• The Elisha’s Ministry
  • God’s way of prosperity
  • Wilt thou be made whole
  • Stewardship of fasting
  • Soulwinners Unlimited Nigeria


“Where is the God of Elijah?” (II Kings 2:14)

The question of Elisha is not clearly answered but as we read on into the second book of Kings we find that the answer is found.

The God of Elijah was with Elisha but in an entirely new style of ministry Both men were chosen vessels whom God used for a special purpose.

God used Elijah to challenge the nation which had become idolatrous. His commanding faith brought deliverance to the whole Son and disgrace and death to the forces of darkness. He was a prophet of terror and doom to many, who brought judgement wherever he went.

But like Moses of old, he was not allowed to continue his ministry because there was a new style and type of ministry needed in the nation, and God instructed Elijah to find his successor, Elisha, and to anoint him.

There is no record of Elijah ever instructing Elisha in his new task. All that appears to have taken place is the test that Elisha should follow Elijah everywhere. Elisha also had faith and proved his faith by   asking for a “double portion of thy Spirit” (II Kings 2:9).

Elijah became the type of the Lord Jesus' ascension and the Holy Spirit coming upon the Church, fulfilling   His own   promise “Greater works that these shall ye do, because I go to My Father”. The Church was to follow the ministry of the Lord Jesus on a larger scale than He in His days on earth could do. The ministry of Elisha is an illustration of this ministry fullness by the Holy Spirit in ministering to the needs of men on earth.

The changing of conditions of death to life and then of changing from limitation to fullness. That is the ministry of Elisha and the Church. The ministry of Elisha was one of restoration and recovery in matters associated with the world. This is the new ministry which will shortly have to be associated with the coming world rulers.

The world is in a terrible mess with 'men's hearts failing them for fear' (Luke 21:26). This can be blamed upon the children of God because they have failed to exercise their God given power to meet such needs.

As we are drawing to the close of this dispensation or age we are seeing the work and ministry of a new 'Elijah' group of believers, where we see the renewing of the Holy Spirit in challenging the growing powers of darkness and evil, and thus serving to turn thousands from darkness to the Lord Jesus.

We are seeing a tremendous upsurge of healing power and a growing number of cases where demon powers are being challenged in the world today. The Lord is restoring the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to His Church in order to challenge the powers of darkness and to restore the position and power of the Church. The next few years will see a big increase in the manifestations of these gifts of power (Rom. 11:29).

This can be termed the 'Elijah age' where God restores power to His Church so that she can challenge the enemy and bring life and health and salvation to the world and its peoples. The Lord will see that His Church will complete this 'church age' as a triumphant vehicle and vessel and not a defeated one (Eph. 5:27).

But there is a cry from the Christian church today, "Where is the God of Elijah?" Where is the God of miracles who can challenge the forces of evil today? Where is the power of the church? These are very serious questions which we must face and answer.

The Christian church has lost her power because she has become part of the world and its system and life, which is ungodly and at enmity with God (James 4:4). The Church has become a world organization and has left the leadership and power of the Holy Spirit. The Church of God can only be managed by the Spirit of God and only that which is inspired and done by the Holy Spirit is acceptable to God (Zech. 4:6). "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord".

There will arise groups of young people, inside the churches, who will be soundly converted and filled with the Holy Spirit and be used by the Lord to challenge the members.

But we must also realize that there must also be a further ministry following that of 'Elijah'. There must also be an 'Elisha ministry'. This will be mainly a ministry of restoration. 

If we examine Elisha's ministry we can see in what way, the Lord will move in these last days as the revival spreads and involves more and more churches and servants of the Lord.


1. Restoration of Jericho which had been cursed (II Kings 2:19-22)

The people of Jericho believed that Elisha had the power to remove their curse and to restore their prosperity. He did so, but his methods teach us a wonderful lesson for today. He asked for and used a new 'cruse' (Vessel) with added salt. The Risen Lord today desires to use His' new cruses’ to bring life and deliverance and prosperity to those under the curse. We who have been delivered from the curse should realize our authority and responsibility towards those in bondage. We are called to deliver them (Rom. 8).

2. Deliverance of the prophet's family from bondage and their   restoration to   prosperity (II Kings 4)

This is a picture of the once spiritual Church of today. It has lost its freedom and become bankrupt and under the threat of the worldly powers. By restoring the widow's faith in God the prophet taught her the secret of prosperity and increase, keep on pouring out what you have.

