• What is your name?
  • Woe…. Lo…Go….
  • The Ministry in the Holiest
  • Your Spiritual Problems
  • Intercessors of Nigeria (I.O.N.)


"And he (the wrestling Angel) said unto him (Jacob), What is your name? And he said, Jacob, and he said Thy name shall be called no more Jacob but Israel; for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed” ... (Gen. 32:27-28) 

God desires to make men into princes and prevailers, even if it sometimes means that He has to wrestle with them and even to break their limbs to do so. He wants to change men and to make them into victorious wrestlers. 

God had planned that Jacob should be the head of his people and the founder of the great nation of Israel, but Jacob followed his own ideals and was also misled by his mother into cheating and deceiving his father (Gen. 27). Even when Jacob had to leave his own home and country for another land, his character did not change, he went on deceiving and cheating others. He cheated Laban and tried to get the best of every bargain. He even tried to bargain with God, (Gen. 28:20-22) so that he could secure God's blessing. But God had a plan for Jacob in spite of all Jacob's deceitfulness, and God allowed Jacob to go his own way and try to work out his own plans until he found himself facing his angry brother again, with no hope of escape or peace. 

Then God wrestled with Jacob and allowed Jacob to prevail, in order to teach Jacob a lesson. Peniel was the place where God revealed to Jacob that he could not succeed, apart from submission to God and God's ways, and where God showed Jacob that he had got to change his ways and his character. God had to break his thigh to win his heart and submission. Like ourselves, Jacob was very stubborn. When God had fought with Jacob, then He asked Jacob that question, "WHAT IS YOUR NAME

God already knew his name but God wanted to make Jacob realize what he was doing. Jacob could not have been proud of his name for it means “Supplanter”; a cheat and a deceiver. And in asking the question, God was making Jacob admit to his failures and to realize that he would have to change. Jacob had to admit his name, which was the same as saying 'I am a cheat and deceiver' and then God gave him another name, a wonderful name ISRAEL....which means the exact opposite to Jacob ... 'A prince with God'.

God was challenging Jacob to rise and really become a PRINCE and to reign and rule and govern, both himself and his family. God often spoke of Jacob later as Israel, but there were also several times when Jacob forgot his new name, and calling, and resorted to his old ways of cheating and deceiving and the Bible then refers to him as Jacob (Gen. 33:18, 35:1-9). God had to repeat His challenge to Jacob again in Gen. 35:10. But in Gen. 37:1-2, we find the two names are mentioned and again in Gen. 47:27&28. This God-chosen man was displaying the two sides of his character all the time and failing to rise and become what God planned he should be a PRINCE with GOD.

God's promises do not depend upon man's faithfulness. He has a plan for each of us and that plan is a good plan and full of good things for us and for blessing. But it is only as we submit and surrender ourselves, all that we have, to God, and follow His ways, that we can secure the full enjoyment of those promises. When the Lord Jesus came He had to deal with men who had failed and who were weak and stubborn. Yet He knew them and He knew what He could do for them and with them.

"When Jesus beheld him, he said, thou art Simon the son of Jona, thou shalt be called Cephas, a stone" (John 1:42)


Jesus was telling Simon Peter... ‘I know you; I know that you are now an unsteady man, an unreliable man, but I am going to make you a rock ... a man to be relied upon, a trustworthy man, a strong man’. It is a wonderful story to study how the Lord dealt with Simon, the unsteady man. He used his boat to preach to the crowds and made Simon sit and listen to His words, and then followed that sermon by a wonderful miracle of fishes which revealed to Simon yet again that the Lord Jesus was not only someone who was going to change him but also use him and make him a fisher of men (Luke 5).

The Bible reveals that Simon was unreliable and unsteady and yet there were times when he acted like Peter a strong man, a rock. He became an 'Apostle' and took part in several crusades and saw men and women healed and delivered (Luke 10:17). 

