• God’s End Time Move
  • Jesus Plan for Evangelism – “Come – Go”
  • Faith
  • Your Spiritual Problems
  • Intercessors of Nigeria


"Yet once more I shall shake not only the earth but also heaven". (Heb. 12:26) A.N.T 

"He planned for the maturity of the times and the climax of the ages to unify ALL THINGS and head them up ... in Christ, both things in heaven and on the earth". (Eph.1:10) A.N.T 

We are today witnessing a wonderful visitation from God which the world has never seen or experienced before. The gospel is again being preached with remarkable results and with signs and wonders and miracles. The Gifts of Healing are once again becoming accepted in the churches and God is healing many in Nigeria today. 

It is clear that God is speaking once again to His Church and we feel that this is because we are clearly in the last days of this Age. It could be that this is the last time that God will speak or send a message to His Church before He sends the Lord Jesus Himself to take over the administration of His Own World and to start a new era and period of government, called in the N.T. the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. 

The Lord is also speaking to His Church to awaken her from her slumber and slothfulness and worldliness. It is the plan of God to come for a glorious church, "not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing: but that it should be holy and without blemish" (Eph. 5:27). 

There has been such a decline in the spiritual values of the Church that it is hard to believe that it is really God's intention to revitalize and awaken and purify His Church, but it is His plan still. It is equally hard to understand how God will manage to accomplish that task, but He will do it and, because of the fact that it is nearly time for the next Age to begin, that work will be a quick and drastic operation. 

We are now actually in the period between' the two Ages (GRACE AND KINGDOM) and so we can notice some of the principles ruling in the promised 'Kingdom Age' already beginning to show in the present Age. This is one explanation for the wonderful increase in the manifestation of the miraculous which we see all around us today. It must be noted, with regret, that much of this manifestation is going on outside the established or recognized denominations and in fact that the Lord seems now to be turning to dealing with individuals. 'If any man will hear My Voice'. (Rev. 3:20) 

One thing is very clear, conditions in every realm of human experience have changed greatly in the last few years, and we feel they will never be the same again. There is an instability in the national, economic and cultural world, which seems to be growing out of control of man and which is bringing confusion and fear and a desire for someone with a message of faith, certainty and hope. 

We feel we have that message. We know and can see what is happening in the world, and in the Church, and we feel we know the causes and reasons and that we also have the answers. We feel we know what God is doing in these trying days and we are not in despair because we know that God is working out His purposes and plans and that the result will be good. 

It is the end of an AGE. For the past 1,900 years God has been bearing the insults of His world and allowing man to prove he is quite incapable of managing, either himself or the world, or to bring peace. 

The gospel has been buried beneath a church which has become more and more worldly and money conscious, and which has clearly shut the Lord Jesus outside His Own Church (Rev. 3:20).

In these days the church on earth has acquired wealth and property and influence and has become part of the worldly system, to the extent that it cannot be separated from the world or its systems. 

Satan has done a fine job of taking over the task of managing the church and it now no longer represents the mind of God. 

So God MUST intervene if He is to complete His task of producing a Church 'glorious, pure and powerful' for His Son, who purchased it with His own blood on Calvary's Cross.

We are sure that God will never allow Satan to boast that he has completely spoilt the church and destroyed its power and made it useless to God. 

God MUST have a 'spotless, pure and powerful' Body to represent Him on earth in the last days, in order to use that Body to demonstrate the mighty power of God and sweep away the powers of Satan and evil spirits and to demonstrate the power of the Cross and Holy Spirit to deliver men and women, and change them, and make them what He means them to be. 

This means that GOD MUST make some drastic changes and sweep the church with a great Holy Spirit revival which will accomplish His purposes in these last days.

We are preparing for that Holy Spirit sweeping revival NOW. 


“The end of all things is near; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer.” (1 Peter 4:7)

God must move in an extraordinary way in these last days and He will do a new thing, in a new way. But what will be God's aim and what will He seek to accomplish in these last days?

Will He just move by His Spirit to save more people or has He a bigger purpose? 

We believe He has a great and wonderful purpose for these last days. That purpose was declared when He sent Jesus Christ first. 

