
  • The power of vision
  • A visit to the Early Church
  • The Wonders of Faith 
  • Is it God’s will to heal today?
  • Now is the time for action


“Where there is no vision, the people perish” Prov. 29:18

“Revealed to him by Holy spirit; Mine eyes have seen” Luke 2:25-35

Most young people have a vision, a vision of what they would like to be in their future life. They all want to succeed. Most elderly people do not have visions, they have dreams and memories, some good, some bad.

But Simeon, who was an old man also had a vision; a God given vision. God had appeared to Simeon and given him a vision of God’s secret plan and purpose for that day, and although Simeon was a strong Pharisee and a Jewish leader (he is reputed to have been the father of Gamaliel, the great Jewish teacher. (Acts 5:34) Yet, he still walked close enough for God to speak to him and reveal His plans. Thank God that He still desires to talk with men and is ready to reveal His plans and secrets even for these last troubled days.


It became his contact and link with God daily, for God had promised he would not die until he had seen the vision come to pass. True spiritual vision will keep men, young and alive even today. The vision kept Simeon alive, making him the master of normal laws and old age, pushing death away and making it a servant rather than a lord. He could say to death ‘you must wait my time, the Lord’s time’. Age is not a barrier to God. He looks for faith and He found that faith in Simeon. Faith was almost dead in Israel but when God found it, He entrusted a NEW vision to Simeon as He had previously done to Abraham, Isaac and Eli.


He was daily found in the Temple; daily expecting the fulfillment of the Vision. His was an active faith, as indeed all faith must be. It kept him walking with God. It made him a man of prayer. We must have a motive for maintaining our prayer life, otherwise it becomes mechanical and routine. Prayer is maintained in strength by vision.

His faith in the vision, produced patience in the midst of the external pressures of the growing failure and corruption of the organised religious worship of his days.

The vision absolutely controlled and governed his life. He lived for nothing else, yet, there was no outward sign of any new move of God. That is the most testing of all in the vision and demands great faith in God’s word and promises. I have no doubts that Simeon experienced the same doubts and assaults on his faith that many are experiencing today in relation to the NEW VISION for this end time.


When the Baby, the Lord Jesus Christ, was brought to the Temple it was revealed to Simeon that He was the vision; God’s new move, new intervention in the affairs of the world, was in the form of a Person; A baby, Jesus Christ.

It represented the transition from the old order, dispensation and system, to an entirely NEW MOVE. It was centered in a person and in that Person, was gathered up all that had been of God in the past. All the types, figures, symbols and prophecies, and the whole system of Judaism, were completed and ended and God started a NEW MOVE. He spoke to men ‘through His Son.’ Heb. 1:2

There is a wonderful new move started by God in these last days but again we must realise that God is directing mens’ Vision to HIS SON. 

God’s revelation, vision and purpose is again centered in a PERSON; the Lord Jesus Christ, and all who see God’s Vision for these last days must also realise that it demands complete and perfect surrender to a Person not a doctrine, not a new idea, not a move by man, but in a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ alone.

God will strip away from us all that hinders a clear vision of His Sons’ attachments, which demand first loyalty. The vision for today is centered on Jesus Christ. Thank God we are safe in looking only to Him; safe for us to surrender everything to Him.


Real faith was at a low ebb in Israel when the Lord Jesus was born. There was plenty of religious activity, but the real, spiritual essential value was very small indeed. The conditions were bad.

Yet this old man, this visionary, had the faith to utter a prophecy concerning Israel, directing the thoughts and attention of all that BABY.

“Thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all people the glory of thy people Israel” Vs. 32

So today when conditions are similar in Christendom, we at the Herald of the Last Days, proclaim that there is hope for the people of God today. God has not forsaken His Church. There is a promise of revival; of renewal, of victory. The way of blessing is the same today as in the time of John the Baptist; repentance and unreservedly seeking the Lord Jesus HIMELF.

