• The New Saints
  • The Church
  • Spiritual Meetings
  • Gifts of Power
  • Soul winners unlimited Nigeria


“Beloved of God, called to be saints”. (Rom. 1:7)

Saints are made by God in this life, and not by men after their death. They are redeemed men, saved by the grace and blood of the Lord Jesus, who calls them to be ‘saints’ - men who are holy.

They are the people who have found peace in trusting the Lord Jesus and in whose lives the Holy Spirit is working out the nature and character of Lord Himself, to make them holy and clean and useful for God as His vessels in this life and world NOW.

The Christians in the Church at Rome may have been slaves, but God called them ‘saints’. Likewise, at Ephesus, Colosse (Col. 1:2), Philippi (Phil. 1:1.) and Corinth (I Cor. 1:2). So today, God has His ‘saints’. They are the ordinary men and women who have been saved and cleansed and made holy by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Now God is proud to call us His ‘saints’. 


They are God's own special people and they can be found in all the Christian denominations, no matter what they are called, where the Lord Jesus is preached as Saviour and Lord. As soon as any one accepts the Lord Jesus as Saviour and Lord then he is called to be a 'saint', called to be holy by God, and he is brought into the family of God. All such are God's people, irrespective of what church they may attend. They may understand the Bible doctrines in different ways but in as much as they accept the Lord Jesus as Lord then there should never be any reason for division among the 'saints'. The 'saints' are in the world but they are not part of the world. They have realised that the friendship of the world is enmity against God and so they seek friendship with the Lord Jesus and become 'unworldly'. But because of their characters, they rebuke the world and its wickedness. The ‘saints' are still very human and they know they still commit sin, daily, but they know that they can obtain forgiveness and cleansing as they confess their sins to the Lord Jesus (1 John 1:9).

They are the people of God Whom He calls 'Sons of God' and who have dedicated themselves to the service of their Lord and Master and have a consuming passion to follow Him and seek His will and glory.

They have received the same Holy Spirit as their Lord and have the same power as He had. He has commissioned them and sent them out into the present rebellious world. Because of the fact that God has allowed Satan a certain amount of liberty, they have had to learn how to fight Satan and overcome him. Their experiences have taught them to fight and overcome. They know where to get their guidance and help and know how to wrestle in prayer for and on behalf of others.


"As the Father hath sent Me, so send I you". (John 20:2)

This is the commission of the new 'saints'. They are sent out into the world to meet (he needs of the world, particularly the spiritual needs of the lost and needy. To them is committed the task of taking the gospel of the Lord Jesus into all the world and of proclaiming the Lord Jesus as the only Saviour, who can save and deliver all men everywhere.

Having known the joy of being saved and having the full assurance of sins forgiven, then they are able to preach full salvation, with assurance, to all, no matter how depraved and sinful men may be. They know that the Lord can heal the sick in answer to believing and claiming faith and that they have power over demons and evil spirits and Satanic powers and forces.

They are not preaching on behalf of any particular church or denomination, but realise that it is the uplifting of the Lord Jesus alone which will "draw all men unto Him" (John 12:32).

They also know that it is the plan of God to make every saved person into a soldier, a saviour of others, and not merely a church member or church attender.

They know that God desires every saved man and woman to become a fighter in the battle against the powers of darkness and they are aware in their own lives of the attacks of Satan against them. But they are also learning daily that Satan can be defeated and mastered and they have learned how command him to yield and go.

They have also learned how to pray and fight against the operations of evil powers in the lives of other Christians. They know what it means to intercede and to pray without ceasing because their whole life is one constant battle against the forces of evil and the evil spirits that attack Christians. They have learned the power of the name of Jesus and how to use that name against the enemy. They also know the power of the blood which can be held over Satan as a proof of his defeat and their own victory.

They are the Christians who are never willing to admit defeat in anything pertaining to the things of God, especially when it concerns the deliverance of the demon oppressed and sick ones.

They know this life now is a constant battle and they know that their strength lies in trusting completely all the time in their Saviour end in His victory on the Cross.