God's plan is to gather everything in heaven and earth under Jesus Christ. God plans that His Victorious Son will be the Head and the Master and the King over all authority and all power in heaven and earth, and that everyone shall know and realize the fact and accept that Calvary was a glorious mighty victory and that God has laid every authority and power and Judgement on Jesus Christ. That is the full meaning of Eph. 1:10. 

So we shall expect that God will direct attention solely in these last days to Jesus Christ, as the Centre and head of everything. But this will mean that God will shake the churches and Christian organizations and shake out everything that is NOT of Jesus Christ. That is the meaning of Heb. 12:26-27. 

We see that shaking taking place today. God is shaking the organized denominations and shaking out those who place loyalty to Jesus Christ before loyalty to church authorities. In many denominations today that battle is already on. There will not be time to start another NEW denomination, that is NOT God's plan. 

God is going to restore the person and authority and position of His Victorious Son, our savior Jesus Christ, especially in the spiritual. 

That is the vision of the Herald of the Last Days and we are part of that great move of God towards uplifting and glorifying Jesus and we offer this advice to all who realize the present situation and desire to be found in this End time move of God. 

"Be sure that you have surrendered yourself fully to Je us Christ ALONE”. He will demand your ALL. He can claim your all because He died to purchase you completely. Do not allow anyone or anything to claim first place in your spiritual life. Jesus Christ claims FIRST PLACE. 

We are part of God's ENDTIME move and work and we feel that this work will require that we alert Christians everywhere to the demands of the last days. Then we mean to move into areas where there is no gospel so that as many as possible may taste of salvation: and then we also mean to train men and women to 'go out and preach the gospel to all creatures' with the power of the Holy Spirit, so that the Name of Jesus Christ may be glorified and uplifted for ALL men to realize His greatness and glory. 

We should despise no church or group, but we state very clearly that the claims of JESUS CHRIST come first. He is the only savior and Lord. He can and does deliver and heal today as He did when on earth. 

We should teach all Christians everywhere how to challenge the enemy of our souls, who is so busy cheating and deceiving Christians into believing that he is still all powerful and our master. HE IS A DEFEATED enemy and there is no need in these last days for us to hide ourselves away inside churches to pray and beg God for His help. We have the power, and the authority, to challenge Satan and we mean to do so and to attack his kingdom and work and to claim our people from him. 

It is Satan's great work to discredit the work of Jesus Christ. We will uphold that work and declare Jesus Christ as Victor and Lord and savior and Deliverer. We do not wish to drag in special doctrines to cause Christians to spend times arguing and debating when they ought to be attacking Satan's kingdom and winning souls for Jesus Christ. 

It is also possible, yea probable that in these last days many will suffer and the 'sword shall enter our hearts also" (Luke 2:35) But let us accept all these things as marks of our Master's faith in us and as an assurance that we are dangerous enough for the enemy to attack us and seek to destroy our faith or even kill us. 

We again dedicate ourselves and all that we have to our Lord and Master Jesus Christ and call upon all of like mind to declare it with us and to daily claim the Lord's power to go forward against the powers of darkness so that in the end "Jesus Christ may be All and in All". 


"COME unto ME, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest". (Matt. 11:28) 

"GO ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of The Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." (Matt. 28:19) 

When God planned to save men and women He had a definite plan. He sent His Own Son, to start a new way of life, and new way back to God. 

The Lord Jesus knew His Father's plan and followed that plan and boldly declared to all who would listen to Him, 'I am the way, the truth and the Life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by ME". (John 14:6)

Jesus also looked for channels to carry His message to the whole world and so He used MEN. Jesus vessels were men but He chose them carefully and called them individually. 

He understood and declared His own ministry when He visited the synagogue as stated in Luke 4:18. 

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor: he hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind...". 

This was the ministry He followed and it was an entirely new way and revelation. Then He started to gather His own group of disciples. HE CALLED THEM… "C0ME." 

First He called His disciples, then he called men and women everywhere ... "C0ME." 

He called them to come to Himself. Not to a church or system or to follow a doctrine or special company, but to "COME UNTO ME." The Lord Jesus knew He had the solution to their problems and questions and that He could solve them. 