That repentance should begin with the minister “let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach.” Joel 2:17


A light to lighten the Gentiles” Vs. 32. This utterance must have shocked those who heard it, for it was heresy for anyone to even think that God could deal with Gentiles. But Simeon’s vision was from God and reached forward as all vision must. It enfolded all people, excluded none. It offered life and salvation to all. Simeon’s vision came to pass as that person went to the Cross to die for the whole world. Simeon died but the vision went on to its fulfillment, because it was from God.

So today, God is opening the eyes of men and women, and revealing to them the course of the future events, which are shortly coming to pass.

We have a VISION. We believe, but God has revealed it to us in these days. It is centered on His Son; our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and its purposes for the future of this world.

No matter how difficult may seem the spiritual condition in the churches, we believe that God is moving again by His Holy Spirit in these last days, preparing once again to send His Son into the world. This time he will not return as a Baby; He will come as Conqueror and Victor and the King of kings; to set up His Kingdom and establish His reign over the whole earth, a rule of peace and righteousness. It will be a triumphant return to reap the fruits of Calvary, the answers to the prayer of centuries of His people ‘Thy Kingdom come, on earth, as it is in heaven.’

We at Herald of the Last Days feel honored as we realize that God has revealed Himself to us and given us a vision for these last days. And we are determined to cast aside every hindrance and to give everything we have to spreading this vision, and share it with all whom the Lord has called and to hasten that coming and fulfillment by sending the gospel to everyone in Nigeria so that the Vision can be brought to pass in our day.

Has God revealed this to you too? When God spoke to Simeon, it was the end of the dispensation of LAW and the start of the new dispensation of GRACE. The two periods overlapped in Simeon. He belonged to the old but partook of the new.

So today, we believe that the dispensation of grace is ending and will shortly give place to the new dispensation of the Kingdom and Government, and the two periods are overlapping in these wonderful days. HAVE YOU GOT A VISION? 


How would you like to visit the Early Church? (In this sense I refer to the congregation or the group of believers and their meeting place.) Would their program of soul winning interest you? How do you think they went about it? Who were the preachers? How many were witnesses? What denomination was the largest-or most popular?

What is your idea of how the Church in New Testament times worked? Should we follow its example? Could we? Or do you think times have changed too much? 

Let’s suppose we took a journey back to those churches. Stopping at the church of Ephesus, let’s imagine the conversation we might have:

“Good evening, Aquila! We understand you’re a member of the church here. Could we come in and hear your testimony and report of the work of God here?”

“Certainly, come in.”

“If you don’t mind, we would like for you to tell us about the way the churches here in Asia Minor carry on their soul-winning program. We read that you have been a member of a church in Corinth and Rome, as well as now, the one here in Ephesus. So you should be very well qualified to tell us about evangelism in a New Testament Church. If you don’t mind, we’d also like to visit the church while we’re here.”

“Sit down. And as far that goes, you’re already in the church. It meets in my home.” 

“You don’t have a church building? No, I guess we don’t.”

“Tell me, Aquila, what is your church doing to evangelize Ephesus? What are you doing to reach the city with the Gospel?”

“Oh, we’ve already evangelized Ephesus. Every person in the city clearly understands the Gospel.”

“What? !!!” “Yes, is that unusual?”

“How did the church do it? You certainly don’t have any radios or television. Did you have a lot of evangelistic campaigns?”

“No. As you have probably heard, we tried mass meetings in this area, but most of the time we would end up in jail!” 

“Then how?”

“Oh, don’t you know? We just visited every home in the city. That’s the way the church in Jerusalem first evangelized that city. (Acts 5:42) The disciples there evangelized the entire city of Jerusalem in a very short time. All other churches in Asia minor have followed that example.” “Is it effective everywhere?”

“Yes, it is. There are so many converts that some of the pagan religious leaders fear their own religions will die. When Brother Paul left Ephesus for the last time, he reminded us to keep on following the same procedure.” (Acts 20:20)

“Aquila, this is amazing! Why, at this rate, there is no telling how many people are going to hear the Gospel and respond.”’

“Oh, haven’t you heard? We’ve already taken the Gospel to every person in Asia Minor-both Jews and Greeks.” (Acts 19:10)

“Why, that’s impossible. You don’t mean everyone!” “Yes, everyone”

 “But that would include Damascus, Ephesus, dozens of large cities. And then towns and villages - and what about the nomadic tribe on the churches to reach all these people?”

