• Fight...
  • Your Inheritance
  • The Work of Prayer
  • Partners with God


“Fight the good fight of faith...” (1 Tim. 6:12)

“That thou mightest war a god warfare.” (1 Tim. 1:18)

“Put on the whole armor of God...” (Eph. 6:11-12)

We praise God that the Lord Jesus has Himself fought a good fight and defeated Satan and has brought peace and pardon to the whole human race. Now we must realize that Satan’s malice and deadly hatred is directed towards those of us who are rescued from Satan’s kingdom and become members of the Lord Kingdom which is being established and which will soon take over from the Enemy. The Lord therefore calls upon every one of His people to be ‘good soldiers’, and to go forth in His strength and power against the foe. Every child of God is called to be a ‘fighter’ and to take part in the ‘warfare’ now raging.


In these last days there is a marked increase in the operations of Satanic forces in Nigeria and God is looking for those among His own people who will contest this increase and challenge the enemy who is seeking to regain his lost authority and continually proclaim the authority and power of the name of the Lord Jesus, the Victor over Satan and God’s anointed King and Lord. This fight will increase in its fierceness and the Lord’s fighters will have to learn how to maintain the fight and to emerge victorious which is God’s Will for us.

Satan knows his days are numbered and growing fewer and his rage and operations increase; directed against the ‘fighters for God’ those whom God plans will take over the position now occupied by Satan. We are therefore fighting for our own rights and position for the future.

The working of Satan in the world in the end of this Age will finish in a deluge of evil-spirit forces, producing conditions which will be difficult to describe now, but which will not be easy or favorable for Christians. Millions of deceiving spirits will be loosed against a church of spiritual babies. God is now training spiritual ‘fighters’.

We must not become helpless onlookers of the scene in Nigeria for we have the right and power and authority to take part in shaping events and the future.

It is dangerous to passively accept the worsening conditions in an attitude of ‘what will be will be’ and ‘we are not part of this world and its problems.’ Satan has appointed princes and powers set over various countries, including Nigeria, and we are called to challenge these powers (Eph. 6:12). Let us examine the state of war and the combatants.


“We are not wrestling with flesh and blood, contending only with physical opponents, but against despotisms, against the powers, against the master spirits who are the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly, supernatural sphere.” (Eph. 6:12, Amplified)

It was these same forces which attacked the Lord Jesus when He came to redeem mankind in Bethlehem, in Canaan, in Gethsemane, at the Cross.

These powers are still allowed by God to work in the world today and the present chaos is proof of their evil plans.

“In the last days there will set in perilous times of great stress and trouble, hard to deal with and hard to bear.” (2 Tim. 3:1)

The whole world is under growing stress politically, socially, economically and spiritually. It will grow worse and no man or government, no matter who is in charge, will have the right answer or the correct solution. Only the Lord Jesus, who is the rightful King of this world, can establish the desired Kingdom of Heaven on earth.


The basis for our promised and assure victory in advance, is the victory of out Captain, the Lord Jesus at Calvary.

“For this purpose was the Son of God manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” (1 John 3:6-8)

“That through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil.” (Heb. 2:14)

“And having spoiled principalities and powers. He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” (Col. 2:15)

The devil is a conquered foe, but he is neither dead nor inactive and the Lord has now committed to us the task of proving he is defeated and of taking the gospel of deliverance and liberation to all Satan’s captives and delivering them out of his kingdom and bondage.

The Lord’s soldiers must be fully committed to Him and ready to submit, without questioning, to His command and count everything they possess as loaned to them for His work and service. They must be ready to endure hardship (2 Tim. 4:5, 2:3). They must be ready to count their not dear in order to serve the Lord Jesus (Acts 20:24).

It is the responsibility of these ‘chosen soldiers’ to enforce the victory of our Captain. It is His victory we proclaim and assert in Satan’s face constantly. In the Name and with the authority of the Lord Jesus, we challenge Satan’s reign and right to hold people in bondage and we set them free in His Name. We proclaim the gospel of full deliverance.