He is still calling men and women everywhere to "COME." COME UNTO ME .... Come to Jesus Christ for full salvation. Come to Jesus Christ for complete deliverance from all sin, sickness and evil powers and fears. Come to Jesus Christ for power to live a successful Christian life of witness and satisfaction to God and yourself. 

The existing religious system was unable to deal with the needs of men and women then, and it would seem that the church today is likewise unable to do so. But the Lord is still calling men and women, as He did when He started His ministry... "COME UNTO ME." 

The men He called were all different and from different experiences and backgrounds. Not one of them had ever been to college or had university training or was a priest. Some of them were unsteady characters but still the Lord Jesus knew them completely and He also knew He could change their lives and reshape their characters. Like He did for Simon Peter. Yet they all had to be trained.

First they had to recognize the fact that Jesus Christ was someone called of God and who had authority and power. 

The Lord Jesus trained them: Not by sending them to college, (although we do not object to any college training today as long as it is designed to train one for witnessing and delivering men and women and not just merely academic training which fills one with knowledge and no power), but Jesus Christ took them with Him wherever He went. They listened to Him preaching the good news. They watched Him as He dealt with the leper in Mark 1:40-45. They saw Him restore the palsied man to health and marveled at His answers to the clever scribes (Mark 1). 

They learned that they too had to have FAITH in God and then they too could deliver men and women and they found that when they did so it worked Luke 10:17. They witnessed the great miracle when He took one small boy's offering and then used it to feed five thousand men. They had to learn that they too had to 'put something in' if they expected results, even if that 'something' was their small faith. 

Day by day the Lord Jesus lived with them, talked with them, travelled with them. He taught them, He rebuked them when they failed and when they disagreed: and He constantly urged them to USE THEIR FAITH

They went into danger with Him and saw how He dealt with the storms and the sea, until they realized that He was the expected One from God. 

Three of them accompanied Him to the top of the mountain and listened to what God spoke concerning His Son …'This is my beloved Son, listen to HIM'. (Luke 9:35) 

That was the way the Lord Jesus trained His disciples. He taught them by doing what God wanted Him to do and not in talking or teaching. His actions were His sermons. He rebuked evil spirits and they obeyed Him and when He told them that they too could use that same power and authority over evil spirits they learned with delight that it was true. 

There was a definite process of training. It was by action. There was definite promise of His presence to go with them. There was a promise of definite results when they lifted up Jesus Christ. 

The Lord Jesus also lived quietly in a home with them, teaching them that there was also a need for a 'new' family life, which was governed by peace and forgiveness and repentance. They never ceased learning and every lesson was a new one, full of new ways and principles. 

Towards the end of His stay on earth before He went to the Cross, He made a special gathering for His own twelve. Just the twelve specially called men. He knew that these men would form the foundation of His work after His departure and so He spent time encouraging and speaking with them alone. The Lord Jesus followed up all His teaching and ministry and work by instructing them what to do after His departure. 

Then, after the Cross, He met them again and again He taught them for 40 days, (Acts 1:3) and although we are not told very much of what He taught them during those 40 days yet we see what they did afterwards and so we can think what He must have told them, when He told them to GO, and do the same work as He had been called to do. 

"As the Father hath SENT me, so send I you". (John 20:21) 

"He breathed on them and said 'receive ye the Holy Spirit". (John 20:22) 

He gave them authority to heal, to forgive sins and use their authority over all the powers of the enemy (Luke 10:19, John 20:23). 

Then they obeyed and WENT out, preaching, teaching and healing as they had been taught. 


Every Christian who acknowledges the Lord Jesus as savior and Master and Lord MUST also obey that Master's command to GO'

Go to our families and friends and colleagues and tell them of what Jesus Christ has done for us. Tell them what Jesus Christ can do to heal and deliver, even though we may THINK we have little faith to do it ourselves. The real power is not our faith but the Master behind us who gave us that faith. 

Never look at your 'little faith', remember it may only be the size of a mustard seed but it can move mountains. Mountains of sickness and evil and problems, if you will use it in obedience to the Master's command. 