He grew in knowledge as well as faith and he soon realized that Jesus Christ was more than a mere man, and greater than the son of Mary. He was ready with the answer to His Master's question "Whom say ye that I am?" (Luke 9:20) and confidently stated, "The Christ of God". v. 20. Peter ought to have heeded the deep inner warning in his Master's words, "Flesh and blood has not revealed this unto you but my Father which is in heaven" (Matt. 16:17) and realized that he must not allow the old 'Simon' nature to take control again. But he failed to detect the old nature and fell into a trap in believing he could adequately protect his Master. Read Matt. 16:22-23. Perhaps it could have been a result of Simon's pride at being called the 'rock' upon which God would build a 'church'. (v. 18)

It was a Peter full of faith who responded to the vision in the night on the lake and got out of the boat and walked on the water to his Master, it was 'Simon' who looked at the waves and began to doubt and sink. 

But 'Simon's' greatest failure and display of his old nature was when he denied knowing the Master at the cross. That was really 'SIMON', and it says .. (in the gospel probably dictated by Simon Peter himself (MARK) (Mark 14:71-72) "Peter called to mind the word that Jesus said and when he thought thereon, he wept." 

But read the clear instructions of the Angel at the tomb, "Go tell His disciples AND PETER” (Mark 16:7). The Lord did not cast off Peter.

On the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came to the gathered disciples and filled them, and they all spoke with tongues. Peter was there too. He had been restored by his Master who made him repent and confess his love for Him (John 21:15-17).

Now it was a totally different Simon Peter who stood on the Day of Pentecost and challenged the Jews and accused them of being murderers of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit had made a new man of Simon Peter and hence forth it was 'Peter' who seemed to move and work for God, through the Book of Acts.


He called and changed Saul the fierce persecutor of Christians, and made him into a great Apostle to the Gentile world and a father to thousands and a founder of many Christian churches. 

So God is seeking out men (and women) today and calling them out of darkness and the world, filling them with His Holy Spirit and sending them into the Satan controlled territory to deliver God's people and bring salvation to thousands. God wants to change YOU and make you into A WITNESS. "Ye MUST be My witnesses" (Acts 1:8). 

Every saved man and woman is called to be a 'witness' to Jesus Christ. You may not be a clever preacher but you 'MUST' be a witness to what the Lord Jesus has done for you saving you; cleansing you; delivering you from evil powers; healing your body; and filling you with HIS Holy Spirit. That is the way that souls in bondage will learn of Jesus Christ. 

YOU must be a witness, a man (or woman) God has changed. God wants to make you into a ‘fighter’. 

One who stands in the power of the Spirit to fight the powers of darkness (Eph. 6:12-15). to deliver men from sin' from Satan: from sickness and poverty: A 'Fighter' for God is a prayer. Claiming from God what men and women need and standing against Satan and his plans to spoil the people and work of God. Read Isaiah 59:16. God is looking today for 'men' 'fighters' who will stand with Him on behalf of this needy world. 


Jacob wrestled (fought) with God and prevailed and God wants you to be a 'prevailer' in prayer. A successful prayer warrior whose prayers are answered because you have been changed and know God. 

God wants to make you into a Savior, a deliverer

God is looking today for men (and women) who are ready to submit themselves fully to Him so that God can re-make them into the same image as His Son Jesus Christ, and deliver needy souls from sin, Satan and sickness, as God made Moses into a DELIVERER so He can make you into one. But you will need to be remade, and your character changed and then God can use you. Read Acts 10:1-48

God wants to make you into a 'PRINCE' as He did Jacob

This means that you would be made into an active member of God's royal family, exercising authority on behalf of God. 

God made Jacob into a 'prince' and He can do the same with you if you will submit to Him. He changed Simon into Peter and made Peter into a 'prince' who exercised authority and delivered men and women. 

"To everyone who overcomes, I will give power over the nations”. 

“You will rule them with a rod of iron just as My Father gave me the authority to rule them" (Rev. 2:26, Living Bible ).


"I saw the Lord .... " Isaiah 6:1

Then said I, WOE is me ... " v. 5. 

"He laid it upon my mouth and said ... LO this hath touched thy lips ...” v. 7. 

"He said, GO and tell this people … " v. 9. 


God had already revealed Himself to His prophet Isaiah when God called him into His service, but now this was an entirely new call with a new purpose and scope (Isa. 1:1). This was to be a special vision calling Isaiah to a special work, which needed a SPECIAL VISION. It came at a time of national crisis and need. The king of Israel (Uzziah) had died and Israel was without a leader. 