"God forbid that I should glory save in the CROSS of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world". (Gal. 6:14)

No matter how weak they may feel, they know their Saviour is strong and powerful and that He will carry them through.

They also know that they have a great task ahead of them before their Saviour and Lord can return the evangelisation of the unreached in Nigeria. They are not opposed to churches or church services or ministry but the great task is evangelism. It is the great commission of their Master and they know that the enemy will do all he can to prevent the heathen from hearing the gospel and changing masters. They know they cannot all go to the unreached but they accept that they are responsible God for these with whom they live and work, to witness and speak of Jesus Christ.


They know that the present life with Christ on earth is one of constant battle and of claiming the victory. They know their main enemy is Satan and that they must stand against him daily.

The fight is not against men or even organisations but against evil spiritual powers operating in the hevenlies and in this hearts and lives of men and women.

They know the plan of God to establish His Kingdom on the earth again under the Lord Jesus Christ as King and they know that one day they will replace Satan and his rebel hosts and that God is now training them for the future work of sharing the throne and government with the Lord Jesus.


"The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds". (2 Cor. 10:4)

The Lord Jesus fought and defeated the enemy with the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God and now the 'new saints' have to learn to do the same work with the same weapons. Satan controls too many men and governments but the saints know that God rules and that the power of the Holy Spirit can and does overcome Satan and his forces.

But they have much to learn before they can be trusted with the tremendous task of ruling with the Lord Jesus and putting this world right with God.

They must learn how to use the Name of Jesus as their authority. They must learn how to use the fact of the Blood of Calvary which defeated Satan once and forever.

They must learn how to submit to the Holy Spirit's control and guidance and to pray in the Spirit, and even in tongues.

They must constantly testify against Satan and use the power of the Cross and the Name of Jesus.


They now know that they have been given GREAT AUTHORITY. Authority over the enemy, authority over the powers of evil and evil spirits. Their Lord gave them that authority.

"I give you power over all the power of the enemy" (Luke 10:19). "Whosesoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them, and whosesoever sins ye retain they are retained". (John 20:23, Matt. 16:19, Mark 16, Psa. 149)

They are given the power to 'bind and loose' and they learn that Satan fears the exercise of that authority and seeks to blind their eyes to this right.


They can never realise on this earth the tremendous future God has planned for each of them. God plans they shall reign with His Son Jesus Christ, on the earth. It has been God's plan for ages and now God is training these 'new saints' to occupy the throne and to exercise authority and rule. They will judge angels; they will possess the kingdom (I Cor. 6:3).

"The saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever". (Daniel 7:18 and 22)

"Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of His saints". (Jude 14)

This is God's plan and He will shortly reveal those whom He has called and chosen and trained.

Will you be one of the 'new saints'?

You can become one by surrendering yourself completely to the Lord Jesus NOW; and seeking His fullness and the Holy Spirit's power. Then present yourself; your talents; your means, to the Lord for His use and He will train you as one of His Saints.


Jesus said, "I will build MY CHURCH" (Matt. 16:18), God" gave Him to be the head over all things to the Church, which is His Body, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all”. (Eph. 2:22-23)

There is only ONE CHURCH in God's sight and that is the Church formed by the Lord Jesus and is called HIS BODY. It is made up of all true born again believers in the Lord Jesus, brought into that Body by the Holy Spirit. "By one Spirit are we all baptised into ONE BODY" (I Cor. 12:13).

The Greek word for ‘Church’ is ‘Ekklesia’, 'called out' and is used 115 time in the N.T. and is always translated ‘Church’ except in Acts 19:32-41, where it is translated 'Assembly'.

This means that any congregation of 'called out' ones of God's elect, gathered to worship God, and it is composed of both Jew and Gentile and all races and sexes of all ages. Each group is known as the local church. The origin of every Christian group is from Heaven, 'called out' by God to belong to Jesus Christ.