“We wrestle... against rulers of the darkness of this world.” (Eph. 6:12)

It is not against human beings, for the real battle is in the spirit realm and against spiritual powers of darkness. It is not possible to defeat or even fight these spiritual powers with human sense or wisdom or strategy. It is a spiritual battle and must be fought with spiritual powers – the Holy Spirit. Only the Holy Spirit can deal with spiritual evil powers. But the Holy Spirit needs men and women who are filled with the Holy Spirit to do this work.

This battle is fully illustrated in the works of Moses in Exod. 17:8-16. Where we must constantly walk in the Spirit and fight in the Spirit to keep our victory. The increase in juju worship and beliefs and the growth of new spirit cults will demand that we take our stand spiritually against these creations of the powers of darkness.

The Captain’s Command is ‘Go forward’ – Exod. 14:15.


The warfare, on the enemy’s side, seeks to challenge the supremacy of the Lord Jesus and His rule in the hearts and lives of His people and to seek to regain those slaves and captives taken from him by the Lord Jesus.

The enemy is seeking to destroy men and bring complete ruin and chaos to this world. He is seeking to destroy the sacred, God-given state of marriage by causing lust and destroy even human love. He is increasing the distribution of drugs and soul-destroying literature and liquor. He is undermining the family life and increasing political agitation with the aim of leading man to try to set up his own kingdom of heaven without God.

Death, disease, murder, poverty, hatred are all his weapons and he spreads them increasingly daily.


“The weapons of our warfare are NOT carnal, but mighty through God...” (2 Cor. 10:4)

What are our weapons?

THE NAME OF JESUS - This is our great weapon. The name of Jesus is feared by all the powers of Satan and hell. Jesus Himself said, “In my name they shall cast out demons...” In the name of Jesus every knee MUST bow.

We must use that Name to challenge Satan and his forces at every step and in the lives of everyone desiring deliverance.


We act on the authority of the Word of God. We know what the Lord wants – the salvation and deliverance of all men and women, and we know the extent of His power.

Every Christian MUST read and study the Word of God and get to know His promises and provision for this battle and learn how to use these promises in PRAYER.

This is our weapon. Holy Spirit inspired and directed Prayer, with fasting when necessary. The church must awaken to the need of real Holy Spirit Prayer meetings which make Satan realize who is his master. Our prayer meetings MUST become fighting meetings with the enemy.


Every Christian is saved to serve, to fight, to witness to those around him of the plan and power of Jesus Christ to save. Every Christian is also called to PRAY for those around him.

PRAY for Nigeria -¬ that the Lord may take control of the leaders and grant them guidance and wisdom so that we may live in peace and have the freedom to preach the gospel throughout the whole country (1 Tim. 2:1-2).

PRAY for the Church of Jesus Christ in Nigeria, that she may be awakened to take up the challenges against our national life and peace.

PRAY for the conversion and deliverance of your own family. Your wife or husband and children. That none may be left behind to face the wrath of God in judgement.

PRAY for the overthrow of Satan and his plans in the lives of Christians in your own group and fellowship.


Are you enjoying God’s pardon and salvation?

Are you living in fear and failure? 

Are you living as a beggar in the midst of God’s abundance?

Are you waiting to serve God but feel you are unable to do so?

Then read this article and check with your Bible to find out what God has gloriously provided for every one of His children NOW, and how you may find the answers to all these questions. Many Christians are living in ignorance of God’s provision and Satan laughs and continues to make them slaves and beggars. But when God provided this wonderful SALVATION in Jesus Christ then He now expects that YOU will search out these blessings and make them your own.

“I want you to realise that God has made you rich because we who are Christ’s have been given to Him.” (Eph. 1:16-18, Living Bible).

When Jesus Christ came, He demonstrated His complete ability to deal with all demands, needs and situations. He was the complete master over Satan and his demon powers; over sickness; over disease; over poverty and circumstances; over the wind and seas and finally over sin, hatred and death.

By this death and resurrection, Jesus Christ HAS ALREADY restored man to the position he lost (Psa. 69:4) and has obtained an inheritance for us which secures all the benefit and blessings of the kingdom of Heaven NOW, and makes us ‘joint heirs’ with Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:17). What belongs to the Lord Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven also belongs to each of His sons too NOW.