God wants to reveal Himself to man; He wants to speak to man at times of national and individual crisis such as we have in the world, and in Nigeria, today. There is a great need for men who have seen God and received His Call and been given a Vision by God Himself. 

There are many ministers and servants of God today who think they have been called to serve God but who have never seen God or been called by God. It is only those who have been called and given a vision who can truly serve God and carry out His purposes in these crisis days for Nigeria, when there are so many counterfeits and fakes and 'false prophets' and ministers.

There are also many young people today who feel they have a call from God to step out in faith to minister and serve God in full time ministry. They want to know how to be sure they are called by God and what that call will mean. This message is for you. 

Isaiah 6 contains the principles of any TRUE call of God for service and everyone who is determined to serve God can expect that God will similarly reveal Himself to them. 


"I saw the Lord" vs.

The true basis of every true call from God is that the person called is brought into personal contact with God and receives the call and revelation from God Himself. No man should step out to minister on the basis of the need of men nor the need for ministers, or the glamour and blessing of such occupation. THE CALL MUST BE DIVINE. 

The prophet of God, Isaiah, was given a VISION of God Himself in all His majesty and Holiness and Isaiah never forgot that vision. It was the basis of all his message and ministry. Isaiah saw the activity of the heavenly host and their constant attitude of worship. No matter how bad the people may be or how great the forces of evil seem to be charge, God is still in charge and on the Throne. God is never disturbed or driven into hasty actions by anything that happen on earth. He is on the Throne. 

This great vision must always be the foundation of all our ministry and Service. GOD IS ON THE THRONE and yet He has also committed His work into the hands of men. God's method of dealing with this world is by means of men. 

God needs men, God uses men but they must be men who has seen a Vision of God in all His majesty and power and who are completely certain that God's purposes will be accomplished. Let our loyalty be to God first, because He has revealed Himself to us and called us into His service. When a man has been given a vision of God like Isaiah was, then that will sustain him and keep him firmly on the right road with God.


"Then said I, WOE is me, for I am undone, because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts ...” (Isaiah 6:5) 

That should be the effect of every vision of God. We then realize how unclean and dirty we are in His sight. Here was a prophet a man God planned to use to call His people and whom God used with his lips. Now Isaiah realizes even his dedicated members, his lips and mouth, are unclean. He needed cleansing. 

Here was not a great vision of self-importance in which he saw great crowds gathered to hear Isaiah; no great vision of self-magnifying where he saw marvelous results of his own ministry. Just a vision of himself in all his uncleanness. 

Such is the result of every vision from God, where God plans to commission and call any servant, man or woman, into His service. Paul said: 

"I know that in me (that is in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing, sin dwelleth in me. (Rom. 7:17-18)

It is wise to be suspicious of any vision, or prophecy, or revelation, or message from anyone, which magnifies man or makes man the focus and center of any ministry. It is a work of Satan to glorify man. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to glorify Jesus Christ. That is a test of true vision or prophecy. 

This vision of himself was God's method of showing Isaiah that the basis of all his future ministry was to be the power of God and not the ability of the prophet. He had to learn the important lesson that we have to learn that it is “not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord". (Zech. 4:6) 

Let me urge you to seek God's face and if the Lord will then reveal Himself to you, then you will obtain a perfect assessment of your own value and power and yet that vision will be the foundation of your call and give you confidence that God has met with you and called you. Every servant of God needs the assurance ... 

“I have chosen you and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain”. (John 15:16) 

Any man who goes forth in his own power and merely to seek his own group or followers will fail. No group or church or congregation should be gathered merely for the personal benefit of any evangelist or minister. 


“Then flew one of the seraphim unto me, having a live coal in his hand, and he laid it upon my mouth, and said, LO, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sins purged” verse 7.

Called ... Chosen .... Cleansed

That is God's order in preparing His servants. They must all be clean, cleansed vessels, so that their messages and ministry can be clean and they can be used by the Holy Spirit. Holiness of character and life is more important than ability or correctness of doctrine. It is sad to note that today there seems to be a great weakness and shallowness in many lives and therefore there is little fruit that remains in ministry. 

