• God’s ‘New Move’ Today in Nigeria 
  • What is the Holy Spirit Baptism?
  • Now is the Time for Action


Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it.” Isa. 44:19

“Repent ye therefore, and be converted that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of Lord. And he shall Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things” Acts 3:19-21

These are exciting and thrilling days. God is moving in the world in a new way, performing wonders and challenging the powers of evil and saving and delivering multitudes and saving and setting men and women alight with a new life and new hope and revelation.


God has never moved in this way since the day of Pentecost; and it is full of excitingly wonderful prospects. It is fulfilling the prophecies (read Acts 3:19-21 again) and it is all in God’s plan for these last trying days. We are in the ‘last days’ and God is preparing to fulfill His promise and restore ‘all things’ and send His son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Victor of Calvary, the conqueror of Satan, the king of kings, back to this world to establish His kingdom.

This will mean a tremendous change in many ways for the church and Christians and it must be preceded by a mighty revival in this ‘NEW MOVE’; this last move from God.

It is firmly stated by many Christian leaders that there can be no further new revelation in the Bible. But we must also acknowledge that there have been several distinct and different revelations from God during the past 100years. These revelations produced some of the leading denominations existing today. They were formed as a result of those ‘revelations’.

God has steadily restored new Bible truths in stages as His people can absorb and accept them. It proves there has been a gradual process of unfolding revelation.

IT CONTINUES TODAY. God is revealing a ‘NEW MOVE’ to meet new conditions today in the whole world. God is moving again Now, and many church leaders are troubled as they see some of the wonderful things the Lord is doing and it is sad to say that some leaders are seeking to ban such operations and to try to stop this ‘new move’. THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE.


In what ways will if affect existing denomination? Are we about to witness a spate of new breakaway churches and the start of another new denomination to add to the strife now existing between churches? Is this the ‘new move’. NO. NO.

God never moves to cause division and strife. It is we who refuse to move with God and open our eyes to His Word and plans for His work and the reestablishment of His authority and kingdom as promised.

This magazine desires to help YOU to understand this ‘new move’ of God so that you may not be found opposing God to your own hurt.

God promised to send a Savior to redeem the world and save mankind and He did so. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ who perfectly accomplished our salvation. That perfect work will never be repeated; it was perfectly done, once and forever.

God promised to send His Holy Spirit to empower His people so that they in turn could take the gospel to all the world and to convince the world of the power of the gospel and that Jesus Christ lived again and would likewise fulfill His other promises regarding His return to take over the authority and power of the kingdom of Heaven on earth. God has promised to restore all things and He is about to finalize that plan in the very near future. The King is coming back again; soon.

We are in the closing days of this age, at the end of the dispensation of grace and God is about to usher in the new dispensation of the Kingdom age, when the Lord Jesus Christ Himself will reign on this earth as KING.

So God has to take steps to prepare the world, and the church, for this momentous events. And this is the ‘NEW MOVE’ which God is starting these days all over the world. It must start by the Holy spirit moving again in miraculous power, in those who are ‘born again’ and then stirring revival inside the churches and then beginning a world - wide move of the Spirit in evangelism.

At no time in the history of the church has God used individual men as He is doing today, to the exclusion of the organized church. God seems to have been pushed out of the church and has been forced to use dedicated men who are willing to step out and trust Him for the evangelism of the masses. 

A new pattern in evangelism is coming into view everywhere with the advent of mass crusades and large numbers of healings and conversations as a result of the application of FAITH by new young men who know what God wants to do for His people in these days.

But this will spread all over the country and over the world, because the Lord Jesus will have a victorious church to appear with Him when He comes Himself to remove us from this earth in the near future.

It is clear that no special denomination now has the monopoly of this ‘vision’ and that God is using men and women from many different churches and places. This ‘new move’ does not start from any denomination, but from God Himself, and it cannot be controlled or contained by any one denomination. It will overflow church boundaries and reach out to the hungry, and needy to bless them.

