• Profession or Passion?
  • The Coming Revival
  • Temples of God
  • Power of Binding and Loosing on Earth


"Thou shah be called, the repairer of the breach. The restorer of paths to dwell in." (Isa. 58:12)

Whenever the people of God stray from the way of God, then God has to find a VESSEL OF RECOVERY. That vessel is a man because God's methods are men.

One such 'vessel of recovery' was the prophet Nehemiah. He was a captive in a foreign land but became so involved with the condition of God's people that he took great risks and action to become the 'vessel of recovery.' But he was much more than a prophet, more than a servant, more than a repairer of the breach or restorer of paths.

His understanding of the situation became a heart burden, A PASSION. Nothing could stand before Nehemiah, he had a heart passion to restore the glory of God among His people and to bring Israel back to God and to rebuild Jerusalem and the temple. His was much more than a mere profession, it was A PASSION. A passion for God. A passion for God's people; for God's honour; for God's Name; for God's temple and city.

Today, God has many servants, many workers, and many more are seeking entrance into Bible Schools for training to become 'servants of God'. To many, there is a glamour in being one of God's workers. God does not want employees. He wants travailing sons. He does not want experts in Biblical exposition or criticism; He wants those who have a passion for souls and His Name.

Are we exercised to that extent? Are we moved like that? Have we merely taken up working for the Lord because we like to associate with Christians and people of God? Or, are we moved by the existing spiritual conditions of today to the extent that we are forced to take some action like Nehemiah.

It will cost us everything we have and bring us into conflict with religious authorities and mockers even among Christians. In these crisis days in Nigeria, God is not waiting for men and women to be trained in Bible Schools for 3 or 4 years while the people go to hell. He wants men and women who have realised their own desperate need of Jesus Christ and who have yielded themselves unreservedly to Him and have sought and found the fullness of the Holy Spirit and who likewise desperately want to see all men saved and cleaned and tilled and who are willing to give up all for Jesus Christ.

Nehemiah had no training; but he had vision and a heart-burden and he knew that as God had brought the conditions to Nehemiah notice, then God also intended that Nehemiah should do something about it. Let that be our guidance today. There is no need to pray for God to save the people while we ourselves merely pray and take no action to tell them the gospel.

Let us study the situation Nehemiah faced and how he dealt with it and let his actions guide us to meet Nigeria's conditions today.

The children of God were in bondage and slavery (Neh. 1:3).

The children of God were bankrupt (Neh. 5:1-13). They had mortgaged their land and even sold their children into slavery.

The house of God was in ruins and defiled (Neh. 2:11-16).

The people had robbed God of His rights. They had forgotten the tithes (Mal. 3:10); Malachi prophesied during the life of Nehemiah.

The Israelites had taken heathen wives and had become mixed up in inter-racial marriages (Neh. 13:23-25).

The realisation of these conditions drove Nehemiah to prayer, deep heartbreaking prayer which made him sad and made the king ask for the reason. Nehemiah was not ashamed to reveal the problem even though he was a slave and that the king was his master.

But it will also be noticed that at every turn Nehemiah seemed to turn to prayer. He prayed at all times and for everything.

He “wept... mourned... fasted... prayed” (Neh. 1:4).

“I prayed to God in heaven” (Neh. 2:4). The prayers of Nehemiah drove him to action.

That is what all prayer should do. It is hypocritical to pray for others and do nothing about it when one has the means to do so. Nehemiah did something about the problem in addition to praying.