The Church is never referred to as a building or a denomination. The truth of the 'Church' was revealed by the Holy Spirit to the Apostle Paul and is a special revelation for the age between the dispensation of the Law and the dispensation of the Kingdom, and covers the whole dispensation of GRACE. The Church is not the Kingdom but forms part of it in the general plan to God.


The early disciples regarded all who accepted the Lord Jesus as Saviour: were baptised in water by immersion as a sign of their acceptance of a new life and way, and who continued in fellowship with all those in the faith, as being members of the Church.

"Then they that gladly received his word were baptised. They continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and in fellowship and breaking of bread". (Acts 2:41-42)

The only DOOR of the Church is JESUS CHRIST and faith in His sacrifice is the only way with Church. The Church is not an organisation after the worldly pattern, but an Organism organised by the Head, Jesus Christ.

It is ONE and in unity now, because of the Holy Spirit and the fellowship of all born again believers. Man-made attempts at church unity will not accomplish the purpose of God.


  1. To form the spiritual instrument through whom God  can show His grace and plans
  2. for the earth.
  3. To be the vehicle for God's presence in the world today. The Body is now the Temple of   God- "Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you" (2 Cor. 6:19-20).

3. To represent the Lord Jesus Christ on earth to men. "As the Father hath sent me, so send I you" (John 20:21).

4. To continue the work begun by the Lord Jesus Christ of deliverance and salvation for

all men (Acts 2:38). "Repent, and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ”.

5. To evangelise the whole world and preach the Gospel to every man (Matt. 28, Mark 16:15-18).

6. To establish a standard of righteousness before all men.


  1. Preaching the gospel, everywhere, to all men. The gospel is the good news that God has provided a way of bringing all men back again into fellowship with Himself, by forgiving their sins as a result of the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, upon the Cross for the sin of the world. This restoration to fellowship and peace with God can be obtained by all as they accept God's offer of forgiveness by FAITH. This leads to repentance and the forsaking of all known sins.
  2. To deliver men and women from sin, sickness and Satan and to lead all believers
  3. into a newness of life in Jesus Christ. To preach the good news of full deliverance from all evil and a new life and creation in Jesus Christ.
  4. To lead believers to obey the command of the Lord Jesus that all believers should
  5. be baptised in water by immersion, as a sign of their acceptance of the new life and way of living (Acts 2:38).
  6. To minister the baptism of the Holy Spirit to all believers so that they may be filled with the Holy Spirit and equipped to witness for the Lord before men, and to do the work of delivering men and women everywhere (Acts 1:8).
  7. To minister the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that the work of the Church may be
  8. proved to be of God, to the  overthrow of Satan and the kingdom of darkness.
  9. To maintain the victory of Jesus Christ over Satan and to learn how to hold that
  10. victory over him so His captives are freed.
  11. To exercise discipline and Divine order among the members of the Church that righteousness can be seen and understood (1 Cor. 5).
  12. To evangelise and to spread   the gospel everywhere (Matt. 28:19-20).
  13. To offer spiritual worship to God by His Spirit.
  14. To prepare for the establishment of the kingdom of heaven on earth under the Lord
  15. Jesus (Matt. 6:10).


"God is spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth". (John 4:24)

God seeks worshippers and only those who have been born again spiritually can offer acceptable worship by the Holy Spirit. This worship can, take the form of singing (Psalms) hymns or choruses, prayers and intercession for others, and for the work of God. We approach God the Father, through the Lord Jesus Christ His Son, by the Holy Spirit.

2. In the Church age we are instructed to regularly meet to remember the Lord's death, 'till he comes.' This is often called The Lord's Supper, Holy Communion, and Breaking of Bread.


"When He ascended up on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men, He gave some, Apostles, some Prophets, some Evangelists, some Pastors and Teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ". (Eph. 4:8,11,12)

There are other officers mentioned: 

Bishops and deacons (Phil. 1:1). 

Elders and overseers (Acts 20:17,28).

Ministers (II Cor. 3:6-15).

Workers (II Cor. 6:1).

Preachers (Rom. 10:14, I Tim. 2:7).