This ‘new move’ will also be accompanied by a restoration of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the nine gifts revealed in I Cor.12 and 14, so that His Church can be equipped with all the necessary supernatural powers she will need to meet the growing revival from hell. It is sure that whilst God is sending revival into the churches, that the enemy will also seek to counterfeit His powers and send spurious gifts which will be designed to mislead Christians, but we can detect the genuine as we test if the gifts glorify the Lord Jesus and not man.

It must be remembered that the Lord Jesus Himself stated that ‘this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world (not merely in Nigeria) and unto all nations, and then shall the end come’. Matt. 24:14

So we must expect to see a revival with the gifts of healing and miracles restored. These are the evidences of the Gospel of the Kingdom. They are being restored in a small measure today, but it will become a flood and sweep through the world before the Lord can come again.

I seriously appeal to all Christian leaders to seek the face of God and read their Bible, to see how far the Lord would have them to move forward with Him in this ways at this time. Be patient with those who have seen the plan of God and are anxious to move forward with Him. “I will do a new thing”. Isaiah 43:19


Why is it that with all the thousands of churches in Nigeria today, most of the people are not Christians? Why is it that with all the revival crusades and meetings in our churches that so few sinners are saved? Why is it that in many churches today they have not had a new convert in a full year? 

Has the Gospel lost its power? God said it was the power of God to salvation (Rom. 1:16). Whether we like to admit it or not, the church (as a building or denomination) has no appeal for sinners today as proved by the fact that they will not attend churches.

Yet the fact remains that the person of Jesus Christ and His power to save and heal, has the greatest attraction to the human heart today and thousands will gather to hear about Him in outdoor crusades.

Many will say ‘we have an evangelical church and pastors, and we often conduct revival services.’ But still we are not reaching the unsaved as the early church did.

Special speakers are invited for special revival meetings: willing workers give out invitations: special choir pieces are prepared and sung: yet only a very few unconverted come.

Why is it that with all our efforts to reach the people, more are not saved? Let us examine the problem. Let us not continue to deceive ourselves and indulge in just ‘playing church’ or taking or taking part in ‘Christianity’.

Stop saying ‘if we can just get the unsaved to come to our church, we know they will be saved.’ The idea is good - but the unsaved do not want to attend any church and they stay outside the churches.


We need first of all to realize that the idea of ‘church evangelism’ was not the program of the early church.

We need to realize that no church buildings were mentioned in the early church program. Yet we are not suggesting that we burn all churches down.

We need to understand the use of church buildings. A church building serves one main purpose, its keeps the members from getting wet in the raining season and getting too hot under the sun in the dry season.

The problem is not that we have church buildings but because we won’t get OUT of them. Evangelism is not to be centered in the church building. It is to be centered outside where the unsaved are. The church is not the place to bring the lost INTO, to convert them.

It is a battle station, to send Christians OUT from. If we will leave out comfortable segregated churches and go OUT, preach and minister the Gospel to those who do not have it, and they are made to realize how much Christ loves them, how quickly He will deal with their problems of health, poverty and oppressions OUT WHERE THEY ARE; then they will gladly follow us back to our churches where they will bow the knee to the Lord Jesus and grow in grace and knowledge, and in turn become soul-winners (soldiers) themselves.

Let us always remember that we are not sent to win members for our church, but to bring men and women to the Lord Jesus, for He alone can give them all they need, Salvation, health and prosperity. (3. John 2)

The reason for much of the failure of the church in evangelism is that individual Christians have misinterpreted what ‘church’ is. To many the ‘church’ is their special assembly, their denomination; their congregations which are the best and only real Christians group in the whole world.

They attend prayer meetings regularly and they pride themselves on getting alone with God to pray, and give God a number of nice little orders and errands for the wonderful Holy Spirit to do, who will just ‘move’ as they request. It saves them a lot of trouble.

No wonder the world is going to hell. No wonder the unconvinced and unbelieving world mocks the church and the Christians. The church is Christ’s body, His voice, His feet and hands. 