But every son of God MUST know their inheritance and lay a claim to it from God, “I want my share... NOW” (Luke 15:12, Living Bible).

Let us examine SEVEN different aspects of our inheritance and learn how we can make our claims and become rich in Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ has already secured.


You need forgiveness for your sins and past rebellion against God. You need cleansing and restoration in your life.

Jesus Christ has already secured all this for YOU, by this death on the Cross and you may have it ALL NOW FREELY, by claiming it as your purchased and paid for inheritance, through faith in Jesus Christ. God does not expect any payment from us and no good works or deeds of merit can be acceptable to God from us. God has fully accepted the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ and NOW offers FULL and FREE Salvation to all who will claim it. God’s promise – read it in your Bible NOW.

“Christ... His own self bares our sins in his own body on the tree.” (1 Peter 2:24)

God... “made Him (Jesus Christ) to be sin for us...” (2 Cor. 5:21)

“Whosoever believeth shall never perish...” (John 3:16)

“He that hath the Son (Jesus Christ) hath life...” (John 5:24)

“The blood of Jesus Christ... cleanseth us from all sin.” (1 John 1:8)

Do you believe what God says? Are you ready to accept it NOW? Then CLAIM IT NOW. Just pray and accept it NOW. It is YOURS BY FAITH NOW. Jesus Christ did not die for Himself – He died for you.


He knows you cannot guide yourself successfully. God guided the children of Israel daily and He MUST also guide YOU, if you will claim His guidance. The Lord Jesus gave His life to become your GUIDE (your Shepherd) (Psa. 23). You need His guidance daily and when you claim it you can be sure He will never lead you astray.

Read God’s promises for YOU and your need for guidance.

“My Sheep hear my voice and follow ME.” (John 10:5)

“Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psa. 119:105)

Claim His guidance and help every day before you begin the day.


The Lord Jesus knew His own disciples – the Apostles, could not live successfully without the power of the Holy Spirit. He told them to wait until they were endued with POWER by the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). The fullness of POWER in the Holy Spirit is the rightful inheritance of every believer in Christ. It is part of our inheritance NOW. God plans that every child of God shall be filled with His POWER (the HOLY SPIRIT) and then we can live a strong, victorious Christian life for God. We can have power over Satan and all evil spirits, over the world and its attractive evils. We can also have POWER TO WITNESS AND WORK FOR GOD.

Read God’s promises in your Bible and CLAIM THEM NOW.

“Ye shall have power after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you.” (Acts 1:8)

“Receive ye the Holy Spirit.” (John 20:22)

“The works that I do shall ye do also…” (John 14:12)

“Behold I give you POWER over all the power of the enemy.” (Luke 10:19)

“Repent and be baptised and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38)

These are the promises of GOD who cannot lie and will not fail. Claim the POWER OF GOD NOW.


The Lord Jesus has also purchased these FOR YOU and they are also part of your inheritance.

Lord Jesus paid for your complete healing when He died.

It is finished NOW. It is a gift like salvation and forgiveness. It is YOURS NOW by faith in Jesus Christ. Healing belongs to you NOW. Satan has no right to lay on you what God laid on Jesus Christ. He did not have any disease; He took yours.

Read God’s promise in your Bible NOW and then CLAIM THEM.

“I am the Lord that healeth thee...” (Exod. 15:26)

He “healeth all they diseases…” (Psa. 103:3)

“He (Jesus Christ) carried your diseases and suffered your pains taking the stripes by which ye are healed…” (Isa. 53:4-5)

“His own self bares our sin in His own body on the tree… by whose stripes ye were healed.” (1 Peter 2:24)

Healing is part of our inheritance and God plans that His children shall also do the same work of Jesus Christ (John 14:12) and be the channels of healing. It is only as we exercise FAITH in these promises of God that we can minister healing to others. We pray for healing, knowing what God has promised to those who are His children. It is part of the inheritance of every child of God NOW.