God teaches us by this miracle that He can and will provide for ALL our needs as He has promised, if we will trust Him fully. There is no need to resort to worldly means to secure wealth or our needs.

3.   Restoration of the poisoned food (II Kings 4:38-41)

Even the sons of the prophets of God failed to discern the difference in the herbs for the meal and thus had poison in the pot. They had to ask the anointed prophet of God (who had never attended their training school) to heal the meal Elisha restored health and thus averted death in the group of prophets.

We who have been filled with the Holy Spirit possess the power to discern the harmful and to warn the people. Elisha added meal and restored life. We today possess the life which will bring life and restore health to people wherever we minister if we are daily filled with the Spirit.

4.   Restoration of ministry, the lost axe head (II Kings 6)

We have the sons of the prophets again building their place of instruction and losing the head of the axe in the water. Elisha was again asked to perform a miracle and by casting in a branch he caused the iron to swim. He restored their means of mini spring.

This was resurrection power triumphing over failure, loss and death.

Their relationship with Elisha brought them deliverance and restored ministry. As we today keep in close relationship with our Risen Lord, we too, have the means to restore backsliders and also to rescue ministers and workers who have lost their ministry. There are hundreds of servants of God today trying to do the work of God without a proper axe head, they have lost their ministry. We have the power to restore them.


  1. Elisha had FAITH 

He had faith in his master's promise (Elijah) and he persevered to the end and secured his request, a double portion of Elijah's spirit. He was tested many times by his master, but by faith realized his calling after Elijah was gone.

Notice that when God wanted a successor to Elijah He did not turn to the established School of Prophets for one. He chose a hard working farmer We make a mistake when we place too much importance upon academic qualifications and training. God looks for FA1TH and determination and perseverance.

  1. Elisha has been through JORDAN

Jordan speaks of death and burial of self, ambitions and power. He went up from Jordan to perform all his miracles. All his ministry was based upon resurrection ground; new life out of death, and so he was able to minister life to others.

  1. Elisha was the only anointed prophet spoken of in the Bible (I Kings 19:16)

He accepted that call and moved and ministered in the power of that anointing always. It is the anointing which breaks the bondage today. That anointing is the presence and power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in the believer.

Elisha knew that God was in charge of the events in the world and that he could influence those events. He knew that God was protecting him by an unseen army (II Kings 6:13-17).

He commanded judgement on mockers (II Kings 2:23-25). 

He knew the secrets of the enemy councils (II Kings 6:8-12).

He fed the multitude just like the Lord did later (II Kings 4:42-44).

He healed Naaman the leper Army leader (II Kings 5).

It would seem that God was teaching His people that when He can find a fully dedicated servant who will listen to His Voice and exercise His authority then God will use him to minister to the varied needs of the people. Today, God needs an instrument in this world through which He can exercise His authority, and YOU and I, by absolute separation from the realm of Satanic powers; and authority in a spiritual way, and in complete harm only with the Victorious Lord Jesus in heaven; we can still be channels to establish His authority here on earth.

"Where is the God of Elijah...?

Can we say He is with US NOW?


God is a God of plenty, and when He gives, He gives ABUNDANTLY, exceeding abundant (I Tim. 1:14). God has never been identified with poverty. God has given salvation fully and abundantly. God gives power abundantly; fullness of the Holy Spirit God gives His blessing abundantly (Eph. 3:20).

God also wants to give material blessings abundantly, so that His people "may lack no good thing" and be able to support His work and to meet the material needs of the poor.

God wants to give us wealth but we need to be trained on how to use what God has already given us. It is difficult to handle wealth for God properly.


God wanted to use Israel to prove how blessed it was to serve the Lord. The Lord laid down certain principles and conditions whereby Israel could become rich. God taught Abram that when He undertook for him that Abram should also recognize the blessing of God (Gen. 14:18-24)

God thus established the principle of TITHE (Tenth) before the Law. When God had gathered His own nation He taught them that the way of blessing and prosperity was for every Israelite to pay TITHE (Lev. 27:30-31).

"All the tithe of the land, is the Lord's; it is holy unto the Lord".