From the Bible point of view, the church is YOU. Your body is Christ’s body. He has sent His Spirit into YOU, you are His body. You are the church. So the only way the Lord Jesus Christ can visit the sick and witness to the unsaved is through His body, that is YOU.

The church’s chief ministry is to reach out to the unsaved and heal the sick and deliver those who have been possessed by demons.

The church cannot send Christ out, in His Spirit, to bless the poor, comfort the distressed and visit the sick and convict the sinners. Christ has sent His Spirit into YOU. You are His body. You are the church. So the only way Christ can visit the sick and witness to sinners is through His body. That is, you. Christ’s ministry in your community is limited to you. He longs to speak to souls about salvation, to convict them of their sins. This is the work of the Holy Spirit, but he is in you. He works through your lips and body. If you don’t go and witness to your community, then they could be lost. He cannot go HIMSELF.

The Master commands YOU to ‘go out’ and reach every creature; out where they are.


“And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people.” Acts 6:8

As we look upon this early church martyr, I trust that we may see the heights that men, common men such as you and I, can reach if they will yield themselves to the call of God. There is nothing strange about miracles, signs and wonders coming forth among God’s people.

In every age, and under a thousand varied circumstances, miracles have been wrought to defeat the enemy and bring deliverance to those in need. Of course, there have always been those who did not believe, yet their unbelief did not make void the promises of God to those who did believe.

In the time of Noah - a time of judgment and worldwide apostasy - there was the miracle of the ARK. Enoch, who was translated, firmly believe the miracles.

Following the dealings of God with men through the ages - the kings and peasants, the fisherman and the shepherds, the wise men and the ignorant - and everywhere you see the same glorious workings of His mighty power, wherever needs arose and men dared to believe.

Joshua stopped the sun and the moon BY FAITH. Moses parted the waters of the red sea BY FAITH.

You will notice that these men and women, who wrought miracles and wonders as recorded in the sacred Holy Bible, did those things BY FAITH. Daniel stopped the mouth of lions, and Shaddrach, Meshach and Abednego walked in the fiery furnace BY FAITH. 

A jawbone in the hand of Samson became a fearful weapon when wielded by faith, and the ox goad of Shamgar became a living instrument of power in the hand of one who dared to believe. Blind men received their sight, and deaf men were made to hear. The lame walked and the lepers were cleansed because they believed.

And God - not Satan - authorizes and inspires faith for men to do the works of God.

The men and women of the Bible who knew God, unanimously declared that He WAS and IS – and ALWAYS WILL BE a wonder - working God to all who believe.

The need of the people of Nigeria is great and quite beyond the unaided efforts or resources of the human alone. Sin, sickness, disease, ignorance, fear, evil practice and corruption are in every village and town and it will need men and women full of GREAT FAITH in the power and purposes of God to conquer these evils and secure the promised blessings of God for the whole nation.

Although the task is tremendous and although many have enthusiastically tried and not much has been seen as the result yet there are still many Africans who have the faith to believe that the task can be done.

The present conditions CAN and MUST be changed and that can only be done by men and women who have complete FAITH in God. Men and women with FAITH in GOD can enable God to work, and with Him nothing is impossible, or too difficult.

Our people can and must be changed by the power of God, and peace, health and plenty brought within the reach of every man. Our people must not continue in sickness and disease and ruled by fear and continue as slaves. Our nation can rise and become truly free and prosperous. 

But this will need men and women of FAITH in GOD and His ability to move with signs, wonders and miracles, and prove that God is still interested in liberating His People If they will exercise their faith in him.


The prophet Joel promised, “I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh” (Joel 2:28-29) and many people today are anxious to know what this means. Some know that certain people known as ‘Pentecostals’ say they have received the HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISM and that it is for all who ask for it. Many in our modern churches answer as the men of Ephesus did (Acts 19:2) “We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Spirit’. What saith the Lord?”

There are at least eight major ways in which the Bible refers to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

1. IT IS A BAPTISM. Just as water covers a born again convert in water baptism, so it is in the Holy Spirit baptism, the Christian is immersed in the Holy Spirit. “John truly baptized with water, but ye shall be BAPTISED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT.” (Acts 1:5)


“They were all filled with the holy spirit” Acts 2:1-4.