  1. He identified himself with the sins of the people. "We have sinned... I and my father's house have sinned." (Neh. 1:6)
  2. He reminded God of His promises about His people "Remember, the Word thou commandest thy servant Moses... will gather and bring them again." (Neh. 1:8-9)
  3. He carefully investigated the problems and studied the conditions. He did not listen to malicious reports or statements from others. He went to Jerusalem himself and secretly investigated it all. He spoke then with authority. He rebuked and accepted that it was his own task.
  4. He created faith in others to put it right (Neh. 2:20 & Chp. 3): He was undeterred by criticism, or mockery, or false accusations. He knew that God was with him and nothing else mattered. He ignored the chief men who had been content to allow the conditions to exist. He bypassed the priests who were equally to blame as the people. Nehemiah was not a priest; had no mandate from the authorities to any office, he simply knew God. He saw the problem and he did something about it. He was so in tune with God that he was able to discern what was from God, “I perceived God had not sent him” (Neh. 6:11).
  5. He disregarded all mockers: Even those among his own national leaders and chief priests and various attacks from Satan to hinder him in his objective. They tried ridicule (Neh. 4) by discouraging the brethren (Neh. 4:1-23), by greed and heartlessness (Neh. 5), by craft (Neh. 56) and in each case Nehemiah resorted to faith and prayer. 


  1. He led the people in repentance (Neh. 9:1-3).

He led the priests and Levites first.

This is the true order of restoration. REPENTANCE FIRST.

The great need of the church is repentance. We all need to seek the Lord and to ask to be forgiven for all that we have done which is wrong in His sight. It is an awful lot and there can be no peace with God until we have ALL put our lives right with Him.

It should not be only a general repentance but we should be ready to mention each sin and ask for forgiveness. God is ready to forgive and is waiting for us to come and ask for it. He will forgive.

  1. Nehemiah led the people into a rededication of themselves.

There must be a real determination on the part of every one of us to see that things are put right with God and with each other so that we can begin again to serve God. There must be a passion to offer everything we have to God for His use. Our sermons must be messages of fire that will cause the people to cry out for mercy and to surrender everything to God. Chapter 10 of Nehemiah gives names and details of those who signed the covenant to return to God.

  1. Nehemiah restored the position of the Word of God.

So it will be in these last days. We find the Bible more than ever important in the battle with the evil powers. There is a big desire for the Lord and young people are eagerly seeking a deeper knowledge of the Word.

  1. He cleansed the temple and restarted proper services again.

It is sad to find so much sin in our churches these days and it is condoned and not rebuked or dealt with. Therefore, the Holy Spirit is grieved and leaves the assembly and no spiritual food is given and no progress in the things of God. Every church leader should check his church and seek God's face on these matters, if necessary with fasting. Joel 2.

  1. Nehemiah openly rebuked the people, even the priests, for their open sin in inter-racial marriage with heathen wives.

This is probably one of the gravest sins which is ruining our churches today in Nigeria. Changing of wives is evil marrying unbelievers leads to disaster and a break with God.

Nehemiah even dealt strongly, and without fear, with the priests. "I chased him..." (Neh. 13:28).

  1. He taught the people to give again to the work of God.

He insisted that the people should sacrifice to rebuild the temple and give whatever they had to the task.

In these days there is a great need for funds for evangelism and the Lord is waiting for His people to give .and give., and then give again, so that His gospel may be sent to the heathen.


God is looking for travailing sons and not workers. The absence of opposition is no proof that we are in the will of God. The treasure (burden) of our hearts will govern our lives.

God is more interested in building His Own Church and gathering His own people and not so much with particular denomination. Saints often join hands with Satan to mock and accuse those who are seeking to follow the Lord and do His work.


Is it money... sex... position... power... fame or authority?

In these days it is our privilege to preach the gospel and to restore those who have left the way. Let this be our daily passion. Let us face this work as though it is the last thing we are called upon to do for God.

Let our great passion be to win souls for Jesus Christ. Let us realise that the greatest task in our lives is to serve the Lord Jesus, to win souls, and to see men and women changed and brought back into service to Him.


"It shall come to past afterward, that I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions; and also upon the servant: and upon the handmaidens in those days will I pour out My Spirit." (Joel 2:28-29)

The prophet Joel's prophecy deals mainly with the last days of the present age and the Gentile control of the world. It also deals with the judgement of God on the Gentiles and the crises of the end time, which we believe are our present days.

We also know that the Holy Spirit put these same words into the mouth of Peter on the Day of Pentecost when Peter said, “This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel”, and then the Holy Spirit repeats the prophecy given above, thus joining the prophecy of Joel with the Day of Pentecost.