“Not long - 24 months to be exact. (Acts 19: 10) The same thing is happening in North Africa and Southern Europe. The Gospel has reached Spain too. We’ve heard of a land called England, and several Christians may have fulfilled the Great Commission of Jesus by the close of the century.”

“Aquila, what you are telling us is incredible. You have done more in a generation that we have done in a thousand years.”

“That’s strange. It’s been rather simple for us to do. It’s hard to realize things have moved so slowly for you. Maybe you’re going at it in the wrong way.” The Early Church operated on this principle.

“We ought to obey God rather than man.”

“For we cannot but speak of the things which we have seen and heard.” 

“For we are His witnesses”

They had seen Jesus heal the sick, cast out demons, give sight to the blind, raise the paralytics and bless the poor. And they heard Him say:

The things which I do shall ye do also. Go ye; heal the sick, cast out devils, preach the Gospel. As the Father hath sent me into the world, even so send I you into the world.”

They had seen His example and had heard His order to do likewise. This is the principle of the Early Church and they were successful. Whole cities were changed. Multitudes believed. “so mightily grew the word of God and prevailed,”

When the methods of the Early church met with such miraculous results, why with such miraculous results, why should other methods be substituted today?

The methods of the Early church, if applied today, produce the same results. This world today needs the same miraculous ministry exercised by the Early Church through Holy Spirit filled believers and God is calling you to allow Him to start with YOU.



“One of the multitude said unto Him, Master, I have brought thee my son, which hath a dumb spirit: and wheresoever he taketh, he teareth him; and formeth, and gnashed with his teeth and pineth away; and I spoke to thy disciples that they should cast him out, and they could not.

He answereth him and said, O faithless generation, how shall I be with you? How long shall I suffer you? Bring him unto Me. And they brought him unto Him; and when he saw Him, straightway the spirit tare him; and he fell to the ground and wallowed foaming. And He asked the father, how long is it ago since this came upon him? And he said, of a child. And oftentimes it hath cast him into the fire; but if thou canst do anything, have compassion on us, and help us.

“Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord I believe; help thou mine unbelief. When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, thou dumb and deaf spirit I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him. And the spirit cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him.” Mark 9:17-26

What a frightful picture and yet it is a perfect description of the many kinds of orders that are common among all classes of people. The Bible reveals that demon spirits find access to the bodies of men and that their presence brings about many kinds of sickness, disease, insanity and lawlessness.

Jesus, throughout His entire ministry, set Himself forth as the one who had come to liberate mankind from the various forms of bondage into which they had been forced by Satan and his demon powers.

In this story from the Bible, we find Jesus standing with His disciples when a father brought his demon tormented son to Him saying, “If thou canst do anything have compassion on us and help us.” The father had brought the boy to the disciples, the same ones who had been given authority over all demons and over all disease - but the enemy had withstood them and they had failed to deliver the boy.

Many people even today point to the failure of believers to do those God has expected them to do and declare that such failure is a proof that the day of such deliverance is ended. Let it be known to all men that there is deliverance for all and any. God will heal, and must not be charged with failure in His ability to heal or of His compassion for the needy. It is only as believers know God that they can act with authority and faith. 

My friend, when everyone else fails, you still can come to Jesus who never fails.

The father cried, “If thou canst do anything”! What a strange request to ask Him who is All - Powerful.

Jesus then said a wonderful thing. “If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”

This covers every need. Is healing for men today? Is healing for you? If this statement of Jesus is true, then there are no limitations.

The father replied to the challenge by simply saying “Lord, I believe”, but when he saw his son, twisted and distorted in convulsion produced by demons, he cried from his heart, “Lord, help thou mine unbelief.”

He confessed his lack of faith that he might receive help. But this cry of despair moved Jesus to action. Jesus spoke to the foul demon spirit and rebuked him saying, “thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee come out of him and enter no more into him,” and the spirit cried and rent him sore and came out of him. 


There is an abundance of proof in the Bible that it is God’s will to heal today, although some Christians still have doubts. Let these facts stimulate your faith and answer the questions, so that you may be without any doubt and be able to face the challenge.