OBEY HIM and leave the working out of the miracles to HIM

The world today is waiting for men and women who know God and who know the satisfaction that salvation brings, to speak out boldly and ten them how they too can be saved.

healed and delivered. They do not want to hear about special doctrines or revelations or church rules and regulations. 

They want Salvation and only the Lord Jesus can save. 

They want healing and the Lord Jesus can heal them. 

They want deliverance from fears, evil spirits and juju and curses and we know that the Lord Jesus is well able to do all this for them. But they want to know the way. 




The message is still the same today as when Jesus called and met men. COME UNTO ME. Come to Jesus Christ. 

Isn't it almost incredible that we who claim to believe in the mighty power of God should do so little to see that others know of this? If we believe that the Bible is God's message to ALL mankind, do we not have a solemn duty to share its message with ALL? 

If the Lord Jesus is LORD OF ALL, why should not ALL be told of this.? If we believe that the Lord Jesus has greater power than Satan, why do we not gladly seek to prove this and to make Satan acknowledge it too? 


Let us 'GO' as He commands and let us be sure that our message is plain and simple for all who are in need COME TO JESUS CHRIST AND HE WILL SAVE AND HEAL AND DELIVER YOU. 

Jesus taught His disciples to have FAITH in God and in Himself. “Let not your heart be troubled .... believe in ME”. (John 14:1) 

Do not let us wait till we think we have 'great' faith but let us believe that what God has called us to do, He will do it with us. Let us believe that when we speak of Jesus as the only savior that the Holy Spirit will do His special work and glorify Jesus Christ and bring conviction and repentance and salvation. Let us believe that when we lay our hands on the sick in response to their eager request for prayer that the Lord will honor His promise and heal them. 'They shall lay hands on the sick AND THEY SHALL RECOVER (Mark 16:18). 

But let us always remember to be humble. 'HE MUST increase and I must DECREASE'. (John 3:30) Let us always remember that Jesus Christ saves and heals and not us.? Let us endure hardship and difficulties and pray through to victory and prove that we know that in the end the Lord will fulfil His promise. 

Let us be obedient to His commands and the exercise of His authority in the carrying out of His plans and His work for His kingdom and glory. 

If you have answered the call of "COME", then let me ask if you have also heard and answered the can of the same Master to 'GO'

One day you will meet the Lord Jesus and He will ask you how you used His salvation for others. 



"You can never please God without FAITH". (Heb. 11:6) Living Bible. 

"Jesus said to the disciples, "If you only 'have FAITH in God, this is the absolute truth, you can say to this Mountain, 'Rise up and fall into the sea,' and your command will be obeyed." "All that's required is that you really believe and have no doubt". (Mark 11:22-23) Living Bible. 


"It is the confident ass u ran c e that something we want is going to happen.

It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it ahead". (Heb. 11:1) Living Bible 

God still has more faith in man than man has faith in God. FAITH is a gift from God. An operation of the Holy Spirit in believers. FAITH is hearing the promises of God, believing they are true and claiming those promises in taking them and holding them from God. "FAITH cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God". (Rom. 10:17)

"FAITH comes from listening to this good news”. (Rom. 10:17) Living Bible 

The greatest need among Christians today is to know and use FAITH. It is the greatest and m0st powerful weapon we need today. 

When the Lord was on the earth He was constantly urging His disciples to use their faith. He rebuked them when they did not use it and He was always encouraging all who came' to Him to use their FAITH

"All things are possible to him that believeth ..." (Mark 9:23) 

Study carefully Matt. 18:13, Mark 5:36, Luke 8:50, Mark 1:24. The Lord ALWAYS responded to anyone who acted with FAITH and He always met their need, whatever it was. God MUST respond to FAITH. 

We too want you to grow in faith to secure the blessings of God, as He has promised so clearly in His Word, to use your God given FAITH against the powers of darkness so that

Satan and his kingdom may be overthrown in Nigeria in our time and the kingdom of God re-established. THIS CAN BE DON E BY MEN AND WOMEN OF FAITH.

God has done His work. He has sent Jesus Christ to lay the Foundation, now He has left us to exercise our faith in the final accomplishment of His purposes and to exercise our faith to bring it to pass in our time. God is looking for men and women of Faith in Nigeria NOW. 


