should be operated in public and be subject to control by spiritual leaders whom the Lord has given to the church.


  1. God and Satan are engaged in a battle for this world. God has planned the establishment of the Kingdom of God and Heaven: and Satan is contesting this and plans to maintain his control to govern this world from the Kingdom of Darkness.
  2. Every dedicated Christian is called to take part in the battle. God only uses volunteers, never conscripts. Have you volunteered?
  3. The weapons of this contest are completely spiritual and are the NINE spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit given in I Cor. 12.
  4. In these crisis days, the Lord is restoring these gifts to His   Church and many Holy Spirit filled Christians are finding they have been empowered to minister these gifts in healing, casting out demons, prophecy and in FAITH; to attack the powers of evil and Satan.
  5. There will soon be an increasing outpouring of the Holy Spirit which will produce a big increase of these gifts, and we must recognize them. This will result in a wonderful revival and harvest of souls, in Nigeria, in our lifetime.


"The foolish said unto the wise, give us of your oil; for our lamps have gone out; But the wise answered, saying, not so, lest there be not enough for us and you”. (Matt. 25:8-9)

That is a picture of the mixed church member and professing Christians of these days and it will become even more noticeable as the crisis develops in the near future.

As we see the awful condition of the churches today and the sins of 'Christian people' we may be led to despair of ever seeing a true spiritual revival in the world. But the Apostle Peter, moved by the Holy Spirit, states that the revelation of the prophet Joel in Joel 2:28, "It shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit upon your flesh" is indeed for these last days and that it was only partially fulfilled at the Day of Pentecost. The great outpouring is still ahead of us but there is also clear evidence from the Bible which is confirmed as we see conditions in the churches today all over the world, that there will be a terrible ‘falling away’ among Christians.

There are many attempts to 'stir up' revival, shout it down, dance it into action but these efforts are not of the Holy Spirit. They are man-made and of the flesh and will not bring in the long promised revival. The true revival will cause men to fall on their faces and cry for forgiveness: call for God's mercy, and will not be a revival of shouting and dancing and entertainment.

It is also clear that the beginning must be made by the 'priests, the clergy, the ministers' of the altar, who will have to fall on their faces and ask for cleansing and pardon. Then the revival will spread to the congregations' and then to the people outside. It will affect the whole country, the whole world and it could be a very short period; a 'lamp trimming time'. (Matt. 25:7)

Souls will be saved in their thousands, drawn to realize the power of God as they see the many demonstrations of the healing and delivering power of God manifested by Spirit-filled believers wherever the people gather.

Denominational barriers and names will not matter in those days. People will go where they can find God and they will gather where the Spirit of the Lord is at work in His latter day power. But it will most certainly not be a shouting and dancing time, but a time of crying out because of sins and conviction and conversion.

The church needs this Holy Spirit revival. The church members in many churches are hungry and eager for the real revival, and God is preparing a company of His men and women whom He has called out of ritualism and sectarianism and whom He has filled with His Spirit in these crisis days in readiness for the Harvest and they are now being prepared in secret places for those days.

This is the reason for the tremendous increase among Christians of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it is most certainly not for entertainment or personal pleasure, but in preparation for the Harvest ahead, when the Holy Spirit will use them to deal spiritually with spiritual problems. It is to these 'called out' people that we send this advice and warning.


The parable in Matt. 25 speaks of all ten virgins starting out to meet the Bridegroom. All with oil in their lamps. Oil in the Bible speaks of the Holy Spirit, and it is sad to see that thousands of Christian, who have proudly boasted and claimed in the years past of being filled with the Holy Spirit have now lost their zeal and witness and have become mere church members; they have let their lamps go out. (Matt. 25:8)

It is one of the great tragedies of the Christian church that the so called 'Pentecostal' churches are not challenging the enemy or making any progress against the powers of evil today. They have lost their oil. They have become 'churches' instead of fighting units and are devoting precious time and money to fighting each other instead of the enemy.

Let us all take warning of this, the enemy is directing all his efforts in these last days against those who have ‘oil’ and who are determined to be ready for the Lord when He comes again. None of us can boast of our spirituality, we have nothing but what has been given to us; but let us take care it is not stolen from us by those who have lost their own oil.

We should not spend time arguing or seeking to change their ways. Only the Lord Jesus can change those who are contented to remain quietly in their present condition. We must devote all our time and efforts to taking the Gospel and the blessings of God to those who have never heard the Gospel and the wonderful news of the power of God in these last days. Those who have heard cannot claim to be taught and helped more. The Lord has given them lots of chances in the past, let us turn our attention to the unreached.

It is true that there are many hungry Christians in the longer established churches, who are eager and hungry, and we should witness to them and speak of the things the Lord is going to do. But not to share your oil which those who have foolishly not prepared for the crisis. No man can claim to hear the Gospel twice, when thousands in Nigeria have not had the chance to hear it once.

All Spirit filled Christians should seek to pray for and work for the places where there is no Gospel. If you have any Christian friends who are asleep and whom the Lord is placing upon your heart, send their names and addresses to us and we will send them this magazine and that can be used by the Lord to awaken them. They will then have the chance to seek the Lord NOW, and 'buy' fresh oil.



This is a special appeal to all those who have heard the call of God to preach the Gospel. Let me remind you that evangelism is really the preaching of the Gospel to those who have never heard, it is not the preaching of the Gospel inside churches that can be called ‘revival’.

The call of God today is to go out into unreached areas in Nigeria with the Full Gospel, the message of deliverance which alone can meet the need of the masses in Northern Nigeria today. God will surely bless all who heed Hos call and seek the lost in the North. It will require great faith, faith that God can overcome the indifference of the pagans, the bigotry of the Muslims and save many of them.

It will need a working knowledge of the local language and there are many languages, and a certain amount of specialized training which will enable you to combat juju, witchcraft and the powers of evil, and to deal with demons, disease and evil spirits and hostility.

If you are sure God has called you, then do not look to man or wait for man to send you. We have no funds to finance you, and we do not call you, nut if you are sure that God has called you, then He is waiting for you to prove and demonstrate your faith by stepping out in faith to obey His call and then you will prove He is able and ready to provide for you and to work with you. But it will be a slow, steady growth in faith. Read again the story of Elijah and how God trained and developed him for his work.

God is calling again today. Do not expect that you are called to go to the cities in the far North, the districts closest to you must be dealt with first and they are your responsibility, the far North will eventually be evangelized.


Your 100% surrender.

Your 100% loyalty.

Your 100% faith daily for everything.

But it should be remembered that in most case, God prepares His chosen channels for special tasks, by using them in their own localities FIRST.

If you have not experienced the blessing of God upon your own local ministry, then do not expect that He will immediately change you into a successful worker in the North.

If you cannot work with your own local group and colleagues, then you will find it extremely difficult to work in the Muslim North.

Expect trials, they are God’s methods and lessons to develop our faith.

God will allow much tribulation to deepen your faith and trust in Him. All God’s vessel for ministering in the Muslim world must be full of faith and loyalty to God.