  1. It is God’s will to heal because of the ‘ANYTHINGS’ and the ‘ALL THINGS’ and the ‘Whatsoever’s’ of the Bible. See Matt. 7:7-7; 21:21, 22, Mark 9:23, 11:22-24, John 14:12-15, John 16:23-26, II Cor.1:20
  2. The Fatherhood of God proves that He desires only the best for His children. Notice the ‘how much more’ of the N. T. Matt. 7:7-11; Luke 11:11-13

God’s highest will for man is that he be healthy and sinless forever. Jesus Christ came to show us the character of the Father. Jesus Christ and the Father were one, in truth and in operation.

  1. Healing is the children’s bread. The redemptive, legal and divine right of every believer is healing, deliverance and victory. Matt. 15:21-28
  2. Jesus demonstrated to the leper (Matt. 8:1-4) and others that it is the Father’s will to heal the physical body. The leper believed that God could, but doubted His willingness to do so.

The leper said, ‘Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst’ Jesus said ‘I will, be thou clean.’


The statement ‘If it be thy will’ should never be used in prayer in connection with anything that God has promised to give. If God has already promised something, THEN IT IS THE WILL OF GOD FOR YOU TO HAVE IT, or He would not have made the promise. Many Christians try to justify unbelief by suggesting they want to be in God’s Will. God would not have healed people in both Old and New Testaments if it had not been His Will to heal all who came to Him in faith. 

  1. The Lord’s prayer proves the Will of God in this matter. ‘Thy will be done in Earth, as it is in heaven. 

If God’s will had been done in Eden, then there would be no suffering or defeat in life. If men will only obey God and the gospel of Jesus Christ, they can and will be brought out of the suffering as Christ has already borne them at Calvary. If it is not His Will for sickness in heaven, then such is not His will on earth.

  1. The ministry of the Lord Jesus proves the will of God. He healed ALL that were sick and oppressed by the devil. The benefits of Calvary are for you. If God healed ALL then, He stills heals ALL now, ALL who come to Him in faith.

“Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and for every.” Heb. 13:8

“Great multitudes followed Him and he healed them all.” Matt. 12:15 “As many as touched (Him) were perfectly whole.” Matt.14:36 “The whole multitude sought to touch Him, and He healed them all.” Luke 6:19 “When the sun was setting, ALL they that had any sick with divers diseases brought them unto Him, and He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them.” Luke 4:40

“God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power: who went about doing good, and healing ALL that were oppressed of the devil” Acts 10:38

Healing was for ALL in those days, and Jesus Christ is still the same today (Heb. 13:8) as the Healer. He is still healing the sick as foretold by the prophet (in Isaiah 53:4) “Himself took our sickness (diseases)” (also repeated by Matthew in Matt. 8:17)

  1. The ministry of the apostles proves divine healing for the bodies of men. Philip preached Jesus Christ and many were healed.

“And all the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. For unclean spirits, crying with loud voices came out of many that were possessed with them, and many taken with palsies and that were lame, were healed.” Acts 8:6-8

Peter preached Jesus Christ, and the cripple in Acts 3 was healed. Paul preached Jesus Christ and the cripple at Lystra was healed. Paul preached the gospel of healing and wherever the Gospel is preached people are always healed. (Acts 14)

  1. The atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ guarantees that it is the will of God to heal and divine health is definitely stated to be the will of God for the believer. Matt. 8:16-17, John 10:10, I Peter 2:24, 3 John 2

To say that healing is not in the atonement because all saints are not healed, is to say that forgiveness is not in the atonement because all sinners are not forgiven.

Healing and deliverance is in the atonement and therefore everyone who has faith in the atonement can get all that it provides for him. This is one of the chief rights of every believer.

  1. Sickness, like sin, is an enemy. Death is an enemy, so why should it be God’s will that His enemies should be the victor in the lives of His people? I Cor. 15:24-28, Heb. 2:14-15

God has promised to take away sin, disease and failure in life. Men receive these things as a direct results of unbelief. Good news is this, you can be free from sickness, disease and failure.