  1. We need to know and believe what God has promised to all of His people. 
  2. We need to express our faith first in prayer in asking Him to fulfil His promises.... 
  3. We need to act on those promises daily, knowing that God MUST fulfil them and to express our complete confidence and FAITH by praising God for answers. 

KNOWLEDGE 'OF GOD AND HIS PROMISES. Every promise of God in His Word is a direct revelation to us of what God wants to give us, and do for us, and through us for others. God's promises are revealed in His Word and God is continually watching over His Word to fulfil it, and to see that NOT ONE WORD FAILS (I Kings 8:56). 

If we want to know the will of God, then READ THE BIBLE. It is a treasury of God's promises, all waiting to be fulfilled for us. 

Then when we know God's will, we must demand our rights, claim the promises. God does not expect us to beg Him, but to demand the fulfilment of what God promises. God is delighted when we claim what He has promised. 

Satan is a liar and in constantly trying to blind us to our inheritance and rights which the Lord Jesus purchased on the cross. But Satan is afraid when Christians begin to exercise FAITH to claim what God has already promised and provided for us. 

ABRAHAM believed God's promises concerning Isaac, that he would be made a great nation, and even went to slay his son, in obedience to God's command, But Abraham expressed his faith when he told his people .. "I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you" (Gen. 22:5). Abraham was expressing his complete confidence in God's word and promise regarding Isaac. Moses constantly expressed his faith in the promises of God while leading the nation of Israel from Egypt. Moses KNEW GOD. Moses had learned to trust God's word many times, and Moses KNEW without any doubt that what God said would surely be fulfilled. That is FAITH. Daniel KNEW God would carry out His purposes in Babylon, even though the' king did what he wanted to do to Daniel. The three friends also KNEW GOD and never doubted His word and promises (Dan. 3:16-18). 

DAVID faced the giant Goliath knowing that God would stand by him because he was doing the will of God and challenging the power that challenged God. (I Sam. 17:45 ·47). We exercise our faith in God's word as we accept God's offer of salvation. 

God says, Whosoever believeth HATH eternal Life (John 5:24). I believe what God says and also believe I NOW have eternal life, not because I feel any different or can see eternal life ... BUT BECAUSE GOD SAYS SO

I know I have eternal life NOW by FAITH IN GOD'S WORD. I know that God heals today because His word says ... "They shall lay hands on the sick and THEY SHALL RECOVER" (Mark 16:18).

"By His stripes we are healed". (I Peter 2:24) "Himself took our infirmities and bare our sickness". (Matt. 8:17)

I know therefore that healing is part of the atonement and can be enjoyed by ALL who believe God's word and accept it. But it must be claimed by FAITH. I believe also that God provided for ALL my needs in Jesus Christ (Phil. 4:19). But although God has promised to meet all my needs He still wants me to exercise my FAITH and ASK and CLAIM what He has promised. 


Be definite in your praying. Do not merely ask God to bless you, He will surely do that, but ask for what you need and what you know is your own portion and inheritance, and God MUST keep his promises. He cannot fail or break His promises. God's word and his promises are unbreakable. Read carefully Mark 11:20-21 and note two words, WHOSOEVER… that means every believer who dares to believe that what God says He will fulfil. Do not think that this applies to great men of faith. It means every believer who has the faith to ask (faith which may only be as big as a mustard seed, the smallest of seeds, Matt. 17:20). WHATSOEVER… whatsoever… whatsoever ye ask.

Many will say this cannot be true otherwise Christians would be asking for silly things. But when a Christian prays in faith the Holy Spirit will also teach him what to pray for and such prayer will only include the things promised by God. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the WILL of God and claim what He Wills. That prayer MUST be answered. 

Do not have 'passive faith'. Many just declare that they. believe that God will give them whatever He thinks is good for them. That is not in the Bible. God asks us to exercise our faith and to ASK and CLAIM what WE WANT

It is true that there are many problems facing us today, but let us not look or concentrate on the problems or difficulties. The problems are allowed by God to exercise our faith and to be made, by us, into stepping stones into faith and to accomplish what we want God to do for His people and to bring salvation and healing and deliverance to others. 