The Lord Jesus also recognized the truth of TITHE “These ought ye to have done and not left the other undone" (Matt. 23:23).

God's instructions to Israel so that they would Prosper

"Thou shall remember the Lord your God; for it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth". (Deut. 8:18, 6:10-12)

"The Lord shall make thee plenteous in goods, the Lord shall open to thee His good treasure, and to bless all the work of thine hand". (Deut. 28:11-12)

"God said to Solomon, I will give thee riches and wealth and honor".  (II Chron. 1:12)

"Honor the Lord with thy substance, so shall thy barns be filled with plenty". (Prov. 3:10)

“The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich (wealthy)and He added no sorrow with it". (Prov. 10:22)

God made Israel the wealthiest nation in the world and many Jews today are very wealthy because of the promises of God. But their wealth is turning to be their enemy because they have forsaken God and His ways.

God’s big question

"Will a man rob God? Ye have robbed Me". (Mal. 3:8)

"Wherein have we robbed Thee? IN Tithes and offerings" vs. 9.

"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse and PROVE ME NOW if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to contain it". (Mal. 3:10)

God's people are still robbing God today and God is allowing a curse to come upon them because of this. We cannot expect God's blessing on our work and business and life if we rob Him of His dues. We are also robbing God today, misusing the talents He has given us and not investing them properly for the glory of God. We forget that all we have is given to us by God to be used in His work and business and for His glory.

Read carefully the Parable of the talents, Matt. 25:14-30.


The Lord Jesus had no earthly wealth and no income, and taught His disciples not to trust in riches but rather in God, who promises to provide for ALL our needs (Matt. 6:19-21).

The Lord Jesus paid his taxes and taught His people to render to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar (Matt. 17:24-27). The Lord never asked money or gifts from anyone when He healed them or blessed them (Luke 20:19-26, Matt. 22:21). He condemned hypocrisy in displaying riches and wealth for personal advertisement (Luke 20:46-47).

He advised Christians to make 'friends of the Mammon of unrighteousness' (Riches) so that we may make friends (Luke 16:9). The Lord advised us not to devote our lives to acquiring riches and losing the TRUE RICHES of God and the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 19: 6-26, Mark 10:24, 6:24-26, Luke 16:19-31).


It will be realized that God demanded every Israelite to pay Tithe (Tenth) under the LAW.   But we are now not under the LAW, but under a higher law, GRACE.

The Lord Jesus kept the Law and fulfilled it, but did not cancel it. Instead He began a new LAW of GRACE. If anyone under the Law was required to pay TITHE what are we, now under GRACE, asked to pay? OUR ALL.

All that we now have belongs to God and He asks us to recognize He has the right to ask for ALL. Whatever God gives us now is only a loan to us to use to accomplish His plans for ourselves, our families and His work.

As God has freely given us His salvation without price, so also He wishes to give us all things freely to enjoy which includes fullness of the Holy Spirit, healing, protection and PROVISION.


The Lord Jesus instituted a new principle in life, GIVING. He gave HIMSELF as a sacrifice and thus proved that God loved the world and established that giving is the proof of loving (John 3:16).

"GIVE, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give again into your bosom". (Luke 6:38)

This is a higher LAW than the tithe. It is above the LAW because it is voluntary. God gave, God expects us to give also, freely and abundantly. There are tremendous promises to givers (Prov. 3:9-10, 22:9, Heb. 6:10, Matt. 10:42, 25:31, 34-37,40).

"He that sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he that sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully, you being enriched in everything to all liberality, which works through us thanksgiving to God" (II Cor. 9:6-12).

God's Will for us is Prosperity

It is God's will for every one of His people to prosper.

"Beloved, I wish above all things, that thou mayest PROSPER and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth". (III John 2)

  1. God has promised to meet ALL our needs (Note, not all our wants, Phil. 4:19).
  2. There is spiritual power and material plenty for every child of God who commits himself and his possessions to the Lord.
  3. God needs dedicated sanctified Christians to whom He can give riches to be used in
  4. His work.
  5. God has promised to bless His word" (It shall not return void), "My word shall
  6. not return unto Me void" (Isa. 55:11). We should therefore send out God's word all over Nigeria.
  7. God  wants to   demonstrate  His ability and desire to prosper any Christian who trusts
  8. Him and to multiply what is given to Him Loaves and fishes Cruise of oil
  9. (I Kings  17:8-16, John 6).
  10. God knows what we need daily, but commands us to seek   Him   first   and   His Kingdom and then He promises "all these things shall be added to you" (Matt. 6:33).
  11. God's workers and evangelists and ministers shall live by the gospel "The Lord ordained that those who proclaim the gospel should live by the gospel" (I Cor. 9:11,14, I Tim. 5:17).
  12. God also wishes us to follow His own principles. Give especially to those in need
  13. (I John 3:17-18).