Jesus Christ completely and fully defeated Satan and all his powers when He rose from the dead after His death on the cross. The Cross is not Heaven’s triumph over Satan; it is YOUR TRIUMPH. God did not need victory over Satan; but you need that victory daily because Satan still seeks to defeat you and cause you to sin and leave the ways of God. Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of Satan and He did it completely. Now Satan is a defeated and has no right now to control you. You belong to Jesus Christ if you have accepted Him as your Saviour. Now the enemy has to be fought in the lives of others whom he has got in his bondage. Satan still tries to keep his slaves, but God plans that His Children shall CLAIM those slaves from Satan and liberate them by bringing them into salvation and faith in Jesus Christ. Now read God’s promises in His word and CLAIM THEM FOR YOURSELF.

“For this purpose was the Son of God manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” (1 John 3:8)

“He has rescued us out of the darkness of Satan’s kingdom and brought us into the kingdom of His dear Son.” (Col. 1:13, Living Bible).

“Thanks be to God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Cor. 15:57)


“My God shall supply ALL your needs, according to His riches in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:19)

God delivered His people Israel out of bondage in Egypt and led them out, but He also guaranteed them daily provision, which they had to gather DAILY BY FAITH. God never failed His promise, not for a single day. How much more will He not provide for us – who have been given all in Jesus Christ. God promises us plenty and prosperity and it is never the will of God for us to be beggars and in poverty. When God gave Jesus Christ for us, He also “FREELY GAVE US ALL THINGS RICHLY TO ENJOY.”

Read God’s promise NOW and claim each one of them as your own.

“Beloved, I pray above all things that ye prosper…” (3 John 2)

“All things are yours…” (I Cor. 3:22-23)



I am NOW a citizen of Heaven. I now have a heavenly life and am sustained from Heaven. But God has also a BIG plan for my future, to reign with His Son, Jesus Christ, in the future, on this earth. God is now planning my training so that I can take up that position in His kingdom and to rule and reign with Christ. We NOW have authority to command the forces against God’s plan. We NOW have authority to preach the Gospel and heal the sick and deliver those in bondage. Read of your inheritance in the Bible and claim your part in it.

“It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32)

“To him that overcometh I will grant to sit with Me on my throne.” (Rev. 3:21)

Why need we continue to PRAY daily for all these things? God has promised them to us FREELY and FULLY, if we will claim them by FAITH from Him and exercise our God-given authority over Satan to keep them and enjoy them. Do not let Satan rob you of your inheritance. Do not waste your inheritance, like the prodigal son did (Luke 15). Use it to glorify God and Jesus Christ who purchased it for us with His own blood.

Claim your forgiveness NOW.

Claim your guidance NOW.

Claim your healing and health NOW.

Claim your power in the Holy Spirit NOW.

Claim your daily PROVISION IN Jesus Christ.



"I exhort therefore, that, FIRST OF ALL, supplication, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty". (1 Tim. 2:12) 

"Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father IN MY NAME, He will give it you". (John 16:23)

 One of the most pressing needs of newly born again Christians is to learn how to pray. One of the most urgent problems of the 'new move' of God in Nigeria is for the believers to learn how to use this mighty God given power to bring to pass the purposes of God for Nigeria. God is waiting for us to learn how to use this weapon and to wield this power for His work. Let us pray that God will teach us how to pray prayer that is strong, prevailing, believing, God moving, hell defeating, devil routing, sinner saving, believer sanctifying, Christ exalting, worker producing, and money finding. Prayer that takes all we are and have, to offer it to God, as it took the Lord Jesus all He had, on Calvary, to give us the right to pray and the promise of an answer. PAUL evidently believed that prayer could and did influence the affairs of nations, hence his instructions in (I Tim. 2:1-12). 

This article will seek to teach believers how to pray and get answers and bring to pass the will of God in Nigeria. The world system is mobilizing its forces for war, and its own destruction, and believers must also be aware of the rapid increase in the forces and activities of evil and mobilize in prayer to deal with it. We cannot expect God to entrust us with details and the secrets of His plans until we are trained, in prayer, to handle them against the enemy. The Christian warrior is the one who knows the secret plan of God and knows also how to handle the power to deal with the enemy and take action against him. We can only "possess the land" as we know how to deal with the occupying forces properly. This means knowing how to pray and get answers. 