Servants (Rom. 16:1, II Cor. 4:5).

Deaconesses (Titus 2:2-5).

All these are MINISTRIES and not titles or positions to be fought for or coveted Each is an expression of the ministry of the Lord Jesus, as Head of the Church.


The Lord Jesus claimed He had all authority (Matt. 28:18, Eph. 1:21, Phil. 2:5-11, 1 Peter 3:22).

The Lord gave that authority to His disciples (Luke 9:1, 10:1-19, Matt. 10:1-8, 18:20, 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-20, Luke 24:49, John 14:12-15, Acts 1:1-8).

The disciples exercised that authority many times in the Acts. To offer salvation. To heal. To command discipline. To deliver those possessed with evil spirits. To rebuke and warn. Make decisions and pass judgement. Forgive and extend fellowship to believers; permit local churches to appoint their leaders. Decide important doctrinal questions and make laws for the Church.


The Body of Christ, the Church, belongs to the Lord Jesus and is governed by His representative on earth, the Holy Spirit.

It must be governed and disciplined by the Holy Spirit who will use His appointed channels (ministers) to spiritually administer and exercise discipline. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the Living God and so we should desire that discipline will be fully exercised here and now.

When believers sin then they grieve the Holy Spirit but can always secure pardon on confession (1 John 1:9).

But when we sin deliberately and knowingly, then the Holy Spirit is forced to take action to preserve the Church's life and ability to govern.

The ability to 'bind' and 'loose' is given to confirm the truth and authority of the Lord Jesus, in relation to discipline. In 1 Cor. 5:1-13, is given the extreme example of how far God is ready to go to preserve the purity of the Church. Handing over to Satan means to withdraw all fellowship from the guilty person, to cease praying for them, thus permitting Satan to trouble him in order to bring him to repentance. 2 Cor. 2:6-7 shows this method was effective.

Members showing a stubborn and unforgiving spirit should be brought before the Church and instructed on conduct and if he refuses then he should be excommunicated (Matt. 18:15-17).

There are other reasons given for disciplining members. False doctrines and offences (Rom. 16:17). Disorderly conduct and disobedience (2 Thess. 3:6, 14-15). Apostasy (1 Tim. 1:19-20, 4:1-8, 2 Tim. 3:5, 4:1-4). Fornication and other gross sins (1 Cor. 5, 6:9-11, 1 Tim. 6:3-5).


There will be no problem of finance in the Church if every member realises that all they possess belongs to the Lord. Every member should contribute weekly to the progress of the work and the maintenance of the ministry.

The ministry of giving is an act of worship (2 Cor. 8:4-5). It formed an important part of the early Church's ministry and special men (deacons) were appointed to handle it (Acts 6:1-3). God expects us to give willingly, generously (2 Cor. 8:12, 2 Cor. 9:6); gladly, and simply (Rom. 12:8).


"The friendship of the world is enmity against God ". (James 4:4). "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him" (1 John 2:15-17). The details of what is meant by world is seen in 1 John 2:16.

We are to be as salt in the world, and as lights so that men may see the grace of God and the change wrought by salvation.



"There came a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them". (Job 1:6)

"The sons of God came to present themselves and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord". (Job 2:1)

The scene described above is in heaven when the angelic forces presented themselves before God for the purposes of giving an account of service already rendered and to receive fresh instructions.

Yet Satan came with them. Although he had been deposed from the highly exalted post he once had, yet he still has access into the presence of God as "accuser of the brethren". It is in that capacity that he comes before God now. We also learn that the Devil is still subject to the will and hand of God.

These verses also reveal the fact that Satan attends nearly all Christians meetings so that he can oppose and spoil the work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of God's people. The Devil plays a big part in every Christian meeting so that nearly every meeting becomes a battlefield. We wish to expose his activity and to advise those who are responsible for the leadership in meetings how to deal with these forces and how to secure the best possible spiritual results from all Christian gatherings. We cannot fully exclude Satan, so we must make sure he does not control us or the meetings and spoil the ministry or the blessings we gather to dispense.