We can pray for salvation for our families and friends and people WITH FAITH, because we know that Jesus Christ DIED FOR ALL and God is not willing for any to perish (II Peter3:9).

God's word assures us that we are praying in the Will of God when we pray for salvation for anyone. 


Real FAITH always declares itself. Salvation is secured by our CONFESSING WITH OUR MOUTH. Our confession secures the fulfilment. Confession (our testimony) builds the bridge which FAITH uses to bring the answers. 

In Mark 11:20-22, the Lord Jesus was saying, 'If you believe in your heart that God is waiting to do something for you, then SAY SO and it shall come to pass.' SPEAK THE WORD. Declare your faith so that the forces of darkness can hear your declaration and withdraw. Speak to the powers of evil and command them to obey you. That is FAITH. When we declare our FAITH, we are asserting that we believe that God's Word is true and will come to pass. We declare that we know God will make it come to pass. Be careful in using the word 'If it be thy will'. That means you are not sure and so you are declaring your unbelief, not your faith. The great men of FAITH in Heb. 11 all declared their complete faith by words and actions and they conquered (Heb. 11:32-35). 


Get to know God intimately, by reading His word and in prayer. God wants to be YOUR GOD, your personal LORD and master. 

Read how God developed the faith or Abraham through tests and trials. Study how God led Moses to trust HIM implicitly and to obey Him fully and then to translate that faith into action in carrying out God's plan for His people Israel. Study the various trials of faith God gave Moses in order to strengthen that faith. 

Read how Elijah learned to trust God and even went so far as to demand that God send fire from heaven in answer to Elijah's prayer, even though God never told him to do so. Elijah knew God and knew He would answer him. Read how Elisha did twice as many miracles as Elijah because he knew God and trusted Him to establish His Name and power through Elisha. 

Read how the Lord Jesus acted daily in faith to meet the desperate needs of the needy, the sick and dying and the weak in faith who came to HIM in faith.

MAINTAIN FELLOWSHIP WITH PEOPLE OF FAITH. Do not gather with Christians who constantly express fear and doubt and emphasize their sicknesses and sin. Keep company with those who talk FAITH in GOD, preach faith in Jesus Christ. PRAY DAILY for your needs, in faith and accept the promises of God from His word and make them your very own property. 

Keep on expressing your faith in God. Prayer is a battle and Satan does not fear anyone who prays in fear and doubt or begs God for help. Satan fears those who express FAITH in God and His Word and those who declare the victory of Jesus Christ and claim sinners

from Satan's grasp. Do not be discouraged by delays in answers to your prayers. Read Dan. 10:1-14. 


God is looking today for His men and women in Nigeria who will hear His Voice and challenge and rise up to grasp with FAITH the promises of God for deliverance for Nigeria. 


QUESTION. Doesn't the N. T. teach that Satan has been defeated? Yet in our experience this does not seem to be the fact. Even among Christians, Satan seems to do as he wishes. How can we teach that Satan has been defeated and yet he is so thoroughly in control as we see it? 

Answer. This question of the power of Satan today, troubles many Christians. One of the main purposes of the coming of the Lord Jesus was to destroy the works of Satan (l John 3:8). He attacked the demons and the work of Satan whenever He met it in His earthly ministry. He healed the sick: He cast out demons: He raised the dead and took control of the weather. Satan challenged Him in every way but the Lord Jesus conquered him. But when Jesus went to the cross, there He paid the debt of sin for the whole world and thus conquered Satan. The Lord Jesus conquered Satan completely on the Cross. This is the meaning of Col. 2:15. 

But it is true that Satan is not yet fully bound. God is allowing him some amount of freedom. There are many reasons for this. One is that God plans that redeemed and transformed sinners shall take Satan's place in heaven and resume the position of authority first given to man by God, but that man is not yet ready to take that position and authority and God is actually using Satan, as His servant, to train men to take over from Satan. Satan's activities now are being used by God as our training School. God is still controlling Satan. 

Now WE have to claim that victory as our victory over Satan and face Satan with it daily. 