  1. Were it not God’s will to be healed He would never have made provision for healing, nor demonstrate healing by His people, nor rebuke men for not having faith to be healed. Were it not His Will to heal, He would not have made healing part of the spiritual equipment of the church. John 14:12, I Cor. 12:7-11, Acts 1:8, 3:6, 4:30, 5:10, 19:11

If you have any doubts as to your spiritual inheritance, read the will of God for yourself. All that He promised He will fulfill. It is His will for you to enjoy peace, health and plenty. 3 John 2


A life of ministering healing and deliverance must be fully yielded and entirely dedicated to God and His will at all times. You are more than a vessel; you are Christ’s representative on earth. People cannot see Him but they can see you.

Peter and John at the Gate Beautiful said to the lame man, ‘Look on us.’ Acts 3:4

Peter and John realized they were part of the Kingdom of God with divinely given life and power and were expected by the Lord Jesus to meet the needs as they were presented. They recognized the power and authority given them by the Holy Spirit to deliver men and women, because authority to COMMAND was theirs as a result of their oneness with God.

The successful minister (deliverer) recognizes this fact; his success does not come from something without, but entirely due to something within. “For it is God which worketh in you.” Phil. 2:13

If the following suggestions are followed, you will find yourself surrounded by many needy people, sick, defeated, demon possessed, all coming for the help they know you can give them because they know that God is with you and that you, in His Name, can meet their need.

Do you want to be a deliverer?

It may cost you your life as it did the Master Himself. It will certainly cost you your own will and desire and plan for your own life.

Consider yourself a specialist, under God, for the purpose of bringing health and deliverance and release to those whom God has given you to serve. Many times you will be called upon to continue where a medical doctor has left off, but many times the ministry of the deliverer is the only way to complete recovery and health.

The ministry of healing and deliverance is a ministry of responsibility as well as power and authority.

Why will such a ministry be in great demand today in Nigeria? Because the average ministry and pastor are fully occupied with services, funerals, weddings, church board and committee meetings. For this reason, God is looking and searching for DELIVERERS. 


To become a deliverer and administer healing, follow and obey the various points outlined below. Practice them daily, ‘bringing into subjection your whole being unto the Lord Jesus Christ.’


Before entering the ministry and deliverance, take time daily for MEDITATION, PRAYER, and personal surrender, in humility and on your knees, in the presence of God.

  1. Regular Bible study. II Tim. 2:15
  2. Surrender yourself fully to His guidance
  3. Claim your cleansing from all existing faults and sins of omission and commission. I John 1:7
  5. Continually converse with God.
  6. Constantly remind the Lord of His promises on behalf of the suffering and sick. Exod. 15:26
  7. Remind Satan constantly that he has been defeated and that you are His master in Christ’s name.
  9. Make sure he knows that Jesus Christ saves today and find out if he saved and his sure of this.
  10. Find out how he stands with God and if there is any un-confessed and forgiven sin in his life. Get these matters dealt with before dealing with the matter of his bondage. Remember that much sickness and oppression stems from sin and un-forgiven matters and the most important problem in everyone’s life is their right relationship to the Lord Jesus.
  11. When you have got the patient right with God, then you can proceed to build his faith in the promises of God for his healing. In Mark 2:5-11, it was forgiveness first and then healing.

“I am the Lord that healeth THEE.” Exod. 15:26

“Who healeth ALL THY diseases” Psalm 103:3

“By whose stripes YE were healed” I Peter 2:24

  1. Ask the patient to repent these verses and to confess they are meant for him NOW.

Ask the Lord to heal the patient according to His promises and believe that He hears and has answered your prayer. Ask with confidence (faith) do not beg. Remember He has promised to heal and answer your prayers. (John 15:7, 14:14, Matt. 7:7-8, Heb. 4:16, I Peter 3:12, I John 5: 14-15)

No prayer goes unheard when offered by His child with faith. It is His pleasure to answer you. 

Do not pray ‘If it be Thy Will’. The Lord Jesus never prayed like that. If you are not sure it is the will of God to heal, then you are not asking in faith, but merely begging for mercy.

There is no need for long prayers. Just claim what has been promised and is yours by rights.