There are three forces present in every meeting.

(1) Heavenly influences (2) Hellish, and (3) Human

Heavenly forces: "Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in their midst" (Matt 18). The Lord Himself has promised this and He surely desires to meet whenever His people gather to worship Him or to seek Him. It is the joy of heaven to meet with the Lord's people. The angels are always present and the Holy Spirit attends because He fills the bodies of the saints and goes with them.

Satanic forces: When Satan goes to Church he goes to PREY. He goes to sow tares among the wheat (Mark 4:15). He is the prince of the power of the air, the leader of a vast force of evil spirits who are determined to oppose the work of God and destroy man.

Human forces: There is always a mixture of individuals in every service and some are converted, others are not. Some are even demon possessed while others are still controlled by carnal selfish ideas, Satan comes in the hearts of those who are self-righteous or who are satisfied with themselves before God and he seeks to make sure they do not change. Satan filled the hearts of Ananias and Sapphira when they came with others to serve the Lord (Acts 5). There are those also who are out of touch with the Lord and who are no blessing in the service.

The Need for a Spiritual Atmosphere

The Holy Spirit can only work in a spiritual atmosphere and every Holy Spirit filled minister will instantly detect if the conditions are hostile or not helpful to spiritual ministry, even though he may not be able at the time to explain the reason. This is why it is essential that an atmosphere of praise and prayer is created before the preaching so that minds and hearts can be prepared for the Holy Spirit's message.

It is imperative to have a right atmosphere for the Holy Spirit to work. When the meeting is full of noisy chatter or undue noise then it is difficult to obtain a spiritual atmosphere.

There should always be an attitude of prayer and praise in every service and this will help the minister, the hearers and the Holy Spirit. Those who are sensitive to the presence of evil powers should take authority over them and claim the victory for the Word that will be preached. If we attend services out of formality' then we not only fail to get any blessing from that meeting but we also block the purposes of God for others in that service.

Every Christian has a part to play in every service although they may not be the preacher or the leader. They must maintain an attitude of praise and prayer and a constant claiming of the victory and power of the Cross against the enemy of souls.

We must learn to use spiritual forces to combat the opposing evil forces operating in most meetings against the Spirit of God.

Problems in every Meeting

There are several elements in every meeting and if any one of them is out of touch with the Holy Spirit then the meeting could be fruitless. It should be the objective of every meeting to secure response and results in decisions for Christ and surrenders to the Lord Jesus as well as deliverance and filling of the Holy Spirit. Some of the factors to a successful meeting are:

Spiritual singing which leads the whole congregation in praise. Prayer in the Spirit and the constant holding of the ministers in prayer against the plans of the enemy.

A Spirit filled and anointed speaker. Definite objectives and active participation of all in securing results. This means spiritual praying and singing, spiritual ministry and glory to God.

The preacher should always be sure he has the message from God for each particular meeting. It is the Holy Spirit who gives life but an anointed preacher is the channel. Every preacher should be filled with the Holy Spirit so that the Spirit can speak through him fully.

The singing must fit into the meeting and be Spirit inspired and not be a mere exhibition in the art of singing. Choruses should be carefully chosen and not used merely as 'time using' to entertain the congregation. It can be as much bondage for choruses to be used, as formal singing of hymns, when they are not spiritually blessed.

The time of prayer. This should be used as a time of asserting the Spirit's control on the meeting and prayer should be free and not all from the platform or leaders. Selfish praying will serve to bring the meeting into bondage and so a brief exhortation at the start of the prayer time can be useful, but care should be taken that this does not become a sermon. Men and women should be encouraged to join in prayer and to include specific requests.

How to secure a right Atmosphere

There are three ways we can use to guard ourselves, whether speakers or hearers and thus secure a clean right atmosphere so that the Holy Spirit can work in every meeting.

The right attitude as we prepare for and enter a meeting

Our attitude of heart before a meeting often determines the atmosphere of the meeting. Careless, foolish talk and jesting, is not conducive to a spiritual anointing in any meeting.