"Making friends of the mammon of unrighteousness " (Luke 16:9)

Christians whom God has favored with material blessings (Jesus called it 'mammon') are not to let money rule them but to invest it that it will make friends for them in eternity. Could there be a BIG welcome committee to meet you on arrival in eternity?

Where should a Christian pay his tithes and offerings?

To the place where he receives his spiritual blessing and food. Support the church and minister whom God uses to help you grow spiritually.

A promise of 100% return on investment (Mark 10:28-30)

Those who qualify for this return on investment are those who would rather follow Christ than inherit all the riches of the earth; those who use money; but never let money use them. The early disciples reaped rich returns for leaving 'all' (Acts 4:34-35).


  1. It is Satan's plan to offer us riches by easy, ungodly, and corrupt means and to lead us to put our trust in riches rather than in God.
  2. It is Satan's plan to frighten the Lord's people with the fear of being rich and losing salvation. He emphasizes the dangers of having money and being rich, and has encouraged poverty and a desire to live in poverty.
  3. It is therefore Satan's plan to rob us of the blessings gained by 'GIVING' and of using riches as stewards of God's wealth.
  4. He teaches that 'money is the root of all evil', but this is not true, it is the ‘LOVE’ of money which is the root of all evil".

A true believer will follow the will of God and give. First, himself and then what he has to God's work and God will train him to use more and will give him more, so that every Christian can be a steward.


  1. Give yourself first to God and then dedicate all you have to His service.
  2. Be contented with God's provision as long as your needs' are being met. Do not be covetous.
  3. Refuse to take part in any dishonest practices or bribery.
  4. Use what riches you now have, no matter how small, for the Work of God.
  5. Be definite in your giving, after seeking God's guidance. Do not give money indiscriminately to anyone.
  6. Remember that evangelism and soul winning is God's No. 1 task. God commands us to 'GO' and we should first use our means to obey God in this.
  7. 'GIVE' and continue giving. Believers are enriched by giving (Luke 6:38, II Cor. 8:12).
  8. Avoid self-interest projects where man seeks glory.
  9. Make sure your community has been evangelized, that is your first responsibility.

God's special challenge for all His people in these last days...

'GO’ Matt. 28:18-20, Mark 16:9-20. 

GIVE" Luke 6:38.

SUPPORT evangelical ministries. You can support your own evangelist in Nigeria. 

Earn your reward at the 'BEMA'. Every Christian group should have a specific evangelical target and objectives and contribute their money to this as well as helping national and church evangelical projects.


Satan has done an evil work in every part of our being. God created man perfect in body, soul and spirit and he would have lived for ever if he had not sinned. His soul would have developed and submitted to God; while his spirit would have developed and been the perfect vehicle for the habitation of God on earth.

When man fell and sinned and surrendered to self and Satan, his whole being deteriorated and became corrupt and nothing can change this old man. We became complete slaves to Satan, when we sinned and our five senses (sight, taste, hearing, touch and smell) became depraved and served our corrupt natures.

God is not trying to reform these senses or our nature. It is corrupt and is condemned to death. Man must be 'born again' from heaven and given an entirely new nature and life in order to be capable of fellowship again with God.

God wants to make us 'new creatures' any man be in Christ; he is a NEW CREATURE: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new." (II Cor. 5:17)


Jesus Christ met an impotent man of 38 years’ sickness, at the pool of Bethesda and asked him this question. Naturally the sick man interpreted the question to concern only his sickness. But it is certain the Lord Jesus had a much wider 'healing' and deliverance in His mind.

Similarly, the Lord Jesus does not intend that we are only 'half healed' but that the operation of the Holy Spirit in each of us when we are saved and 'born again' should extend to every part of our being and renew in us an entirely new life, with new desires, appetites, senses and will.