Men today are filling their lives with so many things which are not essential to Christian living but when a Christian is filled with the Holy Spirit, then he has the same power living in his body, which filled the Lord Jesus and then anything becomes possible. Ordinary men do extraordinary things when filled with the Holy Spirit.

3. THE GIFT OF GOD. The Holy Spirit baptism is also baptism is also called receiving the ‘gift of God’. Acts 2:38 It is a gift for every believer and is usually received AFTER conversion, as we realized the need for power to live for Christ and work for Him.

4. COMING UPON. The receiving of the Holy Spirit baptism is also ‘the power to the Holy Spirit COMING UPON you’. (Acts 1:8, 19:6-7)

The Holy Spirit comes upon men and women, with power, so that they might perform the purposes of God for which they are called. This is only power that can change men and women and the world today. It is impossible to change the world from without, it must begin within, as a result of the Holy Spirit coming upon us.

6. ENDUEMENT OF POWER. ‘Tarry until ye be endued with power from on high. Luke 24:49

Power from on high (from God Himself) to minister to the needs of men everywhere, to heal the sick, to work miracles, to cast out demons; but not to make you a great person, not to show that you are right and everyone else is wrong, but power to love them and help them. It is not a magical power, but a Godly power.

6. AN ANOINTING. 1 John 2:27 “the anointing which ye have received.” “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with Holy Spirit and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil” Acts 10:38

This same ‘anointing’ is given to Christians, to do the same work too. Men of God in the O.T. were anointed with oil for special purposes. We are ‘anointed’ with the Holy Spirit.

7. A SEAL.Ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit” Eph. 1:13-14

We are told that those who ‘heard’ and ‘believed’ were ‘sealed.’ The hearing and believing were conversion; the sealing was later, when they received the Holy Spirit baptism. It is the seal of belonging to the Lord Jesus. It is the guarantee we possess all things in Him.

8. A DRINKING OF THE SPIRIT. Read John 7:37-39

Here we are told it is necessary to be thirsty and receptive. If you have a thirst for the things of God, then He promises to pour His Spirit into you and through you as rivers. The more you thirst, the more He will pour His Spirit into you, until He flows through you as a river for the blessing of others.


Peter clears this matter very plainly when he told the people after they saw the miracle at Pentecost “And that are after off, even as many as the Lord Our God shall call” Acts 2:39

Are you a child of God? Have you been born again by water and the Spirit? If you can answer ‘YES’, then, you can also call upon the Lord to fill you with His Holy Spirit.


When the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost they began to praise God in ‘other tongues’ and at all subsequent outpourings of the Holy Spirit, a similar evidence was present, and today we believe that a believer filled with the Spirit will also praise God in an ‘unknown tongue’. But this is only an initial evidence and MUST also be followed by a clear growth in the FRUITS of the Holy Spirit being manifest in all our lives and actions. The signs of the ABIDING presence of the Holy Spirit are more important that ‘tongues’. The Lord will also grant to every one of His children gifts of the Holy Spirit as found in I Cor. 12, and 14.

These Gifts are channels of blessing for others. But the most wonderful blessing which the baptism of the Holy Spirit gives to us is the fact that we are bought into perfect UNION with the Lord Jesus and this union makes us a victory over the world, the flesh and the victor over every limitation.