We should approach every meeting with desire to see God at work, and prayer should be in our hearts all the time. The speaker should especially keep his mind on the Lord and be alert to note the trend of the meeting and any guidance the Holy Spirit may be giving as to the need of the people. Do not be rigid in your adherence to your sermon but let the Holy Spirit lead you on this point. Aaron and his priests had to tarry at the LAYER to wash before they entered the Holy Place and we should also make sure we are clean spiritually as we enter any service.

The right attitude in the meeting is essential

Let every service be marked by an atmosphere of prayer and praise so that the evil powers cannot take over the service. Do not spend time rebuking the evil spirits unless they manifest themselves. They have come into the meeting with men and women out of touch with God and the tone of the meeting will serve to control them.

Let us see that we do not bring evil spirits into the service with us. But let us take the Lord Jesus in with us. Then we should refuse to allow Satan to take control of any meeting but by prayer and claiming the victory we can depose him in any meeting and allow the Holy Spirit to take control.

Let us say with Zechariah, 'The Lord rebuke thee Satan” (Zech. 3:2).

There is no definite order of service given in the N.T. for us to follow. Indeed, it is impossible for any service to be planned in detail beforehand if it is under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, but the leader must have an idea of the needs of the people and the objective of the service before he starts it. However, in 1 Cor. 14:26, we have an idea of what the Apostle Paul expected in services.

"When ye come together, every one of you hath a Psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying".

We note that it was usual for Psalms to be sung (Eph. 5:18, Col. 3:16).

There should be an opportunity for teaching the truths of the faith (2 Tim. 4:2-4, Acts 2:42, 1 Cor. 1:18-24).

There should also be opportunity for the use of Holy Spirit gifts. Tongues, when an Interpreter is present; prophecy; and the revealing of any special message the Lord may be wishing to give to the meeting. But this must be done in order, and not without control. There should never be haphazard freedom for everyone to do as they like.

There should also be special meetings for the Lord's Supper or Love Feast (1 Cor. 10:16-17, 11:17-34, Jude 12).

There should also be an opportunity given for anyone present who needs prayer for healing or deliverance to be ministered to. There should also be chance given for those who wish to give an offering to the Lord's work, but care should be taken in these days not to lay too great a stress upon this as it can be used by evil powers to dissipate any blessing that has been received during the meeting. If the blessing of the Lord is upon any group or gathering, then those who have been blessed will quickly wish to give to the Lord and thus add to their blessing.


Although the gospel should be made clear for all in every public service yet there should also be special GOSPEL SERVICES where the gospel can be preached and decisions made for Jesus Christ.

Every Christian group should also hold regular PRAYER MEETINGS. These should be 'fighting groups' where prayer is made and victory claimed for those in need of anything promised and secured by the Lord Jesus. They should be 'claiming meetings' also, where deliverance and blessings are CLAIMED.

Intercession should also be part of every prayer meeting on behalf of all those in need connected with the group. Regular meetings for BIBLE STUDY should also be held. At special times also a 'love feast' or Lord's Supper should also be held in accordance with I Cor. 11.

Wherever possible outdoor and open air meetings should also be held to go out where the sinners are and to take the gospel outside the sanctuary.



"To another FAITH by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; to another the working of miracles". (1 Cor. 12:10)

The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of POWER. Power to save; power to change and deliver men and women. It is the only power of God unto salvation (Rom. 1:16). The manifestations of that working are the GIFTS of the Holy Spirit working through saved men and women who have been filled with the Holy Spirit.

Many people think that a Christian has to be perfect before the Holy Spirit can give His Gifts. This is not true. The Holy Spirit uses weak believers, who realise they are weak and who often makes mistakes but who have dedicated their lives fully to the Lord Jesus.

Endued with the gifts of healing and the working of miracles, the early Church possessed tremendous power to combat the forces of Satan and evil and to prove that God was still alive and working with them. Endued with the gift of faith, the early Church was able to face the tremendous persecution and conquer and to move forward to take the gospel all over Asia in two years.