God does not reveal Himself to Isaiah, or to any of us, in order to destroy us or to give us a vision of being a 'worm', but He also reveals Himself to us and then provides the means of cleansing and renewal and preparation for the call which will follow. Every one of us needs to check carefully to see that no sin or growth of self-life is been' allowed into our lives, and as we seek the face of the Lord for revelation and vision, then He will reveal it to us and with it He will also show us the way to remove it and cleanse ourselves and thus ensure that we are 'vessels unto honor' and meet for the Master's use, at all times.

There is only one way of cleansing and renewal today. 

"The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin, if we confess our sin, and claim cleansing". (I John 1:7-9) 

"Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit...” (1 Peter 1:22) 

Let all the servants of God constantly be sure they are clean and seek the cleansing of the blood DAILY. Then God can, and will use us. Isaiah became a vessel transformed and ready for the call.


"I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, WHOM shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, here am I, send me." vs. 8

"He said, GO, and tell these people." vs. 9 

You will note that the Lord asked a question whom shall I send? He did not force Isaiah to go, but spoke the word which gave Isaiah the chance to exercise his own will and make the decision himself. 'Here am I, send me, God will never force anyone of us to 'GO', but whenever He speaks the word then He challenges each of us to answer and He waits for the answer. 

Every Christian is called to witness, there is no choice in that call for Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel” (Matt. 28:19). 

"Ye MUST be my witnesses...” (Acts 1:8)

But one should be very careful that there is a definite call from God before stepping out into full time ministry. That call will be the result of a vision of the Lord Himself, a preparation and work in the messenger by the Holy Spirit, filling him with power for service, and then the voice of God asking who will go. 

All who are called of God in this way will see the same results in their converts and hearers...

"They will see with their eyes rand hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts and be converted and healed" verse 10. 

There will be results in our ministry, FRUIT and the name of the Lord will be glorified. 


"Lord how long ...?" vs. 11 

We are drawing near to the end of the period for the preaching of the message of grace and free salvation and therefore we must not delay but warn and teach every man, seeking to save them from judgement. 

We are not sent out to preach a particular church or denomination or pet doctrine or special personal revelation but to preach Jesus Christ as the only savior from sin, and to demonstrate and proclaim Jesus Christ as the complete healer and deliverer of all who will come to Him for salvation, healing and deliverance. 

The Lord Jesus Himself is waiting to speak to every one of us. He waits to reveal Himself to us all individually, because He needs men, and women, who will be ready to submit themselves for His cleansing and power and then to GO out and continue the work the Lord Himself began. 

Let this message be a challenge to YOU. Let it cause you to patiently seek His face and vision and call. 

He will surely speak to you, and you will know His Voice and He will guarantee you complete guidance and assurance in your call and life. 

There is a wonderful assurance in being part of the Vision of God in these last days. It is a tremendous challenge to us all. 


"Therefore, brethren, since we have full freedom and confidence to enter into the Holy of Holies; by the power and virtue In the blood of Jesus, by this new and living way which He initiated and dedicated and opened for us through the separating veil, that is, through His flesh; and since we have a great and wonderful and noble' Priest (who rules) over the house of God, Let us all come forward and draw near with honest and sincere hearts in unqualified assurance and absolute conviction engendered by faith, having our hearts sprinkled and purified from a guilty conscience and with our bodies cleansed with pure water". (Heb. 10:19-22, Amplified)


The Lord Jesus has entered into the very presence of God (the Holy of Holies) and is now seated in God's presence, still working for us. He has completed the great God given task of laying the foundation of the new Kingdom of Heaven and has completed the work of salvation for all men. He has visited this earth and dealt with all its problems and has laid down His life, shed His own precious blood and has satisfied His Father and is now waiting for the time when He will return to this earth to take over the actual government of His world, with His people, so that He can establish peace and prosperity for all. 


A PERFECT MAN .... a sinless man. There is a MAN on the throne who has conquered Satan and all the powers of evil and become a victor. He has overcome sin, sickness. demon powers and all occult and juju powers and influences. 