Every believer baptized with the Holy Spirit can enjoy:

  1. Life in the Lord Jesus will be kept free from worry and anxiety. There is a constant, abiding joy and peace that is independent of circumstances or existing conditions. Phil 4:6-7; John 15:11; 16:22
  2. The abiding presence of the Lord Jesus gives complete victory over sin, without any struggling. Rom. 6:14, I Cor. 10:13, John 8:36
  3. The abiding presence of the Holy Spirit produces a life of FAITH, walking in the Spirit. Col. 3:3, Gal. 2:20, John 15:7
  4. The presence of the Holy Spirit brings a life of prosperity for body, and Spirit: for in Jesus Christ is the supply for every need for body, soul and spirit. 3 John :2, Psalm 103:3, Matt. 8:17, Rom. 8:11

United to Jesus Christ by the fullness of the Holy Spirit you are unconquerable. Recognize the fact of the Lord’s promise of being a PARTNER WITH GOD in the glorious work of saving, healing and delivering men and women. John 20:21, Luke 10:19

If you believe that the Lord was speaking to you when He made this statement (and He was speaking to you) then dare to take it and begin to put it into action and enter into your ministry of deliverance with a whole heart. Assert and affirm your union with the Lord who conquered everything at Calvary and has now taken you as HIS partner into the business of delivering men and women.

Union with the Lord Jesus brings POWER, CERTAINTY and AUTHORITY. Acts 2:33, Matt. 10:1, Mark 6:7, Luke 9:1, Luke 10:19

Jesus Himself promised His disciple, before He left them “Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you. And ye shall be witnesses unto me unto the uttermost parts of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Jesus was telling His disciples that they would receive miracle ability, supernatural energy for the specific purpose; to enable you to give substantial witness, miraculous proof of HIS resurrection. Acts 1:22, 2:32, 3:15, 4:33

This power of the Holy Spirit working in the disciples, would demonstrate, with miraculous proof, the power of the Lord Jesus to fulfill all His promises. This proof would witness to the uttermost parts of the earth, reaching the other nations and the lost and proving to them that Jesus Christ is alive today and can meet their needs. The purpose of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is to evangelize, win lost souls, by proving to them with miracles, that Jesus, Christ is alive today.

All that followed in the book of Acts, was the outcome of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. In Nigeria today, the Muslims will not accept the teaching of the Bible but they cannot deny or refuse a miracle and many are seeing the power of God manifested and turning to trust and accept Jesus Christ. ‘HAVE YOU RECEIVED THE HOLY SPIRIT SINCE YOU BELIEVED?’ Acts 19:2. YOU CAN; TODAY AND NOW.


What is demon possession? The N.T. teaches that evil, unclean spirits (demons) can inhabit the bodies of men and women to cause them to be ungodly, rebellious, unclean and violent people. People who are demon possessed are incapable, at times, of controlling their own mental processes, when their very thoughts are controlled by a force and power other than their own.

Some are mentally sick and are completely controlled by demons while other suffer physical disease. Some children are dedicated to spirit gods soon after birth and grow up to be governed by them. It is impossible for a demon possessed person to deliver himself or to secure medical treatment to free them from demons, this can only be done by ‘casting out the demon.’

How does one become demon possessed? 

I am sure that most people become the victims of demons when they voluntarily yield themselves to sin and evil and, as a result of repeatedly committing evil, the human will is weakened to the point where sin rules them and they become unable to discern what is ‘sin’. They lose their power of self-determination and they lose their individuality and become slaves, governed by an outside force and power.

They often hear another voice directing them what to do. This is called ‘demon possession’, and we believe that only unbelievers can be fully ‘possessed’. Their bodies are inhabited by an evil spirit and a dominating control is gained.

See Matt. 12: 43-45 “they enter in and dwell there”

But there is also ‘demon influence’, which is Satan and his demons attacking a person’s mind from without by pressure, suggestion and temptation.  Note Luke 22:31-32. Both unbelievers and believers can be involved.

Can a believer be demon possessed?

No. A believer is Christ’s purchased possession through redemption and the Lord is his master and owner. The true Christian has been purchased by the blood of Christ, and has become the property of God. See I Cor. 6:19: 20

“Ye are not your own, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have of God.” The believer is also ‘sealed’ with the Holy Spirit “ye are sealed unto the day of redemption”. Eph. 4:30 

But it must be noted some Christians who were demon possessed before conversion have not been delivered from that demon power, and such people are happy to attend church services but remain undelivered and are often unsteady Christians. They need to be fully delivered before they can be fully filled with the Holy Spirit. The Bible also warns that Christians cannot live and walk in disobedience and remain secure from demon influence. Neither can Christians walk in wrath, anger, bitterness and evil speaking and be free from demon’s influence. Satan takes occasion of these wrong attitudes to fill minds with resentment and these attitudes poison the spirit which spreads to the body, affecting vital organs and causing sickness.