Many Christians today are contented with merely accepting forgiveness of sin and peace with God without realizing that there is much more to enjoy than that. The 'full gospel' when preached under the anointing of the Holy Spirit will deal with every part of our beings and make us completely 'whole'. The Lord wants to change every aspect of our beings, character and conduct, so that we may be renewed completely. Let us study what God says about us.


"Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies; these are the things which defile a man". (Matt. 15:19-20)

This is a photograph of every sinner and reveals our true nature. But God has promised us a new heart. "A new heart will I give thee" (Ezek. 36:26). When the Holy Spirit convicts us He reveals all this to us and leads us to repentance. When we seek His forgiveness, He gives us a 'new heart', a new center of control and that is conversion. It results in a new desire for the things of God. Every truly 'born again' child of God desires new things, and new ways, and the deeper things of God.


"All that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world”. (I John. 2:16)

When we are converted and 'born again', our desires are changed and we do not desire to feast our eyes or lend our ears to dirty tales, gossip or back-biting of others. Neither do we desire to feed our old appetites with watching films of violence, sex and evil exploits, which feed our old natures and are not of God. We find we have an appetite for the Word of God instead of the old novels which feed our old nature. 


When we receive a new nature in the 'new birth', we also find we do not place as much importance upon food as before. We desire to live modestly and feasts and parties are no longer attractive.

If we were alcohol drinkers before conversion, then we find our desire for strong drink has changed. We realize that wine is a mocker and defiles the Temples of God (Our bodies). Sincere Christians do not desire to smoke tobacco, or chew, or use snuff, these defile our bodies. We desire to be made completely WHOLE.


"the carnal mind is enmity against God". (Rom. 8:7)

"The peace of God keep your mind" (Phil. 4:7)

Be careful to keep your mind and thoughts subject to the Lord Jesus. Do not let the enemy fill your mind with evil lustful thoughts.


"Flee youthful lusts". (II Tim. 2:22)

"Flee fornication". (I Cor. 6:18, vs. 13-20)

"Abstain from fornication". (I Thess. 4:3)

"Marriage is honorable in all". (Heb. 13:4)

God created all 'men and women with sexual appetites and desires and instructed them to enjoy it and multiply. Sex is not evil—unless it is misused and allowed to turn to LUST.

In these days we find that sex has gone wild and large numbers of young people are slaves to sexual appetites. They allow their appetites to rule them and thus they degrade this wonderful gift of God which Satan seeks to use to destroy mankind.

No one who plays with sex, which has turned and become a foul monster, can escape the consequences (Gal. 6:7).

God asks us to surrender our bodies to Him and He will cleanse them, create new appetites and desires and make our sex life beautiful and satisfying and fruitful. Do not yield to the crowd who taunt Christians and claim that it is not harmful or wrong to commit fornication. IT IS WRONG, IT IS EVIL, IT IS HARMFUL, IT IS NOT GOD'S WILL (Rom. 12:1).

If your body has already been spoiled and lost its beauty and virginity, then confess it to God and repent and dedicate your body to HIM and ask HIM to cleanse you and use your body for His service DO NOT BE DECEIVED INTO COMMITTING SIN IN YOUR BODIES. God will protect you and give you strength and will to refuse what may seem to be harmless temptations. If your body has suffered because of immorality, then ask the Lord to heal you, and keep you clean and holy.

Make a definite resolution and ask the Lord:

"I will that every part of me shall be cleansed and made whole and kept whole for the Lord's service."


God has made us with our emotions. We were made capable of loving and also hating. Because of sin, we do not love the truth or God or even our fellow men as we ought. Our love is selfish and we love only that which will profit ourselves or what we want for ourselves. We can also hate the truth and the things of God.

But when we are converted and the Love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, (Rom. 5:5) then we find we love the things of God; the Word of God (Bible), and we find we can love all men, including those who hate us and were our enemies. Then we also find that we hate sin and the evil in men or ourselves and we want our hearts cleansed from all evil and our lives from all sin.

We should never be ashamed to reveal our emotions in praise or worship or cries of joy and glory. God is glorified when we allow our emotions to flow out to Him.

To repress our emotions because others may be silent or stiff in the services is to stifle the Holy Spirit in us. Dedicate your emotions to the Lord (John 12:3-7).