This MAN is the first man of a new race of beings who have been redeemed and made fit to live in the presence of God and serve Him. This MAN has laid the firm foundation of a new world and commanded His disciples to 'GO' and preach this wonderful message so that all men, everywhere, can hear it and have the chance to accept it and take part in the blessings of salvation and righteousness in this Kingdom. 


“Therefore He is able also to save to the uttermost – completely, perfectly and finally and for all time and eternity those who come to God through Him, since He is always living to make petition to God and to intercede with Him and intervene for them.” (Heb. 7:25, Amplified) 

The Lord Jesus is NOW representing us in God's presence. The Lord lives NOW for His own, for those who have accepted Him as savior and Lord. He is watching over us daily, instructing His angels to protect us and help us against all the powers of evil. There is no need for us to fear evil spirits and curses if we really belong to the Lord Jesus. He now works for us, to watch that Satan does not destroy us. If you are troubled by evil spirits then turn to your Saviour, Jesus Christ, and trust Him and ask Him to protect you and take care of you. He will surely do it and you will be protected. 

The Lord is also listening to our prayers and He arranges the answers and provides for all our daily needs. He has promised to supply 'ALL' our needs (Phil. 4:19).

At the moment the whole of the planning and ministry and government of this world is done in the 'Holy of Holies' where the Lord Jesus reigns and where He invites us to join Him in that task and to go out to a needy world and to minister peace and deliverance to those seeking for salvation. 


Let us realize that God actually wants to have fellowship with us again. It is God Himself who invites us, urges us, to act in faith and enter into His presence again, without fear, to stay and have fellowship with Him.

It was God Himself who provided a way into the Tabernacle Holy Place. But because of sin, God had to protect man from death and destruction and so God gave very careful and definite instructions on how man could then enter into His presence. 

God instructed that only a properly ordained and dedicated High Priest could enter into His very presence and then only once yearly. That high priest had to perform certain ceremonies and to enter with blood in a very carefully prepared way. God placed a sentence of death on anyone who entered irregularly. All worship outside the Holiest was pagan and unacceptable. 


Heb. 10:25 clearly invites us back 'into God's presence. There is already a High Priest in God's presence, who has been accepted and whose sacrifice, has been made and has been accepted by God. 

There is no need for further high priests. Jesus Christ is the only High Priest Whom God accepts today. 

There is no need for sacrifices, of any kind. The Lord Jesus has made the perfect sacrifice. He has shed His Own blood. It is an insult to God to bring any other sacrifice now. 

There is no need for priestly robes or incense or ceremonies. These were all part of the Old Testament ceremony before man could enter God's presence. These have all been superseded by the offering and sacrifice of Jesus Christ and they are unnecessary today. 

"There is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. " (1 Tim. 2:5) 

There is no need for altars or special prayers or services. NOW every cleansed sanctified child of God is invited into God's presence and can enter without fear. However, we do need to realize that God is still HOLY and requires purity and holiness. “Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord” (Heb.12:14). 


Inside the holiest there is complete calm and peace. There is no judgment. God laid judgment on the head of Jesus Christ at Calvary and He is just and righteous and does not meet us with judgment again. There is continuous activity in the holiest. All are welcome and all can engage in ministry there. It is a place of confident assurance.

All can be assured of being heard and answered and where the Lord Jesus expects and welcomes co-operation in His work for mankind today. Lazy observers are not at rest there. 

It is the place where those who have been called to minister for the gospel can co-operate with God and where there is full opportunity to develop and become expert (ABLE) ministers for the Lord Jesus in His Kingdom. 



Let us never forget that ALL Gods' program has been planned and finalized and nothing has been left for future planning. That plan is known to God Himself and the Lord Jesus, and it will be carried out. That plan involves also the 'saints'. Daniel 7:18 and 23, makes it clear that God's plan for the takeover of this world involves our participation and ministry. 

All the detail of that plan has been committed to the Holy Spirit to bring to pass and to provide for the men and women who will take part in that governmental 'take-over' in the near future.