Many Christians attend prayer meetings to get right with God, instead of getting alone with God at home; or to get communion with God, which should be our normal way of life. Whereas a prayer meeting is a "Battle field" or 'working meeting' where we examine the problems of our 'promised land' and fight for possession. 

God delights to delegate His power to men, when He can find believing and obedient 'prayers' to exercise it and use it for His kingdom. 

Let us first remind ourselves of the promises of the Lord to His disciples on this important subject. The Lord knew how to pray and never doubted He would receive answers. Likewise, He wanted His disciples to exercise the same authority and power because it was the only way they could 'fight' the powers of the 'enemy'. 


"WHATSOEVER"… God places no limitations to what believers may ask, and receive, within the scope of the promises of God. (John 16:23) 

"YE ASK"… Do not be afraid to ask. Ask in faith and God promises

You will receive (Matt. 17:20,21,22, Mark 11:22-24, John 14:12-14, 15:16, 15:7, 16:23-26, Matt.7:7-11). It is God's WILL that we ASK and get what we need. 

"IN MY NAME" ALL believers have the full legal right to use the NAME of The Lord Jesus and to claim all our inheritance and rights in that Name. The Lord Jesus trusts us enough to give us the full use of His Mighty Name to secure ALL we need. Do not be afraid to use that Name, but use it reverently and with the knowledge that the Father is waiting to hear us make use of our rights so that He can answer us and glorify His son. God is waiting to answer our prayers so that His Son's work may be glorified. When we fail to pray and use the mighty name of Jesus for the work of God and against enemy then we do not rightly understand the triumph of Calvary. When a believer uses the NAME, he has the authority of the Victor of Calvary to do so. The Name of Jesus is the name of a LIVING KING AND VICTOR and He wants us to make full use of His power, Authority and Name. 

"Ye know not what to pray for". (Rom 8:26) 

Because we are so self-centered and selfish, we wrongly spend much time praying for ourselves and our own ideas of our own needs and wants. God has given us the Holy Spirit to lead us into His prayer and for His purpose, and it is our duty to actively seek to know the mind of the Holy Spirit and to actively co-operate with the Holy Spirit, 'Praying in the Spirit', so that our voices and organs can be use by the Holy Spirit to combat the enemy and frustrate his plans and operations in the world. The Holy Spirit makes intercession for us and will pray through us prayers 'according to the will of God' as we walk and live in the spirit (Rom. 8:26-27). Satan is making plans many months ahead to hinder and obstruct the work of God and only the Holy Spirit knows them and He wants to use our organs of voice and minds to contest Satan and bring to pass the kingdom of God. The Lord Jesus taught His disciples to pray: 'Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.' And so it is certain He wants that to be accomplished and He will succeed. But He needs believers to cooperate. 

Anyone who has ever achieved anything for God has done so because of the power, presence and leading of the Holy Spirit in prayer. OUR prayers are futile and useless. The devil fears nothing that man makes or offers as 'prayer'. He only fears a man on his knees when being used by the Holy Spirit. It is only prayer born in the heart of God, filled with the power and persistence of the Holy spirit and aware of the desperate needs of the Church and people of God today, that sets into operation powers and actions which bring deliverance and blessing and the kingdom of God. Many prayer meetings accomplish little, and believers see no answers to their prayers, because we do not really know how to pray. Many treat prayer as a juju charm to secure what they want for themselves. Satan is content not to disturb Christians in prayer as long as they concentrate on praying for themselves, their own needs, or praying for those things which God has already given us but which we have failed to claim as our own. 


The 'Lord's Prayer' sets out principles for praying. 'After this manner pray ye..." (Matt. 6:9).

Pray with no thought of what others think V.5. Pray in secret, with God as your listener V. 7. Pray from your heart, briefly and to the point. V. 7. Pray with clean hearts, having forgiven all who have offended you. V.14. Pray with the sure knowledge that it will be answered in God's way V. 16. 