Some christens are disturbed when other Christians allow their emotions to cause them to clap their hands in a service when singing to the Lord.

Worldly people shout and show their emotions in games and pleasure, and Christians should not be afraid to do so.

"Lord Jesus, thank you for the power of our emotions and we ask you to cleanse us and allow us to pour out our love at your feet always".

"Clap your hands, all ye people, shout unto God with the voice of triumph". (Psa. 47:1)


"Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh". (Matt. 12:34)

A man's tongue reveals his spiritual condition. His words reveal his character. A good Christian cannot be bitter or abuse others, or accuse other Christians as the enemy does (Rev. 12:10).

A Christian who is constantly criticizing or imputing wrong motives to others is simply revealing his own state of mind (Matt. 12:33-37).

The sins of evil speaking, tale bearing and hearsay rumours, are some of the greatest hindrances to spiritual growth. You may wonder perhaps why your spirit is not filled with the Holy Spirit, or your life blessed and spiritually prosperous. It may be that your tongue has betrayed you and grieved the Holy Spirit. There is nothing in creation that can so glorify God, as the human tongue ANOINTED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT.

The witnessing tongue is God's chief method of spreading the gospel of the Lord Jesus and nothing can be substituted for it. It is the divinely ordained instrument of convicting men and glorifying God.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is proved when God has taken over control of our tongues. It was "tongues of fire" which they saw at the day of Pentecost. The tongue of fire sustains our spiritual life in the Holy Spirit. But he who attempts to testify with his mouth what is not in his heart, will be a "sounding brass and tinkling cymbal" (I Cor. 13:1-13).

God wants to use our tongues to speak of the glory of Jesus Christ; and to witness to others of the work of God in us; and to lead others to salvation. Let us surrender our tongues to the Lord, the Holy Spirit and ask Him to use it daily. "If any man offends not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body". (James 3:2)


1. Have you honestly turned from all known sin and turned to God in repentance and confession of all sin? (Nehemiah 9:1-3, James 5:16, Rev. 3:3).

2. Have you definitely and unconditionally surrendered yourself to Jesus Christ (John 1:12, Rev. 3:20).

3. Have you asked the Lord Jesus to discipline your life, item by item, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so that the Lord Jesus may be able to use you in His service at any time, and anywhere? (John 13:1-10, Rom. 12:1).

4. Have you surrendered yourself and asked for the fullness of the Holy Spirit to fill you so that you can be an able witness for the Lord anywhere? (Acts 1:8, Matt. 28:19-20).

5. Have you surrendered to the Lord all your property and wealth and income, to

be used as He directs for His service?

6. Have you determined to speak to others of the Lord Jesus? To witness for Him

to your own family? To your friends and colleagues? (Acts 1:8).

If you can honestly answer 'YES' to all these questions then the Lord Jesus will certainly accept you and He will guide you, He will provide for you, He will use you and bless you and finally you will be welcomed at His throne, "Well done".


"Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a FAST, call a solemn assembly; gather the people., assemble the elders...Let the ministers weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare Thy people, O Lord, and give not Thine, heritage to reproach, that the heathen shall rule over them, then shall the Lord answer". (Joel 2:12-32)

God has bestowed upon us the ability, the opportunity, the privilege, and the duty of FASTING. This is an obligation for which we shall one day have to give an account (Rom. 14:10-12, Matt. 25:14-30, II Cor. 5:6-11).

When God's people sincerely FAST, it enables God to do what otherwise He cannot do. It places something in His hands that enables Him to release power, that otherwise He cannot do.

God seems to be calling upon His people in all times of national and spiritual crises to join with Him in dealing with those crises and that the power to deal with those crises can only be released when we fast. It is certain that God needs Holy Spirit inspired prayer to force the powers of darkness to yield in some ways and that inspired prayer must often be accompanied by FASTING.

God's word speaks of men who humbly and sincerely stood before God in prayer, with FASTING, and it never failed to move God and enabled Him to accomplish many things which otherwise   would   not have been done.


In Deut. 9, Moses fasted a second time for 40 days and nights after he had brought the Law from God and found the nation of Israel worshipping idols. God had told Moses He would destroy the people but Moses FASTED another 40 days and nights to avert the judgement of God upon the people. Moses pleaded with God and FASTED and God spared the nation.