Therefore, let us never forget that ALL God's work MUST be directed and controlled by the Holy Spirit, and in the power of the Holy Spirit and there is no place for man's planning or ideas or direction. God is following His own program and will ignore ours. 

Let us be sure that our program in evangelism arid spiritual ministry is part of the revelation and vision we receive while we are ministering in the Holy of Holies. We worship and praise God in the Holiest. 

God seeks and desires men to worship Him (John 4:23). 

Worship is the outpouring of our hearts in God's presence in adoration like the wise men of Matt. 2:11. Let us learn the art of worship in the Holiest.

THE HOLIEST is the place of revelation, vision and guidance so that we can then pray and intercede for all men everywhere. Real prayer is prayer which is born in our hearts while we pray in the HOLIEST and accept the Lord's burden for others. Much of our prayer is just selfish requests for material things. But when we enter the Holiest we learn to pray 'as the Spirit giveth utterance'. 

Guidance is guaranteed to us when we stay and wait in prayer in the Holiest and none of us can moan or complain we do not know how to get guidance. The need is to get into God's presence in the Holiest and wait for His promised guidance. 

THE HOLIEST is the place where we learn to know and use our God given and blood bought authority over the defeated enemy Satan. It is as we pray and intercede in the Holiest that we learn how to exercise our authority over the powers of darkness and to FIGHT for men and women who have been troubled by Satan. It is the place where we can safely demand obedience from the demon powers and to attack the strongholds of Satan and to take the kingdom by force. 

THE HOLIEST is the place where we learn how to use the ROD of power and authority and to learn how to govern. In the Holiest we realize the wonders of God's faith and confidence in His people and the secret of successfully combating the evil spirits and powers of darkness and to command and rebuke the enemy. This knowledge is not acquired by education in secular subjects but in remaining in God's presence in the Holiest and then of going out into the world to put into operation the lessons we have learned there. 

THE HOLIEST is the place where we can only succeed or be effective as we enter with clean hands and pure hearts and in the faith and knowledge that God wants us to co-operate with Him in taking salvation and the full gospel to the whole world. 

It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of real prayer for the expansion and progress of God's work in Nigeria and West Africa today. 

This is the reason we have called all Christians to join us in a PACT OF PRAYER in which we dedicate ourselves to a life of ministry and work in the Holiest and then to go out to minister the gospel to the outside world. 


We are not called YET to remain inside the Holiest. We should make it a habit to enter and stay for a time each day. There we shall gather strength, health and vision and guidance and revelation for the tasks of the day. 

Then we are sent out into the world, which is going to hell, and to minister peace and salvation to them. 

Everyone is called into this ministry, no matter what church title you may be given. Men and women can minister inside the Holiest and it is the greatest need for today. 

The effect of entering into the Holiest will mean that we shall then GO OUT like Isaiah 6. 

To minister the Gospel to sinners, demon oppressed and demon possessed men and women. 

To make disciples of all nations, and teaching them in turn how to enter the Holiest and to become 'ministers of the holiest place'. 

To teach the disciples to become deliverers and ministers who have learned how to exercise the authority and blessings of the Holy Place.



QUESTION. How can I be sure of God's will in my life? How do we obtain guidance? 

Answer. God has a perfect plan for every one of His children. It is a plan which will make us perfect and bring us success in His ways and be good for us. How may we know that plan? It is certain that God wants us to find it and to follow it. In Acts 9, God planned for Saul of Tarsus to be arrested. It did not happen by chance. God arranged it. When Saul asked, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" he was asking a simple but correct question and that is the first step in finding the will of God. 

Ask God What He wants you to do. God told Paul. God will also reveal His plan to us, if we ask, in faith and be ready to follow Him. The following steps should be followed: 

  1. Seek the Lord for His plan and claim His promise to guide you. 
  2. Do not take any step in following your own plan but wait until the Lord reveals His plan. Never take a step in doubt, but be sure that the Lord is in that step. 
  3. Continue in prayer for guidance and do not be in a hurry. If the need is urgent then the Lord will not fail, you but will reveal His plan and show you the next step. He usually only reveals a step at a time, take that one step by faith and leave the rest to Him (Psa. 27:11).
  4. Expect the Lord to speak to you through His word. God and His word are one and He can speak to you through that word (Psa. 119:105). 
  5. He can and does also use mature experienced Christians, both male and female, and this should be sought, after prayer. 
  6. Be ready to submit and obey whatever God reveals to you (I Samuel 15:22, John 2:5).