There is no need for loud shouting for God is not deaf either. It is your confidence (faith) in the Lord’s WORD that touches God and brings the answers.  


Either in songs or freely in praise and prayers; thanking the Lord for his healing. Praise and thanksgiving play a great part in healing and deliverance because our bodies respond to a change of thought and attitudes.

It has been found possible to ‘praise’ a weak body into strength; “the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Neh. 8:10 A fearful heart into peace and trust; and restore calm to shattered nerves, all through PRAISE.

Praising God centers our thoughts on HIM alone, it banishes fear, and fear can kill. The O.T. prophets knew the power of praise, ‘Praise ye Jehovah’ is many times repeated in the Psalms, because the thanksgiving restores joy and peace and health. John 15:11, 16:24

  1. Instruct the patient to carefully continue to follow daily, a life of prayer, Bible study and praise to the Lord; directing his thoughts continually to the Lord and refusing to allow Satan to bring back the doubts and fears which can replace the peace which faith has brought. For fear bring death and sickness.

The Lord Himself told the father of the demon possessed boy in Mark 9:23 that if he (the father) could have faith, all things were possible. He knew that Satan would try to cause a return of the demons very soon, but as long as the father kept his faith then Satan would be defeated.

Healings can be both instantaneous and gradually, but encourage the patient at all times not to look at sickness or the pain but at the Lord the Healer; not to trust in his senses and feelings, but in the promises of God.

Do not abuse Doctors, for we know that God uses them and we thank God for all those who give their lives in trying to eradicate sickness and disease. But while we admire their sacrificial lives yet we are always to remember to place our faith in divinity rather than humanity. 2 Cor. 1:20, 2 Peter 1:4

Note the various ways mentioned in the Bible for healing.

Physicians: Gen. 50:2, Matt. 9:12, Luke 4:23, 5:31, Col. 4:14

Medicine:  Prov. 17:22, Jer. 8:22, 30:13, 46:11, Ezek. 47:12

Remedies: 2 kings 20:7, Isa.1:6, Luke 10:34

Laying on of hands: I Tim. 5:23; James 5:14

Anointing with oil: Mark 6:13, James 5:14

Disinfection: Lev. 14:41, 15:5

Quarantine: Lev. 13:4-2, king 15:5, Luke 17:12



Herald of the Last Days desires to awaken, shock, enlighten and CHALLENGE its readers. We have no desire to entertain passive readers. We must get something done because the situation demands urgent action. NOW. So we CHALLENGE YOU.


To repent as all ministers are called to do in Joel 2:12-17. Study the truths in this magazine and seek the face of the Lord and then awaken the congregations. Faith in the Word of God provokes action. Then every Church should seek the Lord, as did the early church in Acts 4:29-30


To realize the burden of the lost and to find out the districts where there is no Gospel. Do not try to revive existing churches while others perish because they have never heard the Gospel once. Step out in Faith and the Lord will confirm your faith by signs and wonders.


To realize that every Christian must also be a soul-winner. None are exempt. The responsibility of your own community is on you head. Rise and claim your rights as a believer.


Remember the Lord Jesus said “You(th) must be my witnesses.” Acts 1:8 Do not rest until everyone in your company knows about the Lord Jesus; be on fire for the Lord Jesus. Do not be content to listen to sermons or be in the choir, but be a fighter and a deliverer for the Lord Jesus to the needy and sick.


To study the truths given to all believers and to rise up and use your faith to pray and deliver the sick and needy anywhere. Use this magazine as a text book on the important, but sadly neglected truths of Divine healing and as your challenge to act in faith for others. Do not be a sermon critic. ACT. 


To accept the truth, we state in this magazine and to accept it as your rights, and to rise up in faith, to throw off the bondage of Satan. Jesus Christ has done all He is going to do for you now. It is time for you to accept His sacrifice and deliverance as your own and to prove that He has died for your sins and sicknesses and that He can deliver you NOW. Now is the day of salvation for YOU, and that includes your healing NOW. Then grow in faith and testify to others and encourage them to trust the Lord Jesus also.

We shall be happy to hear of what the Lord has done for you, it will encourage us too.