"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen ". (Heb. 11:1)

The only approach anyone can make to God is by FAITH.

We "must believe that GOD IS and that He is the rewarder of those who seek Him" (verse 6). But every Christian should also think deeply on this fact “without FAITH it is impossible to please God”, vs. 6. I would define the Gift of FAITH as being an instantaneous, complete assurance -

a certainty of God's willingness and ability to act as He has promised at certain times in certain ways. This FAITH is usually given by God Him self as a result of a deep inner know ledge by anyone of His Children who seek Him and secure His guidance.

It is usually a definite act at certain times for certain problems, but it can and should become a habit of life for all God's children, "the just shall LIVE by FAITH” (Rom. 1:7).

In Acts 3:1-9, we see an example of Faith on the part of Peter and John.

They met a lame man at the Gate Beautiful and a conviction ca me into the heart of Peter that the Lord wanted to heal this man That is exactly what God did too. Peter did not call a prayer meeting or work himself up into a high state of excitement or call a crowd to show what

great power he had. In a moment of time, Peter was given FAITH to deal with the problem which he faced and he did not hesitate, "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk." Immediately the man received strength to do so and his walking soon turned to leaping and praising God. Note he did not praise Peter, he praised God. This was an example of FAITH, verse 16. Peter, could not produce faith whenever he wished but only as the Holy Spirit revealed it to him.

If you desire such faith then expect that God will bring you in touch with men and women who are in great need and God will show you how that need can be met, then use your faith.

Problems and difficulties produce men of faith. (Ask for a special lesson on FAITH).


"To another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit" vs. 10.

This gift is rapidly being used by God in these days and many Christians could be used of God in this gift if they exercised their faith in the power and will of God for those who are sick.

1. The gifts of healing are the key today in reaching the heathen and unsaved world. No man can argue with a miracle (Matt 10:1,7,8).

2. Healing is one of the 'signs' stated in Mark 16:15-18.

3. Healings were usual in the early church and should be a proof of the gospel in our midst today. Acts 5;15.

4. There are many different ways of ministering healing but FAITH is an essential part. If you are ministering healing, then be sure to direct the faith of the sufferer to the Lord Jesus.

Not everyone is healed yet. Even the Lord Jesus could not heal all in Bethsaida because of their unbelief. But the Lord is stirring up these gifts today and every Christian can pray for the sick and expect the Lord to answer them. The gifts of healing are developed by use and will grow as we exercise our faith in the Lord for healing, for ourselves and others.


"To another the working of miracles” vs. 10.

A miracle is the instantaneous act on the part of God Whereby He puts aside the natural laws and performs a supernatural act for the special purpose of establishing His Name and glory.

It is entirely supernatural and cannot be performed by natural man or even explained by natural senses. It demands great FAITH to perform a miracle, this is proved in Acts 3:1-9, but the result was a miracle which could not have been produced in any other way or by any other power.

God is looking for and women today who are willing to be tried and trained in the school of difficulties so that He can use them to perform miracles.




This is the way God is moving among the young people of Nigeria today. Young people are eager to know more about God and they want to know as much as possible of the ‘new vision’, the ‘new move’ of God for these crisis days.

These camps have been led by many undergraduates and student leaders who have themselves tasted of the ‘power of the age to come’, and who have learned how to preach the gospel to the unreached and who have been filled with the Holy Spirit and therefore have a burning urge to go into action for the Lord Jesus for the unsaved.

Many of these camps have been ‘fasting’ camps where the students have completely dedicated themselves to the giant task ahead.

We have been privileged to supply the text books, and lessons and literature for these camps and it is impossible to even think what God can do with the outcome.

We can provide sets of texts books and lessons for all such camp commandants, counsellors and leaders if they will contact us with full details.

This is the move of God and not man and no one can stop it – and we know that Nigeria will see the result.

We are preparing for many Schools of Evangelism in many States of Nigeria.