It was prayer with FASTING which brought deliverance to the nation. Who can tell what would happen if a sufficient number of dedicated Prayers and Pastors did the same for revival in Nigeria in these days. God MUST ANSWER.


In Ezra chap. 8, we find how quickly the people turned again to FASTING when they were surrounded by enemies and robbers and were unable humanly speaking to properly defend themselves. Thousands of men and women, totally unarmed, and loaded with treasure for the work of God, and they refused to ask for soldiers or human protection, but simply trusted the Lord and His power.

But they had to openly declare they were seeking the Lord's sole help with prayer and FASTING. Because of their faith and action in prayer and fasting, God delivered them and brought them safely through to Jerusalem (Ezra 8:21-30).

Is not God the same today and well able to protect His people against all the demons, juju and evil spirits who are seeking to destroy us? Do we need to borrow the protection of human governments or money from ungodly people? (Heb. 13:8).


Nehemiah heard of the condition of the people, prayed and fasted and carried his burden to God. He also identified himself with the sin and failure of the people and his faith and action brought results from the king which resulted in the rebuilding of Jerusalem (Neh. 1:2). God today is looking for men (and women) who are ready to plead for the nation. He is looking for sons who will pray and FAST and not mere employees and workers who serve Him for a salary.


God here used a woman, not a man and not a leader. A Jewess who had found favor with the King. The enemies secretly plotted to kill all God's people and God used this woman to deliver them and turn the attack against those who plotted it. But it was only accomplished after prayer and FASTING.

Prayer encouraged Esther to take a step in faith while the whole people used the only tool they had, Prayer and FASTING. That enabled God to interfere and to overcome the enemy and save His people. Read the whole of ESTHER. Then realize that many of your own family are still held in bondage, possibly awaiting your prayers with fasting.


Joel is the prophet of the last days, our present time, and he almost COMMANDS the saints to pray with FASTING; to announce a time of fasting; for everyone to come and FAST. We are called upon to fix a definite time and unite in fasting until God answers. It is not that we force God to do something He does not want to do, but it unites with God in the release of power which defeats the enemy and releases power to deliver, save and bring in revival.

The Lord Jesus also seems to COMMAND fasting in Matt. 9:14-15. Surely when the Master stated "then shall they fast" He meant that it would be essential for them to fast if they were to carry out the Divine purposes.

The present world crisis is not too hard for God to deal with if His people will fast and pray so that “God can release power to deal with the crisis.

In these crisis days in Nigeria, when the powers of darkness are growing stronger and more militant, then it is time for the people of God, in all churches and places, jointly, united and singly, to pray and FAST against the power of the enemy and to deliver those who are in bondage and to release the revival which is waiting to sweep the land when God can find channels who will be prepared to pay the price and dedicate themselves to the task of FASTING.

We may not all be able to minister to thousands or even preach in pulpits or crusades, but we can all FAST AND PRAY (Isaiah 58:6).



Recently, we met a young man at one of our many schools of evangelism who was burdened by the fact that his own district was without the gospel.

God had blessed that man with a good income and although he could not fulfill his duty to his people by preaching the gospel to them, he felt the next best thing he could do was to be responsible to pay for his substitute; to have a trained evangelist sent to tell his people of the new life in Jesus Christ with all freedom and blessing of that gospel.

So we discussed the whole problem. We were able to put him in contact with a young N.L.C. Christian who was working and witnessing in that very district and we were able to discover the problems and make plans for the need to be met.

There are many similar situations where we could help. We have already made many contacts and started several new projects with new men in new areas for the gospel and as this is the most important task facing us as children today, then we are asking the Lord to enable us to send the gospel to more new areas.

If your village or district is without a clear full gospel testimony and you have the means to send them the gospel, then we ask you to get in touch with us and we believe the Lord will help us to find a solution and to bring the coming of the Lord nearer.

“Mark my words, the fields are white unto harvest; have you not prayed for more labourers? The cry of the hungry has come up into Mine ears and I am moving by My spirit in the hearts and lives of the young to meet that need. Say not that the labourers are many. Famine is also raging in the souls of My people for the LIVING WORD and I am sending my servants to minister to the hungry.

I am calling upon you to “give ye them to eat” and to realize that All sufficiency is found only in me. But as you give what you have, then I will multiply it and feed the multitude with it” (Mark 6:37).