QUESTION. What is meant by "renewing of the mind" in Rom. 12:2? 

How can I keep my mind on spiritual thoughts and remove bad thoughts? 

Answer. Christians are living in a world occupied by the hosts of darkness where the god of this world has blinded the minds of people (II Cor. 4:4). When a person is born again, the Holy Spirit gives him a 'new heart' and the human spirit is renewed and the Holy Spirit gams access to it. Such a converted person now has light within and while he continues to walk and abide in Jesus Christ, his life is renewed. 

The truth of God's word also illuminates his mind and the Holy Spirit strips the 'veil' off the old natural mind as the believer allows Him' to do this. This renews the mind. 

This renewal of mind is a gradual process, accomplished as the word of God penetrates and takes possession of it. 

Do you find difficulty in beating off some thoughts that hold you and will not cease working in your mind? What do you do about that thought?

Ask the question: “Why does this thought continue to press on me?” “Did I choose this thought?” “No, I do not want it.” Examine the source and course of that thought. If you do not choose it or take delight in it, then do not call it yours; instead, reject it. If it is not clean or contains impure thoughts, or brings suggestions against others, then reject it and SAY SO. Say I reject you, I do not want this thought, it is not mine. Say it out loud for the powers of darkness to hear you, “I do not want this thought, I reject it”.

You are to choose what shall come into your mind and life and being. You are to choose that your mind shall be closed to undesirable thoughts and ideas and suggestions from outside, and as you decide against them, the Holy Spirit will work and enable you to shut them out. This is half the battle and victory.

Then you will need to fill your mind with the right thoughts and ideas from the word of God, which will produce wholesome thoughts and desires and renew your mind and produce internal peace and health.

QUESTION: Matthew 12:31,32 and Mark 3:29 speaks of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit being the unpardonable sin. What is the sin and how may we know when we committed it? Is there any forgiveness for those who commit it in ignorance?

Answer. I have met hundreds of Christians who ask this question and who fear that they may have committed the unpardonable sin and in each case I have been able to assure them that they have not done so, otherwise they would not be concerned to even ask the question.

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is to deliberately and knowingly attribute the power of the Holy Spirit to the devil.

That sin, and no other, qualifies as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. It is not cursing God, it is not witchcraft, it is deliberately and with malice intended, to attribute the redemptive work of God to Satan.

In the verses mentioned, the Lord Jesus was accused by the Pharisees of using the power of Satan to cast out demons. Any person whose heart is so filled with hatred for God that he could make such a statement has already knowingly put himself beyond the reach of redemption and forgiveness. Therefore, that sin is unpardonable.

The promises of God for forgiveness for all who repent and confess and repent of your sin are certain. See John 1:9. So if you are able to confess and repent of your sin, if you are sorry and regret what you have done, then you cannot have committed the unpardonable sin. One sure sign that you that unpardonable sin is your own fear that you have





Every Christian is saved to serve; to fight to witness to those around him of the way of salvation and the power of Jesus Christ to save and deliver. Every Christian is also called to PRAY for those around him.

PRAY for Nigeria; that the Lord may take control of the leaders and grant them guidance and wisdom so that we may live in peace and have the freedom to preach the gospel throughout the country.

PRAY for the conversion and blessing of your own family. Your wife or husband and children; that none may be left behind to face the wrath of God in judgement.

PRAY for the ministers of the gospel; that they may with boldness proclaim the true and full gospel, with power and fruit.

PRAY for the move of the Holy Spirit throughout the country; that it may spread and enable Christians to overthrow the power and the work of Satan in every part and plan.

YOU ARE INVITED TO BECOME PART OF THIS GREAT MOVE OF THE LORD IN NIGERIA BY JOINING WITH US AS PRAYER PARTNERS IN THE GOSPEL, PRAYING FOR ALL. This is not a new group or church and everyone may take part in their own place and time.