• They shall do Exploits
  • The Judgment of God
  • Victory or Defeat
  • Concerning Spiritual Gifts


“The people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits, and they that understand among the people shall instruct many...” (Daniel 11:32-33)

The book of Daniel deals with the events of these 'last days' and this promise is clearly for these days. Read verse 35, “even to the time of the end; because it is yet for a time appointed.”

We are definitely nearing the end of this age; how near? We do not and cannot know. The closer we come to the end the more difficult it will be for the Christian who determines to know God.

We are witnessing the death of this age, and indeed we can say we are spectators to the death of the present world system. The present world system is collapsing and falling into ruins. Politically the nations are in turmoil.

Socially the people are bankrupt, with marriage and the family system breaking down. The youth are without an ideal and are searching for ‘a cause’ to follow. Financially, the present economic system is proving inadequate to meet the needs of the poor and needy.

Religiously the churches have lost their vision (Prov. 29:18). They have lost their evangelistic drive and vision and their zeal for the human soul. There is a 'social' gospel instead of salvation through faith in the work of Jesus Christ alone.

We need not be surprised at these events. This is exactly what God has foretold in the Bible regarding conditions at the end of this age. It means that God is actually 'permitting this very breakdown to occur, and it is also fulfilling His plan.


“The Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirit; and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.” (1 Tim. 4:1-2)

Man is bankrupt and the existing systems are failing, leaving mankind with no hope for the future.

Why does not God interfere to save mankind? He has already done so at the cross of Calvary. The death and sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ is the answer and solution provided by God for the present problems of man. God has the complete answer to every problem.

But God is allowing man to bankrupt himself so that man will learn that mankind without God cannot succeed. Obedience to God and acceptance of God's way of salvation are the only safe answers to the problems of the world. God will not provide another way out of the present mess. Jesus Christ alone is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE (John 14:6).


“I have set my King in My Holy hill...” (Psa. 4-9)

God has a plan for this world. And it is certain that God will carry out this plan when man comes to an end of his own resources and complete chaos reigns and the forces of evil seem to have taken over control again. Read Daniel 9:24;

  • "Finish the transgression
  • Make an end of sins
  • Make reconciliation for iniquity
  • Bring in everlasting righteousness
  • Seal up the vision, and...
  • (seal up) the prophecy
  • Anoint the most Holy...”

That is God's plan and promise and determination. He has already sent the Lord Jesus to give Himself as a perfect sacrifice for sin at Calvary and He has laid the foundation of the plan stated above. The foundation work has been completed.

Now the Lord Himself has sent His people into the world to preach this gospel to everyone and promising that whosoever believes, shall be saved. But most of the world is ignoring God's offer and evil is increasing and the Devil is pressing angrily towards a final confrontation with God.

But God is still determined to establish His kingdom on earth, no matter what Satan may plan or what man will do. God must and will establish righteousness and bring in reconciliation and end all iniquity and establish a Holy Place for worship.

God has said it and He will do it

What a tremendous program for this earth. What a glorious prospect ahead.

That day of complete reconciliation and Kingdom is still ahead of us. We are still in the mess of man's attempts to set up his own little kingdoms. Satan is producing many counterfeits of his own which cannot liberate mankind.

God then says;

“the people that do know their God shall be strong, and so exploits...”

That is God's plan for US. We are part of that work of God to re-establish His Kingdom and reign again. We are to be strong. We are to do exploits. We are to instruct many.

We believe that God has called us to form part of this. I believe that we are right now seeing the start of this new wonderful program. God is saving many young people, filling them with His powerful, Holy Spirit so that they can do exploits. It is the people of God who will do exploits, not any special ministers or called men. ALL HIS PEOPLE ARE CALLED TO DO EXPLOITS.

We are called to demonstrate to the blind confused world the power of God. To do the same works as the Lord Jesus did (John 14:12). To preach the gospel of peace and certainty. To heal the sick and deliver men and women from the forces of Satan and evil spirits.