But it is also clear that the main promise of the prophecy is for 'the last days' and that surely is more for today than the day of Pentecost. We also realise from comparing other Scriptures that there will be another mighty outpouring of the Spirit world-wide, in the last days. It would also seem that this event is taking place NOW. The Holy Spirit is moving and filling many Christians, especially young men and women, for the service of God.

In many parts of the world today. We are seeing the same results these days as in the Book of Acts; large numbers being converted and many being healed, and demons being cast out, and many in bondage are being delivered. This is all the result of the renewed activity of the Holy Spirit. But it also means that we are in the 'last days'. God is preparing the Church and His people for the events He planned for the end of this age.

God's plan and promise for the 'Last days' still stands (Joel 2:28-29).

God is now preparing a world-wide revival which will restore the Church to its former glory and make it the 'vessel' of Glory that God intended (Eph. 5:27).


"Before the great and terrible day of the Lord." (Joel 2:31)


There is a general apostasy in Christendom (II Thess. 2:1-12).

There will be a world religious federation commenced which will head up to a World Church (Matt. 24:5, 11, 24; Rev. 13:11-18). Religion will become a matter of form and sound doctrine will be despised. There will be a big increase in the worship of evil spirits and Satan worship (I Tim. 4:1-3).


Joel 1:13-14; 2:12-13, 15, 16

Ministers must repent and confess their failure to lead the people into the blessings of God.

There must be a return to prayer and fasting with confession. God is the source of revival but our own part is to repent and turn again to the Lord in confession and repentance and in dedication. The Holy Spirit will move in all different denominations, bringing conviction and a desire for the things of God. There will be a lowering of sectarian barriers, with Christians mingling and joining in evangelical work.


“I will restore” (Joel 2:25-32)

God's plan for restoration will be a mighty move of the Holy Spirit. This began at Pentecost and there will be another mighty move in the last days.

There will be a restoration of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to the Church. God has never withdrawn them but the Church has neglected them and they have stopped being exercised.

There will be a restoration of the mighty power of the Holy Spirit filling the Lord's people especially the new converts. There will be a restoration of the powers of healing and the power of God to heal in many different ways.

There will be a restoration of the authority of the believers over Satan and evil powers and in the exercise of authority over all that opposes the authority of Jesus Christ.

There will be a restoration of the operation of the supernatural with God speaking through human channels to His people, in Prophecy and the Gift of tongues.

There will be a restoration of God's use of dreams and visions especially with the young people. There will be a greater use of women in the ministry.

There will be a restoration of true spiritual praise and worship among the Lord's people (Joel 2:26).

There will be a restoration of prosperity for the Lord's people (Joel 2:26-28; III John 2).

There will be a wonderful restoration of the glory of God in His Church. The world will see and find God clearly operating in His Church in miraculous power; saving, healing, delivering, filling with power and using men and women to manifest His Glory and Name and Authority.


“Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe... Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision, for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.” (Joel 3:13-14)

“Behold, the husbandman waited for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receives the early and the latter rain.” (James 5:7)

“Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain.” (Zech. 10:1)

There were two different rains in Palestine; The early rain for sowing the seed, and the latter rain, which is the harvest rain.

Pentecost was the type of the 'early rain' and we are now told to ask for the 'latter rain' which is the harvest rain, a type of the mighty final effusion of the Holy Spirit to gather in the harvest.

This worldwide revival will not be a denominational revival. It will probably start outside the denominations but it will also flow into the churches and thousands will call upon the Name of the Lord and be saved. It is possible that some denominations will fiercely oppose this last day's revival, feeling that they have the Holy Spirit and that all converts should join their churches. God is never tied to denominations and will ignore this spirit of sectarianism.

This worldwide revival will be a challenge to Satan to prove that the Lord can use sinners; men and women who have been changed by the power of God in conversion; to control the powers of darkness and to exercise the victory of Jesus Christ over Satan and demons.

This worldwide revival will prove to the human race that it is only by the power of God in salvation that man can changed and the world governed in peace. Peace can only come through changed men, changed by Jesus Christ in salvation.

This worldwide revival has already started in many lands and we believe it has started in Nigeria and will spread all over the land.