There are various kinds of prayer, to meet different situations and needs.

SUPPLICATION PRAYERS. This is the general region of praying for the needs and problems of others. Physical needs, spiritual needs, material and financial needs of Christians and even for deliverance for unbelievers (Act 1:14, Eph. 6:18, Phil. 4:6, Heb. 5:7).

THANKSGIVING. In all our praying we should never forget to thank God for all He has already given us, provided for us, and for all things. When we offer thanks to God for past mercies, we open the door for more blessing. A thankful heart constantly expresses its thanks under every circumstance. Read the Psalms and use them as your hymn book of thanks and praise to God. 

WORSHIP. This is a very deep wonderful exercise in prayer and we have much to learn here. It is the deepest Christian experience and the 'Father seeketh worshippers' (John 4:20-24). Many of us do not know what we worship (John 4:22). Real Christian worship will please God. Angels worshipped the Lord Jesus (Heb. 1:6). It means that we men and women can draw near to the Creator and Almighty God and prostrate on our face before Him offering our thanks and praise from redeemed hearts and lives, and offer Him our gifts (Matt. 2:11). Speak not of love for God apart from worship or our offerings of ourselves and all we are and have. Begin each week with WORSHIP OF OUR SAVIOUR. 

Satan desired the highest possible honor from Jesus, "Fall down and worship me" (Luke 4:7).

COMMUNION. When we become acquainted with God and our Lord Jesus we wish to commune with Him. We desire to engage in conversation, communion like two persons in love with each other. Let it be a two-way communion. Listen to His Voice and words (1 Cor. 10:16, 2 Cor. 6:14, 13:14). 

INTERCESSION. This is a privileged position for those who know the Lord Jesus intimately. It means' standing before God and interceding on behalf of others. Moses interceded for the Children of Israel many times and every time God accepted his ministry and intercession. God 

is also looking for those who will act as intercessors even if they cannot preach' or give large sums of money for the work of God (Isaiah 59:16). 


"Whosoever shall SAY unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith". (Mark 11:23) 

Severe difficulties often face the real worker for God. They seem to be real 'mountains' and block the way to progress. The Master of those mountains assures us that they can be removed, if we have the right kind of faith and know how to exercise that faith in prayer. The worker has no power in himself to remove those mountains but God is waiting for men who will use their faith and authority to remove them and thus get training for future leadership, like the Master Himself. Authority is not prayer but the worker who prays should and must at times exercise authority. 

As we know the will of God we can exercise authority in prayer and 'command' the enemy and take authority over him and his operations. 


How can we secure this power? It is certain that it is NOT man's power or knowledge or operation. The never give in to anything or anybody kind of prayer. It is God given. God gave to Nehemiah. He must also have given Elijah the prayer for drought, or Elijah would never have offered it. God prayed through men of old. and through Paul, and wants to use us in the same ministry. Let us beg God now for this prayer, for His prayer. Then every prayer will be as Almighty as God is. 


The Lord said. "Lift up your eyes and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest". (John 4:35) 

And again He said, "The harvest truly is plenteous but laborers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers into his harvest". (Matt. 9:37-38) 

We must seek to reach the lost at home and abroad with the Gospel, for many reasons: 

1. Because “the Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). We must win souls. 

2. Because Jesus went about seeking to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10), we must be evangelistic too. God had only one Son, and He was a missionary, an evangelist, a soul-winner. When He taught, He was teaching how to win souls. Consider the parable of the sower, the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son in Luke 15, the parable of the Good Samaritan (“Go and do thou likewise”), and the parable of the great supper (“Go into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in”).  

Christ's whole ministry was dominated by a burning passion for the lost. To be like Him we must be soul-winners. 

3. Because the Bible was given to tell men how to be saved. We must evangelize (Jn. 20:31).

4. Because the Holy Spirit is tenderly wooing men to Christ and convicting them of their sins, we must give them the Gospel.