QUESTION. Many of us have been praying for the salvation of our families and backsliding members of our group. Many seem to pray fervently but without result. How may we be sure of answers to our prayers.?

ANSWER. It is the duty of every saved person to pray for and claim the salvation of all his family and God who leads us to pray for them does not mock us or ask us to waste our time in praying for something we can never attain. God wants to lead our families into His purchased redemption and He wants us to learn how to do this. Read Mark 10:27, II Cor. 10:4,5. 

Paul reveals the mighty power of our spiritual weapons and we are to learn how to use them that the works of enemy may be torn down. We are given the sure ground of praying, the ground of redemption. The Victory of Jesus Christ and the redemption. He purchased is for all man-kind, including our families. We may therefore say that each one is, actually, God's purchased possession, although still held by the enemy. We MUST, through the prayer of FAITH in the power of God and acting on the promises of God, claim and take for God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, that which is rightfully His. We do not mean to say that all persons are automatically saved because of the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. They must believe and accept the offer for themselves, this can be accomplished through our intercession. To pray in the Name of the Lord Jesus is to ask and claim the things which the blood has already secured for them.

We are to use our authority and claim their deliverance from the power and persuasion of the enemy. We are to pray against Satan: against the powers of darkness, and command, in the Name of Jesus, that he releases his hold on them. We are to fight Satan on behalf of our families, rebuking him, commanding him, and demanding his submission. Satan only yields what he is made to yield and seeks to hold what is not his. We are to attack him, persistently rebuking and commanding him. 

Each member should name by name, and claimed and intercession must be persistent and in FAITH believing that God is working with us and through us for their salvation. 

QUESTION. I am shocked by some of the curses mentioned in Psalm 109. How do you justify them and can we use them today? 

ANSWER. It is important to realize that before the Lord Jesus came, the main proof of the truth

of God and His Word was in the judgment God made against those Who broke His Commands or defied Him or challenged Him. As long as the wicked continued to triumph and prosper then the people seemed to believe that the Word of God was of no effect and that sinners could deny or forget the holiness and warnings of God. A sincere Hebrew believer needed to be encouraged and strengthened in his faith by seeing God carry out His threats and he therefore identified himself completely with God's cause and Word, and his prayers and requests merely asked God to fulfil His word. 

He asked God to uphold His own righteousness and honor by inflicting destruction upon those, who, either in theory or practice, defied God. 

But when Jesus Christ came and went to the Cross, then the world came to know fully how much God hates sin and evil and how greatly He MUST punish every sin. But the Cross also explains God's longsuffering and patience even with those who ignore His warnings. 

We do not now need Psalm 109, but rather to plead for mercy on all who disregard God's warnings and even to rebuke Satan for blinding their eyes and keeping them chained in darkness. We are now to show the same love for all as Jesus Christ showed for us, "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us," and to also plead with and warn all who challenge God to escape the certain judgment to come. 


THE VOICE' OF A VISION "Where there is no VISION, the people perish". (Prov. 29:18)

Our VISION governs our life and operations. So we declare our Vision. 


We believe that we are in the 'last days' of this dispensation and that God is shortly going to intervene in the affairs of the world to complete His plan for the World. 

We believe that in the last days God will pour out His Holy Spirit on all flesh (Joel 2:28) and that this mighty move of the Holy Spirit will cause a great revival whereby thousands will be saved. 

We believe that the young people of Nigeria will be greatly involved in that move of God and that God is actually now calling them out to serve Him all over the country, irrespective of what denomination they attend. 

We believe that there is a group of 'overcomers' inside the established churches now, who will move out with God in fulfilment of His plans and that this 'remnant' must be reached and awakened now, in all churches. 

We believe that there will be a restoration of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the last 'days and that the authority of the Lord will be re-established in His church and in His people, so that His Name will also be victorious now as it was in the early, days of the Church. 

We are 'putting legs' on our vision and regarding ourselves as 'A VOICE crying, Prepare ye the way of the Lord.' (John 1:23) 

We are calling upon ALL intercessors to join with us in attacking the forces of the enemy in every possible way and to cooperate with the Lord in carrying out this plan.