  1. There is a big increase in wickedness and evil everywhere.

“In the last days, perilous times shall come.” (II Tim. 3:1-5)

“Evil men and seducers, shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived” (Tim. 3:13)

“For the mystery of iniquity doth already work”. (II Thess. 2:7)

The Lord Jesus anticipated the joint growth of good and evil in this age (Matt. 13:24-30), the parable of the wheat and the tares, states that they both would be allowed to grow together till the end (verse 37-43). There will be a rapid growth of evil everywhere. Immorality will be common, dishonesty will be general (bribery and corruption in business life everywhere.)

There will be a big increase in use of drugs. The word used for 'witchcraft' in Gal. 5:20 is the Greek word 'Pharmacia' which means drugs and Satan will seek to destroy men and women by trapping them into drugs and immorality. Satan hates men and women and enjoys destroying them.

There will be a big increase in world and nations conflicts with pestilences and famine (Matt. 4:7; Isa. 13: 4-5; Luke 21:9). Increase in economic instability with gold and silver becoming valueless (Ezek. 7:19). The great business will unite to control business and nations will combine in federations to protect themselves (e.g. The European Economic Union, The 'Common market').

  1. There is an increase in demon manifestation.

“The Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” (I Tim. 4:1)

“That day shall not come, except there comes a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” (II Thess. 2:3)

Today there are new temples being erected for the worship of Satan and a new form of Holy Communion is celebrated called the 'Black mass'. Evil spirits will become very active and seek to control many and drive them into evil and insanity. Evil spirits will also seek to misguide Christians by counterfeiting the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. There are already many churches which practise prophecy which is demon controlled.

  1. There is a big increase in the opportunities for preaching the gospel.

The Church awakening to the task of world evangelism. Hundreds of churches are being opened in untouched areas of Nigeria every year NOW. Radio is being used extensively in proclaiming the gospel and there is scarcely any tribe now out of reach of the gospel message anywhere.

Literature is pouring out of the presses covering the gospel. The Bible is still selling more than any other book in the world. Young Christians are undertaking witnessing as never before. The end is near.

  1. There is a big increase in the number of converts to Jesus Christ outside the established   churches today.

Every day now there is a large evangelical crusade being held somewhere in the world and thousands are being converted daily. Mass revival meetings are being held and God is raising up individual evangelists to hold mass revivals. Healings are becoming a daily experience in these revivals everywhere. It will continue and Nigeria will yet see many such revivals.

  1. Increase in the manifestation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit inside the churches today.

Prophecy, healings and miracles will become common in many places and churches. It will be by 'signs and wonders' that God will prove the power of the gospel and the supernatural power in His people.


  1. Sound the trumpet in ZION (the church) loudly everywhere. God is wanting ALL men to hear in these days.
  2. All Christians should repent, confess and dedicate themselves to God afresh and seek the filling of the Holy Spirit and the power to witness as He promised (Acts. 1:8).
  3. Every Christian should realise that our first and greatest task is EVANGELISM.
  4. Give yourself to the work of God.



“Let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them”. (Exod. 25:8)

“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth IN YOU?” (I Cor. 3:16)

“God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them.” (II Cor. 6:16)

God desires to dwell with His creatures. He wanted to commune with Adam in the garden. But man does not want to dwell with God, we are afraid of Him and fear Him.

As soon as God had gathered a people for Himself out of Egypt (the nation of Israelite, slaves), He told Moses to take an offering from the people, who would give willingly, and then to make God a sanctuary so that He could dwell among them.

But God undertook the design of EVERY little detail of that dwelling place. He could only dwell in a place which He had designed. So God designed.


(Exodus 25–31)

The Bible records the creation in one chapter, but God used seven chapters to describe His dwelling place, the TABERNACLE. God was looking forward to His perfect dwelling in the body and soul of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ and every detail of the Tabernacle spoke of Jesus Christ.

The outside shield of white curtains spoke of the perfect holiness which God demanded if He was to dwell among them.

God designed the various altars and the table of communion together with the sacrifices and offerings, so that God could freely dwell with man without His Holiness destroying them.