But we must emphasise that God says “The people who know their God...” Not just merely know about Him, or even to know what He can do for them but who KNOW HIM intimately, personally, and who have learned to commune with Him personally, daily, and to learn to trust Him implicitly and completely for everything.

These are the people who will do exploits. Not professional Christians, but people who KNOW GOD. Their loyalty is to the Lord Jesus, to whom they have dedicated their lives and all they possess, and although they are members of churches yet they are 'God's people' and they are determined to 'do exploits' and not to sit listening to songs and sermons when they should be attacking the enemy and delivering men and women from the kingdom of darkness.

They have learned how to preach the gospel. They know how to pray and claim healing and deliverance from sin, sickness and Satan. These are the 'exploits' God will use us to do. They will also 'instruct many...'

I believe this is the important function of H.O.L.D. We are waiting eagerly for the coming revival and for the manifestation of the powers of God for these last days. But I believe that God has to train and prepare His people to take over that revival and be able to instruct many then.

If that revival swept Nigeria right now, I doubt if God has enough men and women who would know what to do and how to deliver those crying out for salvation and deliverance. God is leading us to 'instruct many' so that revival can be carried on properly and Satan defeated BY US. This is NOT the time for sitting down in churches listening to sermons, this is the time for ACTION. We must go out and attack the enemy wherever we can find him and prove WE HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE LIVES.

It takes the power of God to save a sinner. We have that power.

It takes the power of God to heal a sick person. We have that power.

Its takes the power of God to deliver a demon possessed man or woman and WE HAVE THAT POWER. God gave it to us when He filled us with the Holy Spirit, so that we could “Do exploits.” “They shall instruct many”.

There is a great need today for our young converts to be trained and instructed in the word of God. It is not God's will for us to preach salvation and to lead men and women into faith in the Lord Jesus and salvation and then to leave them to go into 'dead' churches or to wander about without knowing where to go or what to do. The enemy of souls will soon recapture that soul. When God gives us souls then we are also responsible to see they are instructed in righteousness and to become 'saviours' of others; soldiers and instructors also.

This means regular Bible instruction classes. To this purpose we have prepared a special course of instructions lessons which are freely available for ‘instructors’. Send for your set (See back page).

There is a word of warning; Read verse 35, “Some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end because it is yet for a time appointed.”

There is no easy path ahead. Satan will concentrate all his power and cunning to attack and cause those who 'do exploits' to fall. There are many young pastors and evangelists today in Nigeria who know the truth of this. Satan has tested them with money, with women, pride and position, and many have fallen. Some have failed to trust the Lord fully and have preferred loyalty to a church organisation to full dedication to the Lord Jesus only.

We are determined we will not fail.

We are determined we will dedicate ourselves fully to Jesus.

We are determined to serve Him only and to submit to His training for the work ahead.

We are persuaded that nothing we now have is for ourselves or to be held onto, there is a glorious inheritance waiting for those who will submit to the Holy Spirit and learn to “Do exploits.”



  1. The judgment of God upon sin, Satan, the old Adam, and the world.


On the Cross at Calvary.

“There they crucified Him.” (Luke 23:33)

“Once in the end of the age hath He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.” (Heb. 9:26)


“Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree.” (1 Peter 2:24)

“The Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” (Isa. 53:6)

“Christ also hath once suffered for sins.” (1 Peter 3:18)

God has completely dealt with the problem of SIN in Jesus Christ, and He will never have to make atonement again. Sin has been fully dealt with forever. But God now expects our acceptance of that atonement by confession and acceptance of His Gift of salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


“Now is the judgment of this world, now shall the prince of this world be cast out.” (John 12:31)

“The Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” (1 John 3:9)

Satan has been completely DEFEATED and is now only allowed by God to remain at liberty for God's purposes. But Satan must be reminded he has been defeated and he must never be allowed to regain dominion over us. HE IS A DEFEATED FOE.


“God condemned sin in the flesh...” (Rom. 8:3)

To crucify the old nature that it may be rendered inoperative.

“I am crucified with Christ...” (Gal. 2:20)

God has completely condemned our old natures and will never use them or accept any work offered by us in that way. Our 'Old Adam' will be completely buried when we put off this body but we are to bury it now in baptism and count it as dead and never let it govern us again.


“God forbid that I should glory, save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” (Gal. 6:14)

“Friendship with the world is enmity against God.” (James 4:4 and Eph. 2:15-16)

Believers must recognise that the world hates Jesus Christ and the customs and ways of the world must be rejected when they conflict with God's ways.


We are NOW to judge and examine ourselves as the Holy Spirit reveals our weaknesses. It is the believer's self-judgment for allowing sin in his life. Self-judgment avoids chastisement, and if neglected the Lord will judge us.

“If we judge ourselves, we should not be judged.” (1 Cor. 11:31)

We are to seek the Holy Spirit's daily searching in our lives so that we may be cleansed and made holy as we grow in grace. This will cover self-control, stewardship and our inner minds.

Read also 1 John 1:3-9; 3:21; Heb. 4:12; 3:12; Eph. 4:17; 5:2, 8, 15.


This should be done by the assembly's leaders at a gathering of God's people. It is necessary when a believer has committed an open sin and refuses to repent. This is the correct Church discipline, and is designed to put away all wickedness from among God's people and to restore the erring believer again. It is a handing over of the believer to Satan for correction.

“In the name of our Lord Jesus, when ye are gathered together… to deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved.” (1 Cor. 5:4-5)

“Some, having put away faith, I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.” (1 Tim. 1:20; 2 John 9-10; Gal. 6:1; Matt. 18:15-19; 2 Thess. 3:6, 12)


Because God loves us, He also wants us to bear fruit and to grow in FAITH. He will not spare us but will chastise us in order to develop precious faith.

Read the whole of Heb. 12:5-15.

Chastisement is for correction so that we may grow.

Read also 1 Peter 1:7; Job 1:21; 1 Cor. 11:30; Luke 12:31.


Because the Lord Jesus defeated Satan completely, He has given to every one of His children the power to exercise authority NOW over Satan and all evil spirits and powers of darkness.

“Behold I give you power over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19)

“When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” (Isa. 59:19)

“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper.” (Isa. 54:17)

We are daily to take authority over Satan, and bind his spirits as they seek to

interfere with the work of God or trouble His people. We have no power over men. God will allow all men freedom to make their own choice, even if they destroy themselves.


“Ye are the salt of the earth, ye are the light of the world” (Matt. 5:13-14). Every believer, by his conduct and character, should be a moral challenge to the world. Our very presence in this evil world should be a condemnation of the evil actions of the world. But we are also given a special authority...

“Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Matt. 18:18). This was a judgment given to believers when they gather to deal with discipline in the church or heathen (Psa. 149).

It is a tremendous responsibility and we must be careful in its use. We are sent to save, not to condemn. To restore not to destroy.


This is the judgment of every believer's works, not sins. Sins have already been judged by God on Jesus Christ at the Cross. But every believer's works, since his conversion, must be judged and rewarded. The result will be 'reward' or 'loss' according to whether our lives have been lived from Him and we have worked for Him during this life.

“We must ALL appear before the JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST; that every one may receive the things done in his body... whether it be good or bad.” (1 Cor. 5:10)

“Every man's work shall be made manifest; for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abides he shall receive a reward. If any man's work be burned, he shall suffer loss, but he himself shall be saved.” (1 Cor. 3:9-15)

THIS IS CALLED THE ‘BEMA JUDGMENT’ because it will take place in heaven after believers have been taken out of the world at the first appearing of the Lord Jesus again.

There, we shall be revealed for what we are, before Christ. It would also seem that this will be the time and place when believers will be given their work and responsibility in the future kingdom. Read Matt. 25:14-30; Luke 19:11-27.

Note also Matt. 12:36 which reveals that every word will be judged. Be careful what you are saying, let your words be words of faith and strengthening and not destructive.

Read also Rom. 14:10; Gal. 6:7; Eph. 6:8. Col. 3:24-25.

We should now seek to make sure that our lives are lived for the Lord Jesus and that the Holy Spirit has control of our lives and ministry, so that we shall be welcomed with,

“Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

When you and I appear at the 'BEMA' we shall be judged on what we have done with our time, our money, our talents and how much we have helped the kingdom of God and assisted in evangelising our own people. Nothing else will matter there. No power or position or wealth or excuse will stand in that day.


The Lord Jesus will gather all nations at His second return to the earth and will judge them. They are the living nations and the place will be on the earth. The test of this judgment is the treatment accorded by the nations to those whom the Lord calls 'my brethren'. This will probably be the judgment due to the nations for the persecutions of Christians and Israel.

The Bible records classes that will be present: Sheep, goats.

Matt. 25:31-32, compare Matt. 13:40-41.

The judgment will be; age long blessing for those who have well-treated His brethren; age long punishment for those who have ill-treated His brethren.


This also will take place on the earth, at His second coming, and the purpose will be to judge Israel and to determine who out of Israel shall enjoy the blessings of God during the Millennium.

It will also purge Israel from all superfluities (Mal. 3:2-3; Read Ezekiel 20:33-44; Psalm 50:1-7; Mal. 4:1).

At present, Israel is being brought back into their own land, Palestine, as God promised. They are still under the judgment of God and God will allow the enemy to use other nations to trouble and punish Israel in these next few years.


“The angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chain, under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.” (Jude 6)

There must be judgment for even the angels who sinned and fell. God must judge all sin, in every one and at all times.


“I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life; and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books.” (Rev. 20:12-15)

This is the final judgment and the 'subjects' are the dead, those who died rejecting God's Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Himself will be the Judge (Acts 17:31). All those from the beginning who have missed the way of Salvation will be judged.

The Book of Life will answer all attempts to excuse themselves. Whosoever was not written there will be condemned. With this Judgment God will have judged all creation and He will then create a New Heaven and a New Earth wherein dwells righteousness and with a new creation.


“Thanks be unto God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Cor. 15:57)

“Thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ.” (2 Cor. 2:14)

Spiritual paupers? Defeated again? This is the sad admission of many true children of God. So many fail and fall and live in daily defeat. This is not the will of God. They are overcome by the lure of the world, the wiles of the devil and the power of the flesh and they are constantly repenting and confessing and seeking forgiveness and deliverance. Why is this?

Has the gospel failed in some way? Has the Lord failed to keep them from falling? Is the work at Calvary not sufficient or has left something to do? No, no never.

There is no failure in the Lord Jesus or the gospel, for God has planned that we enjoy the victory Jesus bought for us and to daily triumph in all things. But victory can only be ours as we know ourselves, know our weaknesses and also know the enemy and our resources in Jesus Christ, and appropriate it by FAITH. What is meant by ‘victory’?

It is overcoming instead of being overcome. There is the possibility of daily victory in and through our Lord Jesus and no Christian need live in defeat. Let us examine the full situation and learn how to use our blood-bought victory and to exercise the faith that God has given us to live in constant triumph over the world, the flesh and the devil. The enemy is threefold. The world is our external foe; the flesh is our internal foe; and the devil is our infernal foe. The first secret of victory is to:


  1. The greatest enemy of the Christian is the DEVIL.

He is at the root of much of the trouble caused for Christians. With him are gathered the principalities and powers of the evil spirit world, they are the world rulers of darkness, with a host of evil spirits in heavenly places (Eph. 6:12).

Satan is powerful but NOT all-powerful and the Lord Jesus is much more powerful. He is ALL-POWERFUL and He wants to train us to exercise His victory over Satan. Satan now seeks to deceive the Christians in the same way he deceived Eve; by the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life (I John 2:16).

  1. The internal enemy is the FLESH.

It is the traitor within the city that reacts and responds to the lures of the world outside. Satan uses the world outside to appeal to our flesh inside, and so overcomes us when we follow the world. The word ‘flesh’ means ‘Self’ (reverse the word ‘flesh’ and drop the ‘h’ and that will explain it.) The flesh is manifested in our self-seeking, self-trusting, self-pleasing, self-will, self-defence, and self-indulgence.

When we submit to any of these we are allowing Satan to use them and defeat us. Many Christians are shocked to find that when they are converted they still sin and still find that their nature has not changed. The flesh is still alive.

This is true, but God has condemned it and never tries to improve it. He counts it as dead, crucified with the Lord on the Cross. He asks us to bury it in baptism and to count it as dead daily.

  1. The external enemy is the WORLD.

It is the visible and temporal order of things in which we are forced to live. It lies "in the wicked one." These may be things, which appear harmless in themselves but which are not helpful to our spiritual growth and fellowship with the Lord and which Satan uses to bring us into defeat. They are NATURAL APPETITES WRONGLY INDULGED WHICH BECOME A CONSTANT SOURCE OF DEFEAT. They are named as 'lust' and cover much more than the immorality termed 'lust' in these days. The lust of the flesh; the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.

  1. The lust of the flesh, is that which appeals to the appetite, the desire to enjoy. "Eve saw the tree was good for food." Natural appetite is one avenue along which the enemy will seek to regain control over us. Many Christians are slaves to food and drink and although these things are not evil in themselves yet when they control us they become lusts.
  2. The lust of the eyes, is that which provokes a desire to possess. Eve saw the tree that it was pleasant to the eyes. Righteous Lot “lifted up his eyes and saw” the well-watered plains of Sodom and it proved his defeat later. Achan saw the piece of gold and goodly garment and coveted and took them and so brought defeat on Israel.

Today the world tries to appeal to our eyes with newspapers, cinemas, and television, creating desire and lust. Many people must have all they see. Our natural faculties wrongly used, are a source of defeat, as well as natural appetites wrongly indulged.

  1. The pride of life, is that which appeals to ambition, the desire to 'BE'.  Eve saw the tree was able to make one wise, without the need to trust God. Satan still uses desire to act without God or to pride ourselves in our own wisdom.  God has created ambition in every man, but He desires that ambition should be used to excel and overcome and to develop into perfection as children of God.  But when ambition desires to be something apart from God and to be something in this life, apart from God, then our NATURAL ASPIRATIONS ARE WRONGLY CULTIVATED AND become a source of our defeat.


“For this purpose was the Son of God manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” (1 John 3:8)

Let us shout it aloud daily, Satan has been defeated. All that Satan had put on man to destroy him has been cancelled. All the evil has been overcome by the Lord Jesus and there is now no need for us to remain Satan’s slaves. Sin Has been atoned for and conquered, therefore, no need for us to live in sin.

Sickness has been atoned for, therefore no need for us to remain in sickness and weakness. Jesus Christ bore our sicknesses on the Cross. Satan cannot put on us what God has put on Jesus Christ unless we agree for him to do so. Let us refuse and reject it all. Let us daily rejoice in the complete and perfect victory of the Lord Jesus at the Cross. SATAN WAS COMPLETELY DEFEATED.


Our resources are fourfold.

  1. The power of the new life.

The natural man is powerless against Satan, but the NEW BIRTH gives us a NEW LIFE and this is the LIFE of the Lord Jesus Himself. As we grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus this NEW LIFE will grow stronger and more abundant and our daily living will become more and more victorious.

  1. The power of the Word of God.

This is the nourishment of the NEW-LIFE. As we know the Word of God we grow stronger (1 John 2:14) and we become aware of the tactics of the enemy and are able to detect them and overcome them. It is no use trying to defeat Satan without knowing God's promises and God's Word.

Even the Lord Jesus wisely used the Word of God when facing the same enemy in the temptation in the wilderness (Luke 4). It is also the “sword of the Spirit” (Eph. 6:17) and is feared most of all by Satan. We must follow the example of the ‘perfect Man’ and know the Word of God and use it daily against Satan.

In Rev. 12, the “word of their testimony” is linked with the ‘blood of the lamb’ as the means whereby they overcame the Devil. Every saved child of God MUST grow in knowledge of the Bible and learn how to deal with the enemy, otherwise it will mean defeat.

  1. The power of the Holy Spirit.

We are not left unaided in our spiritual fight and overcoming life. The Lord has given us the Holy Spirit to live in us and dwell with us forever. He came to strengthen us; to fill us and to use us against that same enemy.

The powers that are against us are evil spirit powers and they cannot be overcome by natural powers but by spirit powers. Many defeated Christians have never experienced the filling and daily fullness of the Holy Spirit and therefore their lives are like those of the disciples before Pentecost, defeated and crushed. But after Pentecost those same disciples turned and accused their former masters and mockers of killing the Lord Jesus.

The Holy Spirit made bold men out of each of them and they did not hesitate to challenge Satan and to cast him out whenever they met evil spirits. They attacked Satan's kingdom and seized many of his captives and delivered them from their bondage and set them free, to become victors against Satan again.

That should be the daily experience of every child of God, be able to deliver those who are bound. What the Lord Jesus did we can also do because we now have the Holy Spirit filling us so that we can be victorious and victors over Satan and evil.

  1. The power of Faith.

“Faith is the victory that overcometh.” (1 John 5:4-5)

As we believe what the Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus has done for us, and take it as our own victory, then we are able to face all foes and overcome and live victoriously.

We shall not be immune from temptation; in fact, God will often allow such to test us and develop us. We shall certainly not be free from conflict; but in fact we shall be in it daily, but we shall rejoice in it, and not be overcome but take the victory of the Lord Jesus as our own and thus triumph in that conflict, as He did.

BY FAITH we put in our claim to all that the Lord Jesus secured for us on the Cross and “be steadfast, unmoved, and abounding in the work of the Lord” (1 Cor. 15:57).

Here are some of the daily blessings YOU can claim DAILY BY FAITH. Check them in your Bible and claim them as your own.

Forgiveness of sin - Rom. 3:25; Acts 4:12; Eph. 2:8-9.

Bodily healing - Acts 3:16; Matt. 8:17; Jam. 5:14-16.

Assurance of salvation - Heb. 10:22.

Power to resist Satan - 1 Pet. 5:9.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Acts 2:38-39.

Works of power - 1 Thess. 1:3; John 14:12.

How to keep in the victory daily

The Christian life is not one of passive acceptance and resting in what the Lord Jesus has done for us. It is one of active operation against the enemy, Satan, and all his powers and operations.

We must take the gospel to others. We must deliver those who are captives and bring them into the freedom we have won and enjoy because the Lord bought it for all.

We must pray and intercede for others. We must challenge Satan and force him to release his hold on those who seek freedom from sin, Satan and sickness. We must demonstrate the victory of the Lord Jesus NOW, DAILY, in this world.

Never be contented to remain in defeat and bring dishonour to God. VICTORY IS YOURS – In Jesus Christ.



“For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; to another the discerning of spirits.” (I Cor. 12:7-12)

All true Christian ministry springs from divine equipment, and without the Holy Spirit's control and filling there is no real spiritual ministry. An unsaved person cannot minister by the Spirit, neither can a person not filled with the Holy Spirit fully minister the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. There is no plan in the Divine ministry for men to be trained with natural knowledge or natural wisdom or ability.

In the early Church they had the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and turned the world upside down. They brought to nought the wisdom of the wise and discerned the operations of the enemy as an ‘angel of light.’ They had supernatural contact with the unseen world by means of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. In these last days of the Church, when God is bringing revival again, there is a double need for the constant operation among believers of the three 'revelation' gifts of (1) Word of Wisdom, (2) Word of knowledge, and (3) Discerning of spirits.


The Word of wisdom is a supernaturally given revelation of God's direction and guidance to His people in relation to His work and what He wants us to do. It is necessary for the normal life of any assembly of God's people for leadership, guidance and revelation of God's will for individuals and work of the group.

The one who has the gift of the Word of wisdom has a sense of the divine and a certainty of the guidance of God for a particular course of action. One is deeply conscious that the right word has been said and the right guidance given to meet any particular problem.

There is a sense of the manifestation of God through one of His servants at such times and thus the church will continue in a sense of security and confidence that the Lord is guiding them.

Examples are seen in the handling by the Apostles of the widows in Acts 6:1-4. And again in Jerusalem by James, in Acts 15.


The Word of Knowledge is a revelation of a piece of information which cannot be known in a natural way. This is nothing to do with learning or the acquisition of knowledge by human means. It is a supernatural revelation which could not have been known for oneself.

It is beyond the human ability to know the reasons for certain conditions or happenings in individual or assembly lives and the facts are revealed by a flash of God's revelation.

Like the Word of wisdom, the Gift of the Word of knowledge is not something in permanent operation by the channel. They only operate at times when God wishes to reveal certain things supernaturally which could not be done naturally.

The best example is the case of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-10. When Ananias tried to deceive the Church that he was giving something he was not actually giving, then the Holy Spirit revealed the lie and deceit to Peter, who was able to challenge Ananias. It was the attempt of Ananias to lie that caused the judgment, but it was revealed to Peter super naturally and judgment was likewise from God.

The land belonged to Ananias and he could have done what he liked with it. But he lied to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit revealed the lie. Do we not need this same Gift today in the Church?

God often reveals secrets of a person’s inner life so that they are faced with a manifestation of God's power and are led to repentance. This Gift is also sometimes used by God to reveal the nature or existence of a sickness and thus create faith in the believer that God knows and is able to deal with it.

This gift will become increasingly necessary and used in these last days as we have to deal with so many spiritual problems for which there is no human text book or training.


The discerning of spirits is the ability to recognise the existence and operations of evil spirits in people or places. In Nigeria, where there are so many evil spirits operating even through Christians who have never been fully delivered from evil powers at conversion. It is necessary for this Gift to operate to save the assemblies from being misguided or controlled subtly by evil spirits using Christians as channels. A person having this gift will quickly detect the source of advice or guidance or statement because the Holy Spirit reveals it to him.

All these gifts are developed by the Holy Spirit by placing them in men, and women, who are filled with the Spirit and have faith that the Holy Spirit is able to use them for such purposes, as the Spirit brings them into contact with those needing guidance or deliverance. We must expect God to lead us by these ‘revelation Gifts’ and we are to give chance for them to be used and exercised.

A sound knowledge of the Bible is a great help because this gives added assurance to the statements given. The one confirms the other.

These Gifts are the spiritual eyes and ears of the Church today and as demon powers and juju and witchcraft increase, then we need men and women who have these Gifts and who are usable by God to develop His people.

They are supernatural Gifts because they do a spiritual work.



“They that understand shall instruct many.” (Dan. 11:33)

“Study to shew yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth...” (II Tim. 2:15)

We want to lead you into a successful Christian life of service and action for the Lord Jesus.

The Holy Spirit is the Teacher of these lessons. There are no degrees, no marks, and no failures. All you will need is a good Bible and your own determination to serve the Lord.

“Ye need not that any man teaches you, but the anointing that teacheth you all things...” (I John 2:27)

Printed lesson courses includes lesson on:

Way of Salvation and practical Christian living.

Power from on high (Baptism of the Holy Ghost).

Work of the Holy Spirit.

Speaking in tongues.

Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Healing for Today.

Water Baptism, Lord’s Supper.

Satan and evil spirits and how to overcome them.

The resurrections.

God’s way of prosperity.

The Judgments of God.

The ministry of Deliverers.

The church and its ministry.

The coming revival.

The second coming.


God’s plan for marriage.

How to live a successful Christian life for God?

You may study at home. No questions and no answers. You can form a Bible training class and prepare yourselves for the coming revival.

Do not write these lessons unless you mean to work for the Lord, this is also an action course.