5. Because Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned” (Mark 16:15-16). We must reach the unreached. 

6. Because of the value of a soul, we must do what we can to rescue them (Matt. 16:26).

7. Because of the penalty of sin we are responsible to warn them to turn from the power of Satan unto God (Rom. 6:23).

8. Because man cannot save himself we must give him the message of Christ (Eph. 2:8,9).

9. Because death is sure, judgement is certain, and hell is real, we must devote our lives to winning lost souls in as many ways as we possibly can. 

What about it; do you feel the pull of souls? Would you enjoy helping desperate people find new hope in Christ? Does the challenge of "every creature," "all the world," "the regions beyond," "other sheep," "the next town;" burn in our hearts as it did in the heart of Jesus and of Peter, James, John, Paul, and others? 

The harvest is ripe and it is in danger of being lost. The multitudes are just as needy, just as hungry, and just as responsive to the Gospel as they were in the day of Jesus, and in the days of the early Christians. 

Who must be blamed if the harvest is lost? While men excuse themselves, saying the conditions or the circumstances are not right, the' Bible emphatically teaches that there can be an in gathering of souls anywhere, anytime, if Spirit empowered workers get the job.

“Now when he had left speaking, He said unto Simon, launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draught. And Simon answering said unto Him, Master, we have toiled all the night and have taken nothing: nevertheless, at Thy word I will let down the net. And when they had this done, they in closed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake … And Jesus unto Simon, Fear not: from henceforth thou shalt catch men”. (Luke 5:4-10) 

Here is a significant example of the "partnership" necessary in catching a multitude of fish. The Lord Has Impressed us afresh that it will take partnership if we are to catch the multitudes of the souls of men. Jesus had already called these men earlier to follow Him and to become fishers of men (Mark 1:17). 

But now, evidently the Master wanted to give them a lesson in "Co-operation," or "Partnership" in catching men. 

He steps into Peter's boat, thrusts out from the land and preaches a sermon to the multitude on the shore because it was multitudes like this that He wanted to teach them to "catch", even as they had seen Him doing. Thus He used a fisherman's object lesson to teach those men how to win souls multitudes of them. 

Jesus wanted to teach those men "partnership" in soul-winning. He told them to do what He is trying to get us to do today: "Launch out, let down your nets for a draught" or a "haul." 

This was not to be an ordinary catch, this was launching out into the deep to take in a "haul" or a "multitude," Jesus knew would happen: they would enclose more fish than they could draw to land.  That would teach them the urgency of co-operation. 

They acted upon His word in simple faith and "they in closed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake". 

Immediately they did what Jesus knew they would do; "they BECKONED UNTO THEIR PARTNERS which were in the other ship, that they should 


Let "their partners" in the "other ship" represent "our fellow Christian partners" in the "other church, the other denomination, or the other organization;" then you will see that this lesson has a tremendous application for you and' me. 

They had learned the value of "partnership" - a lesson so in dispensable to World Evangelism. Now they could catch multitudes of men.  



"SOUND AN ALARM....” (Joel 2:1)

God's Command: God is calling all His people in these last days to gather and take up the fight against the increasing numbers of evil powers. This can only be done by prayers and there is strength in numbers and groups. 

OBJECTIVE. To Provide facts and news and reports on the state of spiritual conflict in Nigeria and to mobilize God's fighting forces and to join together to defend the Lord's people and work and to attack the strong holds of darkness (II Cor.10:3-4).

OPERATION. No definite time or place is given or advised. This should be chosen locally by individuals and Christian prayer groups.  

Groups may accept the challenge and join in this nationwide prayer Crusade whenever convenient. Each Crusade Prayer Group is free and independent and is not in any way subject or bound to S.U.N.

MEMBERSHIP. Open to all Christians who have a burden for the spiritual welfare and conditions today in Nigeria. We will send each member or group regular free news circulars and bulletins so that each prayer meeting can be effective and a force in God’s work in Nigeria.

Regular free news circulars will be sent to all Christians and groups who register with S.U.N. and there are no charges or costs whatever.

We wish to mobilize a great nationwide crusade of prayer against the Enemy. We urge every Christian, no matter your church affiliation, to join forces with us in this great work.