He designed the candlestick and the type of ministry as well as the priesthood and how they could approach Him. God gave detailed instruction on how His people could approach Him, with sacrifices and blood to remind God of His plan of Salvation in Jesus Christ (the Chosen Lamb of God).

Every time an Israelite approached the Tabernacle, he was reminded of the Awful Presence of a Holy God Who demanded a strict ceremony of sacrifices before He would accept them. Every time a heathen saw the Tabernacle he saw the cloud or the fire which denoted God was "with His people. There was a visible proof of the presence of God which spoke of Holiness and Judgement.


When God's nation reached their promised land God allowed them to build a Temple and it cost an enormous amount of money and labour. When the people gathered to dedicate that glorious Dwelling Place, the glory of God filled the temple and they could not stand because of its power. God accepted their temple as a meeting place between God and man (II Chron. 7:1-3).

But even then God made it clear that He would hear "if My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land" (II Chron. 7:14).

God was teaching His people that temples can be defiled by sin and that He could not dwell where there is sin. This actually happened to Israel. They sinned and despised the presence of God and God left them and their temple desolate (Ezek. chapter 1-9.)

The glory of God had departed from the temple never to return. God never dwelt in temples of stone again, even though Israel continued with their sacrifices and ceremonies and services. God did not forget His plan to dwell with man. For He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus and His name was called EMMANUEL, God with us (Matt. 1:23).

“This is My Beloved Son...” (Luke 3:22)

The Lord Jesus told His disciples that He and His Father would come in and dwell with those who loved them (John 14:23).

We have never seen God at any time, but we know Him as we see the Lord Jesus and read of how He dealt with mankind. He dealt with sin, sickness, Satan and evil spirits and all forms of bondage.

The Lord Jesus attended temple services (Luke 4) but left the temple for the temple authorities when they questioned His authority to teach there. Luke 20:1-8 (Read H.O.L.D. 15 - 'By what authority') “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate...” (Matt. 23:38).

When the Lord Jesus died on the Cross the temple veil was rent from the top to the bottom and the people ought to have realised this meant that God had left the house empty and all its altars exposed and open for all to see and use.

Then God came down again into a new TEMPLE, the bodies of His people at Pentecost. There, 120 were filled with the Holy Spirit and became the dwelling place of God on earth again. At last God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) had fulfilled the promise of the Lord Jesus and dwelt with man again (John 14:23; John 17:23; I Cor. 3:16).

The present huge expensive church cathedrals and buildings are NOT the dwelling places of God now. God now dwells in the bodies of His people. It is true that God blesses His people as they gather in churches, but He has promised to be with them wherever they gather, in homes, in isolated private places or even under trees. It is the presence of God dwelling in His people that makes the presence of God felt in churches.

God now dwells in the 'Church' which is the Body of the Lord Jesus (Eph. 1:22-23; I Tim. 3:15; Heb. 12:23).

We are wrong today when we think of the church buildings as the dwelling place of God. God no longer dwells in houses of scene but in the bodies of His saints. Therefore we ought to present our bodies as daily offerings as the Temples of God daily. He desires to dwell in us and to minister His salvation through us.

In these days it is 'GOD IN US', which is the glory of God and the place where men can find God and see His glory.

There is now no need of altars because there are now no more need of sacrifices. The Lord Jesus is now our altar and He was the last and perfect sacrifice, and God ignores all material and animal sacrifices now.

It is a pity that Christians have spent so much money in building magnificent temples and stated it is done for the glory of God. There are no church buildings mentioned in the church of the   Book of Acts, but the glory of God was seen and demonstrated many times in the Book of Acts. The presence of God was manifested in the revelations of the Apostles when they dealt with Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5).

God can now deal with men and show them His glory as He uses men to minister deliverance and pardon and health to those in bondage. But it must never be overlooked that God can only dwell in holy places, hence the warning;

“If any man defiles the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple are ye.” (I Cor. 3:17).

This is indeed a terrible warning of judgement. We must never treat our bodies as our own any more. When we dedicate them to God they are His temples, and therefore holy places. We cannot do as we like with our bodies — they are not our own, but God's.