We must also mention the ‘sin unto death’ spoken of in I John 5:16, which is constant rebellion and disobedience against the hands of God. God, in His own way, delivers such to the hands of Satan for the destruction of the body, that the soul may be saved. This may expose the person to demon influence, physical sickness and even premature death.

Note also the warning against partaking of the Communion in a wrong way which can result in weakness and sickness and premature death. (I Cor. 11:27-30)

What to do if you think you are demon possessed, or under the influence of a demon

Check up to make sure that you have surrendered all charms, idols and juju and destroyed them all by burning.

Then once again dedicate yourself to the Lord Jesus, and declare that you are ready to submit to anything He will tell you to do. Confess all your wrong ways and evil habits and thoughts and claim your cleansing from the Lord Jesus and ask Him to fill you with His Spirit.

If you then feel that the enemy Satan, is still trying to trouble you then take a positive stand against him, and affirm your relation to the Lord Jesus in his presence and rebuke him and command him to leave you alone. Face him as a conquered enemy. Use the name of the Lord Jesus, his conqueror, against him and command him in the name, to go.

But if you still do not regain your peace and faith, then go at once to someone whom you can trust and who is Spirit filled and tell him everything. He will then rebuke the enemy and cast out any demon troubling you, and counsel you.

How to deliver a person demon possessed

Make sure that you have surrounded yourself with prayer and are thoroughly versed in the Bible. If you are in CHRIST then do not fear any evil powers, you are the master of them in Jesus’ Name. Take a definite stand against them, rebuking them in Jesus’ Name; casting them out in His Name, commanding them to leave the person they have possessed and not to return. All in Jesus’ name.

We are Satan’s master in Jesus Christ and God has given us the right to cast out demons in that Name.


“Behold I give unto you power over ALL the powers of the enemy” Luke 10:19. “He gave them power and authority over all devils” Luke 9:1. “In My Name shall they cast out devils” Mark 16:17. We need never fear, nor tremble, but only be strong, bold in faith and with the whole amour of God, defeat every opposing force.


What is your response? What can be done now?

Here are some ways in which you can serve the LORD NOW.

  1. Are all your family saved? This is your first responsibility, before dreams of large crusades and huge crowds or even mass open air meetings. Have you claimed deliverance for every member of your family? Read Exod. 10:19 and claim your rights.
  2. Has every house in your town or village and quarter been visited and do they all know you are a Christian? You may not be able to conduct a service in every house or even preach to them, but they will listen to your testimony and that is what the Lord Jesus said you must be ‘A witness’.
  3. Have you a supply of tracts and literature for all who enquire and need advice? Send to us for some (please include postage costs), and carry some tracts everywhere with you. Make every single tract do a big job. Use it as an entry for your testimony.
  4. Gather Christian friends to pray and discuss how your people can be revived and reached with the Gospel. Send for the set of books mentioned on this page and study II. Tim. 2:15
  5. How great is your faith for your own community? Your school, business, colleagues, colleges, village and church? God has placed you just where you are NOW, so that you can testify of His Salvation to them.
  6. Set yourself, with your group if you have one, the task of checking the spiritual situation in every village or quarter of your town or district. Make a note of every church it has and then you will find those places which have never heard the gospel.

These should be placed on your united prayers list and dealt with. Here is your task God has revealed to you, where you can witness and work for HIM. It is the task at your own right hand; deal with it.

If you desire us to help in evangelizing of these untouched places, then send us the details of your plans and we will see if we can do something to give them the Gospel.

  1. If you are burdened for your community which has no gospel and would like to do something about it but cannot go yourself, then please contact us and we will see if we can take any action.

Time is short and we do not have many years left now…Now is the time for action.