• As it is in Heaven
  • The master’s School of Evangelism
  • War with the Saints
  • Spiritual Clinic
  • Intercessors of Nigeria


"Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven". Matt. 6:10

"Then I heard a strong voice in heaven, saying, now it has come, the .... kingdom (the dominion, the reign) of our God and the power: (the sovereignty, the authority) of His Christ". Rev. 12:10

Can you guess how many times you have prayed 'the Lord's prayer'? Do you realize exactly what you have been praying for.? It was the prayer the Lord Jesus Himself taught His disciples when they asked Him to teach them how to pray. It was an entirely new form of praying: it was a new force and a new revelation in praying, BUT THAT PRAYER AND ITS REQUESTS MUST BE ANSWERED. The Lord would never teach His disciples to ask for something which could not or would not be answered. What exactly did He mean when He taught the disciples, and ourselves, to pray ...? 'Your kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven.'? 

The Lord Jesus was very concerned about the nations on earth. He came to recover them from the grasp of the Usurper (Satan) and to re-establish the rule (kingdom) of Heaven on earth. We live in earthly kingdoms which are very powerful. The Lord Himself lived under the Roman Empire and knew the tight control it exercised over Him. But the Lord knew that the power of these kingdoms is limited and they can- not grow, but that the Kingdom of God MUST be re-established on this rebellious earth and that MUST grow. 

Each time you pray the 'Lord's prayer', you are praying a revolutionary prayer. You are praying for a new kingdom, a new government, to be established on this' 'earth. You are a radical.... A revolutionary of a special kind. 

But whether you realize the importance of your prayer or not, that kingdom MUST be established because the Lord Himself came to re-establish it and He MUST succeed, He laid the foundation by His life and mastery and victory at the Cross and Apostle John was actually shown a vision of events in heaven which are recorded in the book of Revelation of Jesus Christ, where we see the authorities in heaven rejoicing at the restoration of the sovereign ty and authority of God on earth. 

When we study the life and actions of the Lord as stated in the four gospels, we realize that His actions and life was really daily attacks on the 'usurper' kingdom of darkness and a revelation of what God wanted to establish on earth. 

The Lord never had any doubt of His Father's WILL for Him and His work. He attacked the forces and authorities of the kingdom which had deceitfully taken over God's Kingdom on earth, because of the failure of Adam and his hand over of the authority of the kingdom, to SATAN

The Lord expressed in His life and ministry His complete mastery and authority over all the evils that Satan had introduced into his kingdom so we can be sure that Kingdom will be established on earth. 

He healed the sick: He raised the dead: He rebuked and cast out evil demon spirits: He controlled the weather: He provided food for the crowds: He completely demonstrated His power over all things. 

Yet He died. That was also part of the price He had to pay to regain His Kingdom. He had to die to atone for the sin of the world and enable a righteous God to fulfil the Law and yet to open the door of forgiveness for all. The Lord Jesus exposed Him- self to all the forces of evil and mastered them and offered Himself to God as the Sin Sacrifice for the whole world. That victory made certain that the Kingdom of Heaven would be restored. 

Yet the Lord Jesus could not establish His complete reign alone.... He had to have His subjects to reign with Him. He had to demonstrate that He could take rebellious sinners and change them and make them into rulers on earth. The Lord Jesus had to change Satan's slaves into Satan's masters and do it while they were men, to prove the power of the new Kingdom. The Lord chose twelve men and sent them out. They healed the sick: they cast out demons and asserted their authority and mastery, so much so that Satan was disturbed. 

When the Lord Jesus went back to sit on His throne in Heaven to await the actual takeover of the new kingdom and government on earth, He sent out His disciples into ‘all the world to preach the gospel of deliverance and power’ (Matt. 28:19, Mark 16:15-18) 

The book of Acts is a record of how the Lord 'worked with them' to demonstrate their authority and the beginning of a new regime and government. Yet Satan (the counterfeit ruler of God's Kingdom) is still allowed freedom to operate, although on- a chain, in order to train his former slaves to become his master. 

Yet the victory is assured. God has said so. Jesus Christ has triumphed on Calvary's Cross and over death and the grave. 


The central message of the book of Revelation is .... 'THIS IS THE VICTORY'. In spite of the weakness and failures. of the early churches (Rev. 2 & 3) the scenes in heaven record the magnificent victory of the LAMB and God's Son is acclaimed by an- gels and heaven's governmental officers as the VICTOR…. the King of kings.... the Lord who has conquered. 

Now heaven is waiting for that victory to be manifested and established on earth. The Great Victor is seated in triumph 10 heaven. But He is alone. He awaits His redeemed chosen co- rulers: those who will share His throne and assist in the government of His Kingdom (Rev 3:21). That event is not very far away now. 

It will come to pass very soon when the Lord Himself shall descend from. heaven and the dead shall rise and the living will be changed and all will rise to meet their Lord and Master and to return with Him to heaven where we shall be with Him. 1 Thess. 4:16. 

There will be important gatherings in heaven where I am sure the Lord will appoint His new government and dis- close His policy and program for the taking over of the earth. That is the meaning of the parable of the talents (Matt. 25:14·30.) Parable of the laborers (Matt. 20:1-16). 


Much of the book of Revelation is concerned with JUDGEMENT. Read it carefully (there is a special blessing promised to all who read it) but mark the general basic facts of the Lord's triumph and acceptance in heaven and the accepted fact that He is the King and will reign on this earth. The message of the book of Revelation is clear even if we do not understand its symbolism. It is a book of Victory for the Lamb, but also a book of judgment for those who refuse to submit to Him and serve Him and who choose rather to serve Satan. The Victory has been accomplished .... the Judgment will surely follow. Judgment for a Satan controlled church, which has failed to assert the victory of the Cross NOW on earth, and to defeat Satan and his evil powers. It will be serious judgment for a Babylonish church and judgement for a Babylonish form of world government whose objective is to seek self and money and worldly pleasures and to forget God, and to try to establish a kingdom without God - BABYLON. 


The Lord MUST reign, on earth. His prayer will be fulfilled. Our prayers will be answered .... His WILL will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The Lord is awaiting His Father's command to return to finish His first task of reclaiming this earth for God and to re-establish His authority and sovereignty and kingdom. 

This earth belongs to the Lord Jesus and not to Satan. The Lord Jesus has also called a chosen company of redeemed saints to share His throne and government with Him .... on this earth. 

We are near to the 'take over' and to the restoration of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. It is the Father's pleasure to give us the kingdom. 

In the end there will be a New City of God on earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness and prosperity for all. 

There is a choice given to the Lord's people NOW on earth and in this time and Age, to recognize this program of God and to become part of it. This will mean complete dedication of our- selves and all we possess to Him and to recognize that all our talents and possessions MUST be dedicated to His service Now and for the Future Kingdom. 

God's WILL, will be done on earth ..'AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.' 

"Now unto the KING, Eternal. Immortal. (as yet) Invisible, the only wise God. be honour and glory forever ... Amen ... (1 Tim 1: I7) 


The training of the eleven. 

The Lord's ministry of preparation of His disciples for the establishment of the Kingdom of heaven on earth. 

"He shewed Himself alive .. forty days speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God .. " Act 1:3. 

This could be regarded as the Lord's Bible School for His disciples where he expounded the new way of Life and the new ways in which He, through them, was going to re-establish the reign and sovereign ty of God Himself. During the three and half years of his ministry He took His disciples with Him, showing them by example and action how the new way was to be established but it is clear the disciples did not fully under- stand Him and were all scattered and confused when the authorities took Jesus and convicted Him and put Him to death. They had not understood the new way of God. 

Now the Lord Himself was alive and with them, and most of them now understood more fully the events and how the Bible (O.T.) was being fulfilled by the Lord Jesus and for the world. 

But there was still need for further instruction because the Lord was now committing the whole work of establishing the Kingdom into the hands of men. He was returning to heaven with His work finished for the time being. So He met with them and taught them. 


It was a time of complete readjustment of thinking and ideas. They had been bound to the traditional teachings and ideas of the fathers which had be- come accepted as divine instead of the Bible (O.T.). 

Now they understood the meaning of the Cross. They had thought it was a complete defeat for their Master and for their own cause. But now they understood the great victory which God had accomplished at Calvary and how the Lord Jesus had completely defeated Satan and all his hosts and the kingdom of darkness. It was all clear now and it gave them much joy. 

The fact that their Master was alive was understood to be God's great approval on the work of the Cross. The CROSS now became a wonderful symbol of victory and glory. They also learned to reinterpret the prophecies of the O.T. in another light and to realize how great was God's plan of salvation which now included the whole world. They learned that the WORD of GOD was powerful and valuable. They also learned that the name of JESUS was all powerful and was to become an instrument by which they could demonstrate their authority over demons and evil powers. All this is clearly proved by the way they used the Name of Jesus in the book of Acts. 

The Cross revealed the very heart of God for mankind. The disciples were taught that they were sent to preach the Cross. not doctrines or social changes. (l Cor. 1:17-25.) 

The Cross was the place where the real presence of God entered human life to redeem and change it. It should, and must, be the same today. We must always preach the Cross and its proof of the love of God for sinners. 

It is necessary for every child of God to real is e the importance of the Cross and the Name of the Lord Jesus. We are sent, not to preach ourselves or our ideas, but to preach Christ Crucified and risen and glorified. 


All of them had failed Him and fled in the time of crisis and testing. 

Now He gathered them again, even Peter who had denied knowing Him. He never rebuked them or even accused them of deserting Him. He understood them too well for that. Now He had to restore their faith in Himself and also in themselves. This He did by appearing to them miraculously... John 20:19. He understood and met their unbelief... (John 20:24-29). Thomas was an honest doubter and the Lord met him and restored his faith and secured his complete surrender and loyalty again. 

The Lord also made a special appointment for Simon Peter and restored him to faith and service. He led Peter to cancel his three-fold denial by a new three-fold declaration of faith and dedication. John 21:1-25. 

Every one of the disciples was forced to review and examine himself in the light of the new revelation of the resurrection and presence of the Lord Jesus. It was also a time where the Lord Himself proved that there was also a ministry of the 'common things' when He Himself lighted a fire and caught fish and brought bread for a meal. He must have done it Himself and with His own Hands. But He also continued to show that the miraculous was to form part of their ministry and that they should normally expect that the power and provision of God would become part of their daily lives and experiences. John 21:11 

So today ... the same Lord Jesus brings us face to face with ourselves and then with His Word and His promises and His Power and with HIMSELF. No Bible school teaching can replace or be a substitute for this. It is HIS way of training His disciples. No Bible School is fulfilling His purpose if this examination and dedication is omitted. 


"He breathed on them and said unto them, Receive ye the Holy Spirit" John 20:22. 

This was an entirely new thing and experience. The Christian religion is the only religion which promises to pass on to its followers the same power as the Founder possessed. The Lord Himself breathed the same Holy Spirit upon His disciples as the Father had sent upon Him when He began His work. (Matt. 3:16-17) 

But this proves to us that it is 'Not by might nor by power but my Spirit' (Zech. 4:6) that God is going to do His work. God does not need or desire human power or wisdom to do spiritual work. It cannot be done by human ingenuity or wisdom, but only by the Holy Spirit. 

God wants everyone of His children to have that same Holy Spirit's power that the Lord Jesus had. Without that power the work of God is not being done in God's way, no matter how clever it may seem to be. 

The Lord Jesus even instructed His disciples to wait still further for the fulness of the Holy Spirit to come upon them (Acts 1.4) 

No amount of Bible teaching and instruction can be a substitute (or the fulness of the Holy Spirit. Only God the Holy Spirit can do the work of God, because the work is a spiritual work, dealing with spiritual truths and spirits of evil. 

'Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?" (Acts. 9:2) It is absolutely essential today for ALL believers to be FILLED with the Holy Spirit to live a triumphant Christian life and to do the work of God... (Eph. 5:18) The fullness of the Spirit is God's plan for YOU and you must claim it by faith daily. CLAIM THIS BLESSING NOW. 


"As the Father hath sent Me, so send I you." John 20:21. 

"Whosoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them: and whosoever sins ye retain, they are retained." John 20:23. 

The Lord Jesus was actually giving His disciples the same work and the same authority that He possessed. He was sending them into the sin-sick world to deal with sin….sickness,.. evil spirits and opposition which Satan had brought into the world. Jesus knew His disciples could fully deal with these problems as He had done. It is the same commission we have today. 

The Lord Jesus depends upon US to take the 'good news' (gospel) to the whole world and if we do not do it then we have failed HIM. We are told to preach and offer full salvation and forgiveness to all as the Lord had done. 

We are commissioned to heal the sick as He had done. We are commissioned to cast out evil spirits as He had done. 

It was His work from His Father, now it is our work commissioned by the Lord Jesus Himself and if we are not doing these things then we are unprofitable servants and merely using the grace of God for ourselves. 

We know the disciples understood these lessons in the Master's Bible School because we read how they put them into action in the Book of Acts and we find that as the Lord Jesus had done, so the disciples did. 

We have the same Lord and Saviour now. We have the same commission NOW as He gave His disciples at the start of the Church Age. The work has not yet been completed and the work is in our hands. 

The disciples preached Jesus Christ and His salvation, and thousands were saved and added to the church. We can expect that the Lord will likewise honour the preaching of our Word and we can expect converts too. 

The disciples did not ask for money or gifts, but they gave what they had and God blessed their giving ... They gave healing and deliverance to those in need. (Acts 3:1·11.) 

The Lord gave them His Word ... His Spirit... during those 40 days of training and when they were sent out, they too gave all they had to others, knowing that God would multiply their offering in the lives of others and produce many deliverers and workers. As the Father sent Jesus, so He sends us ..to do the same work in the same way. 

Whilst we advise all who feel they need spiritual instruction in the Bible to attend a short term of Bible School instruction, yet we do make it clear that it is not essential IF YOU ARE READY TO DEAL DIRECTLY WITH THE LORD JESUS and receive His instruction as He taught His disciples during those 40 days of Bible School instruction. It was only for a limited period and TODAY God is moving and calling His people to realize that there is only a very limited period left for us to deal with the world's problems and that those problems can only be solved and met in the same way that the Lord Jesus met them .. by the power of His Spirit and by leading men and women to give them- selves and all they have to the Lord Jesus. 


"I beheld, and the same horn made WAR WITH THE SAINTS, and pre- vailed against them, UNTIL the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High, and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom." Daniel 7:21-22. 

"The Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job? Satan answered .... Doth Job fear God for nought? Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house and about all that he hath on every side? Thou hast blessed the works of his hands and substance is increased. But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face." Job 1:7-11. 

Job was ignorant of what had taken place in heaven when troubles came upon him but the story reveals how much FAITH GOD HAD IN JOB. God allowed Satan a limited amount of freedom to try to break Job's faith. Satan failed. But the story reveals to us how much Satan hates those who trust God and how Satan will seek to destroy our faith today. Because of the huge increase of Satanic activities in these LAST DAYS, we must be able to recognize Satan's operations today and to face his hatred and persecution and opposition. 

The battle today is really Satan's challenge and accusation against God, as it really was in the case of JOB, accusing God of bribing us to serve Him by blessing us and undue protection which fails to reveal our weaknesses. 

The story of Job proved that God's FAITH in him was not misplaced and that the Lord's people today can trust God because they love Him and not because of the material blessings and protection.


Satan's hatred of 'righteous Job' revealed the character of Satan. He killed Job's children in his hatred (even though Job must have trusted God to look after them): Job 1:18-19. Satan attacked and destroyed the blessings God had given to Job: Job 1:14-17. Satan turned Job's wife against him: Job 2:9. and then used Job's friends to bring Job under criticism and condemnation. Job 2:11-13. But the Bible also mentions a very important failure on the part of Job, 'The thing which I greatly feared is come upon me .." Job. 3:25. 

There was fear in the heart of Job and that fear nearly destroyed Job's faith and life. Job brought much trouble upon himself. 

YET, in spite of all the troubles and Job's fear, there was also FAITH in the heart of JOB.' Job clung to God, no matter what happened around him.. "Though he slay me, yet will I trust Him." Job. 13:15. That is faith. 

That faith enabled God to prove many things, to Angels, to the Devil himself, and to Job and it is a great lesson for us today. The Lord proved to Angels that God's faith in MAN is not misplaced and that God's design to place MAN above the angels IS right. Psa. 8.

God proved to the Devil that Job served God for His love and not for the benefits and blessings God gave him. Satan was defeated ... BY JOB.

Satan stripped Job of everything materially but JOB still had faith in GOD. That is the victory... 'even your faith' ... 

No matter what happens to us, even when we do not understand it and feel that it is rough and hard and unjust .... let us remember that we do not always know the part that Satan has played in those troubles. Let us also stand firmly in our FAITH. God is good and He knows what is happening to us and HE CARES and HE does not want to destroy us but to bless us. Let our FAITH glorify God at all times and then it will happen to us as it did to JOB .... 

"The Lord turned the captivity of Job .... when he prayed for his friends: also, the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before." Job. 42:10. 

That is what God wants to do ... dis-grace Satan .... and prove that His people will trust Him no matter what happens. 


"NOW.... NOW.... unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places (Angels, demon spirits and Satan him- self) might be made known by the church the manifold wisdom of God .. " Eph.3:1O. 

"It was given unto him (The Devil's great beast) to make WAR with the saints, and to overcome them ...." Rev. 13:7. 

This reveals that the war on the saints will continue right until they are removed from the earth. No Christian can avoid this conflict. It continues daily and no Christian can escape it. Satan does not need to ay much attention to the world and the unbelievers. He already exercises control over them, but he also still wishes to exercise control over those who were once his subjects ... ourselves .... and to express his hatred of us and his enmity against God. There are some Christians who do not experience much trouble from Satan and this is because they do not oppose him or attack him. 

But Satan really hates all those Christians who will oppose him and seek to exercise their God-given authority over him now. 

Yet although Satan still uses his cunning and hatred against us, he is still only allowed to do so by God. Just as Satan could not attack Job without. God's permission, so today Satan and work to a limited extent. Even then God uses Satan to carry out His purposes, as God did in the book of Acts. Satan's oppression and persecution of the Lord's people was used by God to scatter the gospel all. over Asia. 


  1. To develop character and faith in the believers. James 1:12: I Peter I: 7-13.5:8-9. II Peter. 1:4·9. Jude 20,24. 
  2. To provide conflict for Christians and thus strengthen and train them and lead them into being over- comers. I. John 2:13. 4:1-6. Rev. 2:7. II. 26-28. 3:5. 12. 21. 
  3. To demonstrate the grace of God and power of God in enabling Christians to overcome Satan today. Mark 16: 17-20. I. Cor. 4:9. Eph. 2:7. 3:10. 
  4. To use Satan by allowing him to use the failings of Christians to afflict them to bring them to repentance and strength again. I. Cor. 5:1-6. II. Cor. 2:5-11. Job 33:14-30 
  5. To purge Christians of their weaknesses and prevent them from be- coming proud or falling from salvation. Rev. 21. 

If Christians are not tested or ex- posed to the wiles of Satan then they can never overcome Satan. Without a battle there are no victories. Those who will serve the Lord in His future Government must be TRIED, FAITHFUL AND OVERCOMERS


Satan's first objective is to cause the Christian to take his eyes off Jesus Christ and to seek to follow his own way (which is usually the way of Satan). Satan is always seeking to cause us to doubt the love and grace and power of God on our behalf and to lean on our own strength, power and wisdom. 

Let us never forget that Jesus Christ has already defeated Satan on all points and FOR US, and there is no need for any one of us to fail or fall. If we fail then it is our own fault. ALWAYS DECLARE THAT SATAN HAS BEEN DEFEATED AND THAT HE HAS NO POWER OVER YOU EXCEPT THAT WHICH YOU ALLOW HIM TO HAVE

Satan will seek to trick us into believing that he still has power and authority over us. HE HAS NO RIGHTS OVER US IN ANY WAY NOW

We belong to Jesus Christ to the extent that we surrender ourselves to Jesus. But the WAR WITH SATAN is also on. He continues to wage WAR ON Saints. Let us W AGE WAR ON HIM TOO. The best defence is in attack. 


1. All Christians MUST put on the armour of God. Eph.6:11-18. (The battle is in the spiritual realm, not    the earthly, and only spiritual powers can fight evil spiritual powers). 

  1.  Study and recognize Satan's actions and tricks and devices. II. Cor. 2:11. 

  2.  Daily declare the vi tory of Jesus Christ over Satan. Rev. 12:11. 

4. Use the Name of Jesus to attack him and drive him out of his strong- holds. Eph. 1:19-22. 2:6. II. Cor. 2:15. 

  1.  Be filled daily with the Holy Spirit and then Satan cannot touch you. or mislead you and cause you to fall. Gal. 5.15-26. 


'Neither give place to the devil." Eph. 4:27. Dedicate yourself to the LORD every day so that Satan will not find any part in you which he can use. "Grieve not the Holy Spirit" Eph. 4:30. Constantly determine to walk in holiness and purity and then the Holy Spirit will dwell in you and use you 

to defeat Satan also. The Holy Spirit MUST also have bodies (men and women) whom He can use against Satan. Submit yourself wholly to the Lord. "Be filled with the Holy Spirit" Eph.5:18. Remember our real enemy is Satan and his evil authority .... (£ph.6:12) and that it is only as we are filled with the Holy Spirit that he can be defeated. 


The "war with the saints" is now seen to be a special permission of God, and their being 'overcome' also, for only thus are they fitted for the sharing the Throne of the Victor. The Victim's Cross is the Victor's Throne. The limit is set. Permission has been given by Him Who is King of kings and Lord of lords. The forces of Satan and hell are only allowed to 'prevail' 'UNTIL' 

"The ancient of Days came ..." Dan. 7:22. 

Until the purposes of God are fulfilled and the Lord Himself is ready to interfere in the affairs of this world and to resume His own rightful place as it~ King and Master and Saviour. 

"judgement was given to the saints of the Most High... " verse 22.

God is now preparing His saints so that they can execute judgement over the whole earth. Read carefully Psalm 149 and this will explain this purpose. 

Note carefully that 'this honour have ALL HIS SAINTS ... " v. 9 

'the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom." Dan. 7: 22. 

God is now training His saints to be ready when His King, His Son, takes over the Kingdom again. We will then be needed to function with Him in government and we must be trained NOW for that purpose. That is the meaning of God's purpose in allowing Satan to make war on the saints. 

We are to learn how to reign with Him and to overcome, as He over- came. That will mean a victory over Satan NOW. 



QUESTION. How do we put on the ‘whole armour' of God, as instructed in Ephesians chapter 6?.

ANSWER. Many Christians are often powerless and defeated, not always because their hearts are not right with God, but because they do not know how to defend themselves against the attacks of the enemy.

Even though your heart is right and your spirit filled with the Holy Spirit, your ‘outer man’ is still exposed to danger unless you know how to ‘put on the whole armour of God’. The helmet for our head, to protect the mind from the suggestions of the enemy: the shield of faith to quench the fiery darts of doubts and fears: that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil’

The ‘armour of God’ composes of, His word, His promises and His Holy Spirit. The lord Jesus Himself was attacked by the enemy against His body when he hungered in the wilderness but Jesus Christ met the enemy because he knew the word of God and the promises of God and used them against the enemy. He easily detected where the enemy was trying to trap Him and he used the word against him

We should ask the lord daily to fill us with his holy Spirit so that the promises and words of the scriptures may be quickened in us and that we may have His strength and will apply them to the situations of the day, we should ‘take’ the armour of God at the start of every day, putting our life and ways into His hands and claiming His promises to protect us and our bodies and minds from external attacks of the enemy   .

Such open request affirms our faith in the word of God and His ability to protect and care for us daily.

QUESTION: If all Christians are called to be witness what is the function of the evangelist in the Church.? 

ANSWER. Every Christian is expected to be a 'witness' to the fact that Jesus Christ has come into his life and changed him or her completely. This can be done by actions and daily conduct. We are called to 'witness' at home and this need not involve preaching. A changed life is the most silent challenge. A refusal to be part of any corrupt practises: a refraining from 'ditty speech': a withdrawal from all worldly practises: a quiet and calm daily attitude towards every- one: a refusal to join in speaking against others or rumour mongering: all are part of our 'witness'. 

But an evangelist is one empowered by the Holy Spirit to preach and broadcast the gospel. Such men are often called to function and preach in unreached areas and to take the gospel where it has never been preached before. It is the 'gift' which proceeds the other four gifts of Eph. 4:11. and God is calling many to be evangelists in these last days in Nigeria. 

QUESTION. How much should a 'witness' or counsellor stress the cost of being saved when witnessing to an enquirer.? 

ANSWER. One of the problems of many who speak or preach the gospel is that they present the gospel in the form of a bait or as a solution to one's problems. Many invite unbelievers to 'come to our Church, where we have some good singing or good young peoples’' groups". Some advice "Come to Jesus, He will heal you: He will provide for you: HE will deliver you" and invite un- believers to come because they are in trouble. 

Whilst it is completely true that the Lord Jesus does and can heal, deliver and provide, yet the main challenge to all sinners is to come to the Lord Jesus and get right with God. Any enquirer should be led to realise that Jesus Christ died for them and it cost Him His Life ... and that we have no grounds to bargain with God but our first task is to put our lives right and clear the sin question. 

One may speak of the benefits of conversion but not as a bait ... but as a blessing after surrender. 

QUESTION. WHAT responsibility does the church have for new converts that are saved during crusades or gospel meetings.? Is there a special ministry towards new converts.? 

ANSWER. A very vital question in view of the large number of special crusades and campaigns and gospel meetings being held during vacation periods and special camps. The Lord Jesus made it clear to Simon Peter that he was called to 'Feed my sheep'. The Lord never intends us to spend time preaching the gospel and leading people into the peace and joy of salvation and then to leave them to look after themselves. Some say the Lord is able to look after them. That is true but He has called us to do so and Paul prayed and ministered to 'present all his converts perfect before Jesus Christ.' 

If we do not follow up converts then Satan will do so willingly and very successfully too. We advise that no crusade, gospel meetings or campaigns should be planned without adequate planning also for properly trained Christians to be available to look after and follow up the converts. New convert classes should be held daily after each gospel meeting when new converts are instructed in the step they have taken and advised on their new life and what it will mean and how they should now behave in their new life. 


(I. O. N.)

The Lord has been speaking to us about the needs in Nigeria and we are giving here an extract from the message given in prophecy regarding the need for PRAYER. 

"THOU shalt begin to pray and call upon My people throughout the nation that I want them to gather together in the places where they are and to intercede and to pray with divine power and intercession. 

For my people are not united and I want them to be one. My Spirit shall come upon them to pray night and day, for I will have a prayer band in this country. 

They shall pray alone, and they shall pray together, and there shall be thousands that pray daily. 

They shall pray to the Lord of Harvest for many more of My chosen to be sent out into the nation before the end of harvest comes.

For you must know that Satan is building new strongholds in this nation and is ready to invade and cause much havoc. He has much power and he can do much damage except My people raise up the standard against him. 

Gather My people, call for them to set aside regular special times of prayer and intercession until I will move and deliver them and bring to pass all I have planned for your country." 

So we call upon all Christians to believe in the call of the Lord and to personally and privately gather to take up this challenge of prayer for NIGERIA

This is the purpose of INTERCESSORS OF NIGERIA.