What is it that will defile these temples?

The Bible specifically mentions adultery and fornication as conduct that defiles our bodies and joins a harlot to the temples of God. God says He will judge all immorality in order to keep His temples holy. Neither are believers to be joined in marriage with unbelievers. The temple of God cannot be joined with idols and temples of Belial (II Cor. 6:14-16). Anything which is evil or sinful should never be tolerated or allowed to live in our bodies and nothing which defiles them should be eaten or drunk. This surely applies to alcohol and smoking and snuff: anything which is harmful.

Surely also our bodies should not be exposed to stir trust or offered as baits for immorality. Paul also advises women on the adorning of their bodies in modesty, remembering our bodies are the Temples of the Holy Living God.

When the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples in an Upper Room, and not in the Temple, it demonstrated that God had forsaken temples of stone and that there were no more 'sacred places.'

There is now no need for pilgrimages to 'holy places', because God is found in the bodies of His people. The coming of the Holy Spirit dispensed with the ceremonies and priesthood and evidenced that God has come to dwell in those who surrendered to Him. He desires to dwell in us so that He can change us "from glory to glory" and so change us to be like the Lord Christ.

The Holy Spirit “quickens or gives life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit which dwells in you” (Rom. 8:11).

If our bodies are controlled by fears, worries, guilt, then the body will suffer. But if the body is quickened by the Spirit then our organs will function better and the body will function much better and disease will drop off. Our whole being will be quickened because of the indwelling Spirit of God.

When you belong to the Lord through redemption then you have the presence of God IN YOU ALWAYS. YOUR BODY HAS BECOME THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. HE IS IN YOU.

Then we shall find that from our bodies (our tongues) will rise praise and worship which will satisfy God and bring glory to His Name. The Lord dwells in His Temple let the whole world be silent.

It may be that many who are seeking to be filled with the Holy Spirit are also condoning that in their bodies which make it impossible for the Holy Spirit to dwell therein.

Therefore, this is a call to ALL born again children of God to once again dedicate themselves and their bodies to the service of God, seeking God's cleansing for all that is defiling or has defiled His temples in the past, and asking Him to fill our bodies (His temples) with His glory (His Holy Spirit) and to minister through us for His glory daily.

“Ye are a royal priesthood... that ye might shew forth the praise of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” (I Peter 2:9)

We are NOW God's priests. We are NOW God's Temples. "PRESENT YOUR BODIES..." (Rom. 12:1).


“Bow low before Me. Worship Me and your worship will express your varying needs of Me, and yon will be conscious of My Humanity and My Divinity.

As you kneel in humble adoration I will tell you that when I took upon Me your humanity it was with the desire to raise your humanity to My Divinity.

Earth gave Me her best; a human temple to enclose My Divinity, and I brought to her the possession of Divine power, Divine Love, Divine strength to be forever expressed in those of her children who accept Me, opened their hearts to Me, and sought to live My Life.”


“I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven; and whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be looked in heaven.” (Matt. 16:19)

This was the promise given Peter after his bold declaration on the identity of the Lord Jesus. It was a personal promise. But later He gave this authority to all believers (Matt. 18:18).

It is our weapon of power over the enemy. In verses 19 and 20 we note that this promise refers to the two or three who gather in the name of the Lord and who ask and pray for things concerning His Kingdom.

It is the Lord Jesus Himself joining in exercising the authority He secured for His people when He defeated Satan. When we exercise that God-given authority then the Lord will do His part in heaven so that His work can progress. There is a lot of misunderstanding of what this ministry of 'binding and loosing' involves. It is much more than merely saying the words or going through a recognised procedure.

There must be a recognition of our right relationship with the Lord Jesus Himself.

We are exercising authority in His Name; on the basis of His Victory. But we must be in right relationship with Him when we exercise that authority. It is the power of the Holy Spirit in us which will bind or loose, not our words.

Much of the binding or loosing will have to be done in prayer and this is the kind of prayer that deals with causes and not effects. It strikes at the root of the trouble and not at the branches. There must be no display of words in order to display self or personal authority. It must not be used to boast of our authority, or against human beings, but rather at the powers of evil operating through a man.

One who uses spiritual weapons believes unquestionably in the authority of the name of Jesus. Our faith is based upon His completed task at Calvary when He “spoiled principalities and powers” and “made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it” (Col. 2:15).

We also know that same Victor is now seated on a throne in heaven, working for His people and exercising “power and dominion” over every name that is named. “All powers and authorities are subject to Him now” (I Peter 3:22).

When we recognise the evil powers that are operating through men, using them to commit evil or against the work of God, then it is our right and duty to 'bind' those powers, to stop them working against God. We are not permitted to bind me as all men are allowed freedom by God to exercise their own wills. But we can and should bind evil powers.

There must be a recognition that Satan, our old master, has now no operating right IN US.

We have been freed by Jesus Christ. We are no longer slaves to Satan and yet we are also to make sure he has no foothold in our lives now. We must not allow sin in our lives as that will allow Satan chance to control us and reduce our effectiveness as praying conquerors of his forces.

To enter this heavenly contest, we must surrender everything to God. To fail to do so is to be defeated before we begin.

There must be a right relationship with our brothers in prayer.

“where two or three are gathered in My Name...” there the Lord will place His authority at our disposal and we will succeed in exercising that authority as we are united and in full fellowship with each other. Unity is strength in this contest.

It takes only two in agreement to exercise this authority when in fellowship with each other and the Lord Jesus. Most Christians interpret the promise of Matt. 18:20, "Where two or three are gathered, there am I” to be in regard to a church service, and it is certain that this promise can be claimed at such times. But the context of the promise is when we are gathered together to exercise our authority in binding and loosing powers.

Instances where it is necessary to bind or loose powers.

  1. When we see a brother or a sister in the Lord being used by Satan or evil spirits against the work of God. We should gather together and if possible call the person concerned and advise him. If he is unable or unwilling to agree to being advised or helped, then those gathered should pray and take authority over the powers and 'bind' them. BIND THE EVIL SPIRITS.
  2. When we find that evil powers are hindering the spread of the gospel or progress in spiritual   matters in groups or in new places, then those evil powers should be bound.
  3. When Christians have been deceived by some false doctrines, or become addicted to drugs   or alcohol or other vices, then we should strike at the enemy who is binding that person and 'loose' him. That body must be freed and the spirits 'bound'.
  4. In the Name of Jesus, we can also loose on earth doors that are closed to the gospel and hearts that are sealed to Christ. At such times we are using our authority to 'open doors' which no man can shut and man can open because of His Victory (Rev. 3:7).
  5. When Satan is withholding funds and finance for the work of the Lord, then we can join together to 'bind' those powers and to 'loose' those funds for the Lord's work. Be careful
  6. not to use this power for personal needs unless the Lord makes such action plain.

Let us use our authority to force Satan to yield before the Lord Jesus.


“I beheld, and lo, a great multitude, which no man can number, of all nations, and kindred, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; and cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth on the throne, and unto the Lamb.” (Rev. 7:9-10)

It is believed that there are over 3,200 different languages in the world today. There are several hundredS in Nigeria, and many of them have never heard the gospel and have no Bible in their tongue.

Yet the vision of Rev. 7 states that representatives from every tongue will be round that throne. How can that be made possible today in Nigeria when so many tribes and tongues have never heard.

We are in touch with ‘Soulwinners Unlimited’ who are pressing into at least TWENTY-FIVE different languages today.

If you are a member of any of the following tribes and you realise you are under obligation from the Lord to help your own people, then please get in touch with us and we will put into touch with those who are pushing their way into them.

Hausa Kalabari Urhobo (Okpe and Agbon)

Bini Kwale Ijaw

Nupe Igala Ogugu

Idoma Ogoja Igbirra

Koto-Igbirra Bassa Nge Bassa-Komo

Gwarri Ishan Afenmai

Auchi District Ogoni Andoni

Egun (Dahomey).

These people are our BURDEN… they MUST have their chance to hear the gospel. But, “how shall they hear without a preacher?”

We need men and means to get the gospel to these people